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30 Allegations Against Hanafi Maslak

Sayed Rahmat

تجویز کردہ جواب

Dear Islami Brothers,


I am Sayed Rahmat Ashrafi from India.


Since few days a Gair Muqallid fellow by name Ikram has been posting few masails which he claims are from Hanfi books.


Which I am attaching here in this forum.


Myself & my friend Mr. Siraj tried our best to reply but still he is pointing out something which he is not convinced.


So I request all the members whom I will very grateful f they help me to fight back these wahabiyath.


Jaza Allah Khair










On 11/12/09, khaleel ahmed <[****************]> wrote: 



Dear brothers in Islam, Please think over this article. Make a print

out and read it carefully.


In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful, All praise be

to Allah, peace and blessing be on our beloved Prophet Mohammed

sallellahu Alaihiwasallam


Some people try to prove that Fiqah Hanafi is also in accordance with

Quran and sunnah. They quote few examples to illustrate the point. No

one says that every thing in Fiqah Hanafi is wrong. At the same time,

it is equally not correct to say that if you stick to Fiqah Hanafi,

your deeds will be in line with the sunnah of prophet sallellahu

Alaihiwasallam. This is the greatest myth prevailing among Muslims

today in the name of Taqleed. The scholars have taken advantage of the

ignorance of the Ummah and kept them in dark for centuries. Still, Haq

is around us, and will remain till Qiyama It is time to open our eyes

and see what is really in the books of Fiqah Hanafi.


The great Imam has neither left behind any book nor did he intend to

make his teachings binding on his followers. On the contrary, he

always forbade his students from writing down his teachings, for he

was not sure whether they are in accordance with the Sunnah. He gave

rulings according to the knowledge that reached him at that time, and

did his best Ijtihad when Hadith was not available. Majority of the

knowledge of Ahadith was compiled after the death of Imam Abu Hanifa

R.A. To illustrate this point, it is worth mentioning that about 2/3

of Imam’s teachings were later amended by his 1st generation students

when they found them contradictory to the authentic Hadith that became

available later. For example Saalat Al Istisqa (rain prayer) not

supported by Imam AbuHanifa was later added in the light of hadith

that became available later.


But this spirit of flexibility to amend the teachings of the Imam in

light of Quran and Sunnah did not last long. The later generation

scholars who came during the morally deprived Abbasi Khalifas adopted

a rigid attitude and started competing with each other in compiling

the Fiqah books. This is what we are following today in the name of

Imam AbuHanifa R.A and there is no such Fiqah left behind by Imam

AbuHanifa R.A.


The purpose of this article is to bring the facts to light and

establish the hujjah on the day of resurrection but not hurt any

body’s sentiments. Sentiments will not help us to escape from the hell



In fact Fiqah Hanafi is far from sunnah of the prophet sallellahu

Alihiwasallam as evident from the following fatawahs quoted from the

books of Fiqah Hanafi. Now discover what is in these books. Can this

be in accordance with Quran and Sunnah? Imam Abu Hanifa is free from

all these fatawas of misguided Hanafi Ulama.


1. In one has intercourse with a live or dead animal or a minor girl,

ablution will NOT be void. (Dur Al Muqtar vol -1 ; page 83)


2. If any one has intercourse with a dead woman or minor girl or an

animal, then his fasting will not be broken. (Dur Al Muqtar, book of

fasting , vol-1,page 567)


3. If any one satisfies his desire by masturbation, there is no

kaffara for his fasting. (HIDAYA ; book of fasting, vol-1, page – 219)


4. If any person falsely claims that a particular woman is his wife

and produces false witness to prove it and wins the case, the that

woman becomes his wife. (Fatawh Alamgir – 350 / 3)


5. If prayer is ended by passing the wind (Farting) instead of

Tasleem, then it will be acceptable. (HIDAYA; book of Salat ; chapter

on Hadas fi salat; vol -1 ; page 130)


6. It is not allowed to pray while carrying a child. (In fact it is

allowed and proven by Hadith), where as it is allowed to pray while

carrying a dog. (Dur Al Muqtar , Book of Tahara, vol-1, page -153)


