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Belief About Angels(Farihte)


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Among the most important matters of the belief is to believe in the angels although we dont usually see them. Allah created the angels from light. They are neither males nor females, THEY DO NOT EAT OR DRINK, THEY DO NOT SLEEP OR GET TIRED and they are the inhabitants of the sky. They outnumber all the creations. They all worship Allah and obey His orders; they do not sin.

Angels are a wondrous creation of Allah and have a very high status. Allah created all the angels from light, all at once. Imam Muslim narrated that the Prophet said

what means: Allah created the angels from light, created the jinn from the pure flame of fire, and Adam from that which was described to you i.e., the clay. This authentic hadith is a proof that Satan Iblis was never an angel. Rather, Iblis is a jinn and is the father of all the jinn-kind, as Prophet Adam is a human and is the father of all the human kind.

Allah created the angels as they are now. They do not grow, develop, or age. In their original shape, they are gentle bodies; meaning they are not tangible. The angels have feet, shoulders, ears, hands, and wings. Some angels have two wings, some have three, others have four. Some, like Angel Jibril, have six hundred wings. If just one of his wings was spread open, it would cover what is between the east and the west.

Allah gave the angels the power to change their shapes, and it is permissible that they would take the shape of a man but without the genitals. Often, Angel Jibril appeared to the Prophet in the shape of a man to teach him the Revelation. however, the Angels are not females and do not take the form of women.

The Angels do not disobey Allah. All of them are obedient slaves to Allah, as Allah described them in Surat at-Tahrim, Ayah 6:

which means: They do not disobey Allah in what He orders them to do, and they do exactly what they were ordered.

The Angels are the most numerous creation of Allah. There are more angels than the other creations of Allah, including the humans, jinn, and even the trees.

Allah endowed the angels with the strength to perform the obedience without getting tired, and without being in need of food, drink, sleep, or rest. They do not eat, drink, or sleep. They perform only that which Allah ordered them to perform. Every angel has an assignment. Angel Jibril is the Messenger of Allah to his prophets. Angel Israfil is the angel assigned to blow the horn on the Day of Judgment. ^Azrail is the Angel of death, whose assignment is to take the souls out of the bodies at death. Ridwan is the angel in charge of Paradise, Malik is the angel in charge of Hellfire. There are angels in charge of the clouds, the winds, and the plants. With each human there are eight angels--whose assignment is to protect that person from the harm of the jinn. It was narrated that if it were not for these angels, the jinn would play with the person like the person plays with a ball. The zabaniyah are angels in charge of torturing the blasphemers in Hellfire. There are other angels who roam around, writing down the leaves that drop off the trees. There is an angel in charge of the womb of the woman. He writes matters on the forehead of the fetus when the fetus is 120 days old and his soul joins his body. There are the angels who carry the ^Arsh. Ratail is the angel in charge of relieving the sadness of the believers; Mikail is the angel in charge of the rain. There are the angels who write down the deeds of the person-each person has two with him, one who writes the good deeds, and the other who writes the permissible and the bad deeds. There are the angels, Munkar and Nakir, who question the person in the grave, and many, many more.

Allah endowed the angels with great strength. Allah said about Angel Jibril: which means: He is very strong. An example of his strength is how he lifted the 4 or 5 cities of Prophet Luts people, and raised them near the first sky, Then he turned them upside down with just the edge of one of his 600 hundred wings.

Among all the angels, Angel Jibril is the one with the most merit and highest status. He is the Messenger of Allah to the messengers of Allah, meaning it was mostly Jibril who would bring the Revelation to the prophets.

Angels are a truly wondrous creation of Allah. If one thinks about this creation of Allah, it will surely strengthen his belief in Allah, the One Who Created Everything.

Edited by attarirafique
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