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Madani Sister

تجویز کردہ جواب


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem


ASALATU WASALAMU ALAYKA YA RASULLALLAH Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam


When Rasoolullah (saw) received the first revelation, he was overcome with natural anxiety because it was the first time that He experienced something of that nature and it was the first time that He met an angel. During this Difficult stage it was His wife Hazrat Khadeeja Radi Ala,Ta'ala Anha who provided the comfort and courage He needed.


Similarly, when Rasulullah (saw) was leaving this world, who was their too comfort Him? Although thousands of Sahabah were present in Madinah. Hazrat Aa'isha Radi Ala,Ta'ala Anha was present with Him


If you inculcate these qualities in your life, you will also become the light of your husbands eyes and the most precious thing in the world for him. You will be the Queen of your home, enjoy true love and respect and be his companion in public and in private.


In Islam, the standard by which a good wife is judged is not her university degrees or college diplomas, all of which really do not matter to the husband. The most truthful Prophet Muhammed (saw) has mentioned:


"If I were to command anyone to prostrate to another human, I would have certainly commanded a wife to prostrate to her husband."


Dear brides to be or wives!! Regard the dry bread he gives you to be a delicious meal from Jannah and imagine the old clothes to be finery and jewellery. Turn a deaf ear to his scolding and imagine that the insults from your mother and sister-in-law are the kind words of your mother. Keep smiling through every difficulties.Pass your life with tolerance and contentment. This will demonstrate that even in this fourteenth century after Hijrah women can be born who will not disgrace the names of their forebears, who were thetrue slaves of Allah Azwajal and who would sacrifice themselves at the mere gestures of Hazrat Khadeeja and Hazrat A'aisha It will be seen that obedience to Allah Azwajal, fear for Allah Azwajal can be rolled into one person together with obedience to the husband.


We make Du'a to Allah Azwajal to allow us all the ability to practice what we will read in the ensuing narratives and the ability to do whatever pleases Him. Allah Azwajal make every Muslim wife the most precious thing in the world to her Husband and may He make every Muslim Husband the best of people who behaves excellently towards his wife. Aameen,




Lead a life of contentment. Be content even with simple food. The dry bread and water that have been eaten with contentment is better than a sumptuous meal that have been eaten after your persistent complaints forced him to grudgingly provide it for you.


Always listen attentively to what your husband says. Give importance to what your husband says and do as he says. In this manner, you will soon win a place in his heart because it is not really a person who is beloved, but what the person does that is most loved.


Tend your beauty carefully so that whenever he will look at you he will be pleased with his choice. Within the limits of decency use as much fragrance as possible, and remember that no part of your body or dress should repulse him.


To be always attractive to him, put surma or kajal to your eyes, for beautiful eyes make a person's whole being neautiful in the eyes of the beholder. Bath and do ablution regularly, as this is the best perfume and the best way to cleanliness.


Prepare his meals before it is time as hunger becomes a flame if not satisfied. During the hours of rest, keep it quiet and peaceful as disturbed sleep makes a man morose and angry.


Protect his hime and his treasure: Let no one enter his house without his permission and do not waste his treasure by indulging in exhibition, for treasure can only be tended through good management and the family, only though good sense.


Never disobey him and always kep his secrets, for disobeying such an honourable man would put feul to fire and revealing his secrets would destroy his trust in you. And you yourself will not be safe from his (retaliatory) double standards. Someone has rightly said, "To be trusted is better than to be loved."


If he is grieved over something then do not mention to him anything that has pleased you. Share his grief. When he is happy, do not disclose your hidden grief and do not complain to your husband. For any of his behavior. Be happy with him. Otherwise your will be regarded as one who confuses him.


If you wish to be respected in his eyes then honour and respect him and act according to his wish. Then at every stage of your life you will find him to be your best companion.


Sweet sisters sweet smelling flowers will not blossom in your life as long as you do not suppress your wish for his pleasure. Many times and the longings that arise in your heart to let his word reign supreme.


May Your life be filled with good and preserve you from evil, Ameen.

Edited by Madani Sister
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(ma) madani sister welcome back!

In Islam, the standard by which a good wife is judged is not her university degrees or college diplomas, all of which really do not matter to the husband. The most truthful Prophet Muhammed (saw) has mentioned:


"If I were to command anyone to prostrate to another human, I would have certainly commanded a wife to prostrate to her husband."


beshak sister bohat pyari baat bayan farmai ap ne,

We make Du'a to Allah Azwajal to allow us all the ability to practice what we will read in the ensuing narratives and the ability to do whatever pleases Him. Allah Azwajal make every Muslim wife the most precious thing in the world to her Husband and may He make every Muslim Husband the best of people who behaves excellently towards his wife. Aameen,

(ja) sister

May Allah (azw) give you reward & respect in this world & hereafter aameeeen

Allah (azw) pyaray aaqa (saw) k sadaqay mein tamam muslaman khawateen ko shoher ka sahih maqam o martaba samajhnay or us ki ita'at o farmanbardari ker k jannat ki taraf janay ki madani sa'adat ata farmaye

aaaaaaaaaaaaaameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen bijahin nabiyyil ameen (saw)

wassalam ma'al ikram

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