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  • تاریخِ رجسٹریشن

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سب کچھ chishti نے پوسٹ کیا

  1. Salaam brother, the reason I wanted to watch the debates was to be blessed by the seeing the face of Hazrat Abbas Rizwi and my wife, who is pakistani, would have translated into english inshAllaah. I have visited rawalpindi 4 times and maybe next time we can meet inshAllaah.
  2. by the way i'm an english muslim convert, can't understand urdu
  3. Bro rapid share just isn't letting me, I clicked on the file and then clicked free and it just sent me to a list of download options
  4. Salaam All, I am technologically retarded so will someone tell me how to watch these debates on rapidshare, jazaakAallaah
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