Ayaz.Sayyad مراسلہ: 19 جنوری 2009 Report Share مراسلہ: 19 جنوری 2009 Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Read a Hadith and light the way: 1. I leave with you two things; as long as you hold fast to them both, you will never be misguided ¡V the Kitab (Book) of Allah and Sunnat of His Rasool (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) (Messenger). (Muwatta) 2. He has tasted the sweetness of faith who is pleased with Allah as Rabb, with Islam as Deen and with Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) as Rasool (Messenger). (Sahih Muslim) 3. Blessed is he who is guided to Islam, and whose livelihood is just sufficient and who is contented therewith. (Tirmidhi) 4. Everyone of my followers will enter Jannat (Paradise) except he who refused. He (the Rasool of Allah) was asked: And who has refused (truth)? He said: Whosoever obeys me shall enter Jannat (Paradise) and whoever disobeys me has refused. (Sahih Bukhari) 5. The Pleasure of the Rabb is in the pleasure of the father, and the displeasure of the Rabb is in the displeasure of the father. (Tirmidhi) 6. A man asked: O Rasool of Allah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim): What are the rights of the parents over their children? He replied: They are your Jannat (Paradise) and your Jahannam (Hell). (Ibn-Majah) 7. No father can give a better gift to his son than good manners.(Tirmidhi) 8. Let no believing man hate a believing woman. If he hates one trait of her character, he should be pleased with another that is within her. (Sahih Muslim) 9.Whichever female dies while her husband was pleased with her, will enter Jannat (Paradise). (Tirmidhi) 10. The most perfect of the believers in faith is he who is the best of them in conduct, and the best of you are those who are the best to their wives. (Tirmidhi) 11. If a young man shows honour to an old man on account of his age, Allah will create for him in his old age someone who will show him honour. (Tirmidhi) 12. You will see the believers in their mutual kindness, displaying love and sympathy just like one body. When a limb complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever. (Agreed) 13. You shall not enter Jannat until you believe; and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not guide you a thing? When you will do it, you will love one another. Spread (Salaam) among you. (Sahih Muslim) 14. Be not happy over (the sorrows of) your brother, lest Allah shows mercy to the latter and tries you. (Tirmidhi) 15. The duties of a Muslim towards another Muslim are five: to return his greeting, to visit the sick, to follow the bier of a dead man, to accept his invitation, and to respond to one's sneezes. (Agreed) 16. Eat together and be not separate, because blessings is only with the united body. (Ibn-Majah) 17. If a Muslim is afficted with any trouble, continuous pain, anxiety, sorrow, harm, disaster, and even a thorn which he is pierced with - Allah expiates his minor sins thereof. (Agreed) 18. Allah is not kind to one who is not kind to men. (Agreed) 19. He who is devoid of kindness is devoid of good. (Sahih Muslim) 20. Be careful of (narrating) traditions from me except what you know. Whoso imputes falsehood to me intentionally, let him then seek his abode in the fire. (Tirmidhi) 21. When a man dies, all his actions are cut off from him except three: ever recuring charity; or knowledge from which benefit it derived; or virtuous son praying for him. (Sahih Muslim) 22. Whoso interprets the Quran according to his opinion, let him seek his abode in the fire. And in a naration: Whoso interprets the Quran without knowledge, let him seek his abode in the fire. (Tirmidhi) 23. Whoever guides towards good, will have a reward of one who acts up to it. (Hadith) 24. The dearest to me among you is he who is the best of you in conduct. (Sahih Bukhari) 25. Whoso gives up falsehood which is void, there is built for him a mansion in the corner of Jannat; and whoso gives up dispute while he has right (to it), there is built for him a mansion in the middle of Jannat; and whoso makes his conduct good, there is built for him a mansion in its loftiest part. (Tirmidhi) 26. One (on the Day of Judgement, before Allah) will not be able to move away until he has accounted for his: a. Life, how it was spent, b. Knowledge, to what use it was put, c. Wealth, how it was acquired and spent, d. Body, how it was utilised? (Hadith) 27. Avoid the seven deadly sins. The Companions asked: What are they, O Rasool of Allah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim)? The Rasool of Allah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) replied: a. Attributing partner to Allah, b. Magic, c. Murder, d. Usury, e. Misappropriating that which belongs to orphans, f. Turning the back on the day of Jihad, g. Levelling charges against chaste and innocent women. (Hadith) 28. An honest and trustworthy merchant shall be with the Ambiya (Prophets) and the Martyrs and the pious men. (Hadith) 29. Hazrat Abu Huraira (radi Allahu anhu) said: O Rasool of Allah! (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) I offer myself. Rasoollulah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) caught