Mudasir Yaseen مراسلہ: 5 ستمبر 2007 Report Share مراسلہ: 5 ستمبر 2007 Pak - Indo War 1965 When British Government had no other choice to accept the Two Nations Theory and they were forced to divide subcontinent into two liberated states. They stand on the Kashmir Problem with the help of Congress politicians. and Indian army entered in Kashmir with the help of Kashmiri Raja against the desire of Kashmiri People who want to attach with Pakistan. To resolve the Problem of Kashmir, Pakistan struggled with in constitute rules in U.N.O. Pakistan demanded to give right to Kashmiri people whether they want to attach with Pakistan or India. India also accepted this resolution of U.N.O to give the Self-Declaration right to Kashmiris. But instead of act upon at resolution of U.N.O India was trying to delay the process. and at end they refused to do so. This was the main reason which cause the 65 Pak-Indo war.To increase pressure on Pakistan at the matter of Kashmir and with the idea of capturing Azad Kashmir, Indian Army attacked Pakistani Border area Awan Sharif and killed 25 innocent people without any reason. To defense of this open terrorist Pakistan attacked at Chump sector and captured Jorian, Khor, Motal, Deva,Banya,Kandial, Janda & Jokan with only single attack. India become worried on the reply and He started the propaganda that the Pakistan has attacked on India. India want to get there benefit by their propaganda. 1. To diverse the attention of Pakistan Army from Chump area. 2. They want to attack on Pakistan to defeat it and than forced to accept their requirement. 3. After losing the Chump area, Indian army lost their moral, So they want to rise their army moral. At 6th Spetember 1965 Indian army suddenly attacked Sialkot & Lahore from Juster Burj without any warning. They use two brigades to attack on Juster. They want to capture the area of Shalabagh. From Pakistan side Captain Sunbal defend their position. They fight so bravely that they not only defend against Indian attack but also captured 4.5 miles area of India & also arrested 50 soldiers. Capt Sunbal was the first man who died during that war. When India didn't able to get their desired result they expand the war to Sialkot and Chawinda sectors to diverse the attention of Pakistan Army. The war Started from the backside of Sialkot and spread 30 miles towards city. In this attack India used one hundred thousands soldiers ,Seven hundred tanks & Four hundred Heavy Guns. But India defeated badly at thas sector too. The end result shows clearly that this war was not depend at Army size or the weapons that they are having it. In 1965 war Pakistani men, women, farmers, laborers, students, fought bravely with Pakistan Army that causes Indian army to defeat. WAR AT CHAWINDA SECTOR: The Basic purpose to open that sector was that first they will attack Gujranwala Through Daska so that can meet force at Lahore so that can capture the area, Secondly they will be able to cut the supply line coming from Pasrur , Sialkot Road & Sialkot, That is why they pushed their strongest force to this war , which consist of 1st Division, 14 Alimentary Division, Six Mountains Division, 26 Road force & 2 Regiments of Tanks. It must be noted that. These are those Divisions which India use during Hyderabad, Junna Garh to crush the freedom movement. But Pakistan has limited force but is well established causes to Indian defeat. India has Silently taken there forces to Jalendhar to Sahiba divided into three parts.First part marches towards Tahnal from Degree, Second part marches to Chardah through Phalora & the Third part uses the Bazra Gahri to reach Sialkot, They have to reach at Chawinda then march collectively to next destinations. Indian army started working on his plan .On reaching on chawinda they spread there force & make their full attention towards chawinda road. The war has begin.On Pakistan side... Col. Nisar Ahmed Khan alerted the Squadron commander .Major M.Ahmed was appointed to stop this attack at flora. To protect Squadron there were two Squadrons of Major Raza Khan & Major Afandi respectively.At the moment the Punjab Regiment's Col.Jamshaid got order from the Brigade commander to face the enemy at chawinda secter. The Commander of Regiment Maj. M.Hussain