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  1. www.youtube.com/watch?v=elju55ap7vk&feature=player_embedded#! What a chawal banda. Musalman ko kaffir kaho toh donoon meh say ek kaffir heh, sahabah ko kaffir kehnay say kohi kaffir nahin hota, wa rah jangli janwar teri kia harkateh hen.
  2. Pir Mehar Ali Shah alayhi rehma toh yeh likhnay say door un kee gali ka kutta be esa kabi nah likhta. Hawala pesh keren. Mujjay wesay hee pata heh kay esa kohi hawala nahin magar ham chalen aap ko kush kernay kay leyeh hawala mang raha hoon. Ya jis nay aap ko yeh bataya heh us ko kahen kay Pir sahib kee kitab ka hawala denh.
  3. T.T ko chor doh yeh khud zehni mareez heh, is chawal ko yeh pata nahin kay urdu meh zer, zabr, pesh likhna zeroori nahin. Alif-Seen is/us pera jata heh kon say is ka baap zeyr aur pesh dalta heh in kay upper, abhi taq meh nay kohi kitab nahin dekhi siwahay patti kee jis meh is/us meh farq kernay kay leyeh zeyr ya pesh dali gaee ho. joh perna aur likhna jantay hen woh siyaq o sabaq say samaj jatay hen kay us heh ya is heh. door wala us, aur qareeb walay kay leyeh is. issee tera joh sunni sahih ul aqidah heh woh woh farq ker leta heh bod heh ya bad. magar joh chawal banda ho jis ko maan nay jan ker sogh manaya ho aur 40 din muhallay meh matam banahi gaee ho woh yahi samajay ga kay yeh ghalti heh likhnay walay kee.
  4. jistera is ka baap kaffir thah yeh be kaffir heh keun kay in donoon kaffiroon ka aqeedah heh aur thah kay Hazrat Amir Muawiyah radiallah tallah anh kaffir hen, baghi hen. Esay marasi kay bachay kay leyeh adab kee zuban istimal kerna beadabi heh musalmanoon kee. Ala hadhrat kay fatway kay mutabiq yeh jahhanum ka kutta heh aur is ka baap bee jahanum ka kutta hee thah, ghaliban maan be jahanum kee kuttia hogi.
  5. bad aur bod donoon Arabi zubaan kay lafz hen, bod ka matlab heh beghair, door, is leyeh ashaar ka matlab heh; kasrat beghair killat kay lakhoon salam, izzat baghair zillat pay lakhoon salam.
  6. Meh nay Ulamah say suna heh kay Ibnul Wahab Najdi ka rishta Khariji Dhul Khawaisirah An'Najdi Al Tamimi see milta heh. mujjay yeh geneology kissi aur nay deeh heh aur poocha heh kay is meh kahan per Dhul Khawaisira ka naam heh. Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahhaab bin Sulaymaan bin Alee bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Raashid bin Burayd bin Muhammad bin Mashraf bin Umar bin Mi'daad bin Rees bin Zaakhir bin Muhammad bin Alawee bin Wuhayb bin Qaasim bin Moosaa bin Mas'ood bin Uqbah bin Sanee' bin Nahshal bin Shaddaad bin Zaheer bin Shihaab bin Rabee'ah bin Abee Saud bin Maalik bin Handhalah bin Maalik bin Zayd Manaah bin Tameem bin Murr bin Add bin Taabikhah bin Ilyaas bin Madhar bin Nazaar bin Mu'idd bin Adnaan. Agar kissi ko ilm ho toh thori help keray kay kis tera Ibnul Wahab kee geneology Dhul Khuwaisira say milti heh.
  7. Pehlay meh socha kerta thah kay dunya kee har shaytaani kaam kay peechay shaytaan kee support heh, mera view badal gaya heh, har shaytaani kaam ko support kernay walay shaytaan nahin AlTeejani heh. Dunya ka sab say bara ajeeb o ghareeb ajooba, Alteejani the shaytaani, all the heretical kuffria believes are found in him, saint John declared the secret of number of beast and he is here to preach the Gospel the good news of saviour lord Jesus christ who died for the sin of mankind, god become flesh the lord of Lords Jesus christ the number of beast is 666. Bloody stupid shaytaan essay jahiloon hoon toh shaytaan retirement pension leh ker holiday be chala jahay toh Alteejani jesa banda kohi acha kaam nahin honay deh ga Sybarite baee kissi banday kay puttr say wasta dalen, yeh khud be'imaan heh aur baqiyoon ko bak bak say gumra keray ga.
  8. meray pass munazra chang audio casset meh heh, agar kohi baee UK meh us ko copy kr kay kissi tareekay say online lagana chahta heh toh batahay, meh mail ker doon ga.
