Attari.Rafique مراسلہ: 24 دسمبر 2009 Report Share مراسلہ: 24 دسمبر 2009 Assalamualaikum Warehmatullahi Wabaraqatuhu Shah Ast Hussain Badshah Ast Hussain Deen Ast Hussain Deen Pana Ast Hussain Sar Daad Na Daad Dast Dar Daste-Yazeed Haqqa Ke Bina’e La Ilaaha Ast Hussain Hussain, Divinity-kneaded love, Emperor Hussain, himself the Faith, Faith Saviour Hussain, sacrificed his self, didn’t submit to Yazeed, nor offered hand to admit Verily, Faith inculcator is Hussain, ‘There is no God but Allah’ stamped Hussain These are the beautiful words written by Sultanul-Hind Hazrat Khwaja Ghareebun Nawaaz Khwaja Mueenuddin Chishti Ajmeri Rahmatullah Alaih, in praise of Hazrat Imam Hussain Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh. Our Islamic year begins with Muharramul Haraam, the first month of the Hijri calendar. It is the month of sacrifice and struggle, the month of awareness and consciousness, the month of revival of Islam, the month in which Hazrat Imam Hussain Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh, with 72 members of his family and followers were martyred at Karbala by the corrupt Yazeed and his army in the year 61 A.H. While the followers of other religions spend their opening month in worthless merriment, the first month of Islam teaches us numerous lessons of good conduct, Knowledge of Allah, sacrifice, selflessness, patience, and seeking the Pleasure of Allah as displayed by Hazrat Imam Hussain Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh. Therefore we should spend this month, especially the first ten days, remembering and learning from the sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh and trying to implement it in our lives. We should also try to send Esaale Sawaab to the Shuhada-e- Karbala especially in these 10 days, by reciting Surah Yaseen, Surah Ikhlas (Qul Huwallah) or by any other means. (Note: reciting Surah Ikhlas 3 times yields the sawaab of reciting the entire Quran Shareef) Remember, the quantity you read is not as important as the love and sincerity with which you do it. ASHOORAH The 10th of Muharram, which is known as Ashoorah is a very blessed day and has distinctive qualities. To mention a few, Allah Ta’ala created the heavens, the earth, the Arsh, the angels as well as Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salaam on this blessed day. On this very day He bestowed His Infinite Blessings and Bounties on many of His Prophets and delivered them from the clutches of their enemies. The Day of Resurrection (Qayamat) will also occur on this day. DEEDS TO BE PERFORMED ON ASHOORAH 1. Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh reports that whoever recites the Duae- Ashoorah on the 10th of Muharram or listens to its recitation from someone else, Allah Ta’ala will most certainly make its recitation an insurance for a year’s life for him, by keeping death away from him. However, if he is to become the victim of death in that year, he will by some strange coincidence not remember or will be unable to recite it. 2. On the eve of Ashoorah offer 4 rakats nafl namaaz as follows: In every rakat after Surah Fatiha recite Ayatul Kursi once and Surah Ikhlas 3 times. After completing this namaaz recite Surah Ikhlas 100 times. Allah Ta’ala will purify such a person of all his sins and grant him countless bounties and blessings in Paradise, Insha Allah. 3. One should fast on the 9th and 10th of Muharram. If it is not possible to fast on both days, then every effort should be made to fast on the 10th of Muharram as Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has said, ‘If someone fasts on the day of Ashoorah he will be granted the spiritual reward of ten thousand angels, the spiritual reward of ten thousand martyrs as well as the spiritual reward of ten thousand pilgrims.” The Ulema-e-Ahle Sunnat have listed the following as 10 desirable acts for the day of Ashoorah. Some of them are stated in the Hadith while others are the sayings of Hazrat Ali Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh and as such every effort should be made to practice upon them as much as possible. 1. To observe fast on the day. 2. To give as much charity as one can afford. 3. To perform nafl prayers. 4. To recite Surah Ikhlas 1000 times. 5. To visit and be in the company of pious Ulema. 6. To place a hand of affection on the head of an orphan. 7. To give generously to one’s relatives. 8. To put surma in one’s eyes. 9. To take a bath (Ghusl) 10. To cut one’s nails (if big). AHADITH CONCERNING THE DAY OF ASHOORAH “If someone strokes the head of an orphan with his hand on the day of Ashoorah, for every hair on the orphan’s head, Allah Ta’ala will promote him by one degree in the Garden of Paradise.” “If someone provides a believer with a meal to break his fast on the night of Ashoorah, it will be as if the entire Ummah of Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had broken fast as his guests and had filled their stomachs to capacity.” “If someone pays a visit to a sick person on the day of Ashoorah, it is as if he had visited all the children of Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salaam.” “If someone gives a thirsty person a drink of water on the day of Ashoorah, it is as if he had never disobeyed Allah even for a single instant.” “If someone spends the night of Ashoorah in vigilant worship and enters upon the morning in a state of fasting, he will die without knowing the agony of death.” “The most meritorious fasting after the month of Ramadaan is fasting in the month of Muharram, and the most meritorious ritual prayer (namaaz), after that which is obligatory and that which is performed in the middle of the night, is the ritual prayer of the day of Ashoorah.” “Whosoever prepares ample food and drink for his family on this sacred day and delights in feeding them generously, Allah Ta’ala will increase his provisions for that year and place much blessings and good therein.” “If someone anoints his eyelids with antimony (Surma) on the day of Ashoorah, he will not suffer from any inflammation of the eyes throughout the entire course of that year.” “If someone performs the major ritual ablution (Ghusl) on the day of Ashoorah, he will never experience any illness, apart from the sickness of death.” [Ghunyalit Taalibi Tareeqal Haqq] May Allah Ta’ala grant us the Taufeeq to act upon at least a few, if not all of the points above, with love and sincerity. May Allah Ta’ala also grant us the Taufeeq and Hidayat to learn patience and selflessness from the beautiful example of Hazrat Imam Hussain Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh and to implement it in our lives, Ameen. اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hanafi Muslima مراسلہ: 24 دسمبر 2009 Report Share مراسلہ: 24 دسمبر 2009 اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Janti Zever مراسلہ: 29 دسمبر 2009 Report Share مراسلہ: 29 دسمبر 2009 very nice info. sharing اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imranhassan مراسلہ: 22 ستمبر 2015 Report Share مراسلہ: 22 ستمبر 2015 Nice Post.....May ALLAH reward you for all your efforts اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
farazhussain مراسلہ: 16 جون 2023 Report Share مراسلہ: 16 جون 2023 Nice to read the knowledge here. The content of this post is very useful and informative. Spiritual Healing اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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