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سب کچھ Attari26 نے پوسٹ کیا

  1. Attari26

    Immam Ahlesunnet

    Life history Dargah of Ala'Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan in Bareilly, India. [edit] His Family and Childhood Aĥmed Raza was born in 1272 AH (1856 CE) into a family of Alims (legal scholars). His father, Mawlānā Naqī
  2. Attari26

    Introduction of Dawatislami

    Ameerul Mumineen Umar Farooq e Azam [Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu] has stated **Prayers [Dua] remain suspended between the earth and the sky and do not ascend until you recite Durood upon your sweet beloved Master [sallalahu ta'ala alaihi wassalam] ** [Tirmidhi] Salu Alal Habib Sallalahu ta'ala ala Muhammad Alhamdullilahi ala Ihsanihi in the year 1401 [AH] which corresponds to 1981 Babul Madina [Karachi] and the whole world witnessed the commencement of **Dawat-e-Islami** the international non political movement of the Qur'an and Sunnah! Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, lover of Ala Hazrat, Mureed of Qutb-e-Madina, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi Ziyaee with the help of a handful of Islamic brothers began the work of this madani movement. As a result of the blessings and help of Allah [az'zawajal], the favors of the sweet beloved master [sallalahu ta'ala alaihi wassalam], the auspiciousness of the Sahaba Ikraam [Companions], also with the look of mercy from the Men of Allah [az'zawajal] and the support from the Ulama [scholars] the madani Qafilay of these lover of the Beloved [sallalahu ta'ala alaihi wassalam] began their sunnah inspired journeys from country to country, city to city and town to town. Due to the tireless efforts of the Mubaligheen of Dawat-e-Islami many millions of Muslims have become punctual in salah, drowned in the love of the Prophet [sallalahu ta'ala alaihi wassalam], absorbed in fear of Allah [az'zawajal]. Countless thieves, drunks, murderers, fraudsters, fornicators, adulterers, gangsters, criminals etc etc and people who burned with wrong beliefs have repented, have drank the goblet of love for the madani master [sallalahu ta'ala alaihi wassalam] and have become decent members of society. Dawat-e-Islami is an international, non-political, Islamic propagation movement of Qur'an and Sunnah. The word Da'wa itself means invitation, and thus, the name Dawat-e-Islami means invitation to Islam. Its main objective is to guide Muslims to act upon the teachings of Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah (traditions) of Holy Prophet Muhammad [sallalahu alaihi ta'ala alaihi wassalam] and kindling their hearts with the compassionate love of Holy Prophet [sallalahu alaihi ta'ala alaihi wassalam]. In addition, it also invites non-Muslims to the path of Allah The Madani Mission of Dawat-e-Islami We all seem to have some purpose of our lives. Some of us want to succeed in studies, and later get a decent job. While others seem to focus on their businesses and be successful in that. Some want to have a bright career in a certain sports. In all such fields, one makes it a purpose of his life to achieve that goal. Nevertheless, Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat, Ameer-e-Dawat-e-Islami, Muhy-e-Sunnat, Ashiq-e-A'la Hazrat, Abu Bilal, Hazrat-e-Allama Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri [Damat Barkatuhum Aaliya] has given each Muslim a unique and beautiful purpose of his life, which should be the real purpose of anyone's life, and that is TO AIM TO RECTIFY MYSELF AND AIM TO RECTIFY THE PEOPLE OF THE WHOLE WORLD
  3. Attari26