  9. Abdul Qadir kee shaan meh chand imaan ko taza kernay walay ashaar. Jissay nara e tehqeeq say piyar ho, Nah ussay haq char yar say khar ho Tooh Nara Haidri per har dam tiyar ho Sirf Bakr Omar Usman say tujjay bukhar ho Jilani, Rafzi kay nazranay khanay per tiyar ho, Haram khor phir tahirun say keyun nah bemar ho Tanqeed e Raza per nah sirf tera ikhtisaar ho, Tabarah e Sahabah say tujjay khoob piyar ho Sahabi ko bhonkay, Shiat ke rah tuj say hamwar ho Rafz'iat kay bister meh tera har ek Tafzili yar ho Dunya o Akhirat meh misl e khanzeer tera haal ho Heh meri dua Rabb say, lanat tum pay be shumar ho, [Continued ...]
  10. Joh baat meh nay likhi heh ussay peren aur thora ghor keren kay meh nay kia likha heh. Video Film be majmooa Tasaweer heh.
  11. Jee Sayyidi Taaj Ush Shariah Pir o Murshid Hazrat Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan nay Dawat e Islami ka bad mazhabi jammat honay ka fatwah kahi bar live sessions meh deeya heh. Waja ahle ilm ko maloom hogi kay tasweer bananay ka masla heh joh Maslak e Ala Hazrat kay khilaaf aur shar'an Tasweer banana haram heh. Dostoon say guzarish heh kay joh jis Aalim kay tareekay ko aapnata heh apnahay, baghair tanqeed kay, ulamah e ahle sunnat ko haq heh kay woh jis ko ghalat janeh rokenh aur sahih janeh ussay encourage keren. Agar haram ko zamana dekh ker aur taweelat per halal keeya jahay toh phir sharab, soowar, sood, ko be taweelat per jaiz ker hee denh gay logh is leyeh Ulamah apni waseeh nazri kee waja say kuch masail per sakhti kertay hen toh hikmat heh. Aaj tasweer ko tolerate keeya jahay toh kal nahin toh 50 saal bad kohi soowar ko taweelat per halal ker leh aur tasweer ko saboot banahay kay dekho pehlay haram thee abh jaiz heh, issee tera pehlay soowar haram thah ab jaiz heh, istera deen taba ho jata he. Is leyeh joh Ulamah sakhti per batahay huway rastay per chal rahay hen woh kush niyat aur deen kay muhaffiz hen, Aur joh Ulamah taweel ker rahay hen is maslay per woh is kee hikmat jantay hen, toh ker rahay hen, bas note kernay kee baat heh kay Khizr alayhis salam kay leyeh joh jaiz thah woh Musa alayhis salam kee shariat kay khilaaf thah, al hasal, joh Moosavi Ulamah hen un ko ihtiraaz ka haq heh aur joh Khizri Ulamah hen un ko ijazat heh. Awaam sar dardi meh nah peren, apnay apnay Ulmah aur jis ko nazriyeh ko sahih samajtay hen us kay mutabiq chalen, Ulamah ka ihtiraam keren.
  12. AhleQuran

    Maqam E Rasool - Check Translation Please.

    As salam alayqum wr wb I translated a part Allamah Manzoor Ahmed Faizi's (rahimullah alayhi tallah) book; 'Maqam e Rasool' for a article which I am writting, but due to my third class Urdu, I am not sure the english translation is in accordance with the views expressed by Sayyidi Manzoor Ahmed Faizi rahimullah alayhi tallah, therefore I present the original in roman Urdu and my rough translation. Those brothers who have good command of Urdu, and the terminologies used, check the translation please and suggest corrections. “113- Hazoor Hazrat Muhammed Mustafa sallalahu alayhi was'salam ko har sheh [cheez] ka ilm deeya gaya hat'ta kay rooh aur in panch cheezoon ka ilm be ata huwa jin ka zikr is ayaat meh heh: “In'nallaha indahu ilmus sa'ati ...” … Yeh hawalay uloom khamsa aur ilm Rooh kay saboot kay mutaliq hen, baqi Hazoor alayhi salamtu was'salam kay ilm qulli kay mutaliq be sun'neh.Hazoor sallalahu alayhi was'sallam ko har shai [cheez] ka ilm heh, har shai Hazoor per roshan heh joh kuch asmanoon aur zameenoon meh heh who sab jantay hen, aap har ghayb pe mamoon hen. Ma'kana (joh ho chuka) mayakoon (joh ho raha heh