Gham-e-Madinah مراسلہ: 31 اکتوبر 2007 Report Share مراسلہ: 31 اکتوبر 2007 (ترمیم شدہ) Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem ASALATU WASALAMU ALAYKA YA RASULLALLAH Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam I thought i'd share it with everyone, especially to the Islamic brothers,...inshAllah azzawajal after reading this you will want to travel on madani qafila...inshAllah azzawajal It was the month of Rajab-ul-Murajab, and a madani qafila set off to a place called Gowader in Balochistaan. The islamic brothers started to act according to the schedule, and days passed until it reached the 27th of Rajab. The people of gowader new that this night is very special but the normal people never new what happened in this blessed night and the importance of this blessed night. Alhamdulillahi azzawajal, the Islamic brothers who were in that qafila arranged a Ijthima-e-zikr-o-Naat for that night. Now in that area like in most poorer parts of Pakistan at about 10pm in the night the electricity turns off. but the islamic brothers had alternate arrangements for that too, so the ijthima carried on until it finished at 12 at night. When the ijthima finished everybody went home and the only people that were left in the masjid were the Islamic brothers who were in the qafila. The Islamic brothers were sat there and between themselves they started to talk about what must be happening in Faizan-e-Madeena, right now, they started to talk and say that at faizan-e-Madeena right now there's a really big Azeem ushaan ijthima-e-zikr-o-naat taking place, Islamic brothers are probably reading naats, the deewanay are going to to be waiting for Baapa Jaan to come then every body is going to be shouting out ATTAR KI AMED......MARHABA....SubhanAllah azzawajal...and then Pyaaray Baapa Jaan are going to sit in between the Islamic brothers and with their sweet and beautiful voice they are going to do a Speech and then everybody is going to be reading the naat "Shaha Doolha bana aaj ki raat hay"....SubhanAllah azzawajal....what a sight to see.. These Islamic brothers were missing all of this and were feeling down about it, and they thought yaar what a great mehfil we are missing out on and we are here all by ourselves because these people haven't got that much jazba, and they left us all by ourselves as well....just like this the Islamic brothers were talking amongst themselves, then they supported each other by saying chal yaar leave it if Murshid is happy with us lot traveling on this qafila then so be it we are happy as well.... later when all the brothers were asleep, one Islamic brother reports this amazing karamat, he narrates the during the night sometime whilst i was asleep, somebody came and woke me up, i woke up and jumped i was shocked to see that MY MURSHID WAS STOOD RIGHT INFRONT OF MY EYES.....SUBHANALLAH azzawajal...on one hand Murshid-e-kareem is sitting in Faizan-e-Madeena delivering a Sunnah inspired bayaan and on the other hand at the same time They are in Gowader as well trying to cheer up the islamic brother....SUBHANALLAH azzawajal Anyway, the islamic brother narrates that when i woke up and saw Baapa Jaan there i was shocked and i asked "Baapa is that you?" Baapa Jaan replied "Yes, you remembered me and i came to cheer you up"!!! the islamic brother says that i wanted to wake the rest of the brothers up as well so that they an see and meet Baapa Jaan, but Baapa Jaan said don't wake them up let them sleep you've got a busy schedule tomorrow and you have to wake-up quite early for it, so let them sleep"... Then the islamic brother offered tea to Baapa Jaan, so Baapa Jaan took it and drank it...after this Baapa Jaan said to the brother baita (son) go to sleep you've got a busy schedule and you've got to wake up early for it tomorrow so go to sleep....the Islamic brother insisted that Baap Jaan should stay but Baapa Jaan said you go to sleep right now infront of my eyes, so Baapa Jaan made sure that that Islamic brother went to sleep right before their blessed eyes then they went away....SUBHANALLAH azzawajal At fajr time the islamic brother woke up and told the story to the rest of the brothers, they thought that he must have been dreaming but the islamic brother told them: "no, no Baap Jaan came they sat here and they drank tea, look they even drank from this cup!" SUBHANALLAH azzawajal... we learn from this that those Islamic brothers who travel on madani qafilas are really loved by Amee-e-Ahle Sunnath (Damath barkathuhum ul aliya)....and that physical distances shouldn't matter it's the spiritual distances that really matter... Murshidi ATTAR par NOOR KI BARSAAT HO.....Ameen Listen this Mehfil u also listen the more karamat -e-Bapa Jaan and above one also October 8-9, 2007 Ramadan-ul-Mubarak-26 (Jashn-e-Wiladat Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat) 10PM to 3AM Mp3 Clip-1 || Clip-2 || Clip-3 rember me in duas Edited 31 اکتوبر 2007 by اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
سگِ عطار مراسلہ: 31 اکتوبر 2007 Report Share مراسلہ: 31 اکتوبر 2007 Thanx for Sharing This Great Karamat of Sayidi wa Murshidi Hazrat-e-Attar (damat barkatahum aaliya) .. اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Attaria786 مراسلہ: 2 نومبر 2007 Report Share مراسلہ: 2 نومبر 2007 Sag-e-Attar said: Thanx for Sharing This Great Karamat of Sayidi wa Murshidi Hazrat-e-Attar (damat barkatahum aaliya) .. اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mudasir Yaseen مراسلہ: 2 نومبر 2007 Report Share مراسلہ: 2 نومبر 2007 Brother. Bapa jaan ki is "KAeamat" ko parh kar mujhay b aik waqiaa yaad aa gaya hai (Jo k Haqeeqat men "Bapa Jaan" ki karamat hai), jo k abhi taqreeban 20 din pahilay hamaray saath "Madani Qaafilay" men paish aaya tha. 2nd Shawaal ki raat ko Aashiqan-e-Rasool k saath Madani Qafilay men. Waqiaa buhat lamba hai (aur abhi time nahin hai meray pass), isssi liye Insha Allahu buhat jald yahaan pa post kardoon ga. اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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