has to crushed the enemy force by using tanks The Pakistan reply to their attack .. The 25 Calvary was the first which face the Indian force, which stop Indian 500 tanks by 45 tanks (A Regiment).In that attack the Major hit 8 tanks while Lance Naik hits 4 tanks..They were awarded by Sitaray-e-Jurat .After destroying the Indian army. Now it was necessary to destroy the Regimental Head of Indian Army.To achieve this target ,the Major Afandi & Major Raza Khan was appointed. The both Majors fires the enemy & crushed there attack. The Maj.Afandi, Maj. Raza Khan & Abdul Rehman top task was to destroy the Indian army,. In Pakistan side, the Air Force took its part & destroy Indian forces one by one.Meanwhile the Second Lt. Syed Fareed attacked the Indian force from the last rows, It cost Indian to loss their 5 Cannons,5 Tanks, 20 Heavy Vehicles& Over 200 Army men. Pakistan army has completely destroyed the Indian attacked. The Indian army force leave their Head Quarters. At 9th September Indian Government inserted their Air Force into war.They Prepared for new attack on Pakistan with their maximum force to capture the chawinda sector. They Further prepare plan to attack Pakistan with their fresh force. The Indian Force prepared for a new attack. Meanwhile before the attack the Major General Abrar Hussain were ready to defend their country. Now again the fight was fought at J-PAL Sector. This was the terrible fight, the human organ, fire & smoke was spread every where. Meanwhile the Col. himself visited the front cannoners to guide to fire at most accurate positions. It was an dangerous but courageous activity from Col.Abdul Rehman, He Fought bravely his army, but his jeep was hit by a bullet , which cause his death. Indian gathered fresh force to attack on Chawinda's Sector. Again the war was broken. Brigadier Amjad ,which was the head of artillery unit guided his army to destroy the Indian force , Now again the Air Force was called, they came on help to Army & fought well with the Army & causes the Indian Army to defeat.Col. Nisar took that advantage & captured the Indian forces Army men & weapons etc. From 7-17th September The Indian army having large resources of army power & weapons doesn't manage to capture the Chawinda sector. Backend Policy Failure: India had been defeated at every sector, they decided to get International support to stop the war. Indians are narrow minded so they decided to attack Pakistan to capture the chawinda & Sialkot sector at any cost. So Indian were preparing for a big new attack ... For this purpose they choose their finest army to attack Pakistan with its maximum force. In this attack there were over Six hundred Tanks being Taking Part in the war. In Pakistan side, the Major General Abrar Hussain & Major General Tikah Khan, visited the frontier force & encouraged them, in that fight Pakistani troops killed 340 Indians soldiers, Meanwhile The 4000 Indian Army Enter the Railway Line of Chawinda Border, But they got inside the range of Pakistani troops which was leaded by Major Raza Khan, In the Five Minutes There were only 100 Army Men's & 5 Captains manage to escape. Pakistani force made an history to defeat army which was much larger in number & having Good Resources doesn't able to defeat Pakistan Army.. The first press reporter after the war who had visited the Chawinda's Battle Site was "Mr. Ronald" said that "There were a large numbers of destroyed Indian Tanks in Chawinda Sector....The Pakistani force had stopped Indian force within 4-8 Miles. Which was a great & hard job to do....." In The fight The following Pakistani officer were awarded by "Hilal-e-Jurat" (A High Level Army Award form the Government). 1.Lt.Col.Jamshed 2.Maj.Dilwar Hussain. 3.Maj.Raza Khan. 4.Maj.Dost.M.Khayat. 5.Maj.M.Hussain. 6.Lt.Syed Fareed. 7.Lt.Tariq. 8.Sub.Sultan Khan 9.Lt.Abdul Rehman 10.Maj.Masood 11.Maj Rio. 12.Cap.Shafiq Ali. 13.Lance Naik Ghulam Ali. 14.Sub. Gul. 15.Hawaldar.Riaz 16.Naik. Ghanzfar. 17.L.D.Khan 18.Lance Naik Taj Mohammad اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ussaid-e-Raza مراسلہ: 5 ستمبر 2007 Report Share مراسلہ: 5 ستمبر 2007 achi maloomat hain.. اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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