Rahil مراسلہ: 18 اکتوبر 2012 Report Share مراسلہ: 18 اکتوبر 2012 Historical Incident of Panch Yaran *~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~ Once it happened that Shaykhulalam shaykh Noorud din Noorani (rehmatullaheal aih) while enjoying sunny atmosphere of the plain meadowswas in a thinking mood. The same place is yet to be known as "Panch Yaran" Shaykh noorud din noorani (rehmatullaheal aih) was just perspiring in hot sun that there came all of a sudden five girls having huge bundles of wood on their heads . All of them stood stayed to keep down their bundles of wood over the longest sticks in order to make ashadowy position for creating rest for the saint without disturbance. The same girls engaged theirselves to collect the particular kind of grass from the plain field . When the majestic saint (rehmatullaheal aih) awakened he looked spiritually upon these bundles of sticks of wood and turned them to become Five Deodar Trees having bushy branches. Baba kamal , one of the writers of reshi Namas has mentioned that upto 1216 Hijri these trees of deodar were in a good position for the observation of all. One of the girlsseemed to be more acute, clever and attentive. She realized the sage sheikh noorud din noorani (rehmatullaheal ih) . She posed many questions to Sheikh Noorud din Noorani (rehmatullaheal ih) in a scholarly manner. The Nund reshi (rehmatullaheal ih) retorted all of them one by one. Then all of the five girls joined the Rishi order ♥♥ SUBHAANALLAH ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ اقتباس Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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آپ ابھی پوسٹ کرکے بعد میں رجسٹر ہوسکتے ہیں۔ اگر آپ پہلے سے رجسٹرڈ ہیں تو سائن اِن کریں اور اپنے اکاؤنٹ سے پوسٹ کریں۔
نوٹ: آپ کی پوسٹ ناظم کی اجازت کے بعد نظر آئے گی۔