Ayaz.Sayyad مراسلہ: 13 اکتوبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 13 اکتوبر 2008 DUROOD-E-TUNAJJINA: ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SAYYIDINA WA MAULANA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI SAYYIDINA WA MAULANA MUHAMMADIN SALAATAN TUNAJJINA BIHA MIN JAMI'IL AHWAALI WAL'AFAATI WA TAQDILANA BIHA MIN JAMI'IL HAAJAATI WATU TAHIRUNA BIHA MIN JAMI'IS SAYYI AATI WATAR FA'UNA BI HAA A'LAD DARAJAATI WATU BAL LIGHUNA BIHA AQSAL GHAAYAATI MIN JAMI'IL KHAIRAATI FIL HAYAATI WABA'DAL MAMAATI INNAKA ALA KULLI SHAY IN QADEER. "O Allah! Shower blessings on Muhammad, our Master, and his Family such blessings by means of which Thou may relieve us of all anxieties and calamities. Thou may satisfy all our needs. Thou may clean us of all evils and thanks for which Thou may grant us high position and high rank and status in Thy presence, and Thou may lead us to the utmost limit of our aspirations and capacity in whatever is best in this world as well as in the world Hereafter, as Thou has the full Power over everything". This Durood Shareef is always a cure for all calamities in the world of worldly affairs. It was taught by Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) himself. To recite this Durood Shareef 70 times during days of calamity, turmoil and trouble, is a must. It works wonders. The great Scholar, Saint, Jurist and author, Imam ibn-Faikihani (radi Allahu anhu) says that there was once a pious man called Sheikh Moosa Zareer (radi Allahu anhu). He embarked on a voyage by ship. Due to a heavy storm, the ship started sinking. All the passengers on board started crying and clamouring, but Sheikh Moosa Zareer (radi Allahu anhu) went to sleep. He saw the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in his dream and the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) directed him and the passengers to recite Durood-e-Tunajjina 1 000 times. Sheikh Moosa Zareer (radi Allahu anhu) got up and started the recitation. As soon as he finished 300 Durood Shareefs, the storm subsided and the ship was saved. The other ship on the high seas sank, but this ship reached its destination safely and soundly. This miracle was a sufficient eye-opener for the members of the ship. It was by the Grace of Allah Ta'ala and Durood-e-Tunajjina that all were saved. All the Saints have unanimously given verdict that Durood-e-Tunajjina is the best cure of all ills and all calamities of this world. DUROOD-E-NAHARIYA: ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SALAWATAN KAMILATAW WA SALLIM SALAAMAN TAAAMAN ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADINIL LAZI TANHALLU BIHIL UQADU WATAN FARIJU BIHIL KURABU WA TUQDA BIHIL HAWA IJU WA TUNAALU BIHIR RAGHAAA'IBU WAHUSNUL KHAWATIMI WA USTASQAAYAL GHAMAMU BIWAJHIHIL KAREEMI WA ALAAA A'LIHI WASAHBIHI FI KULLI LAMHATIW WA NAFSIN BI ADADA KULLI MA'LUMIL LAKA YAAA ALLAHU YAAA ALLAHU YAAA ALLAHU. "O Allah! Every moment and in every breath, bestow complete and the best blessings and perfect peace which is endless on Muhammad, our master, and on his descendants and his Companions, and may, for His Sake, all our troubles and tortures be over, calamities ended, and all our needs fulfilled, all our cherished desires attained, and good ends vouch-saved, and clouds are laden with water through the glorious countenance of Prophet. The perfect blessings and peace on the Prophet's House, his Family and his Companions every instance in number equal to the count of all things in Thy Knowledge". Durood-e-Nahariya is a great power. If it is recited daily, it will give such strength and power to the reciter that no one on earth will be able to subdue him. It is a grand success in all the affairs of the world. If this Durood Shareef is recited during days of calamities, Allah Ta'ala will help the reciter from the quarters unknown to the human beings. The reciter will be able to cross every barrier of handicap safely and soundly. In every worldly affair, in every trial and tribulation, success will be his net income. ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIM MA DAAMATIS SALAWAATU WAS SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIM MADAAMATIR RAHMATI WA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIM MADAAMATIL BARAKAATU WA SALLI ALA RUHI MUHAMMADIN FIL ARWAAHI WA SALLI ALA SURATI MUHAMMADIN FIS SUWARI WA SALLI ALA ISMI MUHAMMADIN FIL ASMAAA'I WA SALLI ALA NAFSI MUHAMMADIN FIL NUFUSI WA SALLI ALA QALBI MUHAMMADIN FIL QULUBI WA SALLI ALA QABRI MUHAMMADIN FIL QUBURI WA SALLI ALA RAWDATI MUHAMMADIN FIR RIYAADI WA SALLI ALA JASADI MUHAMMADIN FIL AJSAADI WA SALLI ALA TURBATI MUHAMMADIN FIT TURABI WA SALLI ALA KHAIRI KHALQIHI SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA ALIHI WA ASHABIHI WA AZWAAJIHI WAZURIYAATIHI WA AHLI BAYTIHI WA AHBABIHI AJMA'INA BIRAHMATIKA YAAA AR HAMAR RAAHIMEEN. "O Allah! Shower Thy blessings on Hazrat Muhammad ever and ever until Thy blessings are to be showered. Grant Thy bounty and mercy on Muhammad until Thy bounty is granted and mercy is showered. The most selected favours on the Spirit of Muhammad amongst all persons, on the name of Muhammad amongst all names, on the heart of Muhammad amongst all hearts. Thy most bountiful favours on the grave of Muhammad amongst all graves, on the tomb of Muhammad amongst all the bodies, on the clay of Muhammad (tomb) amongst all clays. May Allah shower His blessings on Muhammad the best of all that and on the descendants of Muhammad, on the Companions of Muhammad, on the friends of Muhammad, and on all his family members, O! Merciful Almighty Allah and Great Merciful". This Salawat is usually recited in the graveyard while paying homage to the deceased. When it is recited, Allah showers His blessings on the deceased. When the sons go to the graveyard they should recite the above Durood Shareef on the graves of their father. DAROOD-E-ALFI ALLAHUMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI MUHAMMADIN BI ADADI KULLI ZARRATIM MAA'ATA ALFIN ALFA MARRATIW WABAARIK WA SALLIM. "O Allah! May Thy beneficence be on Muhammad and on the House of Muhammad in a number equal to a million fold of each atom (that is created by Thee) and Thy blessings be, Thy peace on him". This Durood Shareef brings immediate success for the reciter and his entire family. It is a cure of all worldly ills. Durood-e-Taaj Allahumma salli `ala sayyidina wa mawlana Muhammadin sahibit taji wal-mi`raji wal-buraqi wal-`alam. Dafi` al-bala'i wal-waba'i wal-qahti wal-maradi wal-alam. ismuhu maktubum marfu`um mashfu`um manqushun fil lawhi wal-qalam. Sayyidil `arabi wal-`ajam. Jismuhu muqaddasum mu`attarum mutahharum munawwarun fil-bayti wal-haram. Shamsid duha badrid duja sadril `ula nuril huda kahfil wara misbahiz zulam. Jamilish shyami shafi` il-umam. Sahibil judi wal-karam. Wallahu `asimuhu. Wa jibrilu khadimuhu. Wal-buraqu markabuhu. Wal-mi`raju safaruhu wa sidratu al-muntaha maqamuhu. Wa qaba qawsayni matlubuhu. Wal-matlubu maqsuduhu wal-maqsudu mawjuduh. Sayyidil mursalin. Khatimin nabiyyeena shafi`il mudhnibin. Anisil gharibeena rahmatil lil `alamin. Rahatil `ashiqeen. Muradil mushtaqeen. Shamsil `arifeen. Sirajis salikeen Misbahil muqarrabeen. Muhibbil fuqara'ay wal-ghuraba’ay wal-masakeen. Sayyidith thaqalaynay nabiyyil haramayn. imamil qiblatayn. Waseelatina fid darayn. Sahibi qaba qawsayni mahbubi rabbil mashriqayni wal-maghribayn. Jadd al-hasani wal-husayn mawlana wa mawlath thaqalayn Abil Qasimi MUHAMMAD dibni `Abdillahi nurinm min nurillahi yaa ayyuhal mushtaquna bi nuri jamalihi sallu `alayhi wa alihi wa ashabihi wa sallimu taslima. Translation: O Allah, send blessings and Peace upon our Master and Patron Muhammad, The Owner of the Crown and the Ascent and the Buraq and the Standard, The Repeller of Affliction and Disease and Drought and Illness and Pain. His name is written on high, served and engraved in the Tablet and the Pen, The Leader of All, Arabs and non-Arabs, Whose body is sanctified, fragrant, and pure, Illumined in the House and the Haram, The Sun of Brightness, the Full Moon in Darkness, The Foremost One in the Highest Fields, the Light of Guidance, The Cave of Refuge for Mortals, the Lamp That Dispels the Night, The Best-Natured One, The Intercessor of Nations, The Owner of Munificence and Generosity. Allah is his Protector, Gabriel is his servant. The Buraq is his mount, the Ascent is his voyage, The Lote-Tree of the Furthermost Boundary is his station, Two Bow-Lengths or Nearer is his desire, His desire is his goal, and he has found his goal, The Master of the Messengers, the Seal of the Prophets, The intercessor of sinners, the friend of the strangers, The Mercy for the Worlds, The rest of those who burn with love, the goal of those who yearn, The sun of knowers, the lamp of travellers, The light of Those Brought Near, The friend of the poor and destitute, The master of Humans and Jinn, The Prophet of the Two Sanctuaries, The Imam of the Two Qiblas, Our Means in the Two Abodes, The Owner of Qaba Qawsayn, The Beloved of the Lord of the Two Easts and the Two Wests, The grandfather of al-Hasan and al-Husayn, Our patron