his hand and enumerated five advices: a. Avoid what is unlawful, and you will be praying more than others, b. Be satisfied with what Allah has allotted to you, and you will never feel any lack, c. Be good to your neighbours, and you will attain the position of a Mu'min (Faithful), d. Choose for others what you choose for yourself, and you will be a perfect Muslim, e. Do not laugh too much, for laughter deadens the heart. (Hadith) 30. Be responsible for six things, and I shall be responsible for your entry into Jannat: a. Speak always the truth, b. Fulfil all your promises, c. Return any article given to you in trust in its proper condition, d. Guard the secret places of your body, e. Keep your eyes down, f. Hold off your hands (from tyranny and wrong doing). (Hadith) 31. Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) forbade blood sports, like the Bedouins. (Hadith) 32. Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) said: a. To gaze at a strange (ghair mahram) woman is the Zina (adultery) of the eyes, b. To listen to passion-stirring words is Zina of the ears, c. To converse with a strange women (and derive pleasure therefrom) is Zina of the tongue, d. To touch a strange women is Zina of the hands, e. To walk towards her is Zina of the feet, f. The heart desires and craves; the sexual organs then either testify to these or deny them. (Sahih Muslim) 33. Allah Ta'ala will not cast a merciful glance towards the person that commits sodomy or ###### ###### with his wife. (Mishkaat) 34. (Part of) the beauty of a man's Islam is to leave what does not concern him. (Tirmidhi) 35. Don't be moved by anger. He (the man seeking advise) then repeated (i.e. his request) several times, but Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) said: Don't be moved by anger. (Sahih Bukhari) 36. Surely (for you) every Tasbih is an act of charity, everyTakbir is an act of charity, every Tahmid is an act of charity, the commanding of right actions is an act of charity, and your sexual intercourse (with you wives) is an act of charity. They asked, (in surprise), O Rasool of Allah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim)! Can it be that anyone of us fulfils his passion, and be rewarded for it? Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) said: Do you see, if you got it (i.e. sexual satisfaction) through unlawful means, would there be sin in it? In the same manner, there is reward for him who performs it lawfully. (Sahih Muslim) 37. Whosoever among you sees an undersirable thing, he should change it with his hand. But, if he cannot, he should do it (i.e. change it) with his tongue. If he is not able to do that even, he should do it with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith. (Sahih Muslim) 38. Whoso kills a sparrow for nothing, it will cry loud to Allah on the Day of Resurrection, saying, O my Rabb! Such-and-such a man killed me for nothing: he never killed me for any good. (Nisaai) 39. Every good word is charity. (Hadith) 40. Almsgiving extinguishes the Wrath of Allah. (Tirmidhi) 41. That a man give a dirham in alms during his lifetime, is better for him than that he should give a hundred dirhams at his death. (Abu Dawud) 42. Cleanliness is one-half of faith. (Sahih Muslim) 43. To be alone is better that (to have) a bad companion; and a good companion is better than being alone; and dictating the good is better that keeping silence; and silence is better than dictating evil. (Baihaqi; Mishkaat Shareef) 44. Whoso curses a thing when it does not deserve it, - makes the curse to return upon him. (Abu Dawud) 45. All sins are pardoned of a Martyr except (his) debts. (Sahih Muslim) 46. I said: O Rasool of Allah! (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) I have so much hair upon my head, should I then comb it? The Rasool of Allah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) said: Yes, and also do it justice! (Nisaai) 47. Deliberation is of Allah, and haste is of Satan. (Tirmidhi) 48. The most hateful of (all) lawful thing, in the sight of Allah, is divorce. (Abu Dawud) 49. The women who seeks divorce from her husband, without being forced (to it due to unjust treatment), shall not smell the fragrance of Jannat. (Tirmidhi) 50. I never saw anyone smile more than the Prophet. (Tirmidhi) 51. No present or gift of a parent, out of all the gifts and presents to a child, is superior to a good education. (Tirmidhi) 52. The best part of faith is to say, There is no Allah but Allah, and the least of it is to remove all injurious things from the (public) road. (Sahih Bukhari) 53. Faith is a restraint against all unjust violence, let no Mu'min commit violence. (Abu Dawud) 54. Whoso brings up three daughters or three sisters, or two sisters or two daughters, and gives them a good education, and treats them well, and gives them in marriage, for him is Jannat.