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Talib e Madina

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سب کچھ Talib e Madina نے پوسٹ کیا

  1. Aslam o alaikom main ne kuch din pehlay he windows vista download ki hai lekin us ke saath jo key mili thi wo kaam nahin kar rahi... activation main 2,3 din rehtay hain kya koi windows vista ki key send kar saktay hain jo trial na ho JazaakAllah
  2. Salam recited by Muhammad Arif Attari
  3. madina in main se aik bhi kaam nahin kar raha pehlay walay main same error aa raha hai. mere pass winrar hai lekin us se bhi nahin kaam kar raha.
  4. bhai yeh real player v11 main open ho jati hai. is ka file type new hai... .ivr abhi tak koi converter nahin bana is ko convert karnay ke liye. is liye yeh mp3 ya kisi aur format main convert nahin ho sakti
  5. downlaod kar liya hai... lekin install nahin ho raha yeh error aa raha hai "Entry point not found" is ka kya hal hai?
  6. Silsilah Ahh gunahun ka barah jaata hai-By Muhammad Arif Attari http://nafseislam.info/attari/silsilah_ahh_gunahun_ka.ivr you will require real player to play this video.
  7. Talib e Madina

    Adobe Photoshop

    Alhamdulillah i got shoba e nashr o ishaat zimmadari of my division. I need adobe photoshop to make best quality poster for our ijtima'aat. kisi islami bhai ke bhai ke pass adobe photoshop download karnay ka link ho plz share karain JazaakAllah Aameeen
  8. Talib e Madina

    Dars e Nizami Nisab in Jami'a tul Madinah

    http://www.dawateislami.net/Department/Def...p;pagelink=True Jazaakallah
  9. salam click here to watch ameer e ahlesunnat's answer: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ii40Fp9k1Zg&...feature=related Jazaa-kallah Aameeeen
  10. 786ahlesunnat bhai Mashaa Allah app ne achi video banai hai. lekin is kuch missing hai. bara e karam is main degar mufasireen ke tafaseer se ibaraat naqal kar dain. JazaakAllah Aameeeeen
  11. somebody uploaded this video on youtube saying that Ameer e Ahlesunnat is gutakh is Dr.Israr. Can somebody give video reply to him caz i havnt got any software to give video reply. here is video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8vZEssgg4I Jazaa-kAllah Aameeeen
  12. Talib e Madina

    Teri kya shan Karachi Walay

    Aslam o Alaikom Manqabat for pyaray Bapa Jaan from me: Tum pe Qurbaan Meri Jaan Karachi Walay Meri pehchan meri aan Karachi Walay Mila kya kboob mila rutba, kya khoob mila Wali tu hai, teri kya shaan Karachi walay Apnay Qadmun se khudara, na juda karna kabhi Meethay Murshid Pa'e Rahman (Az'zawajal), Karachi Walay Pa'e Makkah, Pa'e Taiba, Ho Salamat mera Mere Dilbar, Mera Emaan Karachi Walay Teri aankhun se tere pyaaray ka Rozah dekhun Banay Aaqa ka yeh Mehmaan Karachi Walay Meethay Murshid, Pyaray Bapa, phir izn mile Aay Dar pe tere Faizan Karachi Walay Jazakumullah Aameeeeeen
  13. Aslam o Alaikom SubhaanAllah Azzawaja bohat acha topic start kiya hai...Allah Azzawajal sab ko jaza e khair ata farmaay. Insha Allah Azzawajal Shaikh e Tareeqat Ameer e Ahlesunnat ki aik new book Ba unwan "FAIZAN E NIYAT" bohat jald aa rahi hai. Bapa jaan abhi yeh kitab likh rahay hain. yeh book likhnay ka Mufti Farooq Rahmatullah ale ne kaha tha. Allah Humain jald yeh kitab parhna naseeb karay Aameeeeeen Jazakumullah Aameeeeeen
  14. bohat pyari manqabat hai. Allah app ko jaza khair de sag e attar bhai....Aameeeen Ghaliban yeh Manqabat Pakistan Intizami kabina ke Nigran Haji Shahid Attari (Damat barakatu humul aaliya) ne tehreer farmay hai. Mere naqas malumat ke mutabaq Mangta unhin ka takhalus hai. Mera Peer Mera Peer bhi shayed unhi ki likhi hui manqabat hai. phir bhi app confirm kar lain. Aameeeeeen
  15. Talib e Madina

    Kya Saray shia Kafir hain?

