Faizan-e-Mustafa مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 DIVINE VISION By Sheikh-ul-Islam Taj-ul-Ulama Badrul-Fuqaha Mujaddid-e-Meh’ta Hadira Ala’Hazrat Azeem-ul-Barkat Imam Ahmad Raza Al-Qadri Barkati Muhaqqiq Barelwi (Radi Allah Unho) QUESTION: What is the Ruling of the Ulama of Islam concerning the Divine Sight of Allah Almighty? Did Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) see Allah Almighyt with his naked eye on the night of Meh’raaj? Is there any proof in the Hadith Shareef concerning this subject? Please furnish us with authentic proofs from the sacred Sharee’ah and clarify this matter. May Allah Almighty bless you for the service of Deen. DIRECTLY TRACED AHADITH 1. Imam Ahmad ibne Hambal (Radi Allah Unho) in his Musnad narrates from Sayyeduna Abdullah ibne Abbas (Radi Allah Unho) "Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) said, "I saw my Sublime Creator". Imam Jalaludeen Suyuti (Radi Allah Unho)in his Khsa’is-e-Kubra and Allama Abdur Rauf Munadi (Radi Allah Unho) in his Tafseer Shar’ha Jameh Sagheer state that this Hadith Shareef is authentic 2. Imam Muhaddith ibne Asakar (Radi Allah Unho) narrates from Sayyeduna Jabir bin Abdullah (Radi Allah Unho) that Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) states: "Verily, Almighty Allah blessed Sayyeduna Moosa (Alehis salam) with the privilege of Dialogue and cherished me with his Divine Vision and exalted me with the Crown of Intercession and the Fountain of Kauthar". 3. Imam Asakar (Radi Allah Unho) also narrates from Sayyeduna Abdullah ibne Mas’ood (Radi Allah Unho) who said: Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) states, "My Glorious Lord said to me, ‘I gave My friendship to Sayyeduna Ibrahim ( Alehis salam ) and spoke to Sayyeduna Moosa ( Alehis salam ), and O ! Muhammad ( Peace be upon Him ) ! I blessed you with My Meeting ( where you saw My Divine Being without any obstacles)’". In Majma-ul-Bihaar (), the word of the above Hadith Shareef is explained as follows: Majma-ul-Bihaar explains the word that Almighty Allah blessed His Beloved with such a Presence and Vision that there were no veils as barriers and no intervention of an Angel. 4. Ibne Marduwiyya (Radi Allah Unho) narrates from Sayyedah Asma bint Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Unho) that: Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) was praising the excellence of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha when I inquired from him, "Ya Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him)! What did you see at Sidra- tul-Muntaha ?" He said, "There I saw the Divine Glory (i.e. of Allah Almighty )." اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faizan-e-Mustafa مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 Author Report Share مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 COMMENTS OF THE NOBLE SAHABA 1. Tirmidi Shareef narrates from Sayyeduna Abdullah ibne Abbas (Radi Allah Unho) : We, the Bani Hashim (Ahle-Bait), say that undoubtedly, Sayyeduna Muhammad (Peace be upon him) saw Allah Almighty twice. 2. Ibne Ishaq (Radi Allah Unho) narrates from Sayyeduna Abdullah ibne Abi-Salma (Radi Allah Unho) that: Sayyeduna Abdullah ibne Omar (Radi Allah Unho) inquired of Sayyeduna Abdullah ibne Abbas (Radi Allah Unho) to find out whether Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) saw Allah Almighty He replied, "Yes." 3. The words of Tabrani state: The word of Tabrani states that Sayyeduna Abdullah ibne Abbas (Radi Allah Unho) said that Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) saw Allah Almighty. Akrama ( Radi Allah Unho ), who was his student, asked him: "Did Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) see Allah Almighty ?" He replied, "Yes, Allah Almighty blessed Sayyeduna Moosa (Alehis salam) with Dialogue, Sayyeduna