aur joh hota rahay ga) yeh sab kuch ba itla e illahi ba aa'laam rabbani wa ba'faiz Subhani wa ba'tawfeeq Rehmani jantay hen, Lawh wa qalam kay jami uloom kay ja'meh hen balkay Lawh o qalam kay uloom aap kay uloom walay sumundar say chand qatray hen, Hazoor ka ilm Allah tallah kay Ilm say baaz heh- ...” … Aur makhlooq ki ba'nisbat Qull heh yehni Hazoor alayhis salatu was salam ka ilm qulli bi heh aur juzzi be heh. Min jehtal khaliq juzzi heh aur min jehtal makhlooq qulli heh. Neez hazoor alayhis salatu was salam makhlooq hen aur hazoor ka ilm be makhlooq heh. Ilm illahi Zaati heh aur ilm khalq Atahi, voh wajid yeh mumkin voh qadeem yeh haadis, voh na'makhlooq yeh makhlooq, voh na muq'door maqdoor. Voh zeroori al baka, yeh jaiz ul fana, voh mumtana altagheer yeh mumkin altabdil in azeem tafarqoon kay bad ihtimal shirk nah hoga magar kissi majnoon ko.” [Maqaam e Rasool, Pages 505, 506.507] Translation: “Prophet Muhammed (sallalahu alayhi was'salam) has been given the knowledge of evrything, even the knowledge of soul and the five Ghaybs which have been mentioned in verse: “In'nallaha indahu ilmus sa'ati ...” … these refferences are about the knowledge of five and soul, now listen about the Prophet's (sallalahu alayhi was'salam) Qull knowledge of Ghayb. Prophet Muhammed (sallalahu alayhi was'salam) knows everything, everything has been made apparent to him, what ever was/is in the skies or on planets hes knows all, he is informed of all Ghayb. What has happened in past, what is happening at present and what will happen in future all this is known to him by informing of Ilah (God), by signs of Rabbani (i.e. Lord, Sustainer), and by bounty of Subhani (i.e. Glorious), and by approving of Rehmani (i.e. Compassionate). Knows all the knowledge in Lawh and Qalam, infact the knowledge of Lawh wal Qalam's are few drops from sea of knowledge of Prophet Muhammed (sallalahu alayhi was'salam). Prophet's (sallalahu alayhi was'salam) knowledge in comparision to Allah's (subhana wa tallah) knowledge is Baaz (i.e. Partial, Limited). And in connection to creation the Prophet's (sallalahu alayhi was'salam) knowledge is Qull (i.e. Absolute), meaning that Prophet's (sallalahu alayhi was'salam) knowledge is Qull as well as Juzzi (i.e. Limited, Partial). When from point of Khaliq (i.e. Creator) its Juzzi, and from point view of Makhlooq (i.e. creation) its Qulli. RasoolAllah (sallalahu alayhi was'salam) is creation, and his knowledge is creation as well, knowledge of God is Zaati (i.e. personel, own) and knowledge of creation Atahi (i.e. given, granted), that [knowledge of Allah] is Wajib (i.e. necessary), this [knowledge of creation] is mumkin (i.e. possiable), that is Qadeem (i.e. eternal) this is Hadis (i.e. created), that is non-creation this creation, that is non-preordained and this is preordained. That must exist/remain, this can go out of existance [into nothingness], that does not change, this is possiable to change, with such great difference [between knowledge of Creator and Creation] only a mad-man will assume there is possiability of Shirk.” The complete article will be posted on this Forum: http://www.ahlalhdeeth.org/forumdisplay.php?f=10Its a Sunni Forum not Wahabi Or Deobandi.
  13. Ilm kay samundar ka gate khulnay laga heh, kohi jaldi nah keray AlTeejani sahib apnay ilmi gehrahi ka saboot denh gay. YA Allah Alteejani sahib ko itni towfeeq aur nah deh kay Bagwat Geeta kay secrets bata ker ham ko shock meh daal deh, ameen. Mera toh Visa hee nahin hospital walay book hee nahin keren gay, bahir hee mar jahoon ga, ameen, ameen, ameen.
