MuhammedAli مراسلہ: 18 جولائی 2013 Report Share مراسلہ: 18 جولائی 2013 open the link and inform me if you all can read someothing or anything there. When I open the link nothing shows, a blank white page. اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eccedentesiast مراسلہ: 18 جولائی 2013 Report Share مراسلہ: 18 جولائی 2013 اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MuhammedAli مراسلہ: 18 جولائی 2013 Author Report Share مراسلہ: 18 جولائی 2013 Thank you brother, I will check again. 1 اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MuhammedAli مراسلہ: 18 جولائی 2013 Author Report Share مراسلہ: 18 جولائی 2013 (ترمیم شدہ) Mushrikeen Believed Their Idols To Be Allah's Subordinate Gods. Introduction:During many discussions with Wahhabi's on various issues relating to Tawassul it was noted that they believe; Mushrikeen of Makkah were declared Mushrikeen for taking intercessors, protectors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) and not for taking idol-gods as partners with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Some even held to opinion that Mushrikeen did not take their idols to be gods but they considered them as creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) as such they took them as intercessors, protectors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala).[1] and due to this belief of Mushrikeen; Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) declared them Mushrikeen in Qur’an. And in a recent discussion in which the Wahhabi's position was that use of Taweez is Shirk and the people who use Taweez are Mushrikeen; when the Wahhabi was cornered with correct understanding regarding use of Medicine/Taweez.[2] Tactically he made the fallowing statement: 'If this is the case then Ali even the Mushrikeen of Makkah were not guilty of Shirk because they did not expect anything from their Idols directly.'[3] then he asked me thought provoking question: 'So what is the difference between your belief and the belief of Mushrikeen?'[4] To which my answer was clear and unambiguous: "My belief is 'La ilaha il Allah.' and the Mushrikeen took their idols as gods as partners with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) and for this reason they were declared Mushrikeen." To which the Wahhabi replied; “Mushrikeen did not take their idols as gods but they took Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) has their God and took the idols as intercessors with Him.”[5] I informed him to believe in what he stated and disbelieve in position of Ahle Sunnat is clear cut kuffr. A indirect, implicit denial, rejection of many verses of the Qur’an which unambiguously establish Mushrikeen of Makkah took their idols as gods.[6] With this I ended the discussion and refused to hear another word in order to prevent him from further deviation into apostasy. Advised him to read on the topic and seek clarification from Wahhabi scholars and promised him that I will write something to explain, establish the position of Ahle Sunnat so he might benefit from it.Propagation of half truths by proponents of Wahhabi'ism; Mushrikeen believed in Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) as a God. Add to this faulty understanding of Shirk as'Sifaat[7] then compound it by preaching; Mushrikeen took their idols as intercessors for which they were declared Mushrikeen. Based on this the juhala of Wahhabi sect come to conclusion; “The Arabs were declared Mushrikeen for taking intercessors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala).” And when they are confronted with; no they were declared Mushrikeen because they took their idols as gods and as subordinate gods to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala), they reject it. Hence the focus of this article would be to establish with clear evidence of Qur’an, Sunnah; Arabs were declared as Mushrikeen for elevating their idols as subordinate gods to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala).Historical Origins Of Some Idols Of Mushrikeen:Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) quotes Mushrikeen as stating: "And they [the Mushrikeen] have said [to other Mushrikeen]: 'You shall not leave your gods: nor shall you leave Wadd, nor Suwa', nor Yaghuth, nor Ya'uq nor Nasr.” [Ref:71:23] These associates of Mushrikeen of Arabia originally were worshiped by people of Nuh (alayhis salam): “All the idols which were worshiped by the people of Noah were worshiped by the Arabs later on. As for the idol Wadd, it was worshiped by the tribe of Kalb at Daumat-al-Jandal; Suwa' was the idol of (the tribe of) Murad and then by Ban, Ghutaif at Al-Jurf near Saba; Yauq was the idol of Hamdan, and Nasr was the idol of Himyr, the branch of Dhi-al-Kala.'” Then the hadith goes on to reveal: “The names (of the idols) formerly belonged to some pious men of the people of Noah, and when they died Satan inspired their people to prepare and place idols at the places where they used to sit, and to call those idols by their names.” Under the influence of Shaytaan's misguidance the people did as Shaytaan wished: “... but the idols were not worshiped till those people (who initiated them) had died and the origin of the idols had become obscure, whereupon people began worshiping them.” [Ref: Bukhari, B60, H442]Some of the Mushrikeen of Makkah worshiped Lat, Uzza, Manat, whom they called daughters[8] of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) addressing these goddesses[9] states: “Have you seen Lat and Uzza. And other, the third, Manat?” [Ref: 53:19/20] The next two verses point out to the Mushrikeen their dislike of having daughters yet attribute to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) daughters and then Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states about these female deities: “These are nothing but names which you have devised,- you and your fathers,- for which Allah has sent down no authority (whatever). They follow nothing but conjecture and what their own souls desire! Even though there has already come to them Guidance from their Lord!” [Ref: 53:23] in another verse of the Qur’an: "If not Him, ye worship nothing but names which ye have named,- ye and your fathers,- for which Allah hath sent down no authority: the command is for none but Allah. He hath ...” [Ref: 12:40] Idol Of Mushrikeen In Kabah:The Arab Mushrikeen had hundreds of gods which they worshiped When Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) conquered the city of Makkah and entered with honor, dignity as a conqueror he marched to Kabah. There were three hundred-and-sixty idols situated in and around the Kabah: “He started stabbing the Idols with a stick he had in his hand and reciting: "Truth (Islam) has come and Falsehood (disbelief) has vanished." [Ref: Bukhari, B43, H658] and in another hadith fallowing addition is made to words of Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam): “Lo! falsehood was destined to vanish.” “Truth has arrived, and falsehood can neither create anything from the beginning nor can It restore to life.”[10] [Ref: Muslim, B19, H4397] Next Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) refused to enter the kabah with idols in it so he ordered idols to be taken out: “So they were taken out. The people took out the pictures of Abraham and Ishmael holding Azlams in their hands. Allah's Apostle said, "May Allah curse these people. By Allah, both Abraham and Ishmael never did the game of chance with Azlams." Then Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) entered the Kabah and said: “Takbir at its corners but did not offer the prayer in it.” [Ref: Bukhari, B26, H671]Mushrikeen Of Arabia Took Their Idols As Gods Like Previous Nations: Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) narrates the story of Ibrahim (alayhis salam) when he asked the Mushrikeen of his Ummah: “When he said to his father and his people: "What do you worship?" They said: "We worship idols[11] and to them we are ever devoted." Prophet Ibrahim (alayhis salam) asked them about their idols: “... "Do they hear you, when you call on (them)? "Or do they benefit you or do they harm (you)?" [Ref: 71: 70/73] In another verse Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) is instructed to question the Mushrikeen of Makkah with similar question about the idols of Mushrikeen of Makkah: “... "How do you worship besides Allah something which has no power either to harm or benefit you? But it is Allah Who is the All-Hearer, All-Knower." [Ref: 5:76] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) informs the Mushrikeen of Makkah: “And they worship besides Allah things that harm them not, nor profit them, and they say: "These are our intercessors with Allah." [Ref: 10:18] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states; even though the idols are unable to benefit or harm, or hear, or see, or create and possess no power over death or raising people to life the Mushrikeen have taken these idols as gods: “Yet they have taken besides Him other gods (i.e. alihah) who created nothing but are themselves created, and possess neither harm nor benefit for themselves, and possess no power (of causing) death, nor (of giving) life, nor of raising the dead.” [Ref: 25:3]Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) questions the Mushrikeen Makkah:“Do they attribute as partners to Allah those who created nothing but they themselves are created?” [Ref: 7:191] Exact meaning are revealed when the bani Israel crossed the sea they saw a group of people worshiping idols: “... and they came upon a people devoted to some of their idols (in worship).” Then shaytaan misguided them and bani Israel asked: "O Musa (Moses)! Make for us a god (i.e. idol) like they have gods (i.e. idols)." He said: "Verily, you are a people who know not." [Ref: 7:138] Prophet Musa (alayhis salam) pointed to the enormity of the sin which they asked him to commit by asking him to create a idol god for them. And drawing from the historical event of Musa (alayhis salam), Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) addressing the Mushrikeen of Makkah states: “Those whom they (Al-Mushrikun ) invoke besides Allah have not created anything, but are themselves created.” [Ref: 16:20] Meaning, Mushrikeen you call upon in worship to idols which are created by your own hands and they the idols have not created anything in creation of Allah, not even a fly: “... Verily those on whom you call besides Allah, cannot create (even) a fly, even though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly snatches away a thing from them, they will have no power to release it from the fly. