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Exclusive Speech on Bidda'at and Zikar-e-Meelad


تجویز کردہ جواب


Benefit of reciting Darood Sharif

"When you forget anything and your memory fails to recollect it, then recite Durood, you will remember the forgotten thing".

Exclusive Speech on Bidda'at and Zikar-e-Meelad


Topic :

Bidda't Gumrahi hai aur Zikar-e-Meelad-e-Mustafa Noor-e-Hidayat hai

Speaker :

Mufti Ghulam Ghous Baghdadii

(Instructor at Jamia Islamia, Baghdad, Iraq)

Size :

11.20 MB
Duration :

Listen :

Download :



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Inside the Bayan:
- Bidda'at kya hai...??
- Bidda'at ki aqsaam..??
- Kya harr naii cheez Bidda'at hai..??
- Kya Meelad ki Mehfil banana Bidda'at hai..??
Answer to above all questions many more important points are discussed in that bayan..
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نوٹ: آپ کی پوسٹ ناظم کی اجازت کے بعد نظر آئے گی۔

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