and the patron of Humans and Jinn: Abu al-Qasim MUHAMMAD Son of `Abd Allah, A light from the light of Allah. O you who yearn for the light of his beauty, Send blessings and utmost greetings of peace Upon him and upon his Family. Durood E Taj has the same Fazilat as other Durood Shareefs, Mishkaat Shareef has got a full section on this, Ke Jo Shuks Mujh Par Durood Pare Tu Allah Mujh Rar Durood Parne Wale Ko Das Nekiyan Ata Farmata, Das Darje Uske Buland Karta Hai Aur Das Gunaah Us Ke Maaf Ho Jaayenge. Durrod E Taj has the same level of sawaab as this in which Nabi Kareem Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallams Tareef and in which the beauty of Nabi Kareem Sallalahu Alaih Wasallam is said. DUROOD-E-IBRAHIMI ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI MUHAMMADIN KAMAA SALLAITA ALA IBRAHIMA WA ALA AALI IBRAHIMA INNAKA HAMIDUM MAJID. ALLAHUMMA BAARIK ALA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI MUHAMMADIN KAMAA BAARAKTA ALA IBRAHIMA WA ALA AALI IBRAHIMA INNAKA HAMIDUM MAJID. "O Allah, let Your Blessings come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". The famous companion of the Prophet MUHAMMAD (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), Hadrat Ka'ab bin Ujrah (radi Allahu anhu), narrates that once it was enquired from Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) as to how blessings should be sent to him. The Prophet MUHAMMAD (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) replied that the blessings be said in the manner (it has been mentioned) above, that is, Durood-e-Ibrahimi. DUROOD-E-FATH ALLAHUMMA SALLI WASALLIM WABARIK ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADINIL FAATIHI LIMA UGHLIQA WAL KHAATIMI LIMA SABAKA WAN NAASIRIL HAQQA BIL HAQQI WAL HAADI ILA SIRAATIKAL MUSTAQEEMI SALLAL LAAHU ALAIHI WA ALA AALI WA ASHABIHI HAQQA QADRIHI MIQDAARIHIL AZEEM. "O Allah! May Thy grace, peace and blessings rest on Muhammad, our Master, who opens that which is closed, and closes that which is preceded, who helps truth with truth, and who guided mankind to Thy straight path. May blessings of Allah be on him and his Family and Companions as according to his exalted position befitting his merit and his high rank". then it was kept a secret. Hadrat Abu-Bakr Siddique (radi Allahu anhu), the first Caliph of Islam, used to recite it daily without fail. Some narrations say that it is because of this Durood that he was awarded the title of "Siddique" which means "Testifier to the Truth". Hadrat Abul Muqqarab (alaihir rahmah) says that a man's total sins will be washed away if he recites Durood-e-Fath for forty days continuously. Hadrat Shaikh Muhammad Bakari (alaihir rahmah) says that the recitation of Durood-e-Fath once a day relieves the reciter from the Fire of Hell. Hadrat Syed Ahmed Hillam (alaihir rahmah) says that Durood-e- Fath was the most favourite routine of Hadrat Ghaus-e-Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (alaihir rahmah) of Baghdad Shareef. The great Saints also say that Durood-e-Fath is actual and real light. Hadrat Sheikh Yusuf Bin Ismail (alaihir rahmah) says that this Durood Shareef is the greatest mystery of Allah. It brings 100% success and happiness to the reciter. In fact, this Durood Shareef brings prosperity and favour and solves all the complex problems by the Grace of Allah. When a man recites this Durood Shareef, the Angels of Allah surround him, mercy covers him and peace starts descending on him. DUROOD-E-SHAFI'I ALLAHUMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIN KULLAMA ZAKARAHUZ ZAAKIRUNA WA KULLAMA GHAFALA UN ZIKRIHIL GHAFILUN. "O Allah! Shower blessings on Muhammad and his children whenever he is remembered by those who remember him, and shower blessings on Muhammad and family whenever he is not remembered by the negligent, and grant him peace constantly in abundance". This Durood Shareef is called Durood-e-Shafi'i because Hadrat Imam Shafi'i (alaihir rahmah) used to recite it constantly and he received glad tidings of Jannah in this world. This Durood Shareef is of a very great significance. It brings tremendous prosperity, health, happiness and success in this and the next world. Hadrat Allama Sakhavi (alaihir rahmah) has written in his book that Abdullah bin Abdul Hakam saw Hadrat Imam Shafi'i (radi Allahu anhuma) in a dream after his death and inquired about life after death. Imam Shafi'i (alaihir rahmah) told him that because of the continuous recitation of the above Durood Shareef, Allah Ta'ala gave him the most exalted position of the highest grade