Ibrahim (Alehis salam) with Friendship and Sayyeduna Muhammad (Peace be upon him) with His Divine Presence". (Words of Tabrani) "And verily, Sayyeduna Muhammad (Peace be upon him) saw Allah Almighty twice". Imam Tirmidi ( Radi Allah Unho) states that this Hadith Shareef is Hasan. Imam Nisa’e (Radi Allah Unho), Imam Ibne Hazeema (Radi Allah Unho) and Hakim (Radi Allah Unho) all record the following: Are you surprised of the Dialogue of Sayyeduna Moosa (Alehis salam), Friendship of Sayyeduna Ibrahim (Alehis salam) and Divine Sight of Sayyeduna Muhammad (Peace be upon him)? Hakim has said that this is a Sahih Hadith Shareef. Imam Qastalani (Radi Allah Unho) and Imam Zarqani (Radi Allah Unho) both acknowledge the authentically of this Hadith Shareef. 4. It is narrated in Tabrani and Moh’jam Awsat : Sayyeduna Abdullah ibne Abbas (Radi Allah Unho) says that "Verily, Sayyeduna Muhammad (Peace be upon him) saw his Lord twice, once with his physical eye and once with the eye of his heart". Imam Suyuti (Radi Allah Unho) , Imam Qastalani (Radi Allah Unho), Allama Shami (Radi Allah Unho) and Allama Zarqaani (Radi Allah Unho) all say that there is no doubts in the authentically of this Hadith Shareef. 5. Imam-ul-Aimma Ibne Hazeema (Radi Allah Unho) and Imam Bazaz (Radi Allah Unho) both narrate from Sayyeduna Anas ibne Malik (Radi Allah Unho): “Verily, Sayyeduna Muhammad (Peace be upon him) saw his Most Gracious Creator”. Imam Ahmad Qastalani (Radi Allah Unho) and Imam Abdul Baqi Zarqani (Radi Allah Unho) state that the authenticity of this Hadith Shareef is very strong. 6. Imam Muhammad ibne Ishaq (Radi Allah Unho) narrates this Hadith Shareef from Sayyeduna Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Unho) Marwan asked Sayyeduna Abu-Huraira (Radi Allah Unho) if Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) He replied, “yes”. VIEWS OF THE TABA’EEN 1. Imam Abdur Razzaq (Radi Allah Unho), Ustaaz of Imam Bukhari (Radi Allah Unho), in his famous Musannaf reports from his Ustaaz Imam Mah’mar (Radi Allah Unho): Imam Mah’mar ( Radi Allah Unho ) narrates from Imam Hasan Al-Basri (Radi Allah Unho) who swore an oath in the Name of Allah Almighty that Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) positively saw his Creator (Almighty Allah). 2. Similarly, Imam Ibne Hazeema (Radi Allah Unho) narrates from Sayyeduna Orwa bin Zubair (Radi Allah Unho) , who is the cousin of Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) and grandson of Sayyeduna Abu-Bakr (Radi Allah Unho). He also accepts that Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) saw Allah Almighty on the night of Meh’raaj. And he used to get very upset if anyone rejected this. The following Luminaries held similar views: 1. Sayyeduna Kaab Ahbar (Radi Allah Unho) who was a great Aalim of the previous Scriptures. 2. Imam Ibne Sha’hab Zahri Qarshi (Radi Allah Unho) 3. Imam Mujahid Makh’zoomi Makki (Radi Allah Unho) 4. Imam Akrama bin Abdullah Madani Hashmi (Radi Allah Unho) 5. Imam Ata bin Rabah Qarshi Makki (Radi Allah Unho) Ustaaz of Imam Abu-Haneefa (Radi Allah Unho). 6. Imam Muslim bin Sabeeh Abu’d-Duha (Radi Allah Unho), etc. and all the students of Aalim-ul-Quran Jabrul-Ummah Sayyeduna Abdullah ibne Abbas (Radi Allah Unho) confirm the Divine Vision. Imam Ahmad Qastalani (Radi Allah Unho) states in Mawahib-ul-Ladunniya: اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faizan-e-Mustafa مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 Author Report Share مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 OPINION OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS IMAMS OF DEEN Imam Khal’lal (Radi Allah Unho) in Kitab-us-Sunnah narrates from Imam Ishaq bin Marozi (Radi Allah Unho) that Imam Ahmad ibne Hambal (Radi Allah Unho) accepts this Tradition and confirms this by saying