Eccedentesiast مراسلہ: 30 جنوری 2010 Report Share مراسلہ: 30 جنوری 2010 An answer from the Fatawa of Huzoor Tajusharia syedi Murshidi Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Alazhari ..:- Indeed Gheebat (Back-biting) is Haram (unlawful) but the person seeking rule of Shariah needs to know the definition of 'Gheebat' & he needs as well to be aware of such condition in which 'Gheebat' is forbidden. Gheebat means fault finding and caviling a Muslim without any right of Shariah (legal right) either in his presence or absence verbally or by any means of indication or to make eyes at some one. Through this the person seeking the rule of Shariah can derive his answer. Now I come to elaborate the answer that Deobandisare no more Muslims because they have made derogatory remarks againstAllah & His Holy Messenger Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam & even they have refused many principles of Islam. For example, one of the leaders of Deobandis, Qasim Nanautavi claimsthat our beloved Prophet Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam is not the finalMessenger of Allah. In the very beginning of his book `Tahzir-un-Na`as` he declared, "This is the view of ordinary people (ignorant)to believe our be loved Prophet Sall Allahu Alaih Wa Sallam as finalMessenger of Allah and this is evident to the intelligentsia that beingprior or later in the period has no virtue. (Abridged)". He furthersays, "Suppose any other Prophet takes birth after Hazrat Muhammad(Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam), even then it will make no difference in the finality of Hazrat Muhammad Sall Allahu Alaih Wa Sallam". (Tahzir-un-Na`as). Whereas Allah has declared Hazrat Muhammad Sall Allahu alaihi Wa Sallam the final Prophet saying: `Khatam-un-Nabieen` i.e. the seal of the Prophets. From the beginning of Islam till this moment the ummah has admitted him the last & final Prophet of Allah. The leaders of Deobandis arenot only refusing one principle of Islam rather they refuse as well theconsensus of Ummah & even the Holy Quran. Therefore most of theUlama & knowledgeable theologians of Arab and non Arabs have issuedthe verdict unanimously regarding them that, "he who doubts in their infidelity & visitation for them is certainly Kaffir!" Thus we see that Deobandies have been declared apostates. I have presented here only one example of insolenceand blasphemous chattering of the leaders of Deobandies in thesanctified court of Allah?s last & beloved Prophet Sall AllahuAlaihi Wa Sallam otherwise, there are much more such examplesof derogatory remarks which they have made against Allah & HisProphet Sall Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. Before ending the answer I wouldlike to ask the questioner, If you complaint against the person forthis tyranny or file a suit against the oppressor or ask the rule ofSharia about such a person. Would you consider this action tobebackbiting? Let me know if you want to make a person be aware of a man and it depends on given him some particulars like blind, deaf, lame etc.Would you call it a back biting? Like wise if you want some body toprotect him from a cruel. Would you name talking about him a backbiting? I know well that you have to say in all these conditions "NO". NowI have elaborated all the conditions in which the back biting isallowed in other words it would not be regarded as back biting.Similarly you can think, talking about "Deobandies" and you can realise that it does not come under the forbidden back biting. Wallahu Ta`ala Aalam. (Fatawa by Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari) اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ibrahim Asharafi مراسلہ: 20 نومبر 2010 Report Share مراسلہ: 20 نومبر 2010 Jazkallahu khaira اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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