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought.” [Ref: 22:73] In another verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states that those idols who can not create anything and are created by the hands of people who worship them are gods: “Yet they have taken besides Him other gods (i.e. alihah) who created nothing but are themselves created, and possess neither harm nor benefit for themselves, and possess no power (of causing) death, nor (of giving) life, nor of raising the dead.” [Ref: 25:3]Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) quotes the language Mushrikeen of Makkah used to slander Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) because he called them to Tawheed of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala): “And (they) said: "Are we going to abandon our gods for the sake of a mad poet?" [Ref: 37:36] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) relates in Qur’an how the Mushrikeen of Makkah made a habit of mocking Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam): “And when those who disbelieved see you [O Prophet Muhammad] they take you not except for mockery (saying): "Is this the one who talks (badly) about your gods?" [Ref: 21:36] Another verse records the efforts of Mushrikeen to preserve their idolatry: “And the leaders [of Mushrikeen from] among them went forth, [saying] "Continue, and be patient over [the defense of] your gods. Indeed, this is a thing intended.” [Ref: 38:6] In another verse the leaders of Mushrikeen have been recorded as alleging Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) would mislead them if they were to accept his teachings of Tawheed: "He would have nearly misled us from our gods, had it not been that we were patient and constant in their worship!" [Ref: 25:42] When Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) warned the Mushrikeen of the punishment if they did not give up idol worship and believe in the teaching of Qur’an the leaders of Mushrikeen said: “..."Have you come to turn us away from our alihah (gods)? Then bring us that with which you threaten us, if you are one of the truthful!" [Ref: 46:22] The Mushrikeen were so accustomed to their polytheistic centered world that when Prophet (sallalalahu alayhi was'sallam) proclaimed the message of Tawheed: “Your Ilah (i.e. god) is One Ilah (i.e. god). But for those who believe not in the Hereafter, their hearts deny [the belief in Unity Of Allah] and they are proud.” [Ref: 16:22] “He is the Living (One): There is no god but He: Call upon Him, giving Him sincere worship. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!” [Ref: 40:65] They replied in amazement and surprise: “Has he made the gods (all) into one God? Truly this is a strange thing!” [Ref: 38:4/5]Mushrikeen Believed In Allah (subhana wa ta'ala): Mushrikeen of Arabia believed in Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) their supreme God created the space, earth who controlled the amoor e azaam (i.e. great affairs) of universe: “And if you were to ask them who created the heavens and the earth, they would surely say “Allah!” [Ref: 29:61] and same is affirmed in another verse: “If thou shouldst ask them: Who created the heavens and the earth? they would answer: Allah. Say: Praise be to Allah! But most of them know not.” [Ref: 31:25] Also believed that mercy as well as punished is ordained by Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) and only He can avert the punishment and withhold his mercy. Hence Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) informs them of their actions: "If indeed, you ask them who is it that created the heavens and the earth, they would be sure to say, 'Allah'. Say : See you then the things that you invoke besides Allah? Can they, if Allah wills some penalty for me, remove His penalty?[12] Or if He will some grace for me, can they keep back His grace ?" [Ref: 39:38] In another verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) gives example of how truly and firmly the Mushrikeen believe; Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) punishes, averts punishment and grants mercy: “And when harm touches you upon the sea, those that you call upon besides Him are lost from you – except Him (Allah alone). But when He brings you safely to land, you turn away (from Him). And man is ever ungrateful.” [Ref: 17:67] They turn away from Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) in meaning; they attribute their safe return to their idol gods: "Allah has said: "Take not (for worship) two gods: for He is just One Allah. then fear Me (and Me alone)." ... Yet, when He removes the distress from you, behold! some of you turn to other gods to join with their Lord." [Ref: 16:51/54]In another verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) instructs Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) to say to the Mushrikeen: "...who is it that sustains you (in life) from the sky and from earth?”[13] Or who is it that has power over hearing and sight?[14] And who is it that brings the living from the dead and the dead from the living?[15] And who is it that rules and regulates all affairs? They will quickly say, Allah. Say : Will you not then show piety to Him'' [Ref: 10:31] and the questioning of Mushirkeen continues: “Say: Unto Whom (belongeth) the earth and whosoever is therein, if ye have knowledge? They will say: Unto Allah.[16] Say: Will ye not then remember? Say: Who is Lord of the seven heavens, and Lord of the Tremendous Arsh? They will say: Unto Allah (all that belongeth).[17] Say: Will ye not then keep duty (unto Him)? Say: In Whose hand is the dominion over all things and He protecteth, while against Him there is no protection, if ye have knowledge? They will say: Unto Allah (all that belongeth). Say: How then are ye bewitched? “[Ref: 23:84-89] Keeping with the theme of heavens and earth Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states what the Mushrikeen would say if there were asked: “Who created the heavens and the earth, and constrained the sun and the moon (to their appointed work)? they would say: Allah. How then are they turned away? [...] And if thou wert to ask them: Who causeth water to come down from the sky, and therewith reviveth the earth after its death? they verily would say: Allah. Say: Praise be to Allah! But most of them have no sense.” [Ref: 29:61-63]Mushrikeen Associated Their Idol-Gods As Partners Of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala):Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) quotes Mushrikeen belonging to Prophet Hud's (alayhis salam) Ummah: “They said: "O Hud! No evidence have you brought us, and we shall not leave our gods for your (mere) saying! And we are not believers in you. All that we say is that some of our gods have seized you with evil (madness)." In response to the Mushrikeen Prophet Hud (alayhis salam) is reported to have said: "I call Allah to witness and bear you witness that I am free from that which you ascribe as partners in worship with Him (Allah). So plot against me, all of you, and give me no respite.” [Ref: 11:53/55] Just as Prophet Hud (alayhis salam) disassociated from associating god-partners to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) was instructed to: “Say: "I invoke only my Lord (Allah Alone) and I associate none as partners along with Him." [Ref: 72:20] and in another verse he was instructed ask the Mushrikeen to invoke their god-partners to punish him: “Say "Call your (so-called) partners (of Allah) and then plot against me, and give me no respite!” [Ref: 7:195] And this was to establish that their idol god-partners of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) are unable, hear, see, benefit or to do any harm: “Say: "How do you worship besides Allah something which has no power either to harm or benefit you? But it is Allah Who is the All-Hearer, All-Knower." [Ref: 5:76]Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) questions about the equal-partners[18] which the Mushrikeen attributed with Him: “Do they attribute as partners to Allah those who created nothing but they themselves are created?” Meaning, the partners which the Mushrikeen assign to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) they are created by the hands of Mushrikeen (i.e. idols) and these idols do not create anything in creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). The verse continues: “No help can they give them, nor can they help themselves.” Meaning the partner idol-gods can not help the Mushrikeen nor these attributed partners to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) can help themselves.