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My True Story

Sunni Dewana

تجویز کردہ جواب

Asslam O Alaikum brothers


This is my true story about how near i was to be converted to Deobandi. And i feel that Allah have opened the hidden truth on me. I was a normal muslim like all others. Have not so much knowledge about islam. In year 2002 just a few months after that happend in afghanistan. A war between Usa and Afghanistan. I was in support of taliban. I liked Taliban and Jihad. I live in Europe. As i had not so much knowledge about islam and when i went out so i just see the beard and just thought it is muslim and talk with him about islam.


One time i meet a muslim with beard and got freindship with him. He also liked taliban and talked with me about islam. He had much knowledge in Hadith. When i have been friend with him. After some period i begin to hate Syed without any reasons. I was very near to get converted. I think i was converted about 90% to his belief and just 10% was again.


He said to me to say Ya RasulAllah is shirk. I got teached it from him and some audio / mp3 i got from him. He got teached me many other things. He said: "Humara log peero faqiro ko huda manta phirta hain"


One time on a night i went out with him. And on that night it happend something strange. It opened the Hijab of his heart. Here are points i am writing, what he thought is i have been totally as him. So he said following things.


1. To say Ya Allah and Ya RasulAllah is shirk

2. He used swearwords/galian against all Syed. It is so ugly words he said i cant see that. Cause i hate to see that against Syed. And he meant for all Syed.

3. He said all Shia is Kafir

4. He said to me if you want to be muslim so all ways are open

5. You can read as much books you want but at end you will find out this is only Haq


When he said ugly words about Syed on that night so i thought to cut out totally contact with him. And i was so angry that i if he said anything more than that so i thought to kill him.


The sweater he used had a USA flag on left side where it is heart of a man. I told him to remove that flag. He rejected and said it is sign of hate for USA. And he said to me i have USA flag on my computer mouse pad because i hate usa.


Know i think no, he dont hate USA. He is lying. If he hate USA so why did he had USA flag on his heart? He Love USA.


He also said following things:

Hum ko Zulfain rakhna ka koi shok nahi

He rejected that Prophet Esa(ELAS) will come back on earth

He have calculated Day of The Judgement will come on year 2020/2028


Brothers after all that i feel Allah have opened his inner truth on me. And good i have cut total contact with him and no more friendship with him. Later i study a book Ja Al Haq and compared his teaching with that book and i found he is Deobandi.


After i cut totally contact with him so within 1 month i got a dream. What i see is, it is a big line of peoples. Where many have cutted beards hang from beard to right shoulder. What i see it is only one person who have not cutted beard and looking like not one hear from beard have fallen. And very smile on face. I take look one time. I take look second time. Very smile, like constantly smile. When i take look at person third time so i think in my head who is this Bzurg/Old person? And i hear "Kio? Pehchana nahi? Ma Muhammad (saw) ho"

"Why? Dont know me? I am Muhammad (saw) "



One of his believe is also:

Only people like him are muslims rest of all is Kafir.


His teachings are from Dr. Israr Ahmed from Pakistan. He believed that the Imam Mahdi is son of King Abdullah from Saudi Arab. King Abdullah have a son named Muhammad which will be Imam Mahdi. It is written in a small digest from Dr. Israr Ahmed. I have missed that digest. And also the Imam in his mosque had same believe about Imam Mahdi will be son of king Abdullah from Saudi Arab.


After i cutted contact with that deobandi. He have never said one time sorry to me. That he said is wrong. He also tried 2 times later to get me back with a smart kind of trap. But i understood this is just a trap. If i fall in this so then never come back.


Trap 1:

He have converted his sister to his belive. And come out with her. This girl have never wear hijab before. I have never seen her with hijab before.


Trap 2:

When i cutted contact with him so he had not Zulfain / Long hairs. And after some months i see he have long hairs. So i think when you say you dont like to have long hairs so why do you have long hairs now? It was very near i fall in this trap. And i begin to talk religion with him. It was very dangerous and difficult to understand.

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  Sunni Dewana said:
Asslam O Alaikum brothers


May Allah azzwajal bless you with best of everything in this world and hereafter.


MashaAllah regularly pray 5 times a day and read Darood Sharif a lot with love and respect for syedina Rasul alaihiSlam.

Try to read Quran e Karim with Translation Kanzul Ieman in English or Urdu and read books of Ahlesunnah scholars never read any book from any non Sunni author and may Allah save all of us from every fitnah amin..



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ata_ho_ghame_madina, brother thanks. And also remeber me in dua.


Saif ul Islam, After what happend so i have cutted out many freinds. Just one freind is left who is going in deobandi mosque. I told him all that happened. But he dont understand. He will continue to go in doebandi mosque. And he dont belive it is deobandi and wahabi which are fighting against Pakistani Army in swat. He think i am being brainwashed by peoples who hate wahabi/deobandi. I have not given him answer and nor i will give him an answer. I have think to cut out freindship with him too. Brother go after wahabi so go after Dajjal.

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