    History & activity of Dawat-e-islami

    Dawat-e-Islami' which means 'Invitation towards Islam', is a non-political, non-governmental (NGO), international propagational movement of Quran and Sunnah. Its principle objective is to preach and guide Muslims to act upon the teachings of Quraan and Sunnah of Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon Him) and kindling their hearts with the compassionate love of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon Him). Contents [ hide] 1 History 2 Madani Mission 3 Faizan-e-Madeena 4 Madani Ijthima (Congregation) 5 Madani In'aamaat/Gifts 6 Madani Qafilay/Caravans 7 Dawat-e-Islami in 60 countries 8 Preaching amongst the Non-Believers 9 Madani Transformation within Islamic Sisters 10 Educating the Islamic sisters 11 Madrassah-tul-Madeena (Adults) 12 Jamia-tul-Madeena 13 Hospitals 14 Takhassus-fil-Fiqah (Islamic Jurisprudence) 15 Shariat Course 16 Majlis-e-Tehqeeqaat-e-Shari'a (Council for Research in Jurisprudence) 17 Darr-ul-Iftah Ahl-e-Sunnath 18 Online Darr-ul-Iftah Ahl-e-Sunnath 19 Work amongst the Deaf, Dumb and Blind 20 Madani work in Jails 21 Majlis-e-Faizan-e-Quran 22 Activities 23 ACTIVITIES 24 External links [ edit] History It began in the year 1980 in Pakistan at Babul Madeena Karachi. The founder of Dawat-e-Islami was Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat, Hazrat Mowlana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri (may his shadow remain upon us) who was a strong follower of shariah, a passionate lover of the Sunnah and a lover of Ala Hazrat Imaam Ahmed Raza Khan. He worked together tirelessly with a small group of Islamic brothers to propogate the teachings of Islam and with the grace of Almighty Allah and the favours of His Beloved Mustafa and the help of the Ulemas (Scholars) of the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaah they started to form small Madani Caravan's (small groups of men) which travelled from city to city, town to town, village to village and even country to country. After showing untiring efforts the results achieved were remarkable, millions of muslims became 5 time 'namaazi'(somebody who prays), countless thieves, fornicators, drug dealers, drunkards and many other criminally inclined individuals became repentant and converted into frenzied lovers of Madeena, and emerged as respectful Muslim members of their society. [ edit] Madani Mission Dawat-e-Islami is a non-political, purely religious, international propagational movement. Its principle aim is to preach and guide all Muslims to act upon the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet and filling their hearts with the love of The Holy Prophet. Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnah, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami Mowlana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri has given the mubaligheens (preachers) of Dawat-e-Islami a "Mission Statement". Each mubaligh (male or female preacher) has to try to act upon this in order to invite people towards good and spread the peaceful message of Islam. The mission statement is "I HAVE TO TRY TO RECTIFY MYSELF AND THE PEOPLE OF THE WHOLE WORLD". [ edit] Faizan-e-Madeena Many Madani Centres by the name of "Faizan-e-Madeena" have been set up by Dawat-e-Islami all around the world. These centres include teaching children and adults Quran and Sunnah and variouse other courses. The words "Faizan-e-Madeena" just means "Blessings of Madeena". Some of the countries that Faizan-e-Madeena centres are set up in include Pakistan, India, Uk, Japan, Canada, USA, South Africa, and many many more. [ edit] Madani Ijthima (Congregation) a) Weekly Ijthima : Dawat-e-Islami weekly Ijthima's are held every Thursday after Maghrib Salaah at centres or Mosques in all the major cities in Pakistan and in over 60 countries around the world. In Bab-ul-Madeena Karachi the weekly Madani Ijthima (congregation) takes place every Thursday after the Maghrib prayers at Faizan-e-Madeena, Mohallah Sodagaran, Old Sabzi Mandi. These Ijthimas are attended by thousands of people and the gathering comprises recitation from The Holy Qur'an, Naat, two lectures/bayaans (language that the lecture/bayaan is given in depends on the country you are in), remembrance of Allah (Zikr) and Dua. After that, participants form small study circles (Halqay) and a 'preacher' in each Halqa