[19] Further Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states about these so called partners of His: “And if you call them to guidance, they follow you not. It is the same for you whether you call them or you keep silent.” [Ref: 7:191/193] Meaning if you call the idol-gods they can not hear your call for aid O Mushrikeen:[20]“Yet they have taken besides Him other gods (i.e. alihah) who created nothing but are themselves created, and possess neither harm nor benefit for themselves, and possess no power (of causing) death, nor (of giving) life, nor of raising the dead.” [Ref: 25:3] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) in refutation to the creed of Mushrikeen states: “Or have they a god other than Allah? Exalted is Allah far above the things they associate with Him!” [Ref: 52:43] and in another verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states about the partners which the Mushrikeen attributed to Him: “Behold! verily to Allah belong all creatures, in the heavens and on earth. And what do those who pray to the partners instead of Allah, follow? They follow nothing but conjecture, and they do nothing but make guesses.” [Ref: 10:66]Idols As Subordinate God-Partners Of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala):It is reported when the Mushrikeen performed Tawaf around the Kabah their version of Talbiyah consisted of words: “Here I am at Thy service, there is no associate with Thee.” The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Woe be upon them, as they also said: “But one associate with Thee, you possess mastery over him, but he does not possess mastery (over you).” They used to say this and circumnavigate the Ka'ba.” [Ref: Muslim, B7, H2671] This establishes, Mushrikeen believed Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is the supreme God who is in control of all gods but no god is in control of Him. Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) commenting on this belief of Mushrikeen that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is the master of their gods and they are his servants states: “He sets forth for you a parable from your own-selves: Do you have partners among those whom your right hands possess (i.e your slaves) to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you whom you fear as you fear each other? Thus do We explain the signs in detail to a people who have sense.” [Ref: 30:28] And objective is to point out to Mushrikeen that the slaves which you posses as your property do not have equal right on property of slave-owner nor they are your equals. Then how can the subordinate gods who are servants of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) be equals in with Him! Either they the gods of Mushrikeen are equals of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) in godhood or they are his servants If they are equals with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) then they have no master over them and if they are servants then they can not be equals.Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) refutes their polytheistic creed in various ways: “Allah sets forth the Parable (of two men: one) a slave under the dominion of another; He has no power of any sort; and (the other) a man on whom We have bestowed goodly favors from Ourselves, and he spends thereof (freely), privately and publicly: are the two equal? (By no means;) praise be to Allah. But most of them understand not.” [Ref: 16:75] Meaning one who is slave to another can not do freely as he pleases but one who is free from authority of another can do as he pleases. And in context the implications are gods which are subject to authority of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) would be restricted, slaves, unable to carry out anything on their own because their Master the Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) would have authority over them, to whom they will have to report. In the next verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) give another example: “Allah sets forth (another) Parable of two men: one of them dumb, with no power of any sort; a wearisome burden is he to his master; whichever way be directs him, he brings no good: is such a man equal with one who commands Justice, and is on a Straight Way? “ [Ref: 16:76] Implication is that a idol-god which has no power what so ever and it is burden to its owner. Regardless of it being invoked for aid, brings no good. Compared to such dumb useless idol-god, Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is one who instructs justice and is on straight way.In another verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states: “Allah puts forth a similitude: a (slave) man belonging to many partners (like those who worship others along with Allah) disputing with one another, and a (slave) man belonging entirely to one master. Are those two equal in comparison? All the praises and thanks be to Allah! But most of them know not.” [Ref: 39:29] Indicating that if there were more then one god then one person would be slave to many gods and these gods would argue, dispute with each other over how a person should behave, and how a creation should be, causing confusion, chaos: “!If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! but glory to Allah, the Lord of the Throne: (High is He) above what they attribute to Him!” [Ref: 21:22] And if there was One Master then he would be the only one to decide how the slave should behave and how creation should be designed. After informing them of the confusion and chaos that would be in the universe Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) questions them: “Are those two [systems of belief] equal in comparison?”[21] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) gives another reason why the belief in many gods is absurd: “Allah has not taken any son, nor has there ever been with Him any god. [if there had been], then each god would have taken what it created, and some of them would have sought to overcome others. Exalted is Allah above what they describe [concerning Him].” [Ref: 23:91] Meaning, had there been gods with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) then each god would have taken his created living beings to his own created heavens, earth, and would have attempted to over throw the other gods dominion with aim of presiding over it as god. And Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) refutes the polytheistic creed of many gods governing universe with: "He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: no son has He begotten, nor has He a partner in His dominion: it is He who created all things, and ordered them in due proportions. [3] Yet have they taken, besides him, gods that can create nothing but are themselves created; that have no control of hurt or good to themselves; nor can they control death nor life nor resurrection." [Ref: 25:2] Worshiping Subordinate Idol-God Partners To Get Close To Allah (subhana wa ta'ala):The Mushrikeen worshiped their subordinate idol-god partners and the reason given by them: “Is it not to Allah that sincere devotion is due?[22] But those who take for protectors besides Him (i.e. min dunihi)[23] (say): "We only worship them in order that they may bring us nearer to Allah." [Ref: 39:3] And when the Mushrikeen were called to Tawheed and worship of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) alone they argued; if Tawheed and worship of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) alone was the teaching of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) then Jews as well as Christians would have informed them of this message before. Then they asked for the proof of teaching of Tawheed and teaching of worship of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) alone from teachings of Prophets gone past. In response to this Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) stated: “And question thou our apostles whom We sent before thee; Did We appoint any gods other than Most Gracious to be worshiped?” [Ref: 43:45] Implication of this question is; Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) did not appoint any god to be worshiped besides Him. Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) then states: "These our people have taken for worship gods other than Him: why do they not bring forward an authority clear (and convincing) for what they do? Who doth more wrong than such as invent a falsehood against Allah.” [Ref: 18:15] and in another verse: Or have they taken for worship (other) gods besides him? Say, "Bring your convincing proof: this is the Message of those with me and the Message of those before me." But most of them know not the Truth, and so turn away. “ [Ref: 21:24] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) will question the Mushrikeen of Arabia who worshiped the idol-gods: “Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will disgrace them and will say: "Where are My (so called) partners concerning whom you used to disagree and dispute?" [Ref: 16:27] One reply the Mushrikeen would give: "By Allah, our Lord we were not those who joined others in worship with Allah." [Ref: 6:23] in another verse it is recorded they will say: "We inform You that none of us bears witness to it (i.e. that they are Your partners)!" [Ref: 41:47] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) will know the lies of Mushrikeen but they will eventually admit: "They [the idol-gods] have vanished and deserted us." And they will bear witness against themselves, that they were disbelievers.” [Ref: 7:37] And Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) in will say: “And truly you have come unto Us alone as We created you the first time. You have left behind you all that which We had bestowed on you. We see not with you your intercessors whom you claimed to be partners with Allah. Now all relations between