Jeddawi مراسلہ: 18 دسمبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 18 دسمبر 2008 As-Salam Alaykum, Famous Saudi-Wahhabi scholar Dr Aa'id al-Qarni is claiming that: "We Arabs are Harsh and Rude people!" Obviously, al-Qarni can only speak for his Saudi/Najdi people, whom he has lived amongst, and not for other Arabs and Muslims. I personally find no other reason for these people's rudeness and harshness (as per their own acknowledgment now) except their rigid ritualistic wahhabi understanding of Islam which eschews all forms of spirituality, and denounces all expressions of beauty in Islam. Read the whole shocking statement of al-Qarni: on a Famous Arab Ahle Sunnath Forum Hasbuna'Allah! Was-Salam, اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abdulsalam مراسلہ: 20 دسمبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 20 دسمبر 2008 As-Salam Alaykum,Famous Saudi-Wahhabi scholar Dr Aa'id al-Qarni is claiming that: "We Arabs are Harsh and Rude people!" Obviously, al-Qarni can only speak for his Saudi/Najdi people, whom he has lived amongst, and not for other Arabs and Muslims. First of all, dear can you please post the article of Mr. Aa’id Al-Qarni in English or Urdu? Till then I will not be able to reply on your post thoroughly. In the meantime I would like to share one Ayah and one Hadith from Muslim. Ayah (Allah forgive me for any mistake) These are the fellows of Muhammad (God Peace be Upon Him) are very good with each other and very strict with the enemies of Muslims (probably the word is Mushrik) So you could apply the same word (I think he meant to say ) to all Muslims who love them and are on way of the truth. Hadith. (Allah forgiveme for any mistake) Abu Hurera narrated, Hazrat Muhammad says the Banu Tameem (peoples of Banu Tameem) are/would be very strict on the Dajjal of our ummah (Muslim Shareef) So again the words seems same here as I think he meant to say Well again it is not the reply of Mr. Qarnis article, it is only a reply of word Harsh about the Arabs And it is not the reply of the word Rude Abdul Salam اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sunnistudent مراسلہ: 20 دسمبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 20 دسمبر 2008 (ترمیم شدہ) Its nice to see that wahabis are slowly relaising this fact. That is why now they are divided into many camps like Madhkhalis ( saudi supporting and against Jihad) and qutubis who are pro jihad and against saudis! Tribe of banu tamim in quran More hadiths can be provided about the tribe of banu tamim. Zul Khawasair was also from the tribe of banu tamim. Other hadith about these"bare foot naked , dumb desert people" has been given on other thread. Edited 20 دسمبر 2008 by sunnistudent اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abdulsalam مراسلہ: 22 دسمبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 22 دسمبر 2008 More hadiths can be provided about the tribe of banu tamim. Zul Khawasair was also from the tribe of banu tamim. Other hadith about these"bare foot naked , dumb desert people" has been given on other thread. Yes you are right again and yes Zul Khawasair was also from the Banu Tamim, but just due to it can you reject the Hadith of Abu Hurair , i'm sure you can't. Abu Huraira narated " I start loving the Banu Tamim when i heared these three words from Hazoor-e-Akram ones the Zakwat received from Banu Tamim, the Prophet ( ) says, " this Zakwat received from my peoples, Second the Prophet says the peoples of Banu Tamim will be very strict on the Dajjals of my Ummah Third, once a laday was serving the Hazrat Ayesha , the Prophet said, free her they are from the peoples of Ismaeel (Muslim) what about now? Basically we have to keep every aspect in mind and do not become blind in hate, Abdul Salam اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sunnistudent مراسلہ: 22 دسمبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 22 دسمبر 2008 Lets see which are the other tribes and regions prophet has praised 1.Amr ibn Abasa said: ‘Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) was one day reviewing