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The Signs Of Allah Maqaam-E-Ibrahim


تجویز کردہ جواب


Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) states that Hazrat Isma’il (Alaihis Salaam) was sitting

close to the Ka’bah straightening the point of his arrow, when suddenly Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis

Salaam) arrived. This was a long time since Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam) had last visited

Hazrat Isma’il (Alaihis Salaam). Father and son both embraced one another. Hazrat Ibrahim

(Alaihis Salaam) said, “O my son! Allah has commanded me to do something.” Hazrat Isma’il

(Alaihis Salaam) replied, “O my dear father! You must fulfill the command of Allah.” Hazrat

Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam) said, “My dear son, you must assist me in this endeavour,” and when the

son replied in the positive, he then said, “The walls of the Ka’bah have collapsed. Allah has

commanded me to rebuild (join) them and you will have to assist me in this.”

Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) says that Hazrat Isma’il (Alaihis Salaam) used to cut and

bring huge bricks from the mountains and Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam) used to plaster and lay

it on the wall. Both father and son continued to construct the Ka’bah. One was bringing over the

bricks of rock whilst the other was constructing it. Now, the walls had become so high that it

became difficult for Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam) to reach it to further build the walls, so

Hazrat Isma’il (Alaihis Salaam) brought a piece of rock which Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam)

placed under his foot so he could continue to construct the Ka’bah. As the height of the walls

increased, so did the height of that stone, and the very same stone took the imprint of the sacred

foot of Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam) into itself. That stone now had the impression of the

sacred footprint of Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam). [bukhari Shareef ]

Now what is the excellence of this stone? After the construction of the Ka’bah was completed,

both made the following Dua, “O Allah! (We are constructing the Ka’bah), accept it from us;

Undoubtedly, You are All Hearing, All Knowing.” [surah 2, Verse 127]

They further made the following Dua, “O Allah! Make us submissive to You and of our offspring a

nation submissive to You, tell us our ways of worship, and turn to us with Your mercy. Surely,

You are Most-Relenting and Most-Merciful. O Allah! And send in them a Messenger from among

themselves, who may recite to them Your signs and teach them Your Book and wise knowledge

and may purify them well. Surely, You are the Predominant, the Wise.” [surah 2, Verse 128-129]

At that time, Dua is being made for our Beloved Aaqa Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam), i.e. send down a most exalted and most unique Rasool who will recite Your verses and

who will adorn the hearts of the people with the light of faith and teach them the Deen.


Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) says, “Now, do you know what that stone is? That stone

is Maqaam-e-Ibrahim.” It is concerning the very same Maqaam-e-Ibrahim that the Holy Qur’an

announces, “Therein are the clear signs, the place where Ibrahim stood.” [surah 3, Verse 97]

Concerning the Maqaam-e-Ibrahim it is not being said that it is one clear sign but it is being said

that there are many clear signs. In other words there is one Maqaam-e-Ibrahim but Allah Ta’ala is

not referring to it as one clear sign, but He is referring to it as clear signs (plural).

What does this mean? It means that it is not known how many clear signs and proofs are present

in the one Maqaam-e-Ibrahim. This stone was blessed by the feet of Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis

Salaam) and when he stood on it, Allah Ta’ala spoke about it in the Holy Qur’an with such great

respect and honour. Almighty Allah says in the Glorious Qur’an, “And make the station of

Ibrahim a place of prayer.” [surah 2, Verse 125]

In other words, O those of you who make Tawaaf of the Ka’bah! If you wish to have your Tawaaf

accepted, then make the Maqaam-e-Ibrahim the Qibla of your Namaaz. You have made the

Tawaaf of the Ka’bah, so why do you not make the impression of the foot of the one who built the

Ka’bah your Qibla? First make it your Qibla and then your Tawaaf will be accepted.

Now, just see how Almighty Allah has blessed the signs of his beloveds and made them from

amongst His Signs and caused them to be respected and revered. So many thousands of years have

passed, more than four thousand years have passed now, from where to where the world has gone?

The palaces and forts of so many kings have eroded into the earth, but the Maqaam-e-Ibrahim is

still preserved and protected up to this day. Hence, for as long as the Ka’bah remains, the

impression of the sacred foot of Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam), the personality who constructed

the Holy Ka’bah shall also remain.

An important point that arises here is: is there no Ne’mat (Bounty) of Allah in the House of Allah?

Which blessing is not found in the Ka’bah? Whatever you ask, you shall attain. Is that not so?

Now, what then was the need for Ghairullah (that which is other than Allah) in this exalted

house of Allah? On one side of the Ka’bah is the foot impression of Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis

Salaam), on the other side of the same Ka’bah is the Well of Zam Zam that started from the

blessed feet of Hazrat Isma’il (Alaihis Salaam), and in the same Baitullah is also the impression of

the feet of Hazrat Hajira (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anha) in the form of Saffah and Marwa. What is the

need of Ghairullah in front of the Ka’bah, that Allah has caused them to be kept there adorned

with such respect and honour?

So Listen! Our Creator wants to show us this, that you cannot attain the blessings of the doorpost

of Allah’s House unless you do not attain the blessings of the sacred footprints of His beloveds.

Those who have not yet attained the blessings of this Court should first take the Sadaqah and

blessings of the sacred foot impressions of the beloveds. Now, does this not clearly show that to

give monumental status to the belongings of the beloveds, to respect them, to honour them and to

take blessings from them are all things which Allah is pleased with and this is in fact the real aim

(to attain the blessings). Therefore Allah Ta’ala states in the Holy Qur’an, “And whoso respects

the signs of Allah, then it is from the piety of hearts.” [surah 22, Verse 32]

This clearly shows us that it is the piety in one’s heart that leads one to respect and honour the

signs of Allah Ta’ala and those things that have a connection to his beloveds. Therefore those

people that blurt out that it is Shirk to respect and honour the things that are connected to the

beloved servants of Allah, should read the Holy Qur’an properly and should ponder about what

they actually do when they go for Hajj.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us the Taufeeq to always be at the feet of His Beloved Servants and to

respect and honour those things that are associated with them, Ameen.

[Compiled from Khutbaat-e-Muhadith-e-Kabeer Hazrat Allama Zia-ul-Mustafa Qadri Amjadi ]

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