    Kya Saray shia Kafir hain? ya in main se kuch hain? in ke baray main Imam e Azam Abu Hanifa ka kya mazab hai? Sayedi o Murshidi in ke baray main kya farmatay hain? Aameeeeen
  16. Talib e Madina

    TV ki tabah karian

    Aslam o Alaikom Here are links of this Bayan: Duaoun main Yaad Jazakumullah Aameeeeeen
  17. Talib e Madina

    Deobandi Aqa'id

    A CALL FOR JUSTICE The three foundations of differences between Ahl-e-Sunnah scholars and Deobandy scholars: A) Insolent writings of Deobandy against the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) B ) Incorrect beliefs of the Deobandy School. C ) Improper Decrees issued by the Deobandy School. Below are some there beliefs, with complete reference to their books:- 1. It is possible for ALLAH to tell lies. Ref1:Fatawa Rashidia (Pg19, Vol1, Published by: Rahimia Kutb Khana Dehli in 1363 AH, Written By: Rashid Ahmed Gangohi) Ref2:Talifat Rashidia (Kitab-ul-Aqaid Pg98, Published by: Idara-e-Islamiat of Anarkali Lahore, Written By: Rashid Ahmed Gangohi) Ref3:Tazkirat-ul-Khalil (Pg135, Published by: Maktaba Qasmia Rungpur Road Sialkot, Written By: Khalil Anbethwi) Ref4:Al-Jehd-ul-Muqil (Pg41, Published by: Maktaba Madina Urdu Bazaar Lahore in Shaban 1409 AH, Written By: Mehmood Hasan) 2. ALLAH doesn't know what His believers are going to do but when they commit their deeds, he knows. Ref: Tafseer Balagat-ul-Hayran (Pg157-158, Published By: Himayat-e-Islam press Lahore, Written By: Husain Ali) 3. Knowledge of Shaitan and Malakat-ul-Maut is more then the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). Ref: Barahin-e-Qatia (Pg51, Published By: Muhammad Ishaq Maalik Kutb khana Rahimia Saharanpur in 1365 AH, Written By: Khalil Anbethwi) 4. Muhammad (Peace be upon him) doesn't know about his end and what is behind the wall. Ref: Barahin-e-Qatia (Pg51, Published By: Muhammad Ishaq Maalik Kutb khana Rahimia Saharanpur in 1365 AH, Written By: Khalil Anbethwi) 5. Knowledge of Unseen which ALLAH had given to His Prophet is similar and equal to the knowledge of Animals, Mad and Children. Ref: Hifz-ul-Iman (Pg07, Published By: Sheikh jaan Mohammad ala bux kutb uloom-e-mashriki kasmiri bazaar Lahore in June 1934, Printed By: Karimi printing press Lahore, Written By: Ashraf Ali Thanvi). 6. To think about Prophet while one is in prayer is worse than being engrossed in the thoughts of donkey or an OX. Ref: Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (Farsi) (Pg86, Published By: Mujtabai Dehli in 1308 AH, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) Ref: Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (Urdu) (Pg150, Published By: Malik Siraj-ud-Din Sons Lahore in Nov 1956, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 7. To be "Rehmatul-Lil-Aalameen" is not an exclusive attribute of our the Holy Prophet, the followers can also be "Rehmatul-Lil-Aalameen". Ref: Fatawa Rashidia (Pg12, Vol2, Published by: Rahimia Kutb Khana Sunehri Masjid Dehli in 1352 AH, Written By: Rashid Ahmed Gangohi) 8. Considering the Holy Prophet as "Khatim-un-Nabi'yin" is by common people but it is not true in eyes of wise people. Ref: Tehzir-un-Naas (Pg03, Published By: Kutb Khana Qasmi Deoband, Written By: Qasim Nanotwi) 9. Even if it were assumed that a new Prophet can come during the era of the Holy Prophet or after the Holy Prophet, it would not have an effect on the finality of our the Holy Prophet. Ref: Tehzir-un-Naas (Pg25, Published By: Kutb Khana Qasmi Deoband, Written By: Qasim Nanotwi) 10. The Holy Prophet learnt Urdu language due to relation with Ulma-e-Deoband. Ref: Barahin-e-Qatia (Pg26, Published By: Muhammad Ishaq Maalik Kutb khana Rahimia Saharanpur in 1365 AH, Written By: Khalil Anbethwi) 11. The Holy Prophet should be respected as an elder brother. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg58, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 12. If ALLAH wishes than he can born 100 million Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg16-30, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 13. The Holy Prophet has mingled with dust. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg59, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 14. All Prophets (Nabi & Rasool) does not have authority over any thing. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg29, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 15. It is not necessary for the Prophets to be innocent and immune (pak) from saying blatant lies. Ref: Tasfiat-ul-Aqaid (Pg25, Published By: Syed Maailk Kutb Khana Aizazia Deoband, Written By: Qasim Nanotwi) 16. Respect of the Holy Prophet should equal to human (Bashar) also lower than it. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg35-61, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 17. All creations small (such as common men) or great (Such as Prophets and saints), they all are Unknown and weak. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg03-24, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 18. All creations small (such as common men) or great (Such as Prophets and saints), they all are before Allah's majesty, more lowly than even a cobbler. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg14, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 19. A person who labels the Holy Prophet as "Tagoot" (Shaitan) is not of the fold of Islam. Ref: Tafseer Balagat-ul-Hayran (Pg43, Published By: Himayat-e-Islam press Lahore, Written By: Husain Ali) 20. Respect of land lords in villages is similar and equal to the respect of the Holy Prophet in Ummah. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg61, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 21. Whoever is named "Muhammad" or "Ali" does not have authority over any thing. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg41, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 22. The Holy Prophet was out of his senses. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg55, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 23. A follower (Member of Ummah) can surpass the Prophets in deeds. Ref: Tehzir-un-Naas (Pg05, Published By: Kutb Khana Qasmi Deoband, Written By: Qasim Nanotwi) 24. I saved the Holy Prophet when he was falling from "Pul-e-Sirat". Ref: Tafseer Balagat-ul-Hayran (Pg08, Published By: Himayat-e-Islam press Lahore, Written By: Husain Ali) 25. To say "La ilaha illallaho Ashraf Ali Rasool Allah" and "Allahumma sallay ala syedna wa nabiina Ashraf Ali" is right and their no objection from Islam on this act. Ref: Risala Al-Imdad (Pg34-35, Published By: Imadad-ul-Matabay Thana-Bhawan in Safar 1336 AH, Written By: Ashraf Ali Thanvi) 26. Celebrating Milad-un-Nabi is similar to that of Hindu's celebration on birth of their "Kanhia". Ref: Barahin-e-Qatia (Pg148, Published By: Muhammad Ishaq Maalik Kutb khana Rahimia Saharanpur in 1365 AH, Written By: Khalil Anbethwi) 27. Specialities of Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) are similar to that of "Dajjal". Ref: Aab-e-Hayat (Pg169, Published By: Kutb Khana Qadimi Dehli in 1355 AH,1936 AD, Written By: Qasim Nanotwi) 28. If Prophet will a thing, it will accomplished is not true. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg56, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 29. Only believe Allah and do not believe anyone. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg14, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 30. Before Allah's majesty all Prophets and Saints (Aulia) are less prior than worthless particle. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg54, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 31. Holy Prophet is our elder brother and we are his younger brothers. Ref: Barahin-e-Qatia (Pg03, Published By: Muhammad Ishaq Maalik Kutb khana Rahimia Saharanpur in 1365 AH, Written By: Khalil Anbethwi) 32. One who consider Prophets and Saints as his mediator and intercessor, is equal to Abu-jahal in polytheism (Shirk). Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg07-27, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 33. Durood-e-Taaj is disliked and unlawful. Ref: Fazail-e-Aamal (Tabligi Nisab) (Fazail-e-Durood Sharif Pg 52-53, Published By: Maktaba Aarfeen Karachi) 34. A Deobandi Scholar named (Syed Ahmed Barelvi) was given bath by Hazrat-e-Ali and Hazrat Fatima covered him with clothes. Ref: Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (Farsi) (Pg164, Published By: Mujtabai Dehli in 1308 AH, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) Ref: Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (Urdu) (Pg280, Published By: Malik Siraj-ud-Din Sons Lahore in Nov 1956, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 35. Milad Sharif, Mairaj Sharif, Urs Sharif, Soyam, Chehlum, Fatiha Khwani and Isal-e-Sawab all are unlawful, wrong and method of Kuffar and Hindus. Ref: Fatawa Rashidia (Pg144-150, Vol2, Published by: Rahimia Kutb Khana Sunehri Masjid Dehli in 1352 AH, Written By: Rashid Ahmed Gangohi) Ref: Fatawa Rashidia (Pg93-94, Vol3, Published by: Rahimia Kutb Khana Sunehri Masjid Dehli in 1351 AH, Written By: Rashid Ahmed Gangohi) 36. To eat Local Crow is good deed (sawab). Ref: Fatawa Rashidia (Pg130, Vol2, Published by: Rahimia Kutb Khana Sunehri Masjid Dehli in 1352 AH, Written By: Rashid Ahmed Gangohi) 37. To call saints of ALLAH as his creatures is polytheism. Ref: Taqwiat-ul-Iman (Pg07, Published By: Faiz-e-Aam Sadar Bazaar Dehli, Written By: Ismail Dehalwi) 38. To pray after Namaz-e-Janazah is unlawful and polytheism. Ref: Fatwa (Mufti Jameel Ahmed Thanvi, Mufti of Jamia Ashrafia Lahore) 39. To eat and keep gifts of "HOLI" and "Devali" are lawful and good deed (sawab) . Ref: Fatawa Rashidia (Pg123, Vol2, Published by: Rahimia Kutb Khana Sunehri Masjid Dehli in 1352 AH, Written By: Rashid Ahmed Gangohi) 40. To drink water from Sabil (Water containing stable tanker) constructed by Interest money of Hindu is legal (Jaa'iz) and is a good deed (sawab). Ref: Fatawa Rashidia (Pg113-114, Vol3, Published by: Rahimia Kutb Khana Sunehri Masjid Dehli in 1351 AH, Written By: Rashid Ahmed Gangohi) (MAY ALLAH PROTECT US!) *Pg=Page No. *Vol=Volume No. NOW ITS UP TO YOU TO DECIDE:- You have now to decide 3 things, with justice. 1. Firstly, do you agree with the above mentioned verdicts issued by the Deobandy scholars, or not. 2. Secondly, are these verdicts contrary to the lawful traditions and customs practices in the Muslim world, or not. 3. And thirdly, is the religious and social system of our Muslim society harmed by these verdicts or not. If yes, and surely yes, then according to these verdicts, is the entire Muslim society involved in forbidden acts from dawn to dusk? And if so, where does our Islamic society stands? Note: For visual evidence of every book quoted above, please watch a CD named "Why Differences are there" (English Version) or "Aakhir Ikhtilaf Kyon!" (Urdu Version) By "Allama Kokab Noorani Aukarwi".
  18. yeh picture main ne deobandiyun ke official website se li thi usi website pe aik fatwah mojood hai ke esaal e sawab ja'iz nahin......lolzz wese ab kya kahain... deo(shaitan) band(groh) hai. shaitan ko khush to karna he hai na jhoot bol ke. wese bhi in ka Aqeedah hai ke Allah Jhoot bol sakta hai(Ma'aazAllah) to in logun se jhoot na bolnay ki umeed rakhna sara sar be waqoofi hai... Jhootun par Allah ki lanat
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