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Sufi Tijani Tariqah Advice on Mawlid Celebrations


تجویز کردہ جواب

(bis) As-Salam Alaykum dear Lovers of Rasul-Allah (saw)!



As the blessed Month of Rabi-al-Awwal has come upon us, it becomes the duty of all lovers of the Muhammadan Beauty to celebrate and rejoice and praise.



This is the month in which we must dedicate our energy and time – more than any other month – towards remembering our Prophet (saw), his character, his glory, his message and his Reality.



Even Sayyidna Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (ra) - who would normally not encourage whole night Jama’ah Zikr sessions - advised his murids to spend the blessed Mawlid-al-Nabi Night in the Zawiyah singing the praises of the Prophet (saw) in chorus, especially the Hamziyyah Poem of Imam al-Busiri (see p.54 of Kashf al-Hijab by Sidi Sukayrij).



Heeding to that Ahmadi Advice, Sahib-al-Faydah Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass (ra) also instituted the recitation of the Complete Hamziyyah in chorus (as well as the blessed Burdah) in his blessed city of Medina-Baye Kaolack.



He also authored a book that is recited melodiously on these nights, al-Fayd al-Ahmadi fil-Mawlid al-Muhammadi. It starts with:



Tahni’at al-Rabi’i

Bi-Midhati ’sh-Shafi’i

Bi’ l-Mantiq il-Badi’i

Abghi biha Mu’ammali

We greet the Month of Rabi!

By the Praises of our Intercessor


In the best of Ways

Through it my desire will be fulfilled


These practices continue till today in Kaolack (where One Million Ahbab attend the Mawlid) and have spread to all the communities of the blessed Tijani Faydah.



Shaykh Ibrahim (ra) writes to all his Tijani followers in a very powerful letter dated from the 1940’s:



“I remind you to beware of Allah regarding his Habib, the Master of Existence (saw). For the Celebration of his Mawlid has come close, and I testify that we have not fulfilled our duty towards him (saw) in anything, not even in honoring his Mawlid (saw).



And as we are now in the Age of extreme hardship and spread of evil, there is no other Door to Allah, except him (saw), and there is no refuge from Allah, except to Allah.



Therefore, I call on you, O my beloved ones, and all those who obey me, that we celebrate the Mawlid in a manner even greater than before. And let everyone spend in this Mawlid according to his capacity.



Those who can slaughter a cow must slaughter a cow and prepare a feast from it; and I don’t think there is anyone from your leaders who cannot slaughter a cow.



For, I have seen the smallest of you slaughter a cow in his wedding, or at least a goat, but the same person will not even slaughter a chicken for the Mawlid of the Prophet (saw).



Indeed, I myself testify that I did not slaughter enough and feed enough, and I make Tawbah to Allah from that.



And do not let poverty or lack of clothing stop any of you from attending the Mawlid.



For, perhaps, if we stood by the Door of Allah (the Nabi SAW), then Allah will remove our poverty”.



(End of quote from Ghayd min Fayd p.55-56)



Let us all read this letter many times.



Shaykh-al-Islam (ra), in his humility states that he did not do enough for the Mawlid, although he used to slaughter numerous cows and sheep and feed countless people, for may days in the Rabi al-Awwal!!!



What have we done? or plan on doing?



I am advising every single Tijani to spend money to celebrate the Mawlid, even if it is just buying some sweets and distributing it to children.



Let every Zawiyah and Every Mosque and Every Home of ours hold a gathering to praise the Prophet (saw) in this Month, even if it is a Wazifah with some meal for some brothers and sisters.



Allah, His Rasul, the Shaykh al-Tijani are watching!



Shaykh Ibrahim (ra) is aware of those who follow his advice and those who don’t.



The Rewards are great! Although we don’t celebrate Mawlid for reward but for the Love of Allah’s Beloved, and our Cause of Existence (saw).



May the lovers rejoice! the Habib has come!



You may download the Hamziyyah الهمزية poem from this link:






I also attach it for you.






Servant of the Tijani Door



Fakhruddin bin Ahmad Owaisi al-Tijani

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