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کمیونٹی میں شہرت

  1. Just to clear your mind we are not against Sunni ok ,, we love all muslims,,, ok ,,,,,,,,, ,,, we dont accept those who has been unfaithfull and has been trying to hurt the Prophet and Ahle beith,,,, is this clear,,,, you people come from anywhere and say things about shia why is that????? shia do thi s shia do that shia do these,,,,, comeone,,, i have already said it ,, we love the most all muslim,s,, and all faithfull and truth sahabas of Prophets we love anyone who has been faithfull to Prophet and to Ahle Beith,,,,,, and we reject those has disrespect Prophet and hjle Beith,,,,, this is shia believes and we will die on this believe,,,,,,,,,, this is our imaaaan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  2. Derar sag-e Madina,,,,,,,you wrote this i will wriote the answer Now you are hitting Imam Bukhari(ra),first of all tell me what is your status in Ilm e Hadith??You even dont know who r your parents???Because Mutta(temporary marraiage and in literal words Zina)is allowed in your religeon. i never tried to abuse Buikhari,, come on did i say that? no i did not i just gave a reference from Bukhari book so what is wrong that i did here?? tell me why you saying i am hitting Bukhari??? i have this book i read this book comeon i am a student not a stupid person,, if you say giving refernces from Sahi Bukhari is a affence then i say i am sorry you are wrong,, if not then think again and come back here . 2..you talk about my perant,, you are not allowed i have wrote enough about this on my other posts, but i simply think,, again,, i respect my perants and i do respect others as wel,, and if i disrespect other's perant it means i am disrespecting my perants,,m,, this iswhat islam says,,,, am i right so you think!!!!!!! you do no thave the right to talk about myt perants,, ok clear your mind for this,,,,,, May God bless your perant may they live long and be prected form all pain and problems,,, ameen) this is a shia beleive about perants,,, you talk about mutah is allowed in my religion ok thank you you remind me this that quran mentioned it ,, are you saying that you are aomong those who may belive onthis HERE IS THE VERSE THE PRO-MUTAH LOBBY USE TO JUSTIFY MUTAH (Casual Marriage). THIS VERSE IS (4-24). <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt" align=left> x <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt" align=left>Waalmuhsanatu mina alnnisai illa ma malakat aymanukum kitaba Allahi AAalaykum waohilla lakum ma waraa thalikum an tabtaghoo biamwalikum muhsineena ghayra musafiheena fama istamtaAAtum bihi minhunna faatoohunna ojoorahunna fareedatan wala junaha AAalaykum feema taradaytum bihi min baAAdi alfareedati inna Allaha kana AAaleeman hakeeman x <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt" align=left>xml:namespace prefix = o /> Notice the phase istamtaa’atum! Now remember this word! 4:24 Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess: Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,- desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive fulfilment from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise. Argument 1 The pro mutah lobby insist that the word istamtaa’atum does not really mean istamtaa’atum but means mutah. They say this because the two words sound similar and they have the same Arabic root. To prove their point they select some sunni references that they say give credence to their argument. So in their mind the two words - istamtaatum and mutah – mean the same thing and are interchangeable. To start let us look at what these two words mean literally in Arabic. Istamtaa’atum is a verb meaning To fulfil or To Please or To enjoy Mutah is a noun meaning ###### CONTRACT. Remember that the pagans used to make ###### contract with women. This contract was called mutah. Until recently Mutah was regarded as 'Hiring Vagina'. Now to make Mutah acceptable to the Muslims it is craftly called 'Temporry Marriage.' The pro-mutah lobby claim that as Muslims we are also allowed to do this, especially with widows and divorcees. They claim it is kindness to do this with widows and divorcess because they need sexual release from men who want them for a ######.