that: Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) said, “I saw my Creator (Almighty Allah)." (briefly quoted) Imam Naqqash (Radi Allah Unho) in his Tafseer narrates from Imam Sanadul Anam ( Radi Allah Unho ) that: He said, “I accept the Hadith of Ibne Abbas (Radi Allah Unho) that Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) saw his Creator (Almighty Allah) with his eyes, he did see, he did see, he did see”.He repeated this till his breath lasted. Imam Ibne Khateb Misri (Radi Allah Unho) states In Mawahib Shareef that: Mah’mar bin Rashid Basri bul-Hasan Ash’ari (Radi Allah Unho) and others Ulama acknowledge this, and this is the Madhab of the Ahle-sunnah, Imam Abul Hasan Ash’ari (Radi Allah Unho) and the majority of his followers. Allama Imam Sha’hab Khafaji (Radi Allah Unho) in his Nasim-ur-Riyaad, the commentary of Shifa Qazi Ayad (Radi Allah Unho), states that: The most correct and pure Madhab is that Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) on the night of Me'raj saw Allah Almighty with his naked eyes as it is the Madhab and consensus of the illustrious Sahaba fraternity. Imam Nawawi (Radi Allah Unho) in Shar’ha Muslim Shareef and Allama Muhammad bin Abdul Baqi (Radi Allah Unho) in Shar’ha Mawahib states: It is the consensus of the majority Ulama that Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) saw Allah Almighty with his naked eyes on the night of Me’raj. اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faizan-e-Mustafa مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 Author Report Share مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 QUESTION Another similar question was posed to the Great Mujaddid, Imam Ahmad Raza Al-Qadri (Radi Allah Unho) on 11Muharram al-Haram 1320 A.H. which read: What is the ruling of the Noble Ulama regarding Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) going up to the Arsh in the night of Meh’raj? Is this an established fact because Zaid says that this is a lie. Is Zaid’s statement correct or not? ANSWER Indeed the illustrious Ulama and distinguished Imams of Islam have in their authentic books expressed in great details on this subject. All these are based on the Ahadith Shareef. Although these Ahadith are forwarded () or problematic (), both are unanimously agreed to and accepted by the sector of Fada’il (Virtues) by the Muhaddithen. The narrators and presenters are all trustworthy ones personal opinion. It depends solely on the authenticity of solid proof. Hence, confirmation deplores contradiction. Ignorance does not necessarily reject its, one is in fact a liar and an contradictor of the Deen. Imam-e-Ajal Sayyedi Muhammad Boseri (Radi Allah Unho), in his renowned Qasidah Burdah Shareef states: The Habib (Peace be upon him) of Allah Almighty, in short space of time, traveled from Masjid-e- Haram to Masjid-e-Aqsa. This sacred journey was bright like the brilliance of the full moon. The Beloved (Peace be upon him) traveled in the night of Meh’raj until he reached the station of Qaba Qosain. No creation could reach this height nor possessed the courage to do so. The noble status of the Nabi (Peace be upon him) left everything below him when he proceeded towards the Divine Height of the Unique Lord (Almighty Allah) on the Night of Ascension. The Beloved (Radi Allah Unho) enjoyed such excellence that no one can share. He passed such place where no creation set foot. Sayyed-ul-Aalameen (Peace be upon him) was blessed with exclusive gifts and secrets and passed all the heights without any hindrance, Without doubt, this goes to say that the Master (Peace be upon him) traveled the secret and timeless regions alone to the Divine Presence and met and saw Allah Almighty . Allama Mullah Ali Qari (Radi Allah Unho) in his Shar’ha elaborates on Imam Boseri’s verses: Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) passed all