Ahmet Secer مراسلہ: 19 فروری 2009 Report Share مراسلہ: 19 فروری 2009 AN INTERVIEW WITH MR. ADNAN OKTAR BY ARABNEWS (November 9, 2008) http://en.harunyahya.tv/videoDetail/...EMBER_9,_2008) Arab News is one of the most important dailies printed in English in the Middle East. Arab News which has a distribution net in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Europe, Near East and America, is the most widely read newspaper in Saudi Arabia. Mr.Adnan Oktar, in his interview by Arab News stated that Freemasons have an organic connection with the Satan, and that they have been openly voicing this fact in their own publications without even denying or holding back. Mr.Oktar also stated that it would not be possible to find a solution to the Israel-Palestine problem through complex recipes but that it would be easily solved with the foundation of Turkish-Islamic Union. Mr.Adnan Oktar who stated that our army is very humble and loving towards Islam, depicted that all the soldiers attending to the funerals of the martyrs perform the prayers, that they all pray and do continuously cite Allah. He also mentioned that our army has always been very devout but, since they had an enlightened, progressive point of view, has always opposed to conservatism and fanaticism. Apart from that Mr.Oktar stated that he finds the Intelligent Design concept highly unctuous; because Allah’s creation is apparently seen and as such should be voiced openly by stating that it is “Allah Who Created all”. He argued that saying “All is created by an unknown Power” would be to assume a subterfuge, unctuous and a very wrong approach. Mr.Oktar expounded that along with the collapse of Darwinism belief in Allah had been rapidly growing and that the world did not need the intelligent design concept for that. Along with these, Mr.Oktar had also replied various questions of Arab News from the backcloth of the 9/11 attacks to the economic crisis experienced and he had made some very important comments. ------------------------------------------------------------------- AN INTERVIEW WITH MR. ADNAN OKTAR BY GARETH JENKINS (July 13, 2008) http://en.harunyahya.tv/videoDetail/...JULY_13,_2008) In this interview Mr.Adnan Oktar has been asked about his life and his activities and the impact of his works all around the world. His reply concerning the impact of his work made it clear that the approach to religion in the west had changed drastically after Mr.Oktar’s book reached there: Adnan Oktar: ….. It was after the Atlas of Creation that the really stunning effect happened in Europe. It provoked a really huge response in France, Germany and Italy. It elicited huge reactions. It had a particularly positive effect on the intellectual section of society. It greatly accelerated the return to religion. Christians, people of Christian origins, literally began becoming really devout. These developments were truly excellent. I sent a copy of my Atlas to Tony Blair, for instance. Reports say that Blair now encourages faith to play a greater role. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has called for faith to be given a central role in the resolution of world problems. Belief, in other words. Belief in Allah. Tony Blair is dedicating his life to religion. They say that former Prime Minister Tony Blair says he will spend the rest of his life increasing inter-faith dialogue. These are all statements that came in the wake of the Atlas. Tony Blair has called on faith leaders to reinvigorate the conscience of the world. His words. These are all Blair’s word. The Atlas has had a very, very positive impact. And not only on him. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is the same. He says that “.. this great devotion, joy and faith that will be instrumental in the birth of one of the finest and greatest civilizations the world has ever seen emerged from here 1400 years ago. He is referring to Islam. Almighty Allah is present in everyone’s hearts and thoughts. It is Allah who prevents people being made captive and who sets them free. It is Allah who is a rampart against boundless human pride and madness. It is Allah who constantly gives human beings a message of humility and love, of peace and brotherhood, of tolerance and respect that transcends all differences. This message has generally changed in nature, however. It has usually been distorted. Many crimes have been committed in the name of religion. But in reality these have nothing to do with religion at all. On the contrary, they are a denial of religion. They are a betrayal of religion.” You know what Sarkozy’s earlier perspective on religion was. You can watch the full interview from the link above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN INTERVIEW WITH MR. ADNAN OKTAR BY GECE TV (TOKAT) (September 15, 2008) http://en.harunyahya.tv/videoDetail/...MBER_15,_2008) Mr. Adnan Oktar gave important statements about the Turkish-Armenian relationship from the old days to present. Mr. Oktar told that the Armenians are immaculate, loving, artistic people and that they have always been trustworthy during the Ottoman times until Darwinism appeared and that we had Armenian generals, politicians, doctors and artists at that time. With the appearance of Darwinism a time of racism, romantic nationalism, communist thinking has begun and Shaytan felt his presence, thus separated us from our Armenian brothers. He also stated that we as the Turkish Nation never feel any enmity towards the Armenians, nor they did towards us, that it was the Freemasonry that caused this wildness and that enfolded the world like a spider’s web. He added that it is time to repair this situation and to embrace these brave, pure people and to forget about the past and give blessings to each other and to start a new beginning between these two socities and that the dark times of Darwinism has ended never to come back again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ADNAN OKTAR'S IFTAR DINNER SPEECH (September 18, 2008) http://en.harunyahya.tv/videoDetail/...ER_18,_2 008) Mr. Adnan Oktar has given a short speech at the Iftar meal, in which his guests were welcomed in Çırağan Palace. Mr.Adnan Oktar who replied the questions of the members of foreign and local press, had stated that he had regarded the Armenia visit of our President Mr.Abdullah Gül as a very positive and auspicious initiative. In regard to the subject of the closure of the website of evolutionist scientist R.Dawkins, Mr.Oktar stated that he supports the freedom of ideas but that site had harbored severe insults and defamations against him and thus the court had ruled to ban the access to that website to protect his personal rights. Mr. Adnan Oktar also stated that Ergenekon is a big and comprehensive assassination organization and that the operation held against them was a very important and good development for Turkey on the way to the Turkish-Islamic Union. He also said that efforts of the public prosecutors and security forces should be supported in this respect. Mr.Oktar stated that along with the collapse of Darwinism in the 21st century, the world has been continuously cleansed from the crime organizations, from false ideas; and that harsh despotic regimes were replaced with moderate, liberal, reasonable regimes; and that the world was heading towards good and beautiful days and that this inclination will reach its peak point with the arrival of the Mahdi and the return of Prophet Isa(saas). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN INTERVIEW WITH MR. ADNAN OKTAR BY AL-QUDS (November 17, 2008) http://en.harunyahya.tv/videoDetail/...MBER_17,_2008) Al-Quds newspaper is being distributed in all the regions of Palestine and in regions of Israel like Jerusalem, in which Palestinians are residing. It is the most read Arabic daily with the highest circulation. Mr.Adnan Oktar, in this interview published in the Al-Quds newspaper, had made very striking comments about the Israel-Palestine problem: he explained what should be done to put an end to the turmoil and misery experienced in the Palestine. Here are some of the mentioned messages: Adnan OKTAR: “The only condition for regeneration is a profound faith. To constantly love Allah in a very profound way, to enjoy a close bond with Allah, to be loyal to Allah and possess lofty moral virtues, to be willing to forego one’s goods and life and to maintain a powerful love of and dialogue with Allah at all moments, every hour, night and day, even in the most difficult moments. When that happens, Allah’s protection will start to cover believers and all issues concerning them will start going well, insha’Allah.” Adnan OKTAR: “The faith movement, resisting by faith alone, resisting with culture and knowledge, is one of the most powerful weapons in the world. It is much more effective than the atom bomb, incomparably so. A powerful loving bond, a conception of affection and compassion and knowledge will ensure the support of the whole world. But ignorance and violence inspire global antipathy and opposition. That is why I am saying right now that the subject can be completely resolved by way of love, affection, culture and knowledge, maturity, prayer, close devotion to Allah and strong awe of Allah. Insha’Allah.” اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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