you and them have been cut off, and all that you used to claim has vanished from you.” [Ref: 6:94] Also Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) questions: “Then why did those whom they had taken for alihah (i.e. Gods) besides Allah, as a way of approach (to Allah) not help them?” and the question is answered by Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) Himself in the same verse: “Nay, but they vanished completely from them (when there came the torment). And that was their lie, and their inventions which they had been inventing.” [Ref: 46:28] Then Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) will say to the Mushrikeen: “Indeed, you [the disbelievers] and what you worship other than Allah are the fuel of Hell. You will be coming to [enter] it. Had these [false deities] been [actual] gods, they would not have come to it, but all are eternal therein.” [Ref: 21:98/99]Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) gather the Jinns, Angles, Isa (alayhis salam), Maryam (alayhis salam), Uzair (alayhis salam) and the Saliheen belonging to Ummah of Nuh (alayhis salam) and question them: “The day He will gather them together as well as those whom they worship besides Allah, He will ask: "Was it ye who let these My servants astray, or did they stray from the Path themselves?" [Ref: 25:17] The polytheistic sect of Jews Christians, and polytheist who worshiped the Jinn as well Angles will spot the whom they had been worshiping in the earthly life and will point them out to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala): “And when those who associated partners with Allah see their (Allah's so-called) partners, they will say: "Our Lord! These are our partners whom we used to invoke besides you." [Ref: 16:86] In response to Allah's (subhana wa ta'ala) question they will say: “One day shall We gather them all together. Then shall We say to those who joined gods (with Us): "To your place! ye and those ye joined as 'partners' We shall separate them, and their "Partners" shall say: "It was not us that ye worshiped!” [Ref: 10:28] and the associated partners will also say: "Surely! You [Mushrikeen] indeed are liars!" [Ref: 16:86] Then Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) will place barrier between the Mushrikeen and the Saliheen, Prophet, Angles, and the pious Jinn: “And (remember) the Day He will say: "Call those (so-called) partners of Mine whom you pretended." Then they will cry unto them, but they will not answer them, and We shall put a Maubiq (barrier) between them.” [Ref: 18:52] Thus they will not be able to receive any help nor whom they worshiped will be able to hear them because they will be in paradise enjoying what Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) promised them.Conclusion:To believe the Mushrikeen were declared as Mushrikeen because of believing in intercessors, protectors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is arguing to establish permissible type of Shirk as well as impermissible type of Shirk. Note we the Muslims profess Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) as well as his Ummatis are Awliyah (i.e. protectors) and Shuhaf'a (i.e. intercessors) with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) on the day of judgment Therefore mere affirmation of belief in a creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) to be Wali (i.e. protector) and Shafi (i.e. intercessor) cannot be the reason of Shirk. Otherwise the Muslims have been forced to affirm the Shirk of Mushrikeen in Qur’an for creations of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Or otherwise we have to accept the impossible reality of permissible type of Shirk and impermissible type of Shirk. Permissible type of Shirk being; Prophet (sallalalahu alayhi was'sallam) as well as believers being Awliyah and Shufa'a and impermissible type of Shirk being taking of idols as Awliyah and Shufa'a. In Islam Shirk was not legitimized for believers and made illegal for disbelievers. Whatever belief is legitimized for believers if a Mushrik was to affirm it his belief would be accepted and whatever belief warrants Shirk upon Mushrikeen equally is Shirk if a Muslim professes it. Hence believing in a creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) to be Shafi or Wali cannot be the reason for Shirk of Mushrikeen. Not unless the creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is believed to be absolute-partner with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) in these attributes. Or the creation is elevated to the status of a god-partner of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). In that case elevating a creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) to status of god and then believing this god possesses the attributes of Wali and Shafi will make that creation a absolute-partner with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) in these attributes warranting major Shirk.It is established that Mushrikeen believed in idols, Jinns, angles to be their gods and believed in Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) to be the supreme Deity who had god-partners. Also believed that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) possessed authority over these subordinate gods and they did not have any authority over Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). In addition to this, they believed their subordinate-god-partners, were their intercessors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) and their worship of these gods/goddesses will bring them closer to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala).[24] Thus the people of Arabia were declared Mushrikeen because they believed in god-partners with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) and not for the belief that idols are their; intercessors to, protectors with, Allah (subhana wa ta'ala).Wama alayna ilal balaghul mubeen.Muhammed Ali Razavi Footnotes: - [1] The truth is compromised of both; the Mushrikeen indeed took their idols as intercessors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) which is supported with fallowing verse in which the Mushrikeen argued their idols are their intercessors: "They worship besides Allah, things that hurt them not nor profit them, and they say: "These are our intercessors with Allah." Say: "Do ye indeed inform Allah of something He knows not, in the heavens or on earth?- Glory to Him! and far is He above the partners they ascribe (to Him)!" [Ref: 10:18] In another verse of Qur’an Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) criticizing the idols of Mushrikeen states: "What! Do they take for intercessors others besides Allah. Say: "Even if they have no power whatever and no intelligence?" [Ref: 39:43] but it is also true that Mushrikeen in time of Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) as well as in time of Prophet Ibrahim (alayhis salam) took their idols as gods: "Lo! Abraham said to his father Azar: "Takest thou idols for gods? For I see thee and thy people in manifest error." [Ref: 6:74] as well as took those people as gods whom the idols represented and it was for this reason alone Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) declared them Mushrikeen.- [2] Wahhabi's argument centered around Shirk of attributes. He argued that people who wear Taweez believe the cure for their illness is from this Taweez and not from Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Therefore those who use Taweez commit Shirk because the curing is a attribute of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). In response to which I made a brief statement: 'Commonly in linguistic/allegorical terms it is said by Muslims and non-Muslims alike that food satisfies hunger, water quenches thirst, knife cuts, fire burns,medicine heals yet the in Haqiqi (realistic, literal) terms we the Muslims believe that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) satisfies hunger, quenches thirst, cuts, burns and food, water, knife, fire are the means via which Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) achieves his objectives.” I proceeded: "If the user of Taweez actually believes in Haqiqi terms the cure is from Taweez and not from Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) then indeed he is Mushrik but if he states in Majazi (i.e. allegorical) term that cure is from Taweez but it is part of his belief that via this Taweez Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) cures the illness then he has nothing wrong with his aqeedah of Tawheed." To illustrate my point to him I proceeded from here in question and answer manner. Me: “Does water quench thirst or Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)?” Him: “Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)!” Me: “Does food satisfy hunger or Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)?” Him: “Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)! Me: Does fire burn or Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)?” Him: “Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)!” Me: “Does medicine cure or Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)?” Him: [Thinking he was being smart he answered] "With this one I would say medicine." Me: “So in Haqiqi (real, actual) sense the cure is from medicine and not from Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)?” Him: “No, no! The cure is from Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) but medicine is means to cure.” Me: “Yes, medicine is means to cure in Majazi sense and if someone was to say in Majazi sense that the Taweez cures [as you Naveed said medicine cures in Majazi terms] or believes in Majazi sense that Taweez cures [as you Naveed believed medicine cures in Majazi sense] but in Haqiqi terms only Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) cures then he does not commit Shirk.” To summarize the main point; we can not declare anyone to be Mushrik just on basis of Majazi (i.e. metaphorical), Zahiri (i.e. superficial), Lughvi (i.e. linguistical) affirmation of cure to Taweez or medicine. Or Majazi affirmation of knife cutting, food satisfying hunger, and water quenching thirst until a person unambiguously states, medicine, taweez, food, water, knife cut, cure, satisfy hunger, and quench thirst not Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Note: This discussion is not exact representation of actual full dialogue because I can not recall everything which was said. Other aspects of dialogue which I do remember but can not pin point where they belong in the chronological order of discussion thus I have omitted them.