the Secret Curtains and reached the Divine Absolute Presence of the Supreme Creator (Almighty Allah) as one reaches one’s goal leaving everyone behind. There was no step of excellence in the entire universe that the Master (Peace be upon him) did not surpass. In fact, the Master (Peace be upon him) transcended above the domain of space and time and entered the Station of Qaba-Qosain and O’adna. Then, Allah Almighty the Supreme spoke to the Beloved what He had to Say. Likewise, Imam-e-Humam Abu-Abdullah Sharf-uddin Muhammad (Radi Allah Unho) states in Ummul-Qurra: The Master (Peace be upon him) advanced till Qaba-Qosain (Divine Presence) and this is indeed the ultimate. These are the Secret Stations where desires and thoughts cannot contemplate because there are no paths that leads to them. Thus, Imam Ibne Hajr Makki (Radi Allah Unho) comments in the Shar’ha of Umm-ul-Qura. Some Aimma state that there were ten Meh’rajes in the night of Isra. There were seven in the seven skies, the eighth, Sidra_tul_ Muntaha, the ninth in the Divine Levels and the Tenth to the Arsh. Sayyedi Allama Arif-e-Billah Abdul Ghani Nablusi (Radi Allah Unho) re-affirms this in Hadiqa-e- Nadiyyah Shar’ha Tareqa-e-Muhammadiyah: There were ten Meh’rajes. The tenth was from the Arsh till the Divine Presence. Imam Ibne Hajr Makki (Radi Allah Unho) states in Shar’ha Hamziyya. When Nabi Suleman (Alehis salam) was given the wind, it carried him the distance of one month’s journey in one day. Our Master (Peace be upon him) was given the Buraq which carried him from the earth to the Arsh in a fleeting moment. The shortest portion of this journey (between earth and the seven skies ) takes seventeen thousand years. And Allah Almighty only knows the distance above the Arsh to the arcane levels with the Rafraf (to the Divine Presence). It is also recorded in the same Shar’ha Hamziya. Nabi Moosa (Alehis salam) was blessed with Dialogue (Kalam). Similarly, our Master (Peace be upon him) was blessed on the night of Isra with Divine Presence. He saw Allah Almighty from very close range with his naked eye. You cannot compare the experiences of Mount Tour with the experiences of our Master (Peace be upon him) with Allah Almighty. It is further recorded in the same Kitab: Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) physically proceeded to the skies on the night of Isra in wakefulness. From there to Sidratul Muntaha, then Divine Levels, then Arsh and Rafraf till he saw the Divine Vision. Allama Ahmad bin Muhammad Sawi Maliki Khal’wati (Radi Allah Unho) in a marginal annotation of Umm-ul-Qura writes: The Beloved Habeeb (Peace be upon him) undertook the journey of Meh’raj in wakefulness with his body and soul. He traveled from Masjid-e-Haram to Masjid-e-Aqsa. Then up to the skies, then Sidratul Muntaha, then Divine Levels then, Arsh, and then Rafraf. Imam Ash-Sheikh Sulayman Al-Jamal (Radi Allah Unho) states in Futuhat-e-Ahmad Shar’ha Hamziya: The heights of Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) in the night of Isra was from Bait-ul-Muqaddas to the seven skies. And from there to wherever Allah Almighty Willed. But, it is reckoned that he did not go further than the Arsh. It also recorded in the same Kitab: There were ten Meh’rajes on the night of Isra. Seven in the skies, eighth Sidrat-ul-Muntaha, ninth Divine Levels and tenth, the Arsh. The research scholars of Meh’raj say that he did not go further than the Arsh. He goes on further to say: When the Beloved (Peace be upon him) passed the seventh sky, the Sidratul-Muntaha was raised in front of him. He passed that and reached the Divine Levels. He was then placed in the World of Noor (Divine Light ). There he passed seventy thousand Curtains of Light. The distance between each curtain is a distance of five hundred years. Then a green bedding was hung before him. The