teaches Sunnats based on a specific topic. After these Halqay, participants are advised to eat and then rest until Tahajjud. Tahajjud prayer is offered first and then Fajr prayer. After prayers, a short bayan (lecture) is given to the gathering and finally the Ijtima concludes by reading Salaat-o-Salaam. Similarly, the weekly Madani Ijthima for Islamic sisters is also held at Faizan-e-Madina, Bab-ul-Madeena Karachi every Sunday between Salaah-tul-Zuhr and Salaah-tul-Asr. The weekly Ijthimas for Islamic sisters takes place in many countries around the world which consist of recitation of The Holy Quran, Naat, two lectures/bayaans (language that the lecture/bayaan is given in depends on the country you are in), remembrance of Allah (Zikr), Dua and Salaat-o-Salaam. After that the Islamic sisters form small study circles (Halqay), and one "Preacher" teaches Sunnahs based on a specific topic. Annual Ijtima : As well as the provincial weekly Madani Ijthima's that take place, the international yearly Madani Ijthima also takes place. The annual three day International Madani Ijtima is held at Sehra-e-Madina in the "City of Saints" Multan Shareef, Pakistan. Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnath Mowlana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri also attend this and always deliver their own very unique, heart lifting, spiritual and emotional Dua (Supplication) that thousands of listeners cry their hearts out to the Merciful Lord and get a chance to repent for their sins. Also a large number of Ulemas (Scholars), and millions of lovers of the Holy Prophet attend the Madani Ijthima from all over the world. Madani caravans from within Pakistan itself and from around the world arrive here. Memories of the blessed pilgrimage to Makkah and Madeena, (The Hajj) are relivened. Dawat-e-Islami provides the people with food, transport, shelter and health care. According to an estimate this large Madani congregation of Dawat-e-Islami with regards to its huge numbers is "the largest Islamic gathering in the world after Hajj". Praise be to Almighty Allah, this very large Madani congregation is a perfect example of excellent management, peace and unity. The Ijthima is also relayed live to everybody around the world through the Internet; thus millions of Muslims around the globe are benefited by the lectures (bayans) and Duas offered in this unique gathering. After the Ijthima is complete many Islamic brothers travel on Madani Qafilay for either 12 months, 92 days, 30 days, 12 days, 8 days, 4 days and 3 days. Much land of Sehra-e-Madeena, Madeena-tul-Awliya (the city of Saints), Multan and Sehra-e-Madeena, Bab-ul-Madeena Karachi is owned by Dawat-e-Islami. [ edit] Madani In'aamaat/Gifts Keeping the Madani mission statement in mind that "I have to try to rectify myself and the people of the whole world", Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnath have have bestowed upon the Islamic brothers, sisters and students a previousely untouched style of encouraging them to become living portraits of knowledge and practise. They have done this by creating Madani In'aamaat/Gifts, these cards have to be filled in every night before going to sleep by the person as part of doing "Fikr-e-Madeena" or accountability of deeds that you have done for that day. The cards have points that must be filled in everyday, some points must be filled for every week, some for every month and some for a lifetime. the Islamic brothers have be presented with 72 points to act upon that are based on The Holy Quran and the Sunnah. The Islamic sisters have been presented with a total of 63 points to act upon. Every Islamic brother/sister is requested to act upon these points as much as possible and also to fill in its specific form to evaluate your performance at the end of each month. The aim of these Madani In'aamaat cards is for Muslims to get into the habit of acting upon the Faraiz (Obligatory acts), the waajibaats (Incumbent acts), the Sunnah, the Mustahabaat (Desirable acts), to create a better character, improving their manners and to save them from sins. Today as a result of Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnath's untiring acts millions of Islamic brothers and sisters all around the world act upon these and as a result they have become practising Muslims. [ edit] Madani Qafilay/Caravans In order to try to