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Biddati Wahabi

Ya Mohammadah

تجویز کردہ جواب



If every innovation is misguidance then check this out of wahabis


Decide your self who is biddati "Ahle sunnat wal jamat" or "Wahabis" ??


In opposition and reply to Sheikh Bin Baaz' Fatwa, the distinguished Arab Scholar, Sheikh Sayyid Alawi Maliki, who is an Ustad of Hadith in the Haram Shareef in Makkah, produced a clear, decisive and well-supported argument in Arabic on the permissibility of Meelad-un Nabi. Sheikh Sayyid Alawi, in his book "Holal Ihtefaal Bezikra-al Moulidin Nabawee al-Shareef" raised some very serious questions to Bin Baaz. He questioned Bin Baaz about his views on the innovations which are being practised "here" (in the Haram Shareef) and which were never practised before, neither in the Prophet's (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) time, nor in the period of the Sahaba-Ikraam or of the Salf-e-Saleheen (ridwanullahi ta'ala ajma'in). The practices, which Sheikh Alawi mentioned were those such as:


 The forming of a congregation to perform tahajjud salaah behind an imaam.

 The recitation of du'a after the quran has been completed at the end of ramadaan in taraweeh prayer.

 The gathering of people on the 27th of ramadaan at the time of tahajjud where the imaam delivers a sermon.

 The call of the muezzin, who loudly recites "salaatul qiyaam athabukumullah."




The muslim ummah should unite in opposing this rule as it is an open bid'ah (innovation). Saudis should discuss this matter with the ulama and scholars of the muslim ummah world-wide and seek a solution to the stampeding problem as offered by the shari'ah.


It has been reported in the Saudi news media that the times of the Rami-e-Jamrat (Stoning of Shaitaan) are to be changed by the Saudi Government. In their view, they consider it permissable within the framework of Shari'ah to change this time. They believe that in doing so, it would prevent congestion, ease the whole process and prevent the recurrence of the stampedes which took place in the past.


It is reported in the newspaper, "Al-Hayaat", that the normal period in which the pelting of the Shaitaan takes place, that is, after Zawaal on the 11th and 12th of Zil-Hijjah, would now be changed to begin from after the Fajr on the same days.


The Saudi Ulama propose to issue and publish a Fatwa prior to the Hajj of 1419 A.H. (in 1999) to make way for the changes. If this goes ahead as they plan, this will constitute a great Bid'ah (Innovation). From the time of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), the established proceedure for Rami-e-Jamrat throughout the ages, including the period of the four Righteous Imams, to this day, had been the stoning of the Shaitaan from after Zawaal on the 11th and 12th of Zil-Hijjah.


The rules and the laws governing Hajj has been established by Shari'ah. The manner in which Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) directed the proceedure of Rami-e-Jamrat during Hajjat-ul-Wida, as far as the time, manner and sequence is concerned, is the same proceedure followed through the ages, which we should follow through.


This proceedure is also verified in Bukhari Shareef (Vol. 1), Sahih Muslim (Vol. 1) and Abu Dawud (Vol. 1) under the section, "Kitaabul Manaasik". In Bukhari Shareef, Vol. 2, pg. 464, Hadith 134, in the Chapter, "To do the Rami of the Jamir", it is stated: Hazrat Jaabir (radi Allahu anhu) said, "The Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) did the Rami on the Day of Nahr (10th Zil-Hajjah) before noon, and then (on the 11th and 12th of Zil-Hijjah) he did the Rami after Zawaal (after the decline of the sun)".


The sequence, the place and the manner of carrying out the Arkan of Hajj should be executed in exactly the same manner as was shown to the Ummah by Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). This is an obligatory act prescribed by Shari'ah.


In the same manner that it is not permissable to bring about changes in the proceedure of Hajj with regards to the rituals, it is also not permissable to change the times of carrying out the rituals from that which was shown to us by Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam).


The majority of the Saudis claim to be the followers of Imam Ahmed bin Hambal (radi Allahu anhu), who himself did not deviate from the times and ritual proceedures as mentioned above. This is evident in the Kitaab of the Hambali Madhab known as "Al Mugni" by Ibne Qadama, Vol. 3, pg. 452, where it is stated that, "On the Days of Tashreeq, Rami is not permissable before Zawaal. If it is done before Zawaal, then it has to be repeated after Zawaal" (to conform with Shari'at).


The reason for recurring stampedes in the Rami area is because the Hujjaj fail to exercise discipline and opt for rushing through the proceedure. It has been stated that the stampedes that have occurred in the past took place on the 10th or 13th of Zil-Hajj. To carry out Rami on the 10th before Zawaal is Sunnat, although the period extends till sunset without violating the Laws of the Shari'ah. If for some excusable reason, the stoning of the Jamrat takes place at night, then it is not Makrooh.


The real solution to the problem of delaying the Rami, as indicated above, may be done within the framework of the Shari'ah. In instituting any changes in Shar'an times of Rami, the Saudi Government would be causing a major interference with the Shari'ah and this could lead to Fitna.


In order to address this issue, it is imperative that the Hujaaj be administered with proper training and be made familiar with the details of Hajj prior to going for Hajj. It is of utmost importance in the interest of upholding the principles of the Shari'ah that the Muslim Ummah, Ulama and masses, unite and vehemently object and put an end to the Saudi Government's attempted blatant violation of Shari'ah proceedures as was shown to us by Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). 




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