Master ( Peace be upon him ) passed this and reached the Arsh. He did not go further than this but reached the station of Qaba-Qosain of his Lord (Almighty Allah). اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faizan-e-Mustafa مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 Author Report Share مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 COMMENTS OF THE GREAT MUJADDID IMAM AHMAD RAZA Sheikh Suleman Al-Jamal (Radi Allah Unho) gives preference to the Master (Peace be upon him) not going above the Arsh while the words and views quoted of Imam Ibne Hajr Makki (Radi Allah Unho) and others stress that the Master (Peace be upon him) proceeded above the Arsh and La-Makan (Super-arcane Region beyond Time and Space). La-Makan is indeed above the Arsh. So, in reality, there is no contradiction between these two views. The boundaries of space (Mayan) end at the Arsh and beyond this are the region beyond time and space. A body needs space (Mayan) for it to be in, but the Beloved (Peace be upon him) proceeded with his Sacred Soul to the furthest regions of the Arsh, His sacred soul went beyond all limited bounds to experience the Divine Vision. The Creator Almighty Allah who took the Beloved (Peace be upon him) there or the Beloved (Peace be upon him) who went there only knows these limits. The words of Sayyedi Makashifeen Sheikh-e-Akbar ibne Arabic (Radi Allah Unho) points to this fact. Shortly, I will quote his words. He says that the Arsh was journey’s limits of the Beloved’s (Peace be upon him) sacred feet. Therefore, the journey of the sacred feet ended on the Arsh. Allah Almighty forbids! This termination does not mean that there were any faults or mishaps in the sacred journey. In fact, the journey terminated because the sacred feet encompassed every possibility, creation and space. There was no space (Makan) for the Beloved’s (Peace be upon him) feet to reach above the Arsh. But the journey of the Beloved’s (Peace be upon him) sacred heart terminated at Qaba-Qosain. Is there a doubt in one’s heart of what is beyond the Arsh that the Beloved (Peace be upon him) proceeded towards? Then listen to the words of Imam-e-Ajal Arif-e-Billah Sayyedi Ali Wafa (Radi Allah Unho) , which is quoted by Imam Abdul Wahab Sha’rani (Radi Allah Unho)in his master-piece, Al-You’ waqet wal Jawahir Fi Aqa’idil-Akabir . A perfect Man is not he who circumfuses the Arsh and whatever it encompasses, namely, the skies, Jinnah and Jahanam. But, a perfect Man is he, whose vision surpasses all these dimensions and sees and appreciates the Glory of the Creator (Allah Almighty) of all these dimensions. Imam Allama Ahmad Qastalani (Radi Allah Unho) states in Mawahibul-Ladunniya and Man’hi-Muhammadiya, and Allama Muhammad Zarqaani (Radi Allah Unho)in his Shar’ha state: It was the exclusivity of Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) at he saw Almighty Allah Almighty with his physical eyes in wakefulness and this is the preferable Madhab. Allah Almighty Spoke to His Beloved in those high Divine regions which was above all possibilities and Imaginations. Imam Ibne Asakar narrates from Sayyeduna Anas ibne Malik (Radi Allah Unho) that the Prophet of Allah Almighty (Peace be upon Him). said, “On the night of Isra my Lord (Allah Almighty) drew me so close to Him that we were two bows apart, in fact, even closer”. It is also stated in the same Kitabs: There was a difference in opinion amongst the Ulama whether there was one Me’raj or two, one with the body and soul in Wakefulness, and the other in a dream or wakefulness from Masjid-e-Haram to Masjid-e-Aqsa. Then, from Aqsa, In a dream till the Arsh. The truth is that there was one Isra and an entire journey from Masjid-e-Haram to the Arsh was physical and in wakefulness. This is the Madhab of the majority of Ulama, Muhaddithen, Fuqaha and