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New Saudi Govt Plan To Demolish Gumbad E Khizra
اس ٹاپک میں نے ExposingNifaq میں پوسٹ کیا اسلامی خبریں
Excerpt from Email -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote Assalam O Alaikum, Al Hamd O Lillah E Rab El Aalaameen, The barbaric people who Demolished The House of Hazrat Khadija ( Razi Allah Talla Anha ), where Nabi ( Sal Lal La Ho Alehy Wa Aalehy Wasalam ), spent about 28 years, and then even made ( Noaz O Billah ), public toilets, on that sacred place, are certainly the ones, who are on the wrong path. The people who did it and the people who yet support and justify such brutal acts are the forces of batil (Wrong ones), and these people are not from the Ahle Haq. So please do not see how big their beards are and, how nicely they read the Quran E Pak, see what the do and in what they believe in. Ask it from those people From Which Ayet E Quran E Pak and From Which Hadees E Nabvi ( Sal Lal La Ho Alehy Wa Aalehy Wasalam ), they got the idea to do those brutal acts. ??? This is a point, where no compromise can be made, at any cost http://www.correctislamicfaith.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=71670485 Destroying the Green Dome (Gumbad E Khizra ) IF today any christian or jews tell you that we will destroy the green dome (gumbad E Khizra), then as a true muslim what will be ur reaction? you will surely be filled with anger and most of us will hit the one who says this. This is the case if someone who is non muslim and says these kinds of words. Do you think a person who calls himself a muslim can utter these kinds of words? Like you i too believed that if a person calls himself muslim then uttering is too far but he can never think of it. But friends we are wrong. These so called wahabi's call themselves as muslims but see what they are writing in their books. This clearly shows their hatred for Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam A pamphlet published in 2007 by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, endorsed by Abdulaziz Al Sheikh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, and distributed at the Prophet's ( Sal Lal La Ho Alehy Wa Aalehy Wasalam) Mosque, which is the resting place of Prophet Hazrat Mohammed (Sal Lal La Ho Alehy Wa Aalehy Wasalam), Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allah Talla Anhu), and the Hazrat Umar Farooq (Razi Allah Talla Anhu). http://www.cifiaonline.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=63102357 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Dome http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul-Azeez_ibn_Abdullaah_Aal_ash-Shaikh Open your eyes, now before it’s too late. Maazar and Tombs were in Madina Pak and Makkah for centuries, till 1925. In 1925 the Al E Saud ( Current saudi royal familly ), who was given the rule in Al Hijaz E Muqaddas by Britishers after winning first world war, demolished the Graves of Noble personalities, and acted on the fatawa of "Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Najdi". This was from where the wahabism, started. The saud family changed the name of holy Land from AL Hijaz Muqaddas to "Saudi Arab". How unfortunate. Just imagine till 1925 no one ever dared to demolish the holy graves, but these Gustakh did it. Were all the Muslims before 1925, who respected those Holy Graves were wrong ? No actually they were right. That is a small group of people, who with the help of Christians and jews, has captured the Al Hijaz Muqadas (Saudi Arab now). Actually these people are trying to distance the innocent muslims from the real core of the Deen E Islam, and In Sha Allah, soon this aazmaish will be gone too. There are some people who argue, that if these bad group of saudis are wrong than why Almighty Allah The Great has given them the responsibility of the sacred places, well there was a time when muskrakeen used to keep idols ( Buts , moortis ) in the Khanna Kabba, and used to do naked tawaf, were they right , because at that time they were in the control of the Holy Land ??? Then there was a time when yazeed was in control of sacred placed, can we call him right, because he was in control of the sacred places??? So this is a aazamaish, and In Sah Allah, soon it will be cleared very soon. Now we have to decide, where, we are standing. XXXXX --- Please inform other muslim brothers and sisiters too.--- XXXXX