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MIRACLES OF RASOOLULLAH Sallallahualaihiwasallam


تجویز کردہ جواب



Allah Ta’ala has granted every Nabi Mu’jizas (miracles) according to their environment and the

understanding of their nations, in order that they may witness and accept the truth of them being

Prophets of Allah. Rasoolullah (saw) in his physical life on earth

performed numerous miracles and it is impossible to discuss all of them. Many volumes can be

written on them yet it would still not be sufficient to document all of his miracles. Insha Allah we

will discuss a few of them below so that we may strengthen our Imaan and increase our love for

Nabi-e-Kareem (saw) .

Shaqqul Qamar (Splitting of the Moon) is a distinct and decisive mu’jiza of the leader of the

Prophets, Muhammad Mustafa (saw) .It has been narrated that the Kuffaar

of Makkah once impelled Rasoolullah (saw) to perform a miracle as proof

of his Prophethood, and on their demand, he split the moon in two. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood

(Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) narrates that the moon was split in two; one piece was seen on top of the

mountain, and the other below. After demonstrating this miracle to the Kuffaar, he said to them,

“Be witness to this! Be witness to this!” [bukhari Shareef, Vol. 2] Nevertheless the arrogant

Kuffaar did not bring Imaan upon Rasoolullah (saw) even after witnessing

this great mu’jiza but rather chose to say, “Muhammad (saw) has

performed magic for us, and this kind of magic and illusions occur all the time.”

This incident is further proved by the Holy Qur’an wherein Allah Ta’ala states, “The hour came

near and the moon was split. And if they see any sign, they turn their faces and say this is magic

perpetual.” [surah 54, Verses 1-2]

Sayyidah Bibi Asmaa bint Umais (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anha) narrates, “In Sahbaa, on their return

from the Battle of Khaibar, Rasoolullah (saw) rested his head on Hazrat

Ali’s (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) lap after performing his Asr Salaah and fell asleep. Hazrat Ali’s

(Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) lap had the blessed opportunity of having Rasoolullah’s (saw) blessed head rest on it until the sun had set, after which Rasoolullah (saw) knew that his Asr Salaah had become qaza and he made the following Dua, “Ya Allah,

Indeed Ali (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) was obeying You and Your Prophet (saw) .Make the sun re-appear so that he may perform his Asr Salaah in its correct time.”

Sayyidah Asmaa bint Umais (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anha) further states, “I saw with my own eyes that

the sun re-appeared, with the peaks of mountains and ground becoming bright with its rays.”

[Zarqaani, Vol. 5; Shifa Shareef, Vol. 1]

In this incident Hazrat Ali (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) watched the sun set, knowing that he is going

to make his Salaah qaza but he did not want to disturb the Holy Prophet (saw) .He sacrificed his Salaah for the love and respect of Rasoolullah . (saw) for he knew that even Ibaadat is through the blessing of the Beloved Rasool (saw) .We therefore learn from this incident that after bringing Imaan, to respect

Rasoolullah(saw). is the greatest Fard of all Fard acts. [bahaare Shariat ]

In another Hadith, it is mentioned that in the Cave of Thoor Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique

(Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) entered first and then tore his clothes and covered all the holes in the

cave. One hole was still open, so he covered it with his toe. He then requested Rasoolullah

(saw) to enter. The Holy Prophet (saw) entered and

rested on his lap. There was a snake in the cave which desired to see the Holy Prophet (saw). It rubbed its head against the feet of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radiallahu

Ta’ala Anh), but he did not move his foot, thinking that it would disturb the rest of Rasoolullah

(saw) .Eventually the snake bit him on his toe. When Hazrat Abu Bakr’s

(Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) tears, due to pain, fell on the blessed face of Rasoolullah (saw) , he awoke and Siddiq-e-Akbar (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) explained to him what had

happened. Rasoolullah (saw) applied his blessed saliva on the wound and

this provided comfort to Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) and removed the pain and the

venom. [Zarqaani, Vol.1; Bahaare Shariat]

Hazrat Ali (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) states, “While I was once accompanying Rasoolullah

(saw) as he walked in Makkah, every tree and stone we had passed began

to say, “Assalaamu Alaika Ya Rasoolullah” to him, which I was able to hear.” [Tirmidhi Sahreef,

Vol. 2]

Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) narrates that once while they were travelling

with Rasoolullah (saw) ,a Bedouin came to him and was invited to accept

Islam by Rasoolullah (saw) . When the Bedouin asked if there was anyone

who could bear testimony to his Prophethood, Rasoolullah (saw) said,

“Yes, that tree at the end of that field shall bear witness concerning my Prophethood.” Thus after

freeing itself from the earth, the tree came to him upon being called and loudly testified to the

Prophethood of Rasoolullah (saw) three times. It then returned to its place

after the Holy Prophet (saw) gestured it to do so. [Zarqaani, Vol. 5]

Hazrat Allama Sharfuddeen Busairi (Rahmatullah Alaih) in his Qaseedah Burdah Shareef, refers to

the above incident in the following stanza:

Jaa’ath li Da’wathihil Ashjaaru Saajidathan, Thamshi Ilaihi ‘Ala Saaqin Bala Qadami

Trees came travelling without legs on their trunks

To perform Sajdah before Rasoolullah (saw) by his calling

Once, when the sword of Hazrat Ukasha bin Muhsin (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) broke in the Battle

of Badr, Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) gave him a branch and said, “Fight with this.”

