کل پوسٹس
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تاریخِ رجسٹریشن
آخری تشریف آوری
جیتے ہوئے دن
سب کچھ Masood Noori نے پوسٹ کیا
AssalaamuAlaykum, Friends, here you have to get greatly benefitted with the Great Bayaans of Huzoor MuHaddith e Kabeer Allamah Ziaul MuStafa SaHib Qadri Ridawi. He has thousands of Ahaadith in his astounding memory, and many more pearls of Shariah he picks in them for us. Part 1.SuleHKulliyat ki beemari aur tahirul padri.mp3
Barakaat E Huzoor Muhaddith E Kabeer : Tahaffuz E Sunniat.
اس ٹاپک میں نے Masood Noori میں پوسٹ کیا Islamic Personalities
More @ http://www.ziaulmustafa.com/ Huzoor MuHaddith e Kabeer Manaazir e Ahle Sunnah Hadrat Allamah Mufti Ziaul MuStafa SaHib Qadri Ridawi is a Great MuHaddith and Faqeeh e MoAtamad of our times. A strong Pillar of Maslak e Aala Hadrat AlayhirRaHmah, Hadrat at this ripe age of around 80, has astonishing stamina to counter the firqa e baatilah whenever occasion arises. With his heart glowing with thousands of Ahadith of Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alayhe wa aalihi wa Baaraka wasallam, Hadrat is a man of wisdom and piety, quite humble to meet and bless general muslims. He is like a calm and deep ocean filled with precious pearls but suddenly turns into a fiery roaring tsunami for the baatilah whenever they play foul and Hadrat is called there. With shining inputs from Hadrat's official website http://www.ziaulmustafa.com/ i would like you to get close to Hadrat's brilliance and depth of knowledge of the Shariah Mutahhirah. Huzoor Muhaddith-e-Kabeer, Sultaan Al Asaatiza, Khayr Al Azkiya, Mumtaaz Al Fuqaha, Khaatam Al Fuqaha, Sayyid Al Mufassireen, Munaazir-e-Laa Thaani, Gazaali-e-Doraa, Raazi-e-Zamaan, Muhaqqiq-e-Masaa'il-e-Daqeeqah, Khateeb-e-Aalam, Mufakkir-e-Razviy Hadrat Allama Zia Al Mustafa SaHib Qadri is the son of the great Sadr Al Shari'ah Allama Amjad Ali Qadri Radi Allahu Anhu. Allama Sadr Al Shari'ah was deeply loved by Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Radi Allahu Anhu, Ala Hazrat strongly relied on Allama Sadr Al Shari'ah's fiqh up to the extent that he said if there was Islamic ruling, I would say Sadr Al Shari'ah should be the Qaadi (The Judge). Ala Hazrat was the one who gave him the title "Sadr Al Shari'ah" which means "the Leader of Shari'ah". Ala Hazrat said to his son Hujjah Al Islaam Hamid Raza that if you know such and such Dua's then you may lead my Janaaza Salah otherwise Sadr Al Shari'ah will lead it. Allama Sadr Al Shari'ah has a lot of students who became great scholars of their time, such as Huzoor Hafiz-e-Millat (the founder of Al Jamiah Al Ashrafiah, Mubarakpur), Allama Naeem Al Deen Muradabaadi (the author of Khazaa'in Al Irfaan, the commentary on Ala Hazrat's Kanz Al Imaan), Mufti Aazam Pakistaan, Allama Waqar Al-Deen and other great scholars. Allama Zia Al Mustafa began his studies directly from his father, the great Sadr Al Shari'ah and later went to Mubarakpur and studied under the shade of his fathers student Huzoor Hafiz-e-millat and Hazrat Allama Abd Al Ra'oof another great scholar. Allama Zia Al Mustafa deeply loves these two teachers of his and he mentions them a lot as well. In Mubarakpur Allama Sahib studied different types of Uloom and Funoon such as Ilme Qur'aan, Tafseer of the Qur'aan, Hadith, Usoole hadith, Fiqh, Usoole Fiqh, Ilme Ta'beer (interpretation of dreams), Ilme Tawqeet (Namaaz times), Ilme Nujoomi (Astronomy), Philosophy, Mantiq (Logic), Ilm-e-Falakiyaat, and the list goes on and on. He graduated with all that knowledge at the age of 19. One year after graduation his teacher Huzoor Hafiz-e-millat called him back to Mubarakpur and made him sit in his classroom in which he taught Bukhari Shareef, after 3 lessons Huzoor Hafiz-e-millat told him this how you must teach Bukhari. This was a glad tiding for a scholar of such young age that later on the years you will be a Sheikh Al Hadith and will teach Bukhari. It wasn't long when he was given the title "Muhaddith-e-Kabeer" which means "Great Muhaddith". He was such great in Fiqh that he was given the title "Mumtaaz Al Fuqha" which means "The Unique one from all Jurists". The titles that Allama Sahib has been given were all gained by him and given to him by great scholars. After Allama Sahib graduated from Mubarakpur he took part in a competition, the competition was on the topic of Fiqh. The winner would be given the title, "Mumtaaz Al-Fuqaha". Allama Sahib was competing many many scholars from all around India. He came first and was given the title. In Banaras, U.P, India, A Munazarah took place between the Ahl-e-Sunnah and the Ahl-e-Hadeeth. Huzoor Mujaahid-e-Millah, Allama Arshad Al-Qadri and mufti Shareef Al-Haq were present in Banaras to debate for the Ahle Sunnah. Allama Sahib was very young and was at home in Ghosi. He was not supposed to be taking part in the Munaazarah, however, the three previous mentioned great Ulema decided to call Allama Sahib, they felt a need for his presence. Remember Allama Sahib was very young at this time. Allama Sahib had to leave Ghosi straight away, he travelled in a local train, standing all the way tillBanaras. He was chosen by the Ahle Sunnah Ulema to be the Munaazir from the Ahle Sunnah side. He debated, and finally Ahle Sunnah won the munaazarah. Huzoor Mujaahid-e-Millah said after the Munaazarah astonished by Allama Sahib's level of understanding the uloom of Hadith, "Surely Mowlana Zia Al-Mustafa is not only a Muhaddith but is Muhaddith-e-Kabeer". This was the very Munazarah because of which Allama Sahib is called, "Faatih-e-Banaras". Allama Sahib was given the title "Sultaan Al-Assatizaa" in the urs of Allama Arshad Al-Qaadri two years ago. Whilst Allama Zia Al Mustafa was in Mubarakpur he was given Khilafah by Huzoor Hafiz-e-millat. During his stay in Mubarakpur Mufti Azam-e-Hind, the son of Ala Hazrat demanded his presence in bareilly, when Allama Zia Al Mustafa reached Bareilly he was given a Khilafah by Mufti Azam-e-Hind and permission to read and act according to a pamphlet called "Sayfi Shareef", this is a book which only a few people have permission to use, it is full aamaal to get rid of black magic and Jinns, to use this book one has to obide by a lot of rules, Mufti Azam-e-Hind loved Allama Zia Al Mustafa so much that he gave him permission to use that book without need to obide by any of the rules. Allama Zia Al Mustafa once used an amal from "Sayfi Shareef" to get rid of a Magicians magic which he used against the muslims in Mauritius (the Frenchireland), he was successful and that is the very reason why he has a lot of mureeds and followers in Mauritius. Huzoor Hafiz-e-Millah, many a times in his life said to people, "All that Sadr Al-Shari'ah gave to me, I have given to Mowlana Zia Al-Mustafa". Allama Zia Al Mustafa remained the principle in Al Jamiah Al Ashrafia for many years and the Sheikh Al Hadith for a few years. He is running two Daarul Ulooms in his own village, one for the boys called "Al Jamiah Al Amjadia" named after the great Sadr Al Shari'ah Amjad Ali and one for girls which was started by his mother, the wife of the great Sadr Al Shari'ah and the sister of the great Raees Al Qalam Allama Arshad Al Qaadri. She was a great Aalimah and a great Aamilah. That darul uloom for girls is called "Kulliyah Al Banaat". Allama Zia Al-Mustafa has written and checked many Fatwa's in his life time. If his fatwa are gathered they would no doubtedly reach to thousands. Today he is not just a Mufti but he is a guide for the Muftiyaan-e-Kiraam. There a lot of other great works he has done which I have not mentioned but what i can say is that I have never seen a greater or better scholar than him in this time. May Allah increase his knowledge, Taqwah, and work for Deen, may Allah give him fame, may Allah increase his life for the good of Muslims and may Allah give him Shifaa from all illnesses and problems. May Allah send his blessings on the souls of all the great scholars i have mentioned above, Ameen. Finally may Allah give us the Tawfeeq to live like the great scholars, Ameen. Wassalaam. -
Pic Of Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza (R.h) Is Real Or Fake ?