Mutakallimeen. The same Kitab further states: There were ten Meh’rajs and the tenth was till the Arsh. It is also recorded in the same Kitab: It is reported in Sahih Al-Bukhari by Sayyeduna Anas ibne Malik (Radi Allah Unho) that the beloved Rasool of Allah Almighty (Peace be upon him) said, “Jibra’il proceeded with me till the Sidrat-ul- Muntaha. Then, the Divine Power of the Almighty Lord drew me to a distance of two bows close to Him (Allah Almighty). In fact, even closer”. This closeness was above the Arsh as mentioned in the Hadith-e-Shareef. Allama Sha’hab Khafaji (Radi Allah Unho) , in his Nasim-ur-Riyad Shar’ha Shifa Imam Qadi Ayad (Radi Allah Unho) states: It is reported in the Hadith of Me’raj that when the Master (Peace be upon him) reached Sidra- tul-Muntaha then, Sayyeduna Jibra’il presented the Rafraf, which carried him to the Arsh. It is noted in the same Kitab: The units of Sahih Ahadith emphasize that the Master (Peace be upon him) visited Jinnah and the Arsh or the boundaries of that region beyond which lies the extra- terrestrial domain (La-Makan).This all happened physically and in wakefulness. Sayyed-ul-Mukashifeen Sheikh-e-Akbar Muhiuddin ibne Arabi (Radi Allah Unho), in the 216th chapter of his famous Futuhat-e-Makkiya, states: The Holy Quran was the beautiful character of Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) and the unique characteristics of the Divine Names of Allah Almighty was found in him. In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty Announces through the praise of His Attributive Qualities of His appearance on the Sacred Arsh. Similarly, Allah Almighty The Supreme, blessed His Beloved (Peace be upon him) with the reflection of His Divine Appearance of the sacred Arsh and Praised him. The Arsh is that high station where the Isra of Rasools end. This proves that the Isra of Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) was physical because if it was a dream then Almighty Allah would have not praised his appearance on the Sacred Arsh. Only the unpleasant reject this reality. Imam Allama Arif-e-Billah Abdul Wahab Sha'rani (Radi Allah Unho)in his Al-Yuwaqet wal Jawahir, quotes from Sheikh-e-Akbar(Radi Allah Unho) that: Verily, he (Sheikh-e-Akbar Radi Allah Unho) said that the statement of praises of the exalted Habeeb (Peace be upon him) “And until that time when I was elevated to the Divine Levels” reflects to the fact that the termination of the physical feet’s journey was at the Sacred Arsh. Sheikh-e-Muhaqqiq Imam Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi (Radi Allah Unho) states in his Madarjun-Nubuwah. Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) said, “Then a green Rafraf (Divine Carrier) was laid for me. Its light was even greater than that of the sun. Its brilliance brightened my vision. I was seated on it and taken into the Heavens until I reached the Arsh of Allah Almighty. He further states: It is narrated that when Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) reached the Arsh, it respectfully touched his Sacred Garb. He states in Ash’atul-Lam’aat Sharha Mishkat that: No one else besides the Beloved Habeeb (Peace be upon him) reached this Height in the Heavens. This was a timeless and space less transcendental region: Meh’raj surpassed the limits of human nature As Allah’s Almighty special servant was taken from Masjid-e-Haram. He reached the Divine Arcane Zone that cannot be explained. This zone has no place, description, name or direction. Also Sheikh-e-Muhaqqiq (Radi Allah Unho) states in the same Kitab, in the third section, under “Divine Vision of Allah Almighty”, while discussing the Hadith Shareef that: Indeed, Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) saw his Sublime Creator twice. First at Sidratul-Muntaha and then at the Arsh. It is recorded in the fourth volume, letter