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Wahabi Kehrahay Hain Aulia Allah's Are Dead In Their Graves


تجویز کردہ جواب

  -=Hush=- said:
Kindly Agar Chand Ahades-e-Mubarak Likh Din Jayen Yahan merray 2 Topic Kay Muatliqq To Bht Mehrabi Ho Gi :-)



Wali allah is alive

wali_zinda_hain__proof_from_shah_wali_ullah__iraq_ka_waqiya.mp3Fetching info...




JAB Shohda zinda Quran se sabit to phir Unsy Afzal Ambiya-owliya badarjy owla hayat hain...balki ambiya owliya ki hayat shohda se zyda qawi hai... (sa)



In the Tirmidhi Shareef, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (radi Allahu anhuma) narrates that a Sahaba once pitched his tent on a plot of ground without realizing that he was doing so over a grave. After a while, he realized that his tent was over a grave for he could hear the recital of the Surah Mulk. He related the entire episode to the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), who replied that the recital of Surah Mulk indeed assists the person within the grave and protects him from pain and punishment.


From this episode, we see that the beloved servants of Allaah (swt) are still alive within their graves, or else the Holy Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa aalihi wa sallam) would have merely disregarded the entire incident. But he did not do so. Rather, he commented on the excellences of the Surah Al-Mulk, which means that he also accepted that the beloved servants of Allaah (swt) are still alive within their graves.


Let us relate another incident from the period of the companions. It is recorded that during the dictatorial reign of Muawwiyah Ibn Abee Sufyaan Al-Ummayyadee, whose mother was the infamous Hindaa and the beloved son was Yazeed, who later illegitimately succeeded him. A canal was dug between Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Madeenah Al-Munawwarah. Co-incidentally, the canal passed through that plot of land where the Shuhadaa (Martyrs) of Uhud lay buried. A person while digging accidentally cut the foot of a Shaheed with a spade. As a result of this, blood began to flow from the blessed foot. We learn from this incident that aside from their souls, even the bodies of these great and beloved servants of Allaah (swt) are alive. This incident is narrated in "Jazb-ul-Quloob" by Sheikh Muhaddith Al-Dehlawi (radi Allaahu anhu) and in "Sharah-us-Sudur" by Imaam Jallaludeen As-Suyutee (radi Allaahu anhu).


Let us now quote another example from the period of the Taabi'een. Imam Abu Na'eem Al-Isfahanee (radi Allaahu anhu) in his book, "Hilyat-ul-Awliyaa", narrates from Sa'eed (radi Allaahu anhu). The great Wali states, "By Allaah (swt), Hameed Taweel (radi Allaahu Anhu) and my self were burying Thaabit Al-Nibhaanee (radi Allaahu anhu). As we were setting the final rocks, one rock accidentally fell into the grave. As I peeped into the grave, I saw that Thaabit Al-Nibhaanee (radi Allaahu anhu) was about to perform the Salaah and he was imploring Allaah (swt) in the following manner, 'O Allaah (swt), You have given certain of your creation the permission to perform their Salaah within the grave, give me also the same permission'. It was indeed beyond the Mercy of Allaah (swt) to refuse him."


NOTE: Thaabit bin Aslam Nibhaanee Basri (radi Allaahu anhu) was a Taabi'een. He has narrated Ahadeeth from Anas (radi Allaahu anhu) and various other Companions. It is stated that he used to complete the recitation of the Holy Quraan in one day and night. He also used to fast during the day. Abu Bakr Al-Muznee states that he had not seen a more pious person than Thaabit bin Aslam (radi Allaahu anhu). ("Kashf-un-Noor", Imaam Abdul Ghanee Al-Nabulisee, pg. 9)


Imaam Sayyid Al-Baihaqee (radi Allaahu anhu) narrates from Qazee Nishapuree Ibraheem (radi Allaahu anhu) who states that, "A pious woman passed away. Among those that were present for her Janazah was a coffin thief, who attended only with the intention of noticing where she was being buried. As darkness set in, he dug the shrine and was about to steal the coffin when the pious lady exclaimed, 'By Allaah (swt), how strange that a dweller of Paradise is stealing the coffin of another dweller of Paradise'. She explained that whosoever took part in her Janazah, Allaah (swt) would forgive them, and that the coffin thief took part in the Janazah. The thief immediately covered the grave and repented with a true heart."










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  -=Hush=- said:
1 ThinG More ... Hamary QTV Kay Mufti Muhammad Akmal Sahib Or Compare Junaid Iqbal Ko Tanqeed Ka Nishana Bnaya Gaya Hai .... Kindly Koi Aisi Ahaades-e-Mubarak Mention Kejiyee Jiss Mai Allah Ka Deen Phelanay Walay Logo Kay Khilaaf Tanqeed Karnay Walo Keliyee Sakht Paigam Ho ... !!!





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