- [3] Note here Mr Naveed was drawing a parallel between the belief of Ahlus Sunnah; Taweez being means of cure, and Mushrikeens belief: idols being intercessors/means to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) for material gain, cure from illness etc. Part One: Yes they did indeed took their idol gods as intercessors and means to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Mr Naveed the Mushrikeen of Makkah were not declared Mushrikeen for holding the belief; their idols are means to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). They were declared Mushrikeen on the basis of their belief; idols are god-partners with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Part Two: We believe Isa (alayhis salam) is Roohullah so do the Christians believe Jesus is Spirit of God. Does this similarity negatively effect aqeedah of a Muslim? Does this similarity in belief determine a Muslim is Mushrik or Christian is a Muslim? Of course not because the fundamental disagreement with Christians is they took Jesus to be god and we believed in Isa (alayhis salam) as a Messenger of God. So our understanding of Isa (alayhis salam) being spirit from Him and spirit of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is meaning of him being a Prophet of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) like other Prophets, a creation. Where as the Christians believe Isa (alayhis salam) is Roohullah in meaning of him being God, three in One. Therefore our point of agreement does not detract from belief of Muslim nor does this agreement of belief remove Christian from fold of polytheism because the reason of their polytheism was their elevating Jesus to level of god and son of god. Part Three: Similarity in one's one aspect of belief does not determine one to be protected from disbelief or from being a disbeliever. Rather belief and disbelief is independent of similarity of belief which Muslims might have with Mushrikeen of Makkah, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs. In case of Mushrikeen of Makkah as well as with regards to Christians, our disagreement with them is on fundamental aspect of aqeedah. They take creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) as a god. In short their disbelief is not judged based on what they have in agreement with aqeedah of Tawheed or belief of Muslims or teaching of Qur’an but what they choose to disbelieve of Islam.- [4] It wasn't possible for him to deny or reject or even refute the argument I presented with regards to use of Taweez therefore he changed the battle ground to a different topic (i.e. Tawassul). The implications of his question in the context of the discussion was to insinuate that Mushrikeen as well as Ahlus Sunnah have same belief that in Haqiqi sense; aid, cure, sickness comes from Allah but the idols/Awliyah-Allah/Taweez are the intercessors/means via which Allah grants. Hence in the belief of Ahlus Sunnah and in the belief of Mushrikeen there is no difference [implication of which is Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammat are Mushrikeen]. Part One: Tehqeeqi answer is that people of Makkah were declared Mushrikeen because they took idols as gods with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) not for just believing the idols to be their intercessors. Part Two: A tanqeedi answer; Wahhabis too believe in Haqiqi sense the aid, cure, cutting, burning, quenching of thirst is from Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Therefore you are taking medicine, food, water, fire, knife as means/intercessors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). And your belief also is; Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) grants cure via medicine, satisfies hunger with food, quenches thirst with water, and burns with fire. On the basis of intercession you insinuated; the aqeedah of Sunni's is same as aqeedah of Mushrikeen yet it is evident that you also believe in means/intercessors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Now I inquire Mr Wahhabi: "What is the difference between your belief and the belief of Mushrikeen?" and this is from me: "Why are you not Mushrik (i.e. kaffir who believes in multiple gods) due to similarity of your aqeedah with Mushrikeen?” According to your Wahhabi'ism you are Mushrik because you believe in means/intercessors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Part Three: The only viable option is to affirm what Ahlus Sunnah affirm; the Shirk of people of Makkah was that they took idols as gods and this was the reason for which they were guilty of Shirk. And affirm their Shirk was not that they took intercessors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). You may argue: "... but I do not believe these objects are intercessors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala)." Answer is you don't have to; their position as 'intercessor' is derived due to similarity of aqeedah between Mushrikeen and your aqeedah about the mentioned. And considering the similarities & role they play with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) they were stated to be intercessors. Note medicine, food, water, knife, fire, are a waseela (i.e. a mean) which Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) uses to achieve what His will is in Haqiqi sense. They are wasail (i.e. means) without which Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) will not grant cure, satisfy hunger, cut or burn and; they in reality hold the position of being our intercessors with Allah (suhana wa ta'ala). When these materials are used if Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) grants these objects do what is expected of them; then they do as expected. And when permission is refused by Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) they are unable to and unwilling to act as they are expected.- [5] My knowledge of Wahhabi's was/is that ahlul ilm from amongst the Wahhabi's believe; Mushrikeen took the idols as gods and as subordinate gods to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) but also incorrectly believe the reason for the Shirk of Mushrikeen was taking of prohibited type of intercessors with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). This Wahhabi individual maybe was not familiar with the Qur'anic evidences which support the belief; Mushrikeen took idols as their gods and as subordinate gods hence he was disbelieving in it. Or maybe with typical Wahhabi zeal of bashing Sufis and their 'shirk' got carried away from Islam. Whatever the actual case I believe this was a mistake on his part due to lack of his knowledge of Qur’an One has to be insane to negate the unambiguous text of Qur’an unless he willingly, knowingly, wishes for kuffr. He would have believed if proper evidence from Qur’an and Ahadith had been provided to him. - [6] Any individual who does not believe; the Mushrikeen believed their idols to be gods and as subordinate gods to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) such person is guilty of denial, rejection, disbelief of Qur’an, as such guilty of kuffr. And if he/she is quoted clear evidence from Qur’an as well as hadith yet he/she chooses to disbelieve in Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) and his beloved Messenger (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) such a person has become a kaffir. Technically a apostate whose head must be severed from his body to uphold the law of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala).- [7] Part One: Wahhabi understanding of Shirk of attributes is simple; X, Y Z, U, P, L M, are attributes of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) assigning any of these attributes to a creation means we have made a partner with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). To illustrate with a example, Sufi says: "X is attribute of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) and my Shaikh also possess X as a attribute." Wahhabi response would be something like this: "Mushrik, kaffir, grave worshiper, Shaikh worshiper, it is halal for me to kill you and take your property." Due to the incorrect understanding of Shirk as'Sifaat Wahhabis are unable to find the fault or see fault in their understanding because the methodology to judge Shirk as'Sifaat supports what is taught to them. In reality Shirk would only be warranted if the Sufi believes in Haqiqi, Zaati, Qulli, Azli, Dai'mi sense the Shaikh possesses the attribute of X not if he affirms it in Majazi, Atahi, Baaz, Zim'ni sense. In short not on the basis of same word but on the basis of same meaning; if he believes Shaikh's X attribute is Zaati (i.e. personnel) in meaning that he possesses it by his own self and Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) did not grant it to him as no one granted to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) then Sufi is Mushrik. If he believes Shaikh's X attribute is Qulli (i.e. absolute, perfect) in meaning that he possesses it perfectly, unlimitly as Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) possesses it; then the Sufi is Mushrik and so on. Part Two: Wahhabi'ism being offshoot of Khariji sect; just like the Kharijites the Wahhabi's make exceptions and refrain from making takfir if it is proven that there is evidence for a attribute which is affirmed for Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) as well as His creation. According to Ahlus Sunnah the Wahhabi principle of: 'Affirming a attribute Allah's (subhana wa ta'ala) for one of His Creation is Shirk if there is no evidence to support it.' is extremely misguided and misguiding. Existence of evidence and absence of evidence does not determine a belief to be Shirk [Al Akbar/ as'Sifaat] or not. Shirk will remain Shirk with or without evidence. The only point which Wahhabi principle establishes is; if it is permissible type of Shirk [Al Akbar/ as'Sifaat] or prohibited type of Shirk [Al Akbar/ as'Sifaat]. Permissible type of Shirk [Al Akbar/ as'Sifaat] being where there is evidence for Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) and one of His creation possessing the attribute. And prohibited type of Shirk [Al Akbar/ as'Sifaat] where there is evidence for Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) possessing a attribute but there is no evidence that His creation possesses this attribute yet it is affirmed for creation as well. And in Islam there is no room for permissible Shirk Al Akbar and prohibited Shirk Al Akbar. All forms of major Shirk are Kuffr and end in associating a creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) being made partner with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) in His God-hood. Hence the principle employed by Wahhabiyya is heretical because it produces teachings which are heretical.- [8] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states: “When news is brought to one of them of (the birth of) a female his face darkens and he is filled with inward grief!” [Ref: 16:58] After stating how sad the Mushrikeen felt when they are given the news of birth of a female child Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) instructs to ask the Mushrikeen: “Now ask them their opinion: Is it that thy Lord has (only) daughters, and they have sons?” [Ref: 37:149] and few verses later: “Did He (then) choose daughters rather than sons?” [Ref: 37:153] And reality is that none of them knew who Lat, Uzza, Manat were, male or female and their knowledge of them was based on conjecture. There is clear proof that Lat was a man and not a female: “Regarding His statement about the Lat and the Uzza: Lat was originally a man who used to mix Sawiq for the pilgrims.” [Ref: Book 60, Hadith 382]- [9] “(The Pagans), leaving Him, call but upon (i.e. yad'una) female goddesses: They call but upon Satan the persistent rebel!" [Ref: 4:117]- [10] Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) recited the verse upon the idols while destroying them indicating the verse is referring to the idols: “Truth has arrived, and falsehood can neither create anything from the beginning nor can It restore to life.” [Ref: 39:49] and by falsehood idols are intended. In another verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) questions the Mushrikeen: "Will ye worship, besides Allah, something which hath no power either to harm or benefit you?” [Ref: 5:76] indicating that Mushrikeen know: “(They the idols are) dead, lifeless, and they know not when they (the people) will be raised up." [Ref: Surah 16:21] then Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) counters: “Yet have they taken, besides him, gods that can create nothing but are themselves created; that have no control of hurt or good to themselves; nor can they control death nor life nor resurrection.” [Ref: 25:3]- [11] Prophet Ibrahim (alayhis salam) knew that Mushrikeen of his era worshiped the idols, and worshiped these idols as gods: “And (remember) when Ibrahim (Abraham) said to his father Azar: "Do you take idols as alihah (gods)? Verily, I see you and your people in manifest error.” [Ref: 6:74] So his question was not to gain knowledge from the Mushrikeen but to start a dialogue with them, to create a basis for refutation.- [12] Another verse where Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) is instructed to make similar statement: "Shall I take (other) gods besides Him? If Most Gracious should intend some adversity for me, of no use whatever will be their intercession for me, nor can they deliver me.” [Ref: 36:23]- [13] The implications of the question is that the Mushrikeen Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) sustains the mankind on earth by sending rain from skies and as a result earth produces crops of various kind: “O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous - [He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and sent down from the sky, rain and brought forth thereby fruits as provision for you. So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know [that there is nothing similar to Him].” [Ref: 2:21/22]- [14] The Mushrikeen believed it is Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) who was in control of hearing and seeing. Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) confirms what the Mushrikeen believed about Allah (subhana wa ta'ala): “It is He Who has created for you (the faculties of) hearing, sight, feeling and understanding: little thanks it is ye give!” [Ref: 23:78] in another verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states:“Verily We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts), of hearing and Sight.” [Ref: 76:2] Once hearing, seeing are affirmed as in control of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) then they are told:“And if Allah willed, He could take away their faculty of hearing and seeing; for Allah hath power over all things.” [Ref: 2:20] “Say, "Have you considered: if Allah should take away your hearing and your sight and set a seal upon your hearts, which god other than Allah could bring them [back] to you?" Look how we diversify the verses; then they [still] turn away.” [Ref: 6:46] Implication of which is that in creed of Mushrikeen there is no other god able to revert the command of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) because He is the supreme God master of gods: “Ibn 'Abbas (Allah be pleased with them) reported that the polytheists also pronounced (Talbiya) as: “Here I am at Thy service, there is no associate with Thee.” The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Woe be upon them, as they also said: “But one associate with Thee, you possess mastery over him, but he does not possess mastery (over you).” They used to say this and circumbulate the Ka'ba.” [Ref: Muslim, B7, H2671]- [15] “Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which Allah Sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds, and the clouds which they Trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth;- (Here) indeed are Signs for a people that are wise.” [Ref: 2:164] In another verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) explains who He brings the living out of the dead, and dead out of the living: “It is Allah Who causeth the seed-grain and the date-stone to split and sprout. He causeth the living to issue from the dead and He is the one to cause the dead to issue from the living. That is Allah. then how are ye deluded away from the truth?” [Ref: 6:95]- [16] “To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: To Him do all questions go back (for decision).” [Ref: 3:109] “To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and on earth, and to Him is duty due always: then will ye fear other than Allah.” [Ref: 16:52] “To Him belong what is in the heavens and on earth, and all between them, and all beneath the soil.” [Ref: 20:6] “To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: for verily Allah,- He is free of all wants, Worthy of all Praise.” [Ref: 22:64]- [17] “Say: "Who is the Lord of the seven heavens, and the Lord of the Arsh Supreme?" [Ref: 23:86]“Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar number. Through the midst of them (all) descends His Command: that ye may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah comprehends, all things in (His) Knowledge.” [Ref: 65:12] "'See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another.” [Ref: 71:15] “Yea, to Allah belong the dominion of the heavens and the earth; and to Allah is the final goal (of all).” [Ref: 24:42] “Verily your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the Arsh, regulating and governing all things. No intercessor (can plead with Him) except after His leave (hath been obtained). This is Allah your Lord; Him therefore serve ye: will ye not receive admonition?” [Ref: 10:3]- [18] The Mushrikeen took their idol-gods or whom the idols represented as equal-partners/absolute-partners with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Meaning they took their idol-gods as equals of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) in attributes of hearing, seeing and equal in belief Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) was their God as well as their idol-gods. In addition they called upon Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) in times of difficulty as an act of worship and they worshiped the the idols because they considered them equal in worship of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) as well.