rectify the people of the whole world Islamic brothers travel on Madani Qaafilay.Madani Qafilay are caravans that consist of a small group of Islamic brothers, each comprises at least six Islamic brothers. The aim of these caravans is to preach and teach the fundamentals of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah to the people of the whole world and to invite people towards good. These Qafilay travel for either 3 days, 4 days, 12 days, 30 days, 92 days or even for 12 months. They travel from village to villages, City to City and Country to Country. Through these Madani Qafilay, many sinful Muslims have become true followers and many non-Muslims have embraced Islam as well. [ edit] Dawat-e-Islami in 60 countries In a short period of just 20 years Dawat-e-Islami has become universal and by the grace of Almighty Allah it is working non stop in 60 different countries of the world. Despite the fact that Dawat-e-Islami is not the only Islamic missionary movement, it has still managed to settle firmly in the hearts of millions of Muslims all around the world fairly quickly. Some of the countries that Dawat-e-Islami is active in include Pakistan, India, America, Chicago, United Kingdom, South Africa, China, Greece, Bangladesh, Spain and many more. [ edit] Preaching amongst the Non-Believers In various countries the news of non-believers accepting Islam at the hands of Mubaligheen (preachers) of Dawat-e-Islami is being received oftenly. As a result of the individual efforts of the mubaligheen (preachers) of Dawat-e-Islami, praise be to Almighty Allah that within the past few years or so 100's of non-believers have entered the folds of Islam. [ edit] Madani Transformation within Islamic Sisters Millions and millions of Islamic sisters around the globe have also accepted the madani message of Dawat-e-Islami. Those Islamic sisters who used to wonder around the markets and shopping centres carelessly without the shari veil (burqa), have stepped out of this quick sand of sins and have become lovers of the Mothers of the Ummah-Hazrat Bibi Fatima. Those Islamic sisters who used to stay out till late, who used to go to night clubs and cinemas have adopted the madani burqa (veil) and have become modest women of their society. Dawat-e-Islami has opened the doors of light for Islamic sisters all around the world that even today there are 1 000's of places where Madani Ijthima's (Sunnah inspired madani congregations) are in progress, where the islamic sisters (in shari veil) can preach to the rest of the women by spreading the message of Islam and the Sunnah's of the Holy Prophet. Many Islamic sisters have also started to pray 5 times a day as well. [ edit] Educating the Islamic sisters Universities for Islamic sisters have also been established and by the grace of the Mighty Lord many Islamic sisters have had the privelage of becoming "Alimah" (Doctors of Islam). Moreover innumerable amounts of schools (madrassahs) have been set up all around the world by the name of "Madrassah-tul-Madeena" (for adult Islamic sisters) in which Islamic sisters learn the Holy Quran with proper pronunciation, Salaah (prayer), Dua's (supplications) free of charge. According to one estimate, in just Babul Madeena Karachi about 2 000 Madrassay take place in which the Islamic sisters study. Other "Madrassah-tul-Madeena" schools are set up for the madani children where free education of memorization (hifz) and studying of the Holy Quran is carried out. In Pakistan alone, approximately 42 000 students are doing memorization (hifz) and correct pronunciation (nazra) free of charge. [ edit] Madrassah-tul-Madeena (Adults) Similarly, Madrassah-tul-Madeena for adults takes place in various Masajid (Mosques) usually after Isha Prayers, where Islamic brothers are taught the Holy Quran with correct pronunciation, learn Dua's (Supplications), correct their Salaah (prayers) and are taught various Sunan free of charge. [ edit] Jamia-tul-Madeena Many Universities (Jamiaat) by the name of "Jamia-tul-Madeena" have been set up for the Islamic brothers free of charge. Through these, many Islamic brothers are taught "Dars-e-Nizami"-(Alim course to become a doctor in Islam). Many Islamic brothers complete this course and are crowned with the "turban of excellence". After this they go to different countries of the world and spread the Sunnah. For identification