  3. Derar sag-e Madina,,,,,,,you wrote this i will wriote the answer Now you are hitting Imam Bukhari(ra),first of all tell me what is your status in Ilm e Hadith??You even dont know who r your parents???Because Mutta(temporary marraiage and in literal words Zina)is allowed in your religeon. i never tried to abuse Buikhari,, come on did i say that? no i did not i just gave a reference from Bukhari book so what is wrong that i did here?? tell me why you saying i am hitting Bukhari??? i have this book i read this book comeon i am a student not a stupid person,, if you say giving refernces from Sahi Bukhari is a affence then i say i am sorry you are wrong,, if not then think again and come back here . 2..you talk about my perant,, you are not allowed i have wrote enough about this on my other posts, but i simply think,, again,, i respect my perants and i do respect others as wel,, and if i disrespect other's perant it means i am disrespecting my perants,,m,, this iswhat islam says,,,, am i right so you think!!!!!!! you do no thave the right to talk about myt perants,, ok clear your mind for this,,,,,, May God bless your perant may they live long and be prected form all pain and problems,,, ameen) this is a shia beleive about perants,,, you talk about mutah is allowed in my religion ok thank you you remind me this that quran mentioned it ,, are you saying that you are aomong those who may belive onthis HERE IS THE VERSE THE PRO-MUTAH LOBBY USE TO JUSTIFY MUTAH (Casual Marriage). THIS VERSE IS (4-24). <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt" align=left> x <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt" align=left>Waalmuhsanatu mina alnnisai illa ma malakat aymanukum kitaba Allahi AAalaykum waohilla lakum ma waraa thalikum an tabtaghoo biamwalikum muhsineena ghayra musafiheena fama istamtaAAtum bihi minhunna faatoohunna ojoorahunna fareedatan wala junaha AAalaykum feema taradaytum bihi min baAAdi alfareedati inna Allaha kana AAaleeman hakeeman x <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt" align=left>xml:namespace prefix = o /> Notice the phase istamtaa’atum! Now remember this word! 4:24 Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess: Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,- desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive fulfilment from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise. Argument 1 The pro mutah lobby insist that the word istamtaa’atum does not really mean istamtaa’atum but means mutah. They say this because the two words sound similar and they have the same Arabic root. To prove their point they select some sunni references that they say give credence to their argument. So in their mind the two words - istamtaatum and mutah – mean the same thing and are interchangeable. To start let us look at what these two words mean literally in Arabic. Istamtaa’atum is a verb meaning To fulfil or To Please or To enjoy Mutah is a noun meaning ###### CONTRACT. Remember that the pagans used to make ###### contract with women. This contract was called mutah. Until recently Mutah was regarded as 'Hiring Vagina'. Now to make Mutah acceptable to the Muslims it is craftly called 'Temporry Marriage.' The pro-mutah lobby claim that as Muslims we are also allowed to do this, especially with widows and divorcees. They claim it is kindness to do this with widows and divorcess because they need sexual release from men who want them for a ######.
  4. Shia Believes,,, The Great Almighty God is always Great The Prophets Hazrat Mohammad , Ahmed Mustafa Mohaamda s.a.w. is last and great prophet of God The Quran and its all ayat surrah and each words and a single nuqtah,, must be obay and respected,,, Imam Ali a.s is the Wali of allah,,,,, annouced and chosed by P{rophet from god at Khum _e Ghadeer All faithfull and truth Sahabas are respectable and we must have EMaaan on them as well ,,,, the 12 Imamat from Prophet Ahle beith ,,,, Why i mention this coz after all i see many places people write wrong things about us,, this is our beleive , and if we see this is what sunni beleives so whats the diifernce?? well people down there try to cret a lines in between to makes difference abut i personally thik its wrong,, i listen to sunni scholars,, they speak the truth and i love them as much as i do ours just coz they speak truth,,,, REfuesal ,,, We and i Refuse , anyone who has been unfaithfull to God To Quran To Prophet or To Ahlebeith,,,,,,, do you people think this is wrong,, ?? Think we can sit and talk good things rather then acusin anyone ,,but i have pain that Sag e Madina acused me of my perants,, this is sad but i guese some people dont know the respect of perant,,,,, if i repect my perant so i do others and if i dont respect other's perant so dont mine as well this is the common sence of human,,, Lets sit and talk nicely and get more knowledg about history,,,,,,,,