in Heaven and forgave him. Hadrat Imam Muzni (alaihir rahmah) has also narrated exactly the same story. This Durood Shareef is of a very great significance. It brings tremendous prosperity, health and happiness and success in this world and the Aakirah. DUROOD-E-DAWAAMI ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIN ADADA MA FI ILMIL LAAHI SALAWAATAN DAA'IMATAN BIDAWAAMI MULKILLAH. "O Allah! Shower blessings on Muhammad, our master, in the number that is in Thy knowledge such blessings as may continue for ever eternal as Thy Kingdom". This Durood Shareef is of a very great value. If it is recited only once, it amounts to all the rewards of all the Duroods. By reciting this Durood, one gets peace of mind and success in this world as well as in the next. After reciting this Durood Shareef, the reciter can claim that he has recited almost all the Duroods which are in this world known to the people. During days of upheavals, this Durood Shareef brings relief, success and true happiness. It is mostly the Saints and very pious people who recite this Durood after every prayer. They also recommended this Durood Shareef to all the needy. DUROOD-E-QURAANI ALLAHUMMA SALLI WASALLIM ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADIW WA ALA AALI WA ASHABI BI ADADA MA FI JAMI'IL QURAANI HARFAN HARFAN WABI ADADI KULLI HARFIN ALFAN ALFAN. "O Allah! Send your blessings and peace on Muhammad, our Master, and on his Progeny and his Companions according to the number of every letter in Quran and let each letter carry thousands of blessings and salutations in it". This Durood Shareef is a very sacred one. If it is recited after every prayer, it is said that the reciter will receive the Sawaab equivalent to the recital of the entire Holy Quran. After reading the verses of the Holy Quran, this Durood Shareef should be recited 3 times. DUROOD-E-SADAQAH ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADIN ABDIKA WA RASOOLIKA WA SALLI ALAL MU'MINEENA WAL MU'MINAATI WAL MUSLIMEENA WAL MUSLIMAATI. "O Allah! Shower Thy blessings and beneficence on Muhammad, Thy creature and Thy Messenger, and shower beneficence on all men of faith and women of faith, and Muslim men and Muslim women". This Durood Shareef is a special one. Hadrat Abu Saeed Khudri (radi Allahu anhu), a close companion of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), says that Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Whoever does not possess wealth to give in charity, should recite this Durood in his Du'a. It will become a source of (spiritual) cleanliness for him". Hadrat Abu Huraira (radi Allahu anhu) says that the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Allah has said, 'If you spend I shall spend on you'". This means that if you spend your money on others - the poor, sick, needy and the orphan - Allah will give you in abundance. But, what if a man has nothing to give in charity? By reading Durood-e-Sadaqah, it will suffice. DUROOD-E-WALI ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA MUHAMMADININ NABI YIL UMMI YI WA AALIHI WABAARIK WA SALLIM. "O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad, our chief the unlettered Apostle and his Family Thy favours and thy Salutations". Hadrat Shah Wali'ullah Dehlvi (alaihir rahmah) said that his father commanded him to recite the above Durood Shareef as it was the best one. Hadrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu), a close companion of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), has said that if a person recites this Durood eighty times on Friday (after evening prayers), then his sins equivalent to 80 years will be forgiven. This is a very important Durood Shareef which brings forth immediate success and satisfaction to the heart and the mind. Hadrat Zarar bin Auzar (radi Allahu anhu), another companion of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) says that he used to recite this Durood Shareef and fight with the non-believers. In every battle, he saw that success kissed his feet, and he never lost any battle on any day. DUROOD-E-ALI ALLHUMMAJ AL SALAWAATIKA WA BARAKAATIKA ALA MUHAMMADININ NABI YI WA AZWAAJIHI UMMAHAATIL MU'MINEENA WAZURRIYATIHI WA AHLI BAYTIHI KAMA SALLAYTA ALA IBRAHIMA INNAKA HAMEEDUM MAJEED. "O Allah! Bestow blessing and bounty on our Prophet and on his wives, who are the Mothers of the Faithful, and on his descendants and on the members of his Household in the manner as Thou conferred blessings on Prophet Ibrahim. Verily, thou art the Praiseworthy and the