7. If human excreta or any other impurity sticks to the finger, then

it can be purified by licking it three times. (Behashti Zewar, Part-2;

masla – 26; page -5 / Fatawa Alamgir – vol -1 ; page-61)


8 Fiqah Hanafi allows non Muslims to enter the Haram of Makkah.


Allah Subhhanwatala says “O ye who believe! Truly the pagans are

unclean; so let them not after this year of theirs approach the Sacred

Mosque”. But Fiqh-Hanaffiyah says that there is no harm if the Dhimmi

non believers (non believers under the protection of Islamic

government) enter the Masjid Al Haram (see Hidayah Al Aakhireen; page

- 472). This means all non-beliebvers entering Saudi Arabia on a

proper legal VISA are eligible to enter the grand mosque of Makkah.

Brothers, How can we permit some thing that Allah has prohibited?


11. Regarding selection of Imam to lead the prayer, Fiqah Hanafi says

the one with the beautiful wife is more eligible: First let us see

what the prophet sallellahu Alaihiwasallam says about selecting the

Imam. Narrated Abu Masud Al-Ansari, Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon

him) said: The one who is most versed in Allah's Book should act as

Imam for the people, but if they are equally versed in reciting it,

then the one who has most knowledge regarding Sunnah; if they are

equal regarding the Sunnah, then the earliest one to emigrate; if they

emigrated at the same time, then the earliest one to embrace Islam. No

man must lead another in prayer where (the latter) has authority, or

sit in his place of honor in his house, without his permission. Ashajj

in his narration used the word "age" in place of "Islam" (Sahih

Muslim; Kitab –Salat: 1420). However, Fiqh-Hanafiyyah says the

following on how to select Imam. The Imam should be the one with good

character, then the one who is handsome, then the one with good

lineage, then the one with good voice, then the one with beautiful

wife, then the one who is wealthy, then the one with high status, then

the one with clean clothes, then the one who has big head, then the

one with small parts of the body. (Rad Al Mokhtar 1/375). There is not

even a mention of good recitation of Quran or knowledge of Islam as

required qualification for Imam, but in stead the Fiqh has given

preference to the one who has a beautiful wife. This is the state of

ignorance of today’s Muslims.


12. Fiqh-Hanafiyyah says Madina is NOT Haram (Rad Al-Mohtar) where as

Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him declared Madinah as Haram and

forbade cutting of trees in it in the following Hadith. The Prophet

peace be upon him said, "Medina is a sanctuary from that place to

that. Its trees should not be cut and no heresy should be innovated

nor any sin should be committed in it, and whoever innovates in it an

heresy or commits sins (bad deeds), then he will incur the curse of

Allah, the angels, and all the people." (Narrated by Anas ; Sahih Al

Bukhari; Chapter on virtues of Madina )


13. Contradictions in Haram (prohibited things) and Halal (permissible

things): What is declared Haram by the Prophet peace be upon him is

made permissible in Fiqh-Hanafiyya. For example, “The Prophet peace be

upon him prohibited taking the price of a dog, the earnings of a

soothsayer and the money earned by prostitution. (Narrated by Abu

Masud R.A; Sahih Bukhari 7:258; Book of divorce). While the Prophet

peace be upon him forbade the price of a dog, Fiqh-Hanafiyya allows

not only trading of dogs but makes it makes it lawful to slaughter and

the sell the meat of a dog. It goes further to say that one can

slaughter and sell the meat of a donkey. (Hidaya Akhireen page – 103;

Fatawah Alamgir). Fiqh allows praying while carrying the dog in the

shoulder (Dur Al Mokhtar, book of tahara; vol – 1; page - 153) where

as we know from authentic sunnah that angels do not even enter the

place where there is dog. Wiping over the socks and turbans (during

ablution) is permissible in Islam according the following Hadith. “

Jafar bin Amr narrated “My father said: I saw the Prophet peace be

upon him passing wet hands over his turban and khuffs (leather

socks)”. (Sahih Bukhari; 1:204; Book of Wudu).


14. Fiqh-Hanafiyyah says it is not allowed to wipe over the turban

(Hidaya Awwaleen; page – 44). It is regrettable that what the Prophet

allowed is not permissible in Fiqh-Hanafiyyah. Is this called

following of Quran and Sunnah?


