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  1. Ahmed Farhan

    Islamic scholar

    Islamic scholars are the priests of Quran and Sunnah and they themselves lead their lives on the teachings of Islam. They share their knowledge with others through speeches so people can accomplish Islamic learning and act accordingly.
  2. Ahmed Farhan

    Islamic scholar

    Islamic scholars are those who provide guidance through their speeches because they are the people who have studied Islam for years and solve the complex and intricate issues of life in the light of Quran and sacred Sunnah.
  3. Ahmed Farhan

    Top Islamic Scholar in the World

    Moulana Ilyas Qadri is among the top Islamic scholars of the world and gave away his whole life in the path of Allah by propagating others the teachings of Islam. The name of Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat is just like a shining beacon because listening to his speeches many Muslims have repented from their past sins and started leading their lives according to Sunnah.
  4. Ahmed Farhan

    Islamic scholar

    We should listen the Islamic scholar speeches for the guidance in every field of life with respect to Sharia teachings. Moreover, by listening to the speeches of famous Islamic scholars we can make reforms in our daily life routine and drag our life on the righteous path of Quran and Sunnah.
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