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Darwinism's Social Weapon - Site

Ahmet Secer

تجویز کردہ جواب



Darwinism's Social Weapon - Harun Yahya




The twentieth century was one of the darkest and deadliest in the history. Vast amounts of blood were spilled, and millions of people were subjected to the most terrible fear and oppression. Not generally realized, however, is the intellectual concept that propelled such chaos, war and conflict and caused such hatred and enmity. That concept is the Social Darwinism that first emerged in the nineteenth century. Social Darwinism spread the perverted idea that life is a struggle in which only the fittest survive, and that in that savage climate, people need to compete to win, or at least to survive. That philosophy lacked any scientific basis whatsoever, but many people who failed to live by religious moral values began to view ruthlessness, savagery and cruelty as unexceptional. They ignored the fact that religious moral values require vir- tues such as compassion, affection, understanding, self-sacrifice, soli- darity and mutual support between individuals and societies. Those who brutally oppressed others claimed a scientific foundation to their cruelty and thus, the savagery they inflicted could be justified. These false claims and suppositions were of course a terrible deception. This site uncovers the full truth about these errors and exposes, with detailed evidence, the danger posed by Social Darwinism’s perverted propaganda.

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