number 283, in the Maktobat of Hazrat Mujaddid Alfe Sani Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi (Radi Allah Unho) that: On the night of Meh’raj, Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) did not leave the boundaries of time and space and surpassed the restrictions of human nature. He saw the Secrets from Eternity till Eternity combined in a dot of Unity. He further states in the letter number 272 that: Sayyeduna Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the most beloved of Allah Almighty and the most unique in creation. He was the only creation to be blessed with physical Me’raj. He traveled further than the Arsh, Kursi and limitations of time and space. Imam Ibnus-Salah (Radi Allah Unho) states in Ma’arifate Anwa’e-Ilmul Hadith that: The Authors and Jurists say that the Beloved Habeeb (Peace be upon him) said so and so (signs). Nobody understood the explanation of the Nabi. Muhaddith Abu-Bakr Al-Hafiz named this Hadith “Al-Mursal” in accordance to that School which classify all the non-Muttasil Ahadith as Mursal. It recorded in Tal’weh, etc. that: If the chain of narration have not been mentioned then it will be regarded as Mursal. It is stated In Musallamul-al-Thuboot that: The Mursal Hadith will be regarded as authentic because it is the words of Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him). It is states in Fawateh-ar-Rahmoot that: According to the Principles of Hadith (Osool), all Mursal Hadith will be classified as Sahih. It further states: If a Sahaba narrates a Mursal Hadith then it will be unanimously accepted. If a non-Sahaba narrates it then it will also be considered as accepted. Imam Abu-Haneefa (Radi Allah Unho), Imam Malik (Radi Allah Unho) and Imam Ahmad Ibne Hambal (Radi Allah Unho) say that the Mursal of a non-Sahaba will be unconditionally accepted if the Narrators are indisputable. It is recorded in Mirqat Shar’ha Mishkat that: There is no harm to present a Mursal Hadith as proof because a Hadith-e-Munqata’ah (Hadith with broken chain of narrators) is accepted as useful in Fada’il (in praise of Luminaries). Imam Qadi Ayad (Radi Allah Unho) states in Shifa Shareef: Sayyeduna Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him) informed of the Shahada of Sayyeduna Ali (Radi Allah Unho) that his attacker is a Jahannami. (This is an example of a Mursal Hadith) It states in Nasim-ur-Riyad: It is obvious that this information came through the Prophet of Allah Almighty. All the Muhadditheen accept the above Hadith, besides Imam Ibne-Atheer, who says that in Nihaya, that Sayyeduna Ali (Radi Allah Unho ) said, “I am the distributor of fire.” Imam Sha’hab Khafaji (Radi Allah unho) Says that Ibne–Atheer is correct in his decision about what Sayyeduna Ali (Radi Allah Unho) said which is not used as an opinion. Therefore, this Hadith will be classified as a Marfoh. Imam Ibn_ul-Humaam (Radi Allah Unho) states in Fathul-Qadeer If a Hadith does not have any narrators, its origin will not be rejected. Almighty Allah knows best! Written and Signed by : The humble servant of Allah Almighty Ahmed Raza Al-Barelwi ( May the Merciful Lord forgive him ) اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abdur Rehman مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 very informative al Imam al Mujaddid Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi was a great scholar may Allah be pleased with him amin. اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mushtaq_Attari26 مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 Report Share مراسلہ: 1 ستمبر 2008 اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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آپ ابھی پوسٹ کرکے بعد میں رجسٹر ہوسکتے ہیں۔ اگر آپ پہلے سے رجسٹرڈ ہیں تو سائن اِن کریں اور اپنے اکاؤنٹ سے پوسٹ کریں۔
نوٹ: آپ کی پوسٹ ناظم کی اجازت کے بعد نظر آئے گی۔