Gham-e-Madinah مراسلہ: 30 مارچ 2009 Report Share مراسلہ: 30 مارچ 2009 BismiAllahir Rahmaanir Raheem AsSalaatu WasSalaamu Alaika Ya RasoolAllah AsSalaatu WasSalaamu Alaika Ya HabeebAllah AsSalaatu WasSalaamu Alaika Ya NabiyAllah Wa'alaa Aalika Wa'As'hhaabika Ya NoorAllah Asalaamualaikum AlhamduliLlah, the work of Dawateislami - an international, non political propogational movement of Qur'an and Sunnah - has reached over 67 countries, through the grace of Allah :azzwajal , the blessings of the Beloved Nabi (salalahu alaihi wasalam) , the bounties of the Blessed Companions and the generous gaze of the Awliya of Allah - and especially through the spiritual light, sincere du'a and sacrifices of Shaykh of Tariqa, Ameer e Ahle Sunnat. Further good news for the lovers of the Holy Prophet (salalahu alaihi wasalam) - As you already know the Madani Work in Malawi is increasing day by day....AlhamduLILLAH Azzawajal in the last three days Malawi have seen huge leaps in Madani Work. Here are some progress points: After islami bhais putting immense effort in Infiraadi Koshish and Ilaaq e Dowra - AlhamduLILLAH Azzawajal the ijtima which islami bhais at first had lost hope, now had increased by six times! the average attendance for the last few years had been 12 islami bhais. AlhamduLILLAH Azzawajal it has reached over 72 AlhamduLILLAH Azzawajal 8 Dars from Faizan e Sunnat are taking place daily within shops, masaajids and homes Madrasa tul Madinah baalighaan is starting from this monday with 26 students - such a beautiful nisbat One Malawiyan millionaire has made intention to distribute 10,000 copies of Law of Salah for Isaal e Thawab! Local malawian big business families have requested that the vcd ijtima should become mobile and take it to different houses every week because they want the barakat of Ameer e Ahle Sunnat to come to their homes - Subhaaan ALLAH 3 influential islami bhais have made the intention to travel to the upcoming Multan Shareef ijtima where they will physically see the Wali of ALLAH who is behind this beautiful work. All three islami bhais have also made intention to become mureed/taalib of Sayidi Ameer-e-Ahlesunnat. More Good News! The Masjid have requested a Madani Aalim to be sent by Madani Markaz so he could help to spread Madani Work within Malawi! Madani Bahaar One person had a very stressfull court case for two years but when given mashwara for him to ring for taweezaat e attariya, he had recieved khush khabri, that the very same court case which at first seemed as though it would never end now had finished on that very same day One more 44 year old white south african non Muslim who is a managing director for a securicor company in malawi recieved the light of iman on the hands of Mubaligh e Dawateisami and entered the deen of Islam Subhaan ALLAH Azzawajal as you see my dear islamic brothers and sisters the Madani Work is increasing through your duas and the Sunni's of Malawi are absolutley shocked. how is this happening? It is as though their duas have been accepted. lets read what one Malawiyan brother had to say: "Many ulama came, many pir's came, and we saw nothing special. They only took money and left, they gave nothing in knowledge, nothing in spirituality and nothing at all to us...But Mawlana Ilyas Qadri never came, only his mureeds came. But them mureeds never asked for a dollar, never even asked for half a roti, in fact they wudn't even take it if we offered. But today from the mureeds, we are seeing not one but many of the karamat of Ameer e Ahle Sunnat here in malawi." Now AlhamduLILLAH Azzawajal every sunni Malawiyan is thanking ALLAH Azzawajal. everyone is remembering Bapa in their duas and praying that a Madani Qaafilah reaches our city as well A mubaligh e Dawateislami who is also travelling on this Madani Qaafilah had said: "AlhamduLILLAH Azzawajal... i realised today.... i always thought if i did X Y or Z, i'd b a good muballigh,... Today i realised i was wrong... We don't need to do anything other than try, because in reality murshid is doin everything... We're not doin anything............Im not a pious person, I dont read tahajjud or do special things, but AlhamduLILLAH Azzawajal were turning a country around through this Madani Qaafilah because its all the power of Murshid.....and i know you can do it too!" well whats in store for Malawi? - People are starting to hear that a Madani Qaafilah has come to Blantyre and Limbe where its creating a Madani Revolution. Now the Sunnis in other cities are requesting for a Madani Qaafilah as well as they are in need ....insha ALLAH Azzawajal the Madani Qaafilah will be leaving for these cities within 2-3 weeks. Allah Karam Aisa Karay Tujhe Pe Jahan Main Ay Dawat e Islami Teri Dhoom Machi Ho Walaykum as salaam اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Attari26 مراسلہ: 30 مارچ 2009 Report Share مراسلہ: 30 مارچ 2009 سبحان اللہ اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gham-e-Madinah مراسلہ: 30 مارچ 2009 Author Report Share مراسلہ: 30 مارچ 2009 jazak Allah khair اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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نوٹ: آپ کی پوسٹ ناظم کی اجازت کے بعد نظر آئے گی۔