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Quran Khuwani Or Deobandi

Jad Dul Mukhtar

تجویز کردہ جواب

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These wahabies and deobandis are too quick to put fatwa on others but they need to look at themselves first. In Quran, riba is haram and I heard myself in Synott Musjid (Houston, TX) where their imam said riba is halal just ask for forgiveness so my question to them is: If you know riba is haram and you commit to this act on purpose I don't think forgiveness will take you very far as everything is islam depend on our niyahs (intentions). These people are ridiculous to argue with. They will not listen to anyone. I have to be honest though. I love the way these people manipulate with islamic dates. Couple of years ago (ISNA) - Islamic Society of North America came up with a calender of 5 years (I think until 2013) where no one will have to sight the moon and the dates are preset for ramadan and eid. Hmmmmmmm...... Christian Calender?????? Every 25th december = Christmas. Sounds very similar to me. :)

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آپ ابھی پوسٹ کرکے بعد میں رجسٹر ہوسکتے ہیں۔ اگر آپ پہلے سے رجسٹرڈ ہیں تو سائن اِن کریں اور اپنے اکاؤنٹ سے پوسٹ کریں۔
نوٹ: آپ کی پوسٹ ناظم کی اجازت کے بعد نظر آئے گی۔

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