Masood Noori replied to ExposingNifaq's topic in گفتگو فورم
AssalaamuAlaykum, jis bhai ne bhi yeh farzi taswir lagaee hai unse Arz hai isey fauran delete keejiye. Pahli baat to yeh Huzoor Sarkaar e Aala Hadrat AlayhirRaHmah ki nahi hai. Aap ne bahut sakhti ke saath taswir e jaandaar ka radd kiya hai aapki taswir aapka ghulam kyun banaaeyga? Dushman aapki taswir bana kar kyun aapka charcha karega? Huzoor Aala Hadrat AlayhirRaHmah is se bezaar hen. Aapki RooH Mubaarak issey bezaar hai. Aey mere bhai Aala Hadrat AlayhirRaHmah ke deewaney hargiz aap is taswir ko baaqi rakh kar apne oopar taswir reproduction ka ilzaam na rakhen. TAAJUSH SHARIAH HUZUR AZHARI MIYAN SAHIB TALKS ABOUT CENTURIES OLD IJMA AGAINST TASWEER OF JAANDAAR .mp3 -
Barakaat E Huzoor Taajush Shariah @ Jamiaturraza.com
Masood Noori replied to Masood Noori's topic in Islamic Personalities
9-SOME IMPORTANT QUESTIONS AND TAAJUL FUQAHAA HUZOOR TAAJUSH SHARIAH MUFTI AKHTAR RIDA KHAN SAHIB QADRI BAREILVI ANSWERS. 9-Nass par Qayaas naajaiz hai (TV)+Hadees e Zaeef bhi Hadees hai+Adaab e ziarat e Qabr+Rozey ke masail+.40m.23Aug09.mp3 -
Barakaat E Huzoor Taajush Shariah @ Jamiaturraza.com
Masood Noori replied to Masood Noori's topic in Islamic Personalities
8-Huzoor Taajush Shariah SaHib doing (dictating) the SharaH of the world famous Qaseedah Burdah Shareef in Arabic Language. Hadrat is a Great Islamic Scholar and a Master in Arabics, an Authentic Faqeeh of our times. This part of SharaH is from a marathon session he attended once. AlHamduLillah Hadrat recites whole Qaseedah Burdah Sharif daily as a Wazeefah. To download the complete Arabic SharaH sessions please visit http://www.jamiaturraza.com/ (media > audio > Q/Ans. section) 8- Part of a session of Hadrat Taajush Shariah SaHib dictating Qasida Burdah's Sharah in Arabic Language.mp3 -
Barakaat E Huzoor Taajush Shariah @ Jamiaturraza.com
Masood Noori replied to Masood Noori's topic in Islamic Personalities
7- Sarkaar e Huzoor Taajush Shariah SaHib reciting a Naat Sharif written by himself in a very heart awakening and a lovely voice + The way to safeguard our Eemaan + Be with the Pious + Salaato Salaam and Duaa. 7- Huzoor Taajush Shariah SaHib (Allah Paak Salamat Rakhey) reciting Naat Sharif written by himself+Eemaan ki Hifazat ka Tariqa+Salaato Salaam+Duaa.mp3 -
Barakaat E Huzoor Taajush Shariah @ Jamiaturraza.com
Masood Noori replied to Masood Noori's topic in Islamic Personalities