15. Fiqah Hanafi recommends licking the impurity with the tongue for

purification: On purification (Tahara), Fiqh Hanafiyya allows praying

with an impurity upto a measure of one Dirham. Hadith does not allow

prayer without purity. Can we even imagine that we can pray with one

Dirham’s measure of impurity on our clothes while it stinks? What is

the basis of allowing such lenience in the purity required for

praying? Not content with this, Fiqh Hanafiyyah transcends all bounds,

when it recommended that when there is impurity on any part of the

body, it should be cleaned by licking it with the tongue until it’s

effect is completely removed (Fatawah Alamgir, 1 – 45).


16. If a kafir performs prayer with congregation, he is a Muslim.

Hidaya Vol-1; page – 251


17. If you are uncertain about the direction of Qibla, you should pray

4 rakats in 4 different directions. (Minayatul Musalli –page -67)


18. If the father or grand father performs the marriage of a minor

girl, she can not nullify the marriage after she attains the age of

maturity. (Hidaya; Vol -2; page -41). (against the Hadith).


19. All the Azkar, and Sana of the prayer are permissible in any

language. (Dur Al Muqtar,vol-1,page-224/225 ; Hidaya,vol-1,page-349).

Does it make sense?


20. Fire and stones be in the mouth of the one recites sura-Fatiah

behind the Imam. (Hidaya; Vol -1; page -437). They say all maslaks are

true. Then why are they cursing the way of other maslaks in their



21. Recitation of Attahiyat in prayer is permissible in all languages

(Hidaya; Vol -1; page -349). Looks very strange.


22. If any other part of Quran is recited in lieu of Sura Fatiha, the

obligatory prayer will be valid. (Hidaya; Vol -1; page -425). However,

Hadith says no prayer is valid without recitation of Surah Fatiha.


23. Aqeedah: According to Fiqah Hanafi, the faith of those in the

heavens and the earth (creation of Allah) neither decreases nor

increases. (Preface of Hidaya, vol-1). Quran says the opposite in

numerous verses. To quote a few, please see in the Holy Quran Al-Imran

3: 173 ; Tauba 9:125)


24. When the marriage is sermonized and not yet consummated, but the

child is born, then the child is considered to belong to the husband,

not illegal. (Behashti Zewar, Part-4,page-69)


25. Husband resides in foreign land for years. If the child is born,

then it is considered to belong to the husband but not illegal.

((Behashti Zewar, Part-4, page-69)


26. Contradiction with Quran in the punishment for murder: Quran

prescribes Qisas (equality in punishment) the following verse. "We

ordained therein for them: "Life for life eye for eye nose for nose

ear for ear tooth for tooth and wounds equal for equal." But if anyone

remits the retaliation by way of charity it is an act of atonement for

himself. And if any fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath

revealed they are (no better than) wrong-doers. Fiqah Hanafi in Fatawa

Alamgir says "If any one arrests a person and leaves him before a

beast and the beast kills him, then there is no fine or punishment on

him, rather he should be imprisoned and beaten until he repents. Is

this what they call the true reflection of Quran and sunnah?


27. Contradiction with Quran in the punishment for theft: Quran

ordering the punishment for theft says " As to the thief male or

female cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example from

Allah for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in Power." However the

Fiqah Hanafi says in Hidaya Awwaleen, (page- 526) "If a thief collects

and loads his stolen things on a donkey and if he does not ride it and

walks with it, his hands should not be cut off. It further says if the

thief is veiled or steals from outside a house by stretching his hand,

then his hands should not be cut off. See how Fiqah is teaching the

methods of theft without incurring punishments of Quran.


28. Fiqah Hanafi making intoxicating drinks lawful: In one Hadith of

Sahih Bukhari narrated by Abu Al Juwairiyya Prophet sallellahu

Alaihiwasallam when asked about the drink"Al-Badhaq" (drink made by

fermenting honey) says "Any drink that intoxicates is unlawful". But

Fiqah Hanafi makes permits Alcohol made from certain things lawful and

prescribes that there is no punishment for such drinks even if they

cause intoxication. (See Hidaya Aakhireen, page – 493).