  14. Meh chruch meh service deta nahin joh church say service aur Sufi Saint John ko mantay hen un ka rad kernay wala hoon. Aap hee apnay peer Sufi Saint John say yeh sab perh ker aa rahay hen. aap ka Peer be faradi aur aap be faradi aur joh baqwas baqi/likhi lanat behijta hoon esa faradi dokay baaz Peer per. Be'sharm ko sharm dilanay kay leyeh kabi thori see ungli tehri kerna perti heh, tawaqoh toh nahin kay jis kee fitrat be imani sharm keray ga magar phir be bible ko istimal ker kay Quran o Hadith kee tafseer o sharh kay natahij bot bayanak ho saktay hen. Is leyeh teray jesay be'imaan sufi ko lesson deh raha thah kay aaj tooh nay beast 666 ko maan ker Ahadith waghera say jora heh kal teray jesa kohi aur SULLA KULL sufi uth ker TRINITY-TAWHEED garh leh ga. Aur phir yeh ek trend ban jahay gee kay Quran o Hadith ko Bible kay saath rakh ker samja jahay aur joh marzi taweelat o kuffriat gari jahen. Aur agar ek mann aqal hoti toh meray likhay huway ko samaj jatay kay kia kis nazriyeh point of view say likha heh. Wesay joh tumaray nazriat hen woh kissi Sunni kay nahin hen be'imaan kay hen. Joh banda Imam Mahdi joh Ghaws e Azam hoga qayamat taq luchay lafangay Zahid Hamid ko banahay us ka Imaan salamat nahin ho sakta. Zahid Hamid ko be'parda aurat kay saath beth ker program kerna Yusuf Kazzab Kaffir ka mureed hona, balkay ek dafa toh us kay gar ka mahol TV per dekhaya gaya, biwi be parda sar kay oopar dopatta toh door galay meh dopatta nahin thah. Yeh us banday kay gar ka mahol heh jis ko Ghaus e Azam Imam Mahdi ka candidate banaya ja raha heh. Lanat heh tum per aur jis nay tummeh yeh taleem deeh.
  15. If you dont read all you wont know all, so read all, to know all. Let me demonstrate how 666 is actualy for Dajjal. Our muhaddith brother, the imam e azam of islamimehfil is actually arived on this conclusion based on the fallowing calculations. DAjjal = Dal Jeem Alif Laam Daal = sabzi + Aloo - Gobi Squared by 2 = 420 Jeem = Mirch - Namak = tarka = 80 Alif = Gas x fire + light = 66 Laam = chawal + Onions - Tomatoes = 100 Dajjal = 666 According to my Seikh Qutub Mushaykh Abdaal e waqt the guardian of Lawh e Mafooz, he talked to Al Qalam, and was told that those who have no spiritual insight, those who hve no connection with al lawh al mafooz and never have learned swimming in pool of marifat and haqiqat will think this is none-sense. Only spiritual people will realise the depth of truth in this. Holy books of Revelations, the Sufi Saint John revealed to us that number of the beast is 666: New Testament, Book Of Revelation, Chapter 13, Verse 18 Here is awisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. 600, onescore = 20, 3score = 60 and 6 = 666 Our seikh the Ghaus and Qutb of his time, has revealed all the secrets to us. Our most authentic RELIABLE HOLY BOOK THE HOLY NEW TESTAMENT has made it clear that BEAST OF NUMBER IS 666, which is also confirmed by my sufi seikh who talks to al Qalam which wrote everything on al lawh al mafooz, so dajjals number is 666. ================================================================================================================================================ For Sunni's who beleive in Allah, RasoolAllah, and those who beleive in Quran and Hadith has only source of deen, and use Quran to interpret the Hadith, and hadith to interpet the Quran, for those Sunni's i would like to inform them that a Greek manuscript fragment was found a Papri , in which this crucial passage of NEW Testament was quoted, This is the oldest known papri record of Revelation chapter 13 verse 18, and it states that number of beast is 616. The copy which I am reffering to is known has Novum Testamentum Graece. Those who wish to read about the copy should read Barbara Aland and Kurt Aland's accound of New Testament Text. The Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, New Revised Standard Version, have used oldest mansucripts avaliable of Revelations to translate their NT. Here is the link of 616 beast number: http://en.wikipedia....._LXVI_4499.jpg This Papri pieace is dated around 275 A.D. which is around 1725 years ago, and this is the oldest record of the verse. Most Bible translations use the 1500th century onward copies to translate thier bibles to their language, because before that bible text was evolving changing, around 15th century the TEXT was pretty static, but minor changes continue even to the present day. The scholars of textual criticism use oldest manuscripts to reconstruct the original text of New Testament. Now the bible translators are begin to catch up with this skill and use oldest manuscripts to correct their modern bibles. Any way a fool with no common sense, and a sufi drunk with stupidity, and a Zindeeq would use a source such as bible to interpret the Hadith. bible is most unreliable book on planet earth, it changes every week, and what was in this bible a week go the most definate text the gods only truth, becomes forgery week later, and needs to be corrected. The priest stands i swear by holy jesus on the verse 18 of book of mathew that its gods word, and week later he is telling oops holy spirit didnt inspire this verse 18, its not gods word. Using a book which has no crediability, to interpret haidth is like using telephone book to interpret the Quran. May Allah save all the Sunnis from AlTeejani's expertise, and stupdity of fake peers, and their stupid mureed, ameen, ameen.
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