the horses, in the company of Uyayna ibn Hisn ibn Badr al-Fazari. [...] Uyayna remarked: “The best of men are those who bear their swords on their shoulders, and carry their lances in the woven stocks of their horses, wearing cloaks, and are the people of the Najd.” But Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) replied: “You lie! Rather, the best of men are the men of the Yemen. Faith is a Yemeni, the Yemen of [the tribes of] Lakhm and Judham and Amila. [...] Hadramawt is better than the tribe of Harith; one tribe is better than another; another is worse [...] My Lord commanded me to curse Quraysh, and I cursed them, but he then commanded me to bless them twice, and I did so [...] Aslam and Ghifar, and their associates of Juhaina, are better than Asad and Tamim and Ghatafan and Hawazin, in the sight of Allah on the Day of Rising. [...] The most numerous tribe in the Garden shall be [the Yemeni tribes of] Madhhij and Ma’kul. [Ahmad ibn Hanbal and al-Tabarani, by sound narrators. Cited in Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami, Majma‘ al-zawa’id wa manba‘ al-fawa’id [Cairo, 1352], X, 43).] 2. Umm Salama narrated that Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) gave the following counsel on his deathbed: ‘By Allah, I adjure you by Him, concerning the Egyptians, for you shall be victorious over them, and they will be a support for you and helpers in Allah’s path.’ (Tabarani, classed by al-Haythami as sahih [Majma‘, X, 63].) (For more on the merit of the Egyptians see Sahih Muslim, commentary by Imam al-Nawawi [Cairo, 1347], XVI, 96-7.) Qays ibn Sa‘d narrated that Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) said: ‘Were faith to be suspended from the Pleiades, men from the sons of Faris [south-central Iran] would reach it.’ (Narrated in the Musnads of both Abu Ya‘la and al-Bazzar, classified as Sahih by al-Haythami. Majma‘, X, 64-5. See further Nawawi’s commentary to Sahih Muslim, XVI, 100.) Allah’s Messenger said: ‘Tranquillity (sakina) is in the people of the Hijaz.’ (al-Bazzar, cited in Haythami, X, 53.) On the authority of Abu’l-Darda (r.a.), the Messenger of Allah (s.w.s.) said: ‘You will find armies. An army in Syria, in Egypt, in Iraq and in the Yemen.’ (Bazzar and Tabarani, classified as sahih: al-Haythami, Majma‘, X, 58.) This constitutes praise for these lands as homes of jihad volunteers. ‘The angels of the All-Compassionate spread their wings over Syria.’ (Tabarani, classed as sahih: Majma‘, X, 60. See also Tirmidhi, commentary of Imam Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Mubarakfuri: Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi bi-sharh Jami‘ al-Tirmidhi, X, 454; who confirms it as hasan sahih.) Abu Hurayra narrated that Allah’s Messenger (s) said: ‘The people of Yemen have come to you. They are tenderer of heart, and more delicate of soul. Faith is a Yemeni, and wisdom is a Yemeni.’ (Tirmidhi, Fi fadl al-Yaman, no.4028. Mubarakfuri, X, 435, 437: hadith hasan sahih. On page 436 Imam Mubarakfuri points out that the ancestors of the Ansar were from the Yemen.) ‘The people of the Yemen are the best people on earth’. (Abu Ya‘la and Bazzar, classified as sahih. Haythami, X, 54-5.) Allah’s Messenger (s) sent a man to one of the clans of the Arabs, but they insulted and beat him. He came to Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) and told him what had occurred. And the Messenger (s) said, ‘Had you gone to the people of Oman, they would not have insulted or beaten you.’ (Muslim, Fada’il al-Sahaba, 57. See Nawawi’s commentary, XVI, 98: ‘this indicates praise for them, and their merit.’) The above hadiths are culled from a substantial corpus of material which records the Messenger (s.w.s.) praising neighbouring regions. Again, it is striking that although Najd was closer than any other, hadiths in praise of it are completely absent. TRIBES Allah’s Messenger (s) said: ‘O Allah, bless [the tribe of] Ahmas and its horses and its men sevenfold.’ (Ibn Hanbal, in Haythami, Majma‘, X, 49. According to al-Haythami its narrators are all trustworthy.) Ghalib b. Abjur said: ‘I mentioned Qays in the presence of Allah’s Messenger (s) and he said, “May Allah show His mercy to Qays.” He was asked, “O Messenger of God! Are you asking for His mercy for Qays?” and he replied, “Yes. He followed the religion of our father Ismail b. Ibrahim, Allah’s Friend. Qays! Salute our Yemen! Yemen! Salute our Qays! Qays are Allah’s cavalry upon the earth.”’ (Tabarani, declared sahih by al-Haythami, X, 49.) Abu Hurayra narrated that Allah’s Messenger (s) said: ‘How excellent a people are Azd, sweet-mouthed, honouring their vows, and pure of heart!’ (Ibn Hanbal via a good (hasan) isnad, according to Haythami, X, 49.) Anas b. Malik said: ‘If we are not from Azd, we are not from the human race.’ (Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 72; confirmed by Mubarakfuri, X, 439 as hasan gharib sahih.) Abdallah ibn Mas‘ud said: ‘I witnessed Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) praying for this clan of Nakh‘.’ Or he said: ‘He praised them until I wished that I was one of them.’ (Ibn Hanbal, with a sound isnad. Haythami, X, 51.) On the authority of Abdallah ibn Amr ibn al-As, who said: ‘I heard Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) saying: “This command [the Caliphate] shall be in Quraysh. No-one shall oppose them without being cast down on his face by Allah, for as long as they establish the religion.”’ (Bukhari, Manaqib, 2.) The hadith which appears to praise Tamim is hence not exceptional, and can by no stretch of the imagination be employed to indicate Tamim’s superiority over other tribes. In fact, out of this vast literature on the merits of the tribes, only one significant account praises Tamim. This runs as follows: Abu Hurayra said: ‘I have continued to love Banu Tamim after I heard three things concerning them from Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.). “They will be the sternest of my Umma against the Dajjal; one of them was a captive owned by ‘A’isha, and he said: ‘Free her, for she is a descendent of Ismail;’ and when their zakat came, he said: ‘This is the zakat of a people,’ or ‘of my people’.”’ (Bukhari, Maghazi, 68.) On the authority of Imran ibn Husayn (r.a.): ‘A group of Tamimites came to the Prophet (s.w.s.), and he said: “O tribe of Tamim! Receive good news!” “You promise us good news, so give us something [money]!” they replied. And his face changed. Then some Yemenis came, and he said: “O people of Yemen! Accept good news, even though the tribe of Tamim have not accepted it!” And they said: “We accept.” And the Prophet (s.w.s.) began to speak about the beginning of creation, and about the Throne.’ (Bukhari, Bad’ al-Khalq, 1.) The harsh waywardness of the Tamimi mentality documented in the Qur’an and Hadith casts an interesting light on the personality of Abu Jahl, the arch-pagan leader of Quraysh. Abu Jahl, with his fanatical hatred of the Prophet (s.w.s.), must have been shaped by the Tamimi ethic in his childhood. His mother, Asma’ bint Mukharriba, was of the tribe of Tamim. (al-Jumahi, Tabaqat Fuhul al-Shu‘ara, ed. Mahmud Shakir [Cairo, 1952], p.123.) He also married the daughter of ‘Umayr ibn Ma‘bad al-Tamimi, by whom he had his son, predictably named Tamim. (Mus‘ab ibn Abdallah, Nasab Quraysh [Cairo, 1953], p.312.) An attribute recurrently ascribed to the Tamimites in the hadith literature is that of misplaced zeal. When they finally enter Islam, they are associated with a fanatical form of piety that demands simple and rigid adherence, rather than understanding; and which frequently defies the established authorities of the religion. Imam Muslim records a narration from Abdallah ibn Shaqiq which runs: ‘Ibn Abbas once preached to us after the asr prayer, until the sun set and the stars appeared, and people began to say: “The prayer! The prayer!” A man of the Banu Tamim came up to him and said, constantly and insistently: “The prayer! The prayer!” And Ibn Abbas replied: “Are you teaching me the sunna, you wretch?”’ (Muslim, Salat al-Musafirin, 6.) Banu Tamim and the Khawarij Perhaps the best-known of any hadith about a Tamimite, which again draws our attention to their misplaced zeal, is the hadith of Dhu’l-Khuwaysira: Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri (r.a.) said: ‘We were once in the presence of Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.) while he was dividing the spoils of war. Dhu’l-Khuwaysira, a man of the Tamim tribe, came up to him and said: “Messenger of Allah, be fair!” He replied: “Woe betide you! Who will be fair if I am not? You are lost and disappointed if I am not fair!” And Umar (r.a.) said, “Messenger of Allah! Give me permission to deal with him, so that I can cut off his head!” But he said: “Let him be. And he has companions. One of you would despise his prayer in their company, and his fast in their company. They recite the Qur’an but it goes no further than their collarbones. They pass through religion as an arrow passes through its target.”’ Abu Sa‘id continued: ‘I swear that I was present when Ali ibn Abi Talib fought against them. He ordered that that man be sought out, and he was brought to us.’ (Bukhari, Manaqib, 25. For the ‘passing through’ see Abu’l-Abbas al-Mubarrad, al-Kamil, chapter on ‘Akhbar al-Khawarij’ published separately by Dar al-Fikr al-Hadith [beirut, n.d.], pp.23-4: ‘usually when this happens none of the target’s blood remains upon it’.) This hadith is taken by the exegetes as a prophecy, and a warning, about the nature of the Kharijites. There is a certain type of believing zealot who goes into religion so hard that he comes out the other side, with little or nothing of it remaining with him. One expert who confirms this is the Hanbali scholar Ibn al-Jawzi, well-known for his hagiographies of Ma‘ruf al-Karkhi and Rabi‘a al-Adawiya. In his book Talbis Iblis. (Beirut, 1403, p.88) under the chapter heading ‘A Mention of the Devil’s Delusion upon the Kharijites’ he narrates the hadith, and then writes: ‘This man was called Dhu’l-Khuwaysira al-Tamimi. [...] He was the first Kharijite in Islam. His fault was to be satisfied with his own view; had he paused he would have realised that there is no view superior to that of Allah’s Messenger (s.w.s.).’ Wahabis have this habit of showing banu tamim to be THE ONLY tribe which has been praised. What they faile to realize or deliberately hide is the fact , other tribes have also been praised The only tribe which has been cursed most in Quran and hadith is Banu tamim. This wahabi formula is old and has been exposed long back. اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abdulsalam مراسلہ: 5 جنوری 2009 Report Share مراسلہ: 5 جنوری 2009 (ترمیم شدہ) I did not check the book. When your reply will come insha Allah we will discuss. Dear Mr. Sunni Student Here i was thinking to post the reply of your second last post in detail, but now i decide to stop, as i've realized that Mr. Jeddawi was the one who wanted us to fight with each other with the metter he posted once and dissappared. but if you are intersted to know my reply please go to reply of the post of "Apne Amalon per maghroor ganjye Wahabis ki Kharijiat per" there you would be able to find all the details you've mention in your posts, as far as Syed Ismail Shaheed's Taqwiyatul-Iman is concerned please let me know the The Wrong Interpretation of Quran he did it it in a Saperat post. for further details you may find the book from a non Ahl-e-Hadith website which is esnipp, it is posible that the administrator may delet this website as he would not be aware of its contants, as he did firts i tride let peoples know Mr. Administrator so please it is humble request to you please just for the sake of Dawat-e-Islami do not delete this web site. there is alot about the truth about the christians, Jews, Hindus, and all other contires and relegions of their Anti Muslim and Anti Islamic works and Illimunities, and Freemesonary as well So please before deleting it check the web site first yourself Thanks a Lot Abdul Salam Edited 5 جنوری 2009 by Abdulsalam اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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