Zahid Hussain
کل پوسٹس
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تاریخِ رجسٹریشن
آخری تشریف آوری
سب کچھ Zahid Hussain نے پوسٹ کیا
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BIGHRI%20HUIE%20BANTI%20HAI Artist / Source - File Name http://www.hussainiat.com/naat/Allhaaj%20K...BANTI%20HAI.mp3 Send Media Link by E-mail Length 7:52 Format mp3 Quality 48Kbps Audio Channels 2 Rights Summary There are no rights or restrictions associated with this clip Allow playback on PC No (play to authorize) Content viewable until Unlimited Miracles of Islam & Masque around the world. http://uk.f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/wazirabad_7 http://shaam.homestead.com/sallawat_backonline.html
Aslam alieykum:sending you my first post since i have joine this groupe. Some Naat's link. 1-http://www.hikarachi.com/islam/naat.html 2- http://www.hussainiat.com/naat/naat.asp?naat 3- http://www.naatnet.com 4- http://www.minhaj.org 5- http://www.ishaateislam.net/audio/naat.htm 6- http://www.forumhit.com/naatonline/
The Holy relics /The Holy belongings of Rasoolulla
اس ٹاپک میں نے Zahid Hussain میں پوسٹ کیا گفتگو فورم
The Holy relics http://mediaislam.no-ip.com:8080/Main.asp?...ics-Rasoolullah http://groups.msn.com/wazirabad7/part2theh...harshareef.msnw The Holy belongings of Rasoolullah(Sal) The Holy belongings of Sahabs & Khaleefs List All Relics Masjid Shareef Masjidul Haram (Makkah) Masjidun Nabawi (Madeena) Masjids in India Masjids in Pakistan Masjids in Asia List All Masjids Mazhar Shareef (holy shrines) Rawla Shareef of Huzoor (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) The Holy Shrines of Anbiya (prophets) Alaihimis Salam The Holy Shrines of Sahabs and Khaleefas (Ral) The Holy Shrines of Imams (Rah) The Holy Shrines of Awliyaullahs(Ral) List All Mazhars -
Click Here To Get The Printer Friendly Version INFORMATION ABOUT INGREDIENTS ON FOODS, TOOTHPASTE, SOAP ETC. INTRODUCTION We hope that this information will be of great use to you and that you will read the ingredient on every product before you make your purchase. If in doubt, you may write to the company. They have been very helpful in providing the requested information. CONSULTATION OF COMPANIES Here are the results of consultations done with various food companies. No particular questions were asked about products that may contain alcohol. L.D. Schrieber Cheese Company: No shortening, lard, gelatin or lecithin used. Cow products are used HALAL Burger King Corporation: Shortening used in from swine = HARAM Lard is used in buns and apple pie = HARAM Lecithin is used in buns =HARAM Because you are not sure. Shakes = HALAL General Goods: Lard is used on Swan Down Cake mixes. Gelatin (from collagen-bearing tissues of any animal) is used in many products including Jell-O Brad Gelatin Desert = HARAM Knox Gelatin Inc.: Knox Gelatin is prepared from the protein collagen, which is extracted from either beef (bones and skin) or PORK (SKINS) =HARAM American Lecithin Company: Our lecithin is derived from soybeans and is sold under the trade name Alcoles = HALAL Nestle: A list was sent to MSA confirming that their products do not contain any animal by-product. Lecithin used in their products is derived from Soybeans = HALAL General Mills Inc.: Shortening similar to lard is used, also Soya lecithin is used =HARAM (Because it does not say Soya or lard and you don't know so it is better to avoid) Quaker Oats: Soybean lecithin is used. Shortening used is from swine. Some of the products are MASA Trigo, Flako pie crust and cup cake mix. SEVERAL TERMS A. Derived from pork or other animal Bacon Ham Sausage Lard Fat Gelatin Shortening (animal). B. Avoid - doubtful (may be derived from animal or vegetable): Lecithin Emulsifier Dough conditioners Mono and diglycerides Enzymes or rennet in cheese C. You can use: HALAL Soya-lecithin Soybean lecithin Vegetable lecithin Vegetable shortening Vegetable mono and diglyceriders Vegetable enzymes or rennetless cheese. Fish. D. Avoid may contain alcohol Artificial and imitation extracts and flavorings E. When you see these letters: "U" or "K" they may mean that the produce does not contain anything from an animal. AVOID THE FOLLOWING AS THEY MAY CONTAIN ALCOHOL: Artificial and Imitation extracts and Flavorings. MISCELLANEOUS FOOD ITEMS Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Kellog Co. Frosted Pop Tarts Type-B Gelatin (Vegetable/Beef) Investigate Unfrosted Pop Tarts No Gelatin HALAL Frank Foods QT Frosting mix Vegetable fat (Shortening) HALAL General Mills Inc. Ready-to-Spread Frosting Vegetable fat/or Lard HARAM Proctor & Gamble Duncan Hines Cake Mix & Pringles Vegetable fat HALAL Great Atlantic & Pacific Co. A&P Creamer Coconut & Palm Oil HALAL Topco Assoc. Inc. Food Club Non Dairy Creamer Vegetable fat HALAL Dietary Creamer Vegetable Fat HALAL Penn Maid Food Inc. Natural Yogurt No Gelatin HALAL Swiss Yogurt Gelatin from Calf skin HARAM Jolly Rancher Candies Palm & Coconut Oil HALAL M & M Co. Starburst fruit Chews Gelatin from Lard HARAM American Home Foods Crunch 'N' Munch Vegetable Fat HALAL DISINFECTANT Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Lehn & Fink Products Lyson Brand All products Synthetic chemicals HALAL BREAD AND PASTRY Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Drake Bakeries (Div. Of Borden foods Inc.) Honey bun Lard HARAM Entenmanns All Products Vegetable Shortening HALAL Giants Goods Bread Vegetable Shortening HALAL Huber Baking Co. (Bakers Of sunshine Bread) Roman Meal Bread Soybean Salad oil HALAL Keebler All products Vegetable Shortening Oleo and Lard HARAM Nabisco All Products Lard HARAM Pepperidge farm Rolls, Bread, Butter or Cakes* Vegetable shortening HALAL * NOTE: Layer cakes even though this cake is made with good shortening the GELATIN USED is made from PIGSKIN HARAM Pillsbury Co. 1896/69 Brand Butter, Milk Biscuit Vegetable shortening HALAL Stroehmann Brothers Co Hillbilly Bread White Bread Lard HARAM Sunshine Biscuit Co. All products Vegetable shortening HALAL ICE CREAM Manufacturer Product Use Baskin Robbins Ice Cream, Sherbets, Water ice NOTE: Ice cream and those flavors Containing might marshmallow HALAL HARAM Pensupreme Ice Cream HARAM Pensupreme schraff Ice cream (available at safeway) HALAL Meadow Gold Ice cream HALAL Meadow Gold Louis sherry Ice cream (all natural) HALAL Abbotts Ice Cream, Sherbets, Water ice HALAL Pantry Pride Ice cream HALAL Breyers Ice cream HALAL CHEWING GUM Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Dynamint Co. Dynamints Candelilla Wax HALAL Wrigley's Co. Chewing gum 100% mineral or Vegetable base HALAL Warner Lambert Co. Chewing Gum Chicklets Dentyne Trident Freshen Up Vegetable base HALAL Beach Nut Chewing Gum Glcerl Monosterate Or Ester of Gum from any animal fat HARAM FROZEN PIZZA PIES Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Jan's Mozzarella Cheese Vegetable HALAL Buitoni Mozzarella Cheese Vegetable HALAL Little Chef Mozzarella Cheese Vegetable HALAL Ellio's Cheddar Cheese Swine pepsin HARAM Quaker Celeste Mozzarella Cheese Swine pepsin HARAM PIZZA RESTAURANTS Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Pizza Hut Mozzarella Cheese Vegetable HALAL NOTE: Making of pizza is not according to SHARIAH. Example: They are using same pot or tray and knife that they use in pork. CHEESE Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Purity Company Muenster Cheese Caraway Muenster Cheese Monterey jack Muenster Cheese(with hot pepper) Farmers Cheese Burie (Imported) Cheese Camembert Cheese Romano Cheese Parmesan Cheese Vegetable HALAL Clearfield Natural Cheese Kosher Brand. Calf Rennet HARAM Kraft Philadelpia Cream Cheese Whipped Cream Cheese Neufchatel Lactic acid HALAL McCadm Co. New York State Calf & swine Rennet HARAM Framageries Bal. Inc. Cheese Calf Rennet HARAM World Cheese Col. Migdal American Haolam Vegetable HALAL Schanling Col. Schnall American (Individually wrapped) Schnall Muenster sliced Schnall Mozzarella Vegetable HALAL Clay Butter Co. Millers Cheese Vegetable HALAL NOTE: Calf (plural = calves): a young cow or bull. COSMETICS Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Avon All Products Petrochemicals HALAL Wella Corp. Balsam products