the Alims (doctors) who graduate from these universities write "Madani" along with their names. The students are strictly examined by "Tanzeem-ul-Madaaris" (Pakistan), which is in charge of all Ahle Sunnath madrassay in Pakistan. The results are very good as the students of Jamia-tul-Madeena achieve high marks and approximately every year achieve first, second or third place. [ edit] Hospitals Hospitals have been set up where students get treated free of charge if necessary they are treated and if needed they are taken to bigger hospitals for treatments. [ edit] Takhassus-fil-Fiqah (Islamic Jurisprudence) A series of speciality courses in the science of Islamic Jurisprudence is also a part of Jamia-tul-Madeena. This is also referred simply as a "Mufti course". A Mufti is an expounder or teacher of Islamic law. [ edit] Shariat Course This course has been started for both Islamic brothers and Islamic sisters and during this course Islamic brothers and sisters learn important points of Islam. The students of this course study from a special book called "Nisab-e-Shariat" (part 1). The book has been written by "Majlis-e-Tehqeeqaat-e-Shari'a" specailly for this course. The book can be purchased from all the branches of Maktaba-tul-Madeena. [ edit] Majlis-e-Tehqeeqaat-e-Shari'a (Council for Research in Jurisprudence) This majlis (Council) has been setup to find the solution to new religious problems that are encoutered by the Ummah. The majlis solves problems according to the what the Shariah says and is being run by Mubaligheen (preachers), Muftis (teachers of Islamic Law) and Ulema's (Scholars) who are adherent to the madani environment of Dawat-e-Islami. [ edit] Darr-ul-Iftah Ahl-e-Sunnath The establishment of "Darr-ul-Iftah" which is also known as the "department of Islamic decrees" has been set up. By the grace of the Mighty Lord a number of Ulema's and Mufti's are engaged in solving Islamic problems amongst the Muslims. Many "Darr-ul-Iftah's" have been set up where Mubaligheen Mufti's provide solutions by providing "Fatawa" (legal decrees) to other Muslims either by writing letters, face to face or even by telephone. Taking advantage of the modern technology, usually the Fatawa's are typed up on a PC. Several edited/printed collections of the fatawa of these Madani Ulema's and Mufti's have already appeared on the public scene. [ edit] Online Darr-ul-Iftah Ahl-e-Sunnath An online Darr-ul-Iftah has also been set up on the Dawat-e-Islami website, where questions that are asked by people from all over the world are answered. Allegations made by non-Muslims are also answered in a very professional manner and they are also presented with an invitation to Islam. Internet The message of Islam is being made universal and is being spread all over the world through the Dawat-e-Islami website. The website is extremely easy to access and browse through without difficulty as it is in English. You can visit the website by visiting [ www.dawateislami.net]. [ edit] Work amongst the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Millions and millions of people around the world are deaf, dumb and blind. Dawat-e-Islami accommodates everyone. Committies have been established within Dawat-e-Islami to help make even the deaf, dumb and blind people become followers of the Sunnah and become firm on praying 5 times daily. Making full use of sign language the deaf and dumb are tought various Sunnahs of the Sweet and Holy Prophet and are also taught how to pray as well. They are also continuously kept up to date with the summarization of the narratives from the weekly ijthima's (weekly congregations)that take place in the area. Similarly work is carried out to help guide and make the blind people firm upon namaaz and in acting upon the Sunnahs of the Holy Prophet. Madani caravans of the deaf and dumb also travel from country to country, city to city and village to village, to spread the message of Islam and to spread the Sunnahs. Qualified mubalighs (preachers) are trained by Dawat-e-Islami in a special manner to work with the deaf and dumb people whilst on these journeys. [ edit] Madani work in Jails Praise be to Almighty Allah, Dawat-e-Islami is also working within jails in different parts of the world as well as Pakistan, to educate the prisoners. In Baab-ul-Madeena Karachi alone in Karachi Central Jail there are also arrangements for