Glorious". Hadrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) said that if any one wishes that he should get the maximum reward for one Durood alone, then he must recite the above Durood Shareef DUROOD-E-GHAUSIA ALLAHUMMA SALLI ALA SAYYIDINA MUHAMMADINIS SAABIQI LILKHALQI NURUHU WA RAHMATUL LIL AALIMEENA ZUHURUHU ADADA MAMADA MIN KHALQIKA WAMAM BAQIYA WAMAN SAIDA MINHUM WAMAN SHAQIYA SALAWAATAN TASTAGHRIQUL ADDA WATUHEETU BIL HADDI SALAATAN LA GHAAYATA LAHA WALA MUNTAHA WALAN QADAAA'A SALAWAATAN DAAA'IMATAN BIDAWAAMIKA WA ALAAA AALIHI WASAHBIHI WA SALLIMA TASLEEMAM MISLA ZAALIKA. "O Allah! Send thy blessings on our Master, Muhammad, whose light was created before anything else in this world and whose appearance became mercy and signal boon for all the creatures, equivalent to all those created previously and hereafter equal in number with the lucky and unlucky ones; and send thy blessing and bounties on him in the number which is impossible to be counted even, and which may be spread all over, and also that kindness and mercy which has neither beginning nor end, and which is always fresh and fine with your kindness, and the same blessings on his Family and Companions permanently". This Durood Shareef was very dear and near to Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam, Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (alaihir rahmah) of Baghdad Shareef. He ended all his lectures, recitations and writings with this Durood. It is for this reason that it is called Durood-e-Ghausia. It is very sacred, very important, very effective and 100% success. The Saints says that if a man recites this Durood Shareef 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening, Allah Ta'ala fetches him nearer and nearer and loves him a lot. The reciter becomes a Saint himself. Apart from this, he will be safe from all the catastrophes of the world. The Mercy of Allah will start pouring upon him endlessly. DUROOD-E-RADAWIYYA : SALLAL LAAHU ALAN NABIYIL UMMIYI WA AALIHI SALLAL LAAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM. SALAATAW WAS SALAAMAN ALAIKA YA RASOOLALLAH. The above Durood Shareef should be read 100 times after every Salaah if possible. Especially after Jummah Salaah, the men should stand together facing Medina Shareef and recite this Durood Shareef with absolute respect. The following benefits are derived from reciting Durood-e- Radawiyya: 01. The reciter is blessed with 300 Mercies of Almighty Allah. 02. Allah Almighty sends peace on him 2 000 times. 03. 5 000 good deeds are written in his Naama-e-Amaal. 04. 5 000 of his sins are forgiven. 05. His status is eleated by 5 000 times. 06. It will be written on his forehead that he is not a Hypocrite. 07. It will be written on his forehead that he is free from the Fire of Jahannum. 08. On the Day of Qayamah, he will be amongst the Shuhadaa (Martyrs). 09. He will gain Barakah in his wealth. 10. There will be Barakah in his children. 11. He will be strong over his enemies. 12. People will have love in their hearts for him. 13. He will see the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) in his dream. 14. He will leave this world with Imaan. 15. On the Day of Qiyaamah, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will shake hands with him. 16. The intercession of Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) will be compulsory on him. 17. Almighty Allah will be pleased with him in such a way that he will never be displeased. اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mushtaq_Attari26 مراسلہ: 16 اکتوبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 16 اکتوبر 2008 Assalamu alaikum wr wb wm Jazak Allah Khairan Kasira Aameeen اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hanafi Muslima مراسلہ: 16 اکتوبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 16 اکتوبر 2008 JazakAllah Azawajal 4 sharing...... اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sister_in_IslaM مراسلہ: 19 اکتوبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 19 اکتوبر 2008 Subhan Allah azzwajal Mash Allah azzwajall JAzak ALLAHhhhh for thiss beautifull sharinggggg اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faizan-e-Mustafa مراسلہ: 9 نومبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 9 نومبر 2008 JazakAllahu Khayra! اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghulam E Mustafa مراسلہ: 11 نومبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 11 نومبر 2008 SubhanAllah Azawajjal very nice sharing اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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