As soon as the stick was held by Hazrat Ukasha (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh), it turned into a

magnificent sword, with which he fought his entire life thereafter, until he eventually became

Shaheed during the Khilaafat of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh). [Madaarijun

Nubuwah, Vol. 2]

Before a Mimbar was built in Masjidun Nabawee, Rasoolullah (saw) used

to rest against a date tree trunk and give Khutbas, until an Ansariyah woman made one for the

Masjid. When he ascended it to begin giving the sermon, a crying sound was suddenly heard from

the trunk. The entire congregation in the Masjid was able to hear the lamenting of this tree trunk,

due to the sorrow it felt from being separated from Rasoolullah (saw) .

Nabi-e-Kareem (saw) descended from the Mimbar and embraced the

crying pillar in an attempt to console it, and it began to sob as how a child does when being

consoled. Rasoolullah (saw) then asked the pillar, “If you wish I can send

you back to the place where you originally came from so that you can become a green and fruitful

tree, or if you wish you can become a tree in one of the Gardens of Jannah from which the

Friends of Allah may eat fruit.” The pillar answered in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear,

“Ya Rasoolullah (saw) ,I wish to be a tree in Jannah from which the

Friends of Allah can eat from, and gain an everlasting existence from it.” The Beloved Rasool

(saw) replied, “I have accepted your wish”, and then addressing the people

present, he said, “O people! Look at this pillar that has discarded a life in an abode set for ruin

(dunya) and has gained an existence in an eternal abode (Jannah).” [bukhari Shareef, Vol. 1; Shifa

Shareef, Vol. 1]

Rasoolullah (saw) then buried the trunk near the Mimbar and we should

note that the tree trunk was promised Jannah but was being placed at the feet of Rasoolullah

(saw) .We therefore learn from this that if anyone wishes to attain Jannah,

then he should become a slave at the feet of Rasoolullah (saw) .

Furthermore, with regard to it being buried, Allama Zarqaani (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) states the

following, “Even though this pillar was a withered and dry piece of wood, it attained the

excellence and rank of a human mu’min. Why? Because it cried in the love of the Holy Prophet

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and to cry in his love is a unique quality of a mu’min.” [shifa

Shareef, Vol. 1; Zarqaani, Vol. 5] Subhaanallah! This is the status of our Beloved Aaqa (saw) that if he wishes even a dry and worthless piece of a tree receives the status of a


Once, an Ansari’s camel became stubborn, with none able to control it as it began to attack

people. People informed Rasoolullah (saw) and said that the camel is

attacking and biting people like a rabid dog. He replied, “I have no fear of it”, and proceeded in its

direction. Upon seeing Rasoolullah (saw) coming towards him, the camel

proceeded to bow its head in Sajdah, and Rasoolullah (saw) thereafter

stroked its head with his blessed hand, causing it to become completely quiet and subservient. He

then held the camel and gave it to its owner saying, “Every creation of Allah Ta’ala believes that I

am the Messenger of Allah except Kuffaar jinn and humans.” After seeing the camel making

Sajdah to Rasoolullah (saw) ,the blessed Sahaabah replied, “Ya Rasoolullah

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), when animals make Sajdah to you, then we humans are more

entitled to do so.” To this he replied, “If I was to make Sajdah permissible to any human, I would

have ordered that wives perform Sajdah to their husbands.” [Mishkaat Shareef, Vol. 2]

Referring to such miracles of Rasoolullah (saw) , A’la Hazrat Imam Ahle

Sunnat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) states in one of his Naaths:

Apne Maula Ki Hai Bas Shaane Azeem, Jaanwar Bhi Kare Jin Ki Tha’zeem

Sange Karthe Hai Adab Se Tasleem Per Sajde Me Gira Karthe Hai

My Master (Rasoolullah (saw) possesses a unique glory that animals also

respect him. Stones greet him with respect and trees fall into prostration before him.

During the Battle of Uhud, an arrow struck the eye of Hazrat Qathaada bin Nu’maan (Radiallahu

Ta’ala Anh), causing his eyeball to dangle by his cheek. He proceeded straight to Rasoolullah

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), who said, “If you wish, I can put back your eye in its socket and heal

it, or you could make Sabr and receive its reward in Jannah.” Hazrat Qathaada (Radiallahu Ta’ala

Anh) replied, “Ya Rasoolullah (saw) ,I request you to fix my eye and also

make Dua for me to attain Jannah.” The Mercy unto Creation accepted both requests of his

beloved Companion. He held the hanging eye and placed it back into its socket. After removing

his blessed hand, the eye was correctly positioned in its socket and was brighter and more

beautiful than the other. Hazrat Qathaada (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) states that he could see further

and clearer with this healed eye than with his other normal eye. Subhaanallah! [Al Kalaamul


From this incident we learn that the blessed Companions knew the status of Rasoolullah

(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and they did not hesitate to ask him for their needs. Yet we have

ignorant people today that say that it is Shirk to ask Rasoolullah (saw) for

anything. Astaghfirullah!

It has been reported that Rasoolullah (saw) once invited a particular

person towards Islam, who said, “I shall bring Imaan upon you if my dead daughter comes back to

life.” The Beloved Rasool (saw) was then shown the grave of this man’s

daughter. He called out to her by her name and she, coming out of her grave, answered him by

saying, “O Master, I am present in your service.” When Rasoolullah (saw)

asked if she wished to return to the world, she replied, “No. Ya Rasoolullah (saw) ,Allah Ta’ala Is more Merciful to me than my parents, and the Aakhirah is better than

the Dunya.” [Zarqaani, Vol. 5]

There is no end in discussing the miracles of Rasoolullah (saw) .The few

that are presented here are just a drop in the vast ocean which one would never be able to

encompass. May Allah Ta’ala in His Infinite Mercy grant us true love for Rasoolullah (saw) ,and may He grant us the belief and love that was possessed by the Blessed

Sahaabah and even by the animals and lifeless objects, Ameen

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