(Abu Dawud) 55. Feed the hungry, visit the sick, and free the captive. (Sahih Bukhari) 56. There are four qualities which being (found) in any make him a complete hypocrite; and whoever has one of these, has one hypocritical quality until he avoids it: perfidy when trusted, lying when speaking, leaving in the lurch when convenanting, and wickedness when quarrelling. (Sahih Bukhari) 57. Every deen has a distinctive virtue, and the distinctive virtue of Islam is modesty. (Malik) 58. Whoso walks in a path seeking knowledge therein, Allah will thereby make easy for him the path of Jannah. (Sahih Muslim) 59. Whoso goes forth in search of knowledge, engages himself in the cause of Allah until he returns (home). (Tirmidhi) 60. When the Rasool of Allah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) sent me as a Governor of Yemen, he said: Beware of leading a luxurious life for verily the servants of (Allah) never lead a luxurious life. (Ahmad) 61. When a servant (of Allah) tells a lie, (his) Angel goes away from him to the distance of a mile, because of the internal commotions of what it brings. (Tirmidhi) 62. When there are three men, let not two egage in a private discourse without the third, for that may grieve him. (SahihBukhari) 63. A woman is married for four qualifications: for her wealth, for her birth, for her beauty, and for Deen; but you look out for Deeni women; and if you do it for any other consideration, your hands will be rubbed in dirt! (Sahih Bukhari) 64. Allah is not merciful to him who is not merciful to men. (Sahih Bukhari) 65. Whoso shows (a way) to good, shall have a reward like that of the man who does it himself. (Sahih Muslim) 66. Eat and give alms and cloth yourselves without being extravagant or vain. (Sahih Bukhari) 67. In his journeys, Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) would remain in the rear, taking care of the weak, and seating them behind him, and he would also pray for them. (Abu Dawud) 68. A Mu'min does not eliminate, nor curse, nor is he a doer of filthy actions, nor is he an impudent fellow. (Tirmidhi) اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gham-e-Madinah مراسلہ: 19 جنوری 2009 Report Share مراسلہ: 19 جنوری 2009 jazak Allah khair for sharing brother اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gham-e-Madinah مراسلہ: 19 جنوری 2009 Report Share مراسلہ: 19 جنوری 2009 Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu Jazzakallah for reading.Some more everyday hadith below, 69. He is not a Mu'min who eats his fill while his neighbour lies hungry by his side. (Baihaqi) 70. Seize five opportunities before the five (calamities): your youth before weakness in old age; your health before your sickness; richness before poverty; your leisure before business; your life before death. (Tirmidhi) 71. The worst of feasts are the marriage feasts in which the rich are invited and the poor left out. (Sahih Bukhari) 72. Send presents to one another, for verily presents take away the grudge of the heart; and let no neighbour despise the present of his neighbour, be it ever so little. (Tirmidhi) 73. Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) loved an action which could be performed regularly, although it was little. (Nisaai) 74. Whoso causes (others) to hear (of his virtues) Allah will disgrace him thereby; and whoso shows (himself) off, Allah will humiliate thereby. (Sahih Bukhari) 75. Whoso holds fast to my example during the corruption of my people, he shall have the reward of hundred Martyrs. (Baihaqi) 76. He who spends in the Cause of Allah will have his reward seven hundred times. (Tirmidhi) 77. Avoid all things doubtful for those that are not doubtful, verily truth brings quiet, and falsehood doubt. (Tirmidhi) 78. Moderation in expenses is half livelihood, and the love of men is half wisdom, and good questioning is half knowledge. (Baihaqi) 79. There are two traits which are never found together in a hypocrite: good conduct and the understanding of Deen. (Tirmidhi) 80. There is a trial for every people, and the trial for my people is wealth. (Tirmidhi) 81. The world is a provision, and the best provision of the world is a virtuous woman. (Sahih Muslim) 82. I have left behind me no more greater trial for men than woman. (Nisaai) 83. No man is alone with a strange woman, but Satan is the third among them. (Tirmidhi) 84. I asked the Rasool (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) with regard to a sudden glance cast on a woman. He said: Turn away your glance. (Sahih Muslim) 85. My companions are like stars, whosoever (from among them) you (choose to) follow, you will be guided. (Mishkaat) 86. All actions depend upon its intention. (Sahih Bukhari; Sahih Muslim) 87. Offering prayer in congregation carries twenty-seven times greater reward that offering it alone. (Sahih Muslim) 88. I am the last of prophets and there will be none after me. (Sahih Bukhari; Sahih Muslim) 89. When someone makes his Wudhu at home and walks to the mosque with the intention of discharging an obligation to Allah, then each (alternate) step cancels a sin while the other one adds to his virtues. (Sahih Muslim) 90. Narrate the virtues of the dead and refrain from revealing their sins. (Abu Dawud) 91. Remember often the terminator of pleasures (i.e. death). (Tirmidhi) 92. When your good deeds make you happy and your bad deeds make you sad, you have Imaan. (Ahmad) اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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