Petrochemicals HALAL Johnson Product Inc. Ultra Sheen Lanolin HALAL Lustrasilk Corp. Scalp Cream Lanolin HALAL Westwood Pharmaceutical Keri Lotion Synthetic chemical HALAL Chesbrough Ponds Inc. Vaseline Intensive Lotion Lard HARAM SOAP Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Proctor & Gamble Co. Kirk's Coso Hardwater Castile Lava Coconut oil Vegetable fat HALAL Ivory Camay Safe Guard Coast Zest Beef & Pork Tallow HARAM Lever Brothers Co. Lux Lifebuoy Phase II Dove Caress Beef Tallow* HARAM Colgate Palmolive Co. Palmolive Cashmere Beef & Pork Tallow* HARAM Andrew Jergen Co. Jergens Woodbury Beef Tallow* HARAM Armour Dial inc. Dial Tone Irish spring Beef Tallow* Pork Tallow* HARAM Amway Corporation All Bar Soaps Pork Tallow* HARAM Nivia Creams Sheep's Skin/Fat* * NOTE: The Sheep/Beef that is obtained for the products is not slaughtered Islamically, hence, it is still doubtful. TOOTHPASTE Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Lever Brothers Co. Pepsodents Close up Aim Vegetable Fat HALAL Colgate Palmolive Co. Ultra Brite Colgate Paste Colgate Powder Lard HARAM Vicks Chemical Co. Fix -A- Dent Vegetable Fat HALAL Procter and Gamble Gleen Lard HARAM NOTE: Contains alcohol; still in doubt about its use. POT CLEANERS Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use GM Co. Rescue 11Soap pads HALAL Purex Corporation Brillo Supreme Steel Wool balls HALAL Soap pads Kosher Soap (Packaged 2 each Pink& Green Bars per carton) Double Pads Lard Beef Tallow HARAM Miles laboratory S.O.S Soap Pads Tuffy Plastic Mesh Moth/Balls Lard HARAM MEDICATION Manufacturer /Vendor Brand Coagulant/Ingredients Use Seldane Caps. Pepsin HARAM Seldane Syrup HALAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST OF HALAL AND HARAM FOOD INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT TYPE Acetic Acid HALAL Alcohol HARAM Ammonium chloride HALAL Ammonium Sulphate HALAL Animal Fat HARAM Animal shortening Investigate Ascorbic Acid HALAL Aspartame HALAL Bacon (Pork) HARAM Benzoate/Benzoic Acid HALAL BHA HALAL BHT HALAL Calcium Carbonate HALAL Calcium Sulphate HALAL Carrageenan HALAL Cocoa Butter HALAL Collegen (pork) HARAM Corn Meal/Corn Starch HALAL Corn Syrup HALAL Dextrin/Dextrose HALAL Dicalcium phosphate HALAL Diglyceride (Animal) HARAM Diglyceride (Plant) HALAL Dough Conditioners HARAM EDTA HALAL Emulsifier HARAM Enzyme (Animal) HARAM Enzyme (Plant) HALAL Ergocalciferol HALAL Ergosterol HALAL Fat (Pork or Animal) HARAM Fatty Acid (Animal) HARAM Fatty Acid (Plant) HALAL Ferrous Sulphate HALAL Fructose HALAL Fungal Protease Enzyme HALAL Gelatin HARAM Glucose HALAL Glyceride (Animal) HARAM Glyceride (Plant) HALAL Glycerol/Glycerine (Animal) HARAM Glycerol /Glycerine (Plant) HALAL Gum Acacia HALAL Ham HARAM Harmones (Animal) HARAM Harmones (Plant) HALAL Hydrogenated Oil HALAL Hydrolyzed Animal protein HARAM Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein HALAL Lard HARAM Leavenings HALAL Lecithin (commercial) HALAL Malt HALAL Malto Dextrin HALAL Hydrogenated oil HALAL Molasses HALAL Monocalcium Phosphate HALAL Mono Saccharides HALAL Monoglycerides (Animal) HARAM Monoglycerides (Plant) HALAL MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) HALAL Nitrates/Nitrites HALAL Nonfat Dry Milk HALAL Oxalic Acid HALAL PABA HALAL Partially Hydrogenated oil HALAL Pectic Materials HALAL Pectin HALAL Pepsin (Animal) HARAM Phospholipid (Animal) HARAM Phospholipid (Plant) HALAL Phosphoric Acid HALAL Pork & All by Products HARAM Potassium Benzoate HALAL Potassium Citrate HALAL Propionate HALAL Propionic Acid HALAL Renin Rennet Investigate Saccharine HALAL Salt HALAL Sausage HARAM Shortening (Animal) HARAM Shortening (Plant) HALAL Soy protein HALAL Soybean Oil HALAL Sucrose HALAL Tapioca HALAL Tricalcium Phosphate HALAL Vinegar HALAL Whey Investigate Yeast HALAL NOTE: Please check the ingredients of every food brand, which you use. Also check any or all-new products you use before making your purchase. If you have any doubts, you may write or phone to the manufacturer, so far they have been very helpful to us and it will put your mind at ease.