- [19] After Prophet Ibrahim (alayhis salam) destroyed the idol-gods of his polytheistic Ummah: “They [the Mushrikeen] said: "Are you the one who has done this to our gods, O Ibrahim?" [Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam] Said: "Nay, this one, the biggest of them (idols) did it. Ask them, if they can speak!" [Ref: 21:62/63] Their inability to help others and helping themselves was demonstrated by Prophet Ibrahim (alayhis salam) because the idol-gods failed to protect themselves nor could they aid the investigators.- [20] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states: “Have they feet wherewith they walk? Or have they hands wherewith they hold? Or have they eyes wherewith they see? Or have they ears wherewith they hear? [Ref: 7:195] The deduction is that idol-gods can not hear the call of Mushrikeen nor they can help anyone else or themselves because they do not possess walking feet, holding hands, seeing eyes, and hearing ears.- [21] Mushrikeens in amazement to preaching of Tawheed by Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) had said: "Has he made the gods (all) into one Allah. Truly this is a wonderful thing!" [Ref: 38:5] so in response Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) questions them after establishing the authority of Tawheed with parables: “Are those two [belief systems] equal in comparison?”- [22] The Mushrikeen sincerely worshiped Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) in times of difficulty: “And if a wave comes upon them like mountains, they pray to Allah believing purely in Him; then when He brings them safely to land, some of them remain upon justice; and none will deny Our signs except an extremely unfaithful, ungrateful person.” [Ref: 31:32] but in their ordinary life they were sincere in worship of their idol-gods. Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) informs and instructs Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam): “Verily it is We Who have revealed the Book to thee in Truth: so worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion.” [Ref: 39:2] Addressing the mankind Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) the Living states: “He is the Living (One): There is no god but He: Call upon Him, giving Him sincere worship. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!” [Ref: 40:65]- [23] Introduction: The Wahhabis as well as Wahhabinised heretics apply the words min dunihi (i.e. besides Him, against Him, instead of Him) to be referring to all creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) including Prophets, Awliyah-Allah, Mushrikeen and idol-gods because in their understanding everyone other then Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is min dunihi with exception of meaning 'against Him'. The Wahhabi understanding creates room for distortion verses of Qur’an Which allows the Wahhabis to misconstrue the verses of Qur’an to denounce other Muslims as Mushrikeen. As an example, the Wahhabis would argue; you Sufis/Sunnis take Awliyah (i.e. protector) besides Allah, instead of Allah, against Allah, yet only Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is protector: “And incline not to those who do wrong, or the Fire will seize you; and ye have no protectors other than Allah, nor shall ye be helped.” [Ref: 11:113] Therefore you have given a attribute of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) to one of his creation for this reason you are kaffirs: “Do then those who disbelieved think that they can take My slaves as Auliya' (i.e. protectors) besides Me? Verily, We have prepared Hell as an entertainment for the disbelievers.” [Ref: 18:102] Note: Whenever a Wahhabi uses Qur’an as evidence to make takfir of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah then the Wahhabi does so acting on the methodology of Khawarij (i.e. applying the hokam of verses which were revealed for Mushrikeen and for their idol-gods, upon Tawheed affirming Muslims) as is the case in two quoted verses. Part One: There are two methods of refutation one is to chase each point of Wahhabi [this is the longer route]. The second method is to establish the opposite of Wahhabi foundational belief [this the shorter route]. In this case the shorter route would be employed in this section to clarify the Wahhabi distortion of Qur'anic verses and to refute the allegation against Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah. Wahhabi point one, only Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is protector and there is no protector other then Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Point two, believing in a protector other then Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) means giving a creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) His attribute. And finally point three, you Sufis/Sunnis are Mushrikeen for believing in protector besides Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Technically Wahhabi point one is foundation, and without which the points two, three, are baseless. Hence if it was refuted the entire building of distortion and takfir would collapse faster then the perfect demolition of twin towers. Part Two: Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) instructs: “O you who believe! Take not for Auliya' (i.e. protectors) disbelievers instead of believers. Do you wish to offer Allah a manifest proof against yourselves?” [Ref: 4:144] Implying that believers should only take believers as Awliyah. In another verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states He will reveal to the believers who out of them is munafiq and Momin by trying them with Jihad [fi sabilillah]. And by revealing who has taken others as Awliyah (i.e. protectors) other then Allah (subhana wa ta'ala), His Messenger and the Momineen: “Are you under the illusion that you would be left just like this. Whereas Allah has not yet made known [to you, of] those of you who will fight and not take protectors anyone except Allah and His Noble Messenger and the Muslims? And Allah is Well Aware of your deeds.” [Ref: 9:16] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states: “And whosoever takes Allah, His Messenger, and those who have believed, as protectors, then the party of Allah will be the victorious.” [Ref: 5:56] This establishes that there are Awliyah whom Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) has approved and those who believe in these Awliyah are the ones who have firm faith in Qur’an and they are indeed Muslims. Thus those who disbelieve in Allah (subhana wa ta'ala), RasoolAllah (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) as well as the pious believers being Awliyah are the ones who have committed kuffr because they reject Qur'anic verses knowingly/unknowingly Conclusion: It is clear that opposite of Wahhabi foundational belief as been established with firm and explicit proof. Hence point two 'believing in a protector other then Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) means giving a creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) His attribute.' can not be correct because it declares a Qur'anic teaching as Shirk (i.e. Prophet, Momineen being Awliyah). As an additional point, the Wahhabi methodology of determining Shirk of attributes is outward, word for word basis. Meaning Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) being protector means that is His attribute and if this word protector is used for creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) then Shirk is warranted. And Ahlus Sunnah do not just determine Shirk of attributes based on the use of same word but as well as same meaning. So, Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is protector from eternity, now if someone believes a creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is protector from eternity even the ones stated in Qur’an then the person has committed Shirk of attributes. Part A: In contrast to Wahhabis the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah is of belief; min dunihi (i.e. besides Him, against Him, instead of Him) is a technical term in vocabulary of Qur’an referring to gods and idol-gods. Mushrikeen are quoted as saying in the same verse: “We only worship them in order that they may bring us nearer to Allah." And its established the Mushrikeen worshiped idol-gods: "These our people have taken for worship gods other than Him: why do they not bring forward an authority clear (and convincing) for what they do?” [Ref: 18:15] and this establishes that Mushrikeen took idol-gods as protectors instead of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Part B: Mushrikeen believed their idol-gods were their protectors hence they worshiped them: But those who take for protectors besides Him (i.e. min dunihi) (say): "We only worship them in order that they may bring us nearer to Allah." [Ref: 39:3] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) declares about whom the Mushrikeen took as protectors: “Say: "(It is) Allah." Say: "Do ye then take protectors other than Him, such as have no power either for good or for harm to themselves?" [Ref: 13:16] And protectors min dunihi are gods of Mushrikeen who have not created anything but themselves are created, nor possess ability to harm or benefit: “Yet they have taken besides Him other gods (i.e. alihah) who created nothing but are themselves created, and possess neither harm nor benefit for themselves, and possess no power (of causing) death, nor (of giving) life, nor of raising the dead.” [Ref: 25:3] Part C: Coming to the verse: “Do then those who disbelieved think that they can take My slaves as Auliya' (i.e. protectors) besides Me? Verily, We have prepared Hell as an entertainment for the disbelievers.” [Ref: 