Attari.Rafique مراسلہ: 6 نومبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 6 نومبر 2008 For your faith to be enlightened, be vigilant. Today, the Muslim youths in our society have forgotten many things. Neither is he searching for knowledge of the religion, nor is he aware of how valuable time is. What a great tragedy of our time it is, that we are walking on such a path that hunters are waiting with loaded weapons aimed and ready to take our most important possession away from us. That possession, which is the most priceless, most expensive thing that we have, is our faith. You will be shocked to learn that movie songs are also aimed at stealing our faith from us. A great Ashiq-e-Rasool sallalaho alaihe wasallam warned us about these trials: "Soona jungle raat andheyri chaayee badlee kaali hai, Soney waalo jaagtey rehyo, choro ki rakh waali hai" This is a full poem by Ala Hazrat radiallaho ta'ala anhu that warns us about all the predators that are around us trying to steal our faith. The terrible effect and result of movie songs was realised by some brothers and they immediately corrected their ways. At the same time some questions arose, for example: (1) Listening to movie songs, and statements of kufr in the songs, our good deeds were worthless. How is it possible to stop this in the future? (2) If we have ill feelings or suspicions about people that sing or listen to such songs, what is the order against us? (3) Is the order of infidelity (kufr) on all those that listen to or sing such songs? (4) Most people do not know that these songs contain words of kufr; will they also be guilty of such a big crime? I will try and shed some light on the above questions which will Insha Allah remove some of the misunderstandings and clarify things for you. " Those deeds that were deemed worthless do not need to be repeated. However, if you have the capability to perform Hajj again, then you should do so. " If one hears these words of kufr and considers them bad in his heart, and has hatred for the singer, or says or writes something bad about the singer, there is no accusation or blame on such a person. Rather, hatred for infidelity is a sign of true faith. If one sings those verses with enthusiasm, listens to them fervently, reads them enthusiastically, or is pleased with them, then such a person will be classified as an infidel. " Where there is suspicion and doubt as to whether one had listened or sung such lyrics with enthusiasm and passion, if the habit of the person was to listen to music and songs, then he should renew his faith and his marriage (Nikah).This is better for him in this world and the hereafter. Repentance and renewing faith are worthy of reward at all times. " There are two types of words of kufr. Some are those are such that claiming ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse. For example, if someone denies that Allah Ta'ala is the Creator and then claims that he did not know that this if kufr, then this will not be acceptable as an excuse. Similarly if someone believes that someone other than Allah Ta'ala is worthy of worship and then claims that he did not know that this is polytheism (shirk), again this excuse is not acceptable. If he is a Muslim how can he not know that there is no other worthy of worship except Allah Ta'ala and that He is the Creator of all? If a person sings or reads the following verses with enthusiasm and enjoyment: Whenever God looks towards the earth He must wonder who created my beloved What form do you take in my eyes By God you are God in my eyes. The above verse is denying the fact that Allah Ta'ala created everything and has knowledge of all things. Similarly, if one considers the following verses good: I am planning to love a statue of stone I desire and plan to worship it O one of stone, I have accepted you as the God of love What a grave mistake, what is this we have thought and believed. This person considers one other than Allah as being worthy of worship and this is open opposition to "Laa Ilaha Illal Laah." A person can not pray the kalimah and also entertain or speak such filthy words. Then he claims that he did not know that this constitutes kufr and shirk? This is not an acceptable excuse. In normal law, crimes (murder, stealing, etc) that are clearly committed can not be excused by claiming ignorance Let us look more closely at this issue. There are two types of things that Muslins must believe in. The first is those things that are part of faith that are known by everyone, the second are those things that are not known by all. The first is called necessities of the religion and it is described as follows in Bahaar E Shariat, "Necessities of the religion are those things which are known by common people, like the Oneness of Allah Ta'ala, Prophets, Paradise, Hell, Day of Judgement, accounting and reckoning of our deeds etc. Common people refers to those Muslims that are not amongst the scholars, even if they spend time in the company of scholars and have an interest in religious knowledge. It does not refer to those Muslims that live is seclusion or in remote areas and do not even know how to recite the kalimah properly. These people will not cease to be Muslims even if they are not conversant with all the basic requirements." (Bahaar E Shariat, Part 1, Page 52) Allah Ta'ala is the Creator of the whole universe, and he created everyone. He is the only One worthy of worship; there is no one else that can be worshipped. He knows all things. He is the Wise, All Knowing One. These things are also amongst the necessities of faith, all those with any knowledge of faith know these things. Rather, small children are also aware of these things. Therefore if someone utters a verse that goes against these beliefs in a poem or a verse then he goes out of the fold of Islam. Hazrat Allama Ali Qari alaihir rahmah states in Sharha Fiqh Akbar that, "If one speaks words of kufr but he does not realise they are words of kufr, is such a person an infidel (kafir) or not?" (Page 202) He writes the opinions of various scholars on this matter and here are the words in his book. "One opinion is that he should not be classed as a non believer because he is crippled by ignorance and lack of knowledge. Another opinion is that he will be classed a non believer and will not be regarded as being crippled by lack of knowledge and ignorance. I say that the first opinion is crystal clear, however, if the words of kufr are in relation to any of the necessities of the religion, then the person will definitely be an infidel and ignorance and lack of knowledge are not considered crippling in this instance." From this we learn that if the words of kufr relate to an essential part of faith, then ignorance and lack of knowledge will not be acceptable excuses. How can a Muslim not know such obvious and clear things? If the words of kufr do not pertain to essential things, then ignorance can be a sufficient excuse. Even here, a group of scholars say that lack of knowledge is no excuse even in this circumstance. Let us enlighten our faith with a Hadith. It is reported in Bukhari Shareef, Kitabur Raqaaq that, "Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, Sometimes a slave says something that pleases Allah ta'ala greatly but he is not aware of it. Allah Ta'ala elevates his status because of those words. Other times a slave says something that displeases Allah Ta'ala and yet he is unaware of it. This causes him to fall into the fire." It is mentioned in one narration that he falls further into the fire than the distance between east and west. Let us try and understand this with an example. One who utters words of kufr in relation to essential requirements is like one who drinks lethal poison. If one unknowingly or by mistake drinks lethal poison, then his life can not be saved. Similarly, is a person utters words of kufr, unknowingly or by mistake, his faith will not remain. The amazing thing is that there are very few people that drink poison, even by mistake or unknowingly. However, there is a huge number of people drinking the poison of movie songs. Why are we so careful in guarding our lives, yet so careless in guarding our faith and belief? By: Mufti Muhammad Nizamuddin Razvi (Head Mufti- Jamia Ashrafiya, Mubarakpur. U.P.) اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gham-e-Madinah مراسلہ: 6 نومبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 6 نومبر 2008 jazak ALLAH khair sister اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mushtaq_Attari26 مراسلہ: 6 نومبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 6 نومبر 2008 jazak ALLAH khair sister Gham-e-Madinah Bhai Ye Sister Nahi hai Ye Hamare Bahut Hi Payare Uncle hai..... Jazak ALLAH Khairan Kasira Rafique Bhai....... Aameeen اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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