29. Fiqah Hanafi prescribes no punishment for marriage with blood

relations: If a person marries his Muhrim (blood relation), Islam

prescribes death penalty as stated in Hadith of Abu Dawood narrated by

Bara bin Azib, "I met my uncle who was carrying a standard. I asked

him: Where are you going? He said: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon

him) has sent me to a man who has married his father's wife. He has

ordered me to cut off his head and take his property" Fiqah Hanafi in

Fatawa Alamgir 3:468 says " If any person marries a blood relations of

the 1st order such as sister, daughter, mother etc. and consummates

the marriage, then there is no punishment on him according to Imam Abu

Hanifa even if he knows that it is prohibited"


30. Hanafi books also acknowledge the sunnah and the truth of

Rafaidain, Ameen, placing hands on chest in prayer etc., but their

fatwah is not given accordingly. This exposes their desperate attempts

to protect Fiqah and Madhahabs. For example Hidaya, vol-1, page – 389

says "Ahadith in support of Rafaidain are stronger than the Ahadith

for discontinuation of this practice." Hidaya, vol -1, page – 563 also

says" Hadith on 20 rakats Taraweh is weak".


What really went wrong?


The fact is that the Fiqah Hanafi which the majority follows in Indian

subcontinent is not really from Imam AbuHanifa as it’s name suggests.

If any sane Muslim reads this Fiqah without any prejudice, it becomes

very obvious that this is not only in direct contradiction with Quran

and Hadith, but also defies the fundamental logic and common sense.

Several sexual issues which are hypothetical in nature have been

shamelessly described. Unfortunately, our brothers who considers

themselves Hanafi have never read a book of Fiqah in their life time

to discover the filth that constitutes Fiqah Hanafi. The bigoted

scholars have taken advantage of this ignorance of unsuspecting Ummah

to perpetuate their strong hold among the masses.


Please see below the period of Imam Abu Hanifa and the period of the

books of Fiqah Hanafi.


Period of Imam Abu Hanifa R.A 80 – 150 Hijri


Books of Fiqah Hanafi


Name of the book                                        written by


Year (H)


1. QUDURI                                      Ahmed Bin Mohammed Bin

Ahmed Baghdadai             428


2. HIDAYA                                      Burhanuddin Ali Bin

AbiBakr                                          593


3. MINIYATUL MUSALLI               Badruddin Kashgari



4. KANZUL DAQAIQ                     Abdullah Bin Ahmed



5. SHARAH AL VIQAYAH              Abdullah Bin Masood Mahboobi



6. DUR ALMUQTAR                      Mohammed Alauddin Sheikh Ali



7. FATAWAH ALAMGIR                Aurangzeb



As evident from above, these books of Fiqah Hanafi were written

several years after the period of Imam Abu Hanifa R.A. Issues of Fiqah

discussed in these books can not be traced back to Imam AbuHanifa by a

reliable chain of narration. Even if it were from Imam AbuHanifa, it

can not be some thing to be followed blindly especially he lived in a

period when very few Ahadith were compiled. The fact that 2/3 of his

fatawahs were amended by his own students, proves that he was neither

perfect in the knowledge of Hadith nor did he ever claim to be. He

himself said “ if you find any thing of mine in contradiction to the

sahih Hadith, then cast my word against the wall and take the Hadith”.

This is what we should do including our scholars. This is the true

Madhhab of Imam AbuHanifa R.A.


It is time to wake up from this deep slumber and follow the path of

Quran and Sunnah, as followed by salaf saliheen, learn from scholars

of Quran and Sunnah, not the prejudiced and Muqallid scholars.

Otherwise our deeds will be destroyed.


Allah Subhhanwatala says in Quran


“Obey Allah (Quran) and obey the prophet (Sunnah) and DO NOT DESTROY

YOUR DEEDS.” (Sura Mohammed 47 :32)

Edited by Ya Mohammadah
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Brother Insha Allah I will Start A New Thread Soon In Which There Will Be The Answers Of These Baseless Questions.Every Person Will Come To Know What Is The Reality Of These Filthy Minded Wahhabies So Called Ahl e Hadees.


Now A Days I M Busy In My Exams So Plz Pray For My Success.


Sorry For Replying Late.



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