Assalaamu Alaykum.
Dear freinds, if you remember, our organization Dawate Islami, was founded by Ulama e Ahle Sunnah Ahle Jannah especially Hadrat Manazir e Islam Allamah Arshadul Qadri SaHib AlayhirRaHmah and throughout got strong support from our Akabireen Ulama e Ahle Sunnah. But since a few years it is an open fact that our Ulama e Ahle Sunnah are not happy with the ways Dawate Islami is working recently, and strong criticism is there out. What has happened, let's know. We should study the situation and find out a balanced view. We should first visit the website "www.<>'!"€^*.com", this is a pure Sunni Bareilvi Ulama's website and very very authentic. It is controled by Ahle Sunnah's prominent organization "All India Sunni Tableegi Jamaat" it's english language option is also there. There you will find Bayaans (audio speeches only) of Huzoor Taajush Shariah Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan SaHib Qadri Ridawi, the highly qualified and learned and very muttaqi Chief Mufti SaHib of the Ahle Sunnah Ahle Jannah. He is the Great Grandson of Ala Hadrat Huzoor Imam AHmed Rida Khan Qadri SaHib Barakati, The Great Mujaddid AlayhirRaHmah of the century. On the website you should also listen the Bayaans of our Great Aalim of today's times ie Hadrat MuHaddith e Kabeer Janab Allamah Mufti Ziaul MuStafa SaHib Qadri Ridawi the Great & Learned Son of Huzoor Sadrush Shariah SaHib Allamah Hakeem Mufti Amjad Ali Aazmi SaHib Qadri Ridawi AlayhirRaHmah. Other prominent Ulama's Bayaans (speeches) are also available there. This website was created just for mending the differences created by the "modern version" of Dawate Iislami. We should be patient and listening