MuhammedAli مراسلہ: 6 ستمبر 2016 Report Share مراسلہ: 6 ستمبر 2016 Royal Asiatic Society nay Taqwiyatul Iman ko publish keeya. [Ref: Faslul Khitab, by Mawlana Fazl Rasool Qadri, page 21]Is ki ta'eed Barbara Metcalf ki kitab say milti heh jis nay barpur tehqeeq kay saath kab, aur kon say journal mein shaya huwi, sab kuch zikr keeya heh, footnote mein."Sayyid Ahmad's reformist teachings were set down in two works that, when printed on the new lithographic press of the day, soon achieved wide circulation. the Siratu'l Mustaqim (the Straight Path) was compiled by Muhammad Isma'il in 1819. Written initially in Persian, it was soon translated into Urdu in order to reac a wider audience. The secod work, The Taqwiyatu'l-Iman or the Strenthening of the Faith, was written directly in Urdu.26 The two works stressed above all the centrality of Tauhid, the transcendent unity of God, and denouced all those practices and beliefs that wer held in any way to compromise that most fundamental of Islamic tenets."26. Both of these works were available in inumerable editions, the first i the original Persian as well as in the more common Urdu translation; the latter in Urdu. Excerpts in English translation were published early in the hisotry of the two works: "Taqwiyat ul-Iman," translated by Shahamat 'Ali (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Soceity, 13 [1852], 310-72) and "Notice of the Peculiar Tenets Held by the Followers of Syed Ahmad, Taken Chiefly from the Sirat ul Mustaqim ...," translated by "J.R.C" (journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1 [1832], 479-98.[Ref: Islamic Revival In British India: Deoband, 1860-1900. By Barbara D. Metcalf, Copyright © 1982 by Princeton University Press] اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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