18:102] The “My slaves as Awliyah besides Me (i.e. min duni)?” are people who have been elevated to status of gods. Mushrikeen belonging to Ummah of Nuh (alayhis salam) had elevated under the misguidance of Shaytaan the pious slaves belonging to Ummah of Nuh (alayhis salam) as gods. Zoroastrianism believed Satan was a evil god who was brother of God of good. The Mushrikeen of Arabia under the influence Zoroastrians believed that the Jinns they make partners with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) have blood relationship with Allah (subhana wa ta'ala): “And they have invented a blood-relationship between Him and the Jinns: but the Jinns know (quite well) that they have indeed to appear [before Him]!” [Ref: 37:158] With Jinns having blood-line going back to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) then natural conclusion is God's children are gods and to refute this blood-line concept Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) stated: “Say: He Allah is One! Allah the eternal, the perfect. He begets not nor He is begotten. And there is none like Him.” [Ref: 112:1/4] “Yet they [the Mushrikeen of Arabia and Zoroastrians] make the Jinns partners with Allah, though Allah did create the Jinns; and ...” [Ref: 6:100] The Christians elevated Isa (alayhis salam) and Maryam (alayhis salam) to status of gods:“And (remember) when Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection): "O 'Îsa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Did you say unto men: 'Elevate me and my mother as two gods besides Allah (i.e. min dunillah)?'” [Ref: 5:116] Note the question: “Did you say unto men: 'Elevate me and my mother as two gods besides Allah (i.e. min dunillah)?'” being asked to Isa (alayhis salam) on the day of judgment reveals that his Ummah elevated him and his mother as gods. Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states: “They have certainly disbelieved [in Isa alayhis salam] who say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary.” [Ref: 5:17] “Surely, they have disbelieved who say: "Allah is the Messiah son of Maryam." But the Messiah said: "O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Verily, whosoever sets up [gods and sons as] partners with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise to him, and the Fire will be his abode.” [Ref: 5:72] The verse: “My slaves as Awliyah besides Me (i.e. min duni)?” is also about those who have been elevated to status of sons of Allah. Isa (alayhis salam) was taken to be son of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) by Christians and Uzair (alayhis salam) whom the Jews took as son of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala): “The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say.” [Ref: 9:30] Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) refuting the claims of a faction of Jews and Christians states: “He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have children when He has no wife? He created all things and He is the All-Knower of everything.” [Ref: 6:101] and in another verse Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) states: “And they say: "The Most Gracious (i.e. Allah) has begotten a son." Glory to Him! They are but honored slaves.” [Ref: 21:26] And these honored slaves and pious servants who have been elevated to status of gods and sons of gods were servants of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) and they are referred by Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) as my slaves in the verse: “My slaves as Awliyah besides Me (i.e. min duni)?” and they will on the day of judgment seek means to approach Allah (subhana wa ta'ala): “Those whom they call upon desire (for themselves) means of access to their Lord (i.e. Allah), as to which of them should be the nearest; and they hope for His Mercy and fear His Torment. Verily, the Torment of your Lord is (something) to be afraid of!” [Ref: 17:57] Conclusion: It has been established that the verses which the Wahhabi use against Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah's position are misconstrued to fit their own Khariji agenda because these verses refer to gods and idol-gods, sons of Allah of Mushrikeen and Prophet (sallalahu alayhi was'sallam) said the worst of creatures in creation of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) are people who apply the verses revealed for kuffar upon Muslims: “... and the Mulhidun (heretical) after the establishment of firm proof against them:"And the statement of Allah: 'Allah will not mislead a people after He has guided them, until He makes clear to them what to avoid.' [9:115] And Ibn Umar used to consider them (the Khawarij and the Mulhidun) the worst of Allah's creatures and said: "These people took some verses that had been revealed concerning the disbelievers and interpreted them as describing the believers.” [Ref: Bukhari, Chapter 6: Killing The Khawarij] Note Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah does not believe in Awliyah-Allah as protector gods or protector sons of gods rather we believe them to be servants of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). Thus the edicts of kuffr, Shirk return upon those who accuse Ahlus Sunnah of committing major Shirk.[24] Allama Sayyid Ahmad Saeed Kazmi al Qadri (rahimullah alayhi ta'ala) wrote: “Mushrikeen believed that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is enactor/initiator of great affairs [of universe] and with this aqeedah they believed that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) has granted some pious worshipers status of god-hood. Therefore they are all creations deserved/rightful ma'bood (i.e. ones deserving worship). So much [deserving of worship] that if any one worships Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) only it will not be maqbool (i.e. accepted) until it is not joined with worship of ibadis saliheen: “(It will be said): "This is because, when Allah Alone was invoked (in worship) you disbelieved (denied), but when partners were joined to Him, you believed! So the judgment is only with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great!” [Ref: 40:12] "You invite me to disbelieve in Allah (and in His Oneness), and to join partners in worship with Him of which I have no knowledge; and I invite you to the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving!” [Ref: 40:42] In fact Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is far above [in the heavens] therefore only His worship is without benefit. These saliheen should be worshiped whom are muqqarib (near/beloved) to Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) so we through their blessing become muqarrib of Allah (suhana wa ta'ala). They believed that these worshiped [idols/gods] are sami and baseer and come to our help and aid. They [the Mushrikeen] had carved stones [into idols] with the names of these [ibadis saliheen] and when they faced their worshiped [idol-gods] their focus and direction (i.e. Qibla) would be these stones (i.e. idols). And those who came after them failed to realized the great difference between the stones (i.e. idols) and human. And they made these stones (i.e. idols) as their worshiped [idol-gods].” [Ref: Maqalaat e Kazmi, Vol One, Page 33: Mushrikeen Ka Aqeedah, Edited, addition of verses.] Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehalvi al Qadri (rahimullah alayhi ta'ala) while writing about the creed of Mushrikeen of Arabia writes in detail about the creed of Mushrikeen; that Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) had no partner in managing the great affairs: “Among the principles agreed upon among them [the people of the Ignorant Age i.e. Jaahiliyyah] was the belief that God, may He be exalted, had no partner in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the substances in them, and that He had no partner in managing the great affairs ...” and then he continues to state what those great affairs/major affairs are: ”... and that no one could reject His order nor frustrate His decree once it had become settles and decided, and this is His saying, may He be exalted, “If you asked them who created the heavens and the earth they would answer Allah, [31:25], and His saying, “If God’s chastisement comes upon you, will you call upon any other than God, if you speak truly? No; upon Him you will call, and He will remove that for which you call upon Him if he will, and you will forget whatever partners you associated with him,” [6:41-42], and His saying, “All upon whom you call for help lose their way except Allah.” [That is, these others fail in times of crisis or disaster] But it was due to their deviance in religion that they held that there were personages among the angels and the spirits who could manage [the affairs of] the people of the earth except for the major matters…What gave rise to this were the pronouncements of the divine laws concerning entrusting of the affairs to angels, and the answering of the prayers of those people who are closest [to God], so they supposed that this was an administration [of power] on their part like the administration of kings, by analogy of the unseen to the visible world, and this was false.” [Ref: Hujjatallah Al Baligha, Chapter 74] This demonstrates that Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah of past and present are in agreement that Mushrikeen believed in managing the major affairs of universe Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) did not have a partner but only in minor affairs their gods played a role – intercession. Edited 18 جولائی 2013 by MuhammedAli 1 اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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