6- Qaaziul Quzzat of Ahle Sunnah Ahle Jannah, Huzoor Taajush Shariah Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan Qadri Barakaati Azhari SaHib (Allah Salamat Rakhey) Answers to people's questions in a weekly Q/Ans. Session held every sunday night 9-10 pm. You can ask your questions live online too @ http://www.jamiaturraza.com/live or you can send your questions to [email protected] anytime. Answers can be downloaded at http://www.jamiaturraza.com/qaa-recordings Answer to thousands of questions asked and old recordings of Q/Ans sessions can be downloaded there too. 41.Insurance+zakir Nalaik+Jawab e Azan+Taswir dekhne ka Hukm kya+44m.29Aug09.mp3 -
Barakaat E Huzoor Taajush Shariah @ Jamiaturraza.com
Masood Noori replied to Masood Noori's topic in Islamic Personalities
Huzoor Taajush Shariah SaHib's love for Sunni Tanzeem's betterment and ISlaaH. Huzoor Taajush Shariah SaHib's Duaa for Sunni Tanzeems. _pilibhit_sharif.mp3 -
Barakaat E Huzoor Taajush Shariah @ Jamiaturraza.com
Masood Noori replied to Masood Noori's topic in Islamic Personalities
Fadail e Hadrat Qutb e Madinah and a KARAMAT e Huzoor e Mufti e Aazam AlayhimurRaHmah. Qutbe Madinah+Huzur Mufti e Azam ba'ade wisal RaHimahumULLAH.51m.22Nov09.mp3 -
Barakaat E Huzoor Taajush Shariah @ Jamiaturraza.com
Masood Noori replied to Masood Noori's topic in Islamic Personalities
Pray for Huzoor Taajush Shariah's good health and Salamati and long life full with Barakaat. Meaning of Sayyidi Aala Hadrat AlayhirRaHmah's Shaer shareef+Hukm e TaSwir+other questions+52m.1march09.mp3 -
Barakaat E Huzoor Taajush Shariah @ Jamiaturraza.com
Masood Noori replied to Masood Noori's topic in Islamic Personalities
Huzoor Taajush Shariah SaHib Answers Questions in fluent Arabic. If your language is English, Hadrat will answer you in English and Urdu as well. Arabic Qs.&Ans.22march09.mp3 -
Barakaat E Huzoor Taajush Shariah @ Jamiaturraza.com
اس ٹاپک میں نے Masood Noori میں پوسٹ کیا Islamic Personalities
A Great FaqeeH of our times, Janasheen e Huzoor e Mufti e Aazam AlayhirRaHmah, Huzoor Taajush Shariah Allamah Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan SaHib Qadri Barakaati urf Azhari Miyan, (Bareily Shareef) is a Great Grandson of Huzoor Sayyidi Aala Hadrat Imam AHmed Rida Khan SaHib Hanafi Qadri Barakaati AlayhirRaHmatu wa Ridwaan... [Questions can be also sent to: [email protected] and Huzoor's Fatawa/Answers can be downloaded at: [http://www.jamiaturraza.com/qaa-recordings] Fazail e Muftie Aazam & shuddhi (last)+Collar+LiveCoverage+Alcohol itr najaiz+Bareilviat+Alawi+Walima+48m.27Dec09.mp3 -
AssalaamuAlaykum,Rizwan bhai, aap Huzoor Taajush Shariah Nabeerah e Aala Hazrat Huoor Akhtar Rida Khan Azhari Miyan SaHib The Greatest Faqeeh & Aalim of Today se apne suwaalat jamiaturraza.com/ par likh kar, ya [email protected] par email karke apne suwalat maaloom kar sakte hen. Ek dam authentic jawab aaenge InshaAllah. Aap Bareily Shareif men rahtey hen. He is the Mufti e Aazam e Ahle Sunnat of today's time. Aapke jawaabat Jamiaturraza.com/qaa-recordings par se download kar sakte hen.
