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Calling Upon Someone - The Permissibility of calling “Ya Muhammad, Ya Rasulallah� alaihiSlam


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Calling Upon Someone


The Permissibility of calling “Ya Muhammad, Ya Rasulallah” (saw)

Tawassul is permissible. Calling upon someone who is absent is not shirk as some claim, as the Prophet (saw) taught us to call for help. Among what was mentioned concerning calling on someone other than Allah azzawajal, whether that one is present, absent, alive or passed away, is the saying of the Prophet peace be upon him: which means: <<If the animal of anyone of you went out of control in the wilderness, then call: ‘O slaves of Allah, help me’>>, since there are slaves of Allah azzawajal [i.e. the angels] who will respond to him.


There is another hadith related by al-Bazzar in which the Prophet (saw) said: which means: << If one of you lost something or needs help while in an open land, then let him say: "O slaves of Allah, help me.">> Another narration says: which means <<Rescue me, because Allah azzawajal has created slaves whom you do not see.>>


When traveling at nightfall the Prophet, sallallahu alyhi wa sallam, used to say: which means: << O earth, my Lord and your Lord is Allah.>>


When the Prophet (saw) visited the grave of Muslims, he used to say: which means: << O people of the graves, peace be upon you.>>


Also In the Tashahhud in as-Salah the Muslim says: which means: << "O Prophet of Allah, may Allah protect you from infirmities, and have mercy and blessings on you.">>


There is no harm in calling on and performing tawassul by someone unless one believes that someone other than Allah azzawajal actually creates things. Hence, as long as one believes that only Allah (jallah) creates them, there is no harm in performing tawassul. Likewise, attributing a certain doing to other than Allah azzawajal does not harm unless one believes this doer actually creates. So once it is established the person does not believe the creating is for other than Allah azzawajal then attributing a doing to other than Allah azzawajal is understood in its proper context.


When one says: "This medicine benefited me," or "This particular righteous Muslim benefited me," he is merely exposing the created reason of the benefit. These statements are also similar to when one says: "This food satisfied my hunger," or "This water quenched my thirst," or "This medicine cured me." When Muslims say such statements, they understand them in their proper context, i.e., food, water, and medicine are only reasons, and Allah is the Creator of their benefit.


We ask Allah (jallah) to bless us with the guidance and to make us steadfast in following the methodology and the path of the Prophet (saw) We ask Allah to let us consume all of our life in following the methodology of the Prophet (saw) . We ask Allah azzawajal to make us among those who order with alma'ruf and forbid al-munkar.


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روى البخاري في الأدب المفرد ما نصه : (( حدثنا أبو نعيم قال حدثنا سفيان عن أبي اسحق عن عبد الرحمن بن سعد قال : (( خدرت رجل ابن عمر فقال له رجل : اذكر أحب الناس إليك فقال : يا محمد )) ا.هـ . وقد ذكر البخاري هذا الحديث تحت عنوان : (( باب ما يقول الرجل إذا خدرت رجله )).



Imam al-Bukhariy rahmatullah alaih narrated in al-Adab al-Mufrad that Abdullah son of Omar's (ra) foot was paralyzed, a man told him: "mention the most beloved people to you, and so he said: "Ya Muhammad" (saw) and he was cured.




في كتاب البداية والنهاية لابن كثير الذي تحبه الوهابية في المجلد الذي فيه الجزء السابع والثامن ص 104-105 يذكر فيه عن بلال ابن الحارث المزني الصحابي الذي قصد قبر النبي وطلب منه ما لم تجري به العادة وتوسل به، وفيه يقول: "إن أهله طلبوا منه أن يذبح لهم شاة فقال ليس فيهِنَّ شيء فألحوا عليه فذبح الشاة فإذا عظمها حُمُرٌ فقال: "يا محمداه"، ما كفر ولا كفره أحد من الصحابة،



Also in the book al-Bidayah wan-Nihaiyah for Ibn Kathir whom wahhabis adore, in the volume containing the 7th and 8th chapter, page 105-104 he mentions that Syedina Bilal the son of al-Harith al-Muzaniy raziAllaho anhu the companion who had travelled to visit the Prophet's grave and asked Allah by the Prophet (tawassal Bi Rasulillah), in that book he said: "Ya Muhammadah" (saw) . He did not blaspheme, and none of the companions considered him as a blasphemer for saying "Ya Muhammadah"!! (saw) and that's because the companions knew that it's permissible to ask Allah (jallah) by the virtue and status of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) even when he's visibly absent.



عند الوهابية من قال يا محمد بعد وفات لنبي محمد أو في حياته في غيابه فقد أشرك، ونص عبارة ابن تيمية في كتابه الكلم الطيب تحت عنوان "فصل في الرجل إذا خدرت قال عن الهيثم بن حَنَش، قال: كنا عند عبد الله بن عمر رضي الله عنهما فخدرت رجله فقال له رجل: أذكر أحب الناس إليك فقال: يا محمد فكأنما نشط من عقال".




And so according to wahhabis, the one who says “Ya Muhammad” (saw) after the passing away of the Prophet (saw) or before his passing away in his absence is considered to them as a Mushrik (a kafir one who associates partners to Allah azzawajal)!! And the literal term of Ibn Taymiah in his book al-Kalim at-Tayib under the title “Section about the leg if it was paralyzed” he said: “From al-Haytham son of Hanash he said: we were at Abdullah son of Omar Radiallahu Anhuma, his leg got paralyzed, a man said to him: mention the most beloved people to you, and so he said: “Ya Muhammad” (saw) he was cured as if he had no harm”.


Ibn Taiymiah the source of whahhabi beliefs, himself accepted and approved this hadith which contains calling upon someone (tawassul) by saying “Ya Muhammad” (saw) and so wahhabis would by their rule consider Ibn Taymiah as Mushrik, as well as Abdullah Ibn Omar (ra) as well as all Muslims on earth because they all say “Ya Muhammad” (saw) during hardships, and they all say it in every prayers. Also it was confirmed by at-Tabariy that when Companions rizwanullah alaihim went to fight Musaylimah the liar, their slogan was “Ya Muhammadah”. (saw)



So be warned from Ibn Taymiah and Wahhabis. You must be warned and must warn from their books and their fatwas that contradict the way of Ahlus-Sunnah and the way of the companions of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alahyi wa Sallam).



We ask Allah azzawajal by the great status of our beloved Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam , and great waliys, to protect us, and our nation, and Allah azzawajal knows best.

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