Mr Asimyaqoob, thanks for good words to words shia mazhab,, i will not abuse ahle sunnha, in calim of your words but read this,,
Abu suyan fough 40 battles against islam and Rasssol Alllah ,,, Mawiyaa fought agians Imam Ali ,,
Yazeeed fough agains Imam Hussain ,,
ok shaami wa kufi, story of kerbala and after that yazeed mayiwa and shimr they aressted Bibi POaak Zenab with all other momineen and mulimeen,,, and took them to derbaar yazeed ,,,, ok,,
why am i writing this coz you dont know nothing,, you dont have to say anything about us, we are happy with ou imaan,, Matam Azadari majlis these are our aim to live,, and now we understan why you are so against this coz we mention the names of the crule the names of the killers of Imam Husain(as) The names of those who were fighting against Islam,,,
i am not gona say anythig els this is the end,, i dont think that you understand that most of hight scholars of ahle Sunah they believe on what i say and they have writtend book and they said it on record and they do know the fact ,, we always respect ahle suna and this is us the Shia that we cry and do azadari for Ahlebaith ,, this is us that we obay Prphet and this is us that respect all the religions,,,
you are the most hypocrate persone i have ever seeen and we dont do badduaa to anyone,,, i will pray fo you Allah apko Hidayat dain,,,, ameen,,,,,,, and if still you dont get it than thats your luck,, live like that,,