  5. Hey you ,, dont even talk about my perants ok respect bro ok you have perants too , i dare to say anything about them this is the difference about us and you ,, i am talking about the fact and you talking about my perants ? dont be so much rude coz you leading your nation here ok ... i have clearfy many times one time more to make you sure ok,, ok ,,, We shia , and sunni we are muslims,,, i am not hitting bukhari here ok ,, i never said that ok ,, i referenced a riwayat of bukhari book whats affensive here??/ if you think that why Prophet said, Ya Ali anta minni wa anna minka ,, then why you hiting me go and ask Prophet why did he said that about Imama Ali? is that clear God is almighty i have the most hight respect of fair for God For Quran and For allk Prophets first one to the end ,, and we obay them as much as the Quran says and we Believe them and respect them as much as the Quran says ,, is this one clear to you??? Ok about sahaba You wants refrence agains sahaba ? look before anything i would say one thing that we shia believe and that is We always say that Our lives are under the feet of the truth and faithful sahabas of Prophets .s.a.w. hamari Janain Rasool Allah key Suchey SahabiPer Qurbaan,,,,, is that clear to you now? ok lets go ahead ok you tell me one thing , leave the rest ad leave the references for now i will conme up with them late on later ok Why should say that those people who always been problem and tried to hurt Ahlebeith why should respect them no no no if i do so then i am going against the words of Prophets s.a.w. ok ,, prophets Says,, if anyone hurts My Ahle Beith or clearly BIBI Fatimah Zahra tho means he hurst me and he Hurts God ,,, do you refuse this?? you cant can you?? or you may do so but does not bother me,, but i beleive on each and sigle words of Propphets s,sa.w.... i dont want to mention the names but just want to say we are the one ;who can justify it,, but Quran says Ayaat about these ,, and thats whay we Believe on ,, And inshalla Roz-e Qiyamat it will be justice,,,,,, And again,, if you were faithfuill muslim you would never talk about my perants ,, as you have perants as well this is so pain fulll for me that today a muslim is acusing my perants in a chat forum ,,, this is out of order,,,,,,,in reply this is my answer to you may God bless you and your Perants all the time,, and keep them away from all illness pain and troubles,,, A,meeeenn,,,,, this is shiaa believes ad mind,,,,,,brother.,. we are talking about those who has insulted islam and Ahle Beith the world says,,,,,, about it,,,,,if even i sit andwrite down from different books this forum will be short to those history,, we get knowledge from here not to abuse each others perant, ok ,,,, thanks Ya Allah Ya Rasool Allah Ya Ali Wali Alah
  6. Hey man,, first, go infront of merror and then see what you are,, that you trying to disqualify the shia?/ i am not getting angry you know why. coz you people even dont know and you could never understand what Prophet s.a.w. said,, and what he wanted,, we shiaa ahte so lucky that we love him more than any thing we believe him more than any thinig and follow him more then anyother,, you talk about us,, go and read your own book the highest book of ahle sunni what they wrote about us,,,,, mohammad ismaeed bukhari wrote about 10,000 Riwaayat ok i just cant beleive in those 10,.000 riwayat he wrote just 3 riwayat about Imam Ali .as. is it fair ok maybe but i even will not mention what and what but one prophet says,, Ya ali anta minni wa anna mika ,, mean ya ali tu muj se hain or me tuj se hoo,,,, eng,, ya ali you are from me and i am froim you ,,,, what does it mean???? think and die in shade of abu sufyaan,,,, and mawiyaa and yazeeed,,, lanat on those who acuse abused and been trouible for Ahlebeith,,,,,,,,,, Ya Allah Ya RAsool Allah Ya Ali
  7. Salam, Hazrat Imam Hussain a.s se pehle Hazrat Imam Hassan or aap se pehle Hazrat Imam Ali a.s. the imamat chain continue untill 12 imaams and the 12th imam is in perdah ghaib ,, and he will come with Prophet Issa togather ,,this is thefact the the hightst Mufti and schollars knows and believes,,,,,,,,,,,,
  8. Dera brother i dont exactly get you what you saying,, one point is right that wahabiat and forigne policies are destroying islam,,, and between shia and sunni,,, if you talk about iraq ,, shiaa has been assulted or acused since last years and years throug saddams army that shia were not even allowed to proceed moharrams programms,, this is just like those time when abusufyan did to Rasoolalllahhh Mawiyaa did to Imam Hassan Yazeed did to Imam Hussain,,,,,,,, and shia got no problem to sunni brothers we love ahle sunni,,,, i am a shia and i have the highest respect for ahle sunni,,,, this is my vbeleive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  9. Dear ,, its your personal believe that you call mawiya as sayddina rz,, well i am not shocked about that,, Dear i will can proof it frm diffrence books even thoo it would not make any difference,, to anyone down here,,,,, but what i mean is,, see from the first batlle of Islam get the history,, you will understad there is a reason why????? ok ,, on the target,, Mawiya was one of the rude and totally against islamic Law ,,Ameer,,in time of Our second imam,, he always tried to be trouble for Imam Hassan AS, ok this what the fact but why should you believe right?? ok who killed Imam Hassan as? three people were involve in this assasination and it was planned by Mawiya,, ok question is we are muslim here one muslim than dont we just see the fact about to Prophet s.a.w family and who and who has done what and what? ok,,lets say something about abu sufiyan he fought 40 battle against Prophets s.a.w. ok who killed hazrat hamza?? and what happen after that??? i feel so upet when brothers here trys to defence maiywa or yazeeed oh i just want to say thanks goid i am noot one of them,,,i do ot have any respect for those who has tourchured or been trouble to Hazrat Mohammad s.a.w. and his family... simple is that,, there are manythinsin history that i want to say but it would not make any diffrence i request to all try to research the right history and be one of the followers of Prophets s.a.w. ,, Lets put hand togather and say May God Keep us to the Right Path ,,,,, this history is so vital that not even this whole website may not be able to cover it...... Ya Allah AY Rasoool Allah Ya Ali yun Wali Alllah this is our believe,,,,,,, we live with it we die with it,,,,,,,,,
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