AssalaamuAlaykum. Yes, Huzoor Mufassir e Aazam AlayhirRahmah is the great Musannif of Ahle Sunnah Ahle Jannah. Aapki taareef jitni keejiye kam hai, aapne is maujoodah waqt men woh tasneefi kaam kiya hai jiski misaal nahin. Aap ne kitabon ke anbaar laga diye hen. Aqaid ki islaH ke liye. Allah paak aapke marqad par anwaar e raHmat ki Baarishen naazil farmaaey. Aameen.
درود شریف کا منکر کون ؟ منہ توڑ جواب کی ضرورت ہے۔
Masood Noori replied to Bilalowasi's topic in اہلسنت پر اعتراضات کے جوابات
AssalaamuAlaykum, Bilaal bhai Eemaan ke chor uchakkon se kyun tension lete hen. Aap Sarkaar Aala Hadrat AlayhirRaHmah ki Kutub o Rasaail Shareef ke sirf Khutbaat ko mulaHizah farma leejiye aur unko jamaa agar farmaa lenge to Durood o Salaam ki woh Kaan nazar aaeygi ki aapki aankhen munawwar ho jaaengi aur unki to dono phoot hi jaaengi. Agar deobandi wahabi Durood Shareef ke Fazail se itni dilchaspi rakhte hen to apni fazzzzzaaile aamaal/tableegi khizaab se Durood Shareef ka chapter kyun delete kiya hai makkaron ne? (Hamare Sunni Defender & not surrender bhai aur unke dost log agar yeh post padhenge to shayad kuch itmeenan hoga ke men bhi uhi ka bhai hoon ! ) salaam. -
AssalaamuAlaykum. Ji theek hai, maana ke kitabat ki galati ho gaee hogi lekin janaab hamari Dawate Islami ki kutub men to yeh tareeqa khoob dekha jata hai ke kitab ke shuroo men hi likh dete hen ke "majlise kutub o rasail ki jaanib se (ulan-fulan kitab par) nazar e sani ki koshish ki gaee hai. Majlis ne ise aqaaid, kufriyah ibaaraat .....wagairah wagairah sab check kar liye hen...... ALBATTA COMPOSING YA KITABAT KI GALATIYON KA ZIMMAH MAJLIS PAR NAHI !" Phir ek badi si mohar laga di jaati hai. Leejiye saHib, aap to bari ho gaey, aap logon ki zimmadaari galat-sahi sab dekhe bagair chhaapna hai to ab kya karen, yeh zimmadaari composing check karne ki ham log hi liye lete hen ! ? Majlis to majis hai...woh aesa halka kaam kyun karne lagee...? Hamari badboli Majaalis se to hamare MuHtaram Sunni Ulamaa o musannifeen e Kiraam Yaqeenan achchey hen ke kitaab men yun likh dete hen ke "bhai aapko koi galati nazar aaey to zara ittila kar dena agley edition men islaaH kar lee jaegee.".... Baat wahi hai ke ham Dawate Islami wale log badboley hen. Apne aapko tees maar khan se kam nahi samajhte hen. Aap ko hairat hogi Mumbai Maktabatul Madina ki Faizan e Sunnat, Rasail e Attaria balke aapke karachi maktaba tak ki kutub men hamne kaee bar kitabat ki iSlaaH karwaee hen. Ibaaraat tak change karwaee hen. Ham front men nahi aaey to kya hua ? Aapke peechey to hen.! Theek hai galati to rah hi sakti hen lekin yeh Aelaan kyoon aap log karte hen ke COMPOSING KI GALATI KI ZIMMADAARI MAJLIS PAR NAHI ? Ajeeb ulti Aql hai. Galati aap karen checking ham log karen ! ! Ab aap kahenge Masood bhai yahan bhi aa gaey is liye chalo yahan bhi LOCK kar daalte hen !! To phir hamen kisi ka naam "LOCKER SAHIBAAN" rakhne par ghaur karna pad sakta hai. Pehle hamari Dawate Islami men waqaee Aajizi thee. Lekin jabse zara Ulamaa e Kiraam ki sifaarishon se apni kuch pehchan ban gaee to ham hawa men udney lage hen, muAaf karna bhai. Salaam. Aapka purana khairkhwah.