Jamia-tul-Madeena. the work of Dawat-e-Islami is very effective in the jails as many sinful criminals enter the jails but when they leave the jails they come out with their faces decorated with the beards and their heads decorated with Imaama Shareefs (Turbans). Many criminals after being effected by the madani work of Dawat-e-islami travel with Madani Qafilay to spread the Sunnah and also live their lives according to the Sunnah aswell. Those Islamic brothers who used to be the gangsters of the area, who used to cause trouble, who lied, who used to cheat and stole people's properties have turned out to be the role models in the areas and instead of fighting and causing arguments they know spread the Sunnah. Due to the untiring efforts by the Muballigheen-e-Dawat-e-Islami (preachers of Dawat-e-Islami) many non-muslims have also accepted Islam. [ edit] Majlis-e-Faizan-e-Quran (Comming soon InshAllah azzawajal)... [ edit] Activities ACTIVITIES Lesson from Faizan-e-Sunnat Naiki ki Dawat (Invitation towards good) Madani Tarbiatgah (Institution) Maktaba-tul-Madina [ edit] ACTIVITIES Different activities of Dawat-e-Islami, to guide people to practice the teachings of The Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah are: ' 1) Lesson from Faizan-e-Sunnat :' ' Faizan-e-Sunnat' is a book compiled by Ameer-e-AhleSunnat. This book contains Sunnats of The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) about every aspect of life. Lesson from this book is given to the gathering everyday after every Salaah in the Masjid. This practice of teaching The Sunnats exists in thousands of Masjids in the country and world over. 2) Naiki ki Dawat (Invitation towards good) : This is when a group of Islamic brothers led by a preacher go door to door in their area to give invite towards good. They also ask people to come with them to the Masjid where the preacher guides them to follow the Holy Qur'an and The Sunnah in their daily lives. The statement of inviting others that is said by a preacher has been written by Ameer-e-AhleSunnat. 6) Madani Tarbiatgah (Institution) This is the name given to the various institutes located at different places in the country and overseas organised by Dawat-e-Islami. The objectives of these institutions are as follows: a) To teach recitation (Nazra) of The Holy Qur'an with standard pronunciation, and also guide students to learn The Holy Qur'an by heart (Hifz). A comprehensive course of 'Shariah' for 8 years is also offered in these Madani institutes in order to make students the future scholars of Islam. c) To teach and guide students to act upon The Sunnah in their daily life and also to enlighten their heart with the love of The Holy Prophet. d) Various short courses e.g.; Imam Course, Preacher Course, etc are also offered in these institutions. 7) Maktaba-tul-Madina :' This unit of Dawat-e-Islami publishes and distributes religious books, booklets, pamphlets. It also releases audio cassettes and CD's of Qira'at, Naat, Speeches, etc. The mission of this unit is to spread Islamic literature as much as possible at minimum prices to Muslims in the country and overseas.
  4. Attari26

    Ahsan-e-Ameer Ahlesunnet

    Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri from Karachi, Pakistan is founder of a non-political Islamic movement Dawat-e-Islami [1]. He was born in the month of Ramadan. He follows the Hanafi fiqh and is a follower of Ahmad Raza. He is actively involved in preaching Quran and Sunnah amongst his followers. ' Dawat-e-Islami' which means 'Invitation towards Islam', is a non-political, non-governmental (NGO), international propagational movement of Quran and Sunnah. Its principle objective is to preach and guide Muslims to act upon the teachings of Quraan and Sunnah of Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon Him) and kindling their hearts with the compassionate love of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon Him). Contents [ hide]
  5. Attari26

    میرے تم خواب میں آو

    میرے تم خواب میں آو
  6. الصلوۃ والسلام علیک یا رسول اللہ
  7. Attari26

    سن دھر کے کان

    میرے پیرصاحب کا کلام ہے
  8. بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم میںصدقے مرشد عطار مرشدی عطار پر جان پر قربان ہے تیر اکرم ہے ذات باری عطاری ہوں عطاری الحمد للہ علی کل حالٓ
  9. Labak Mursheed I love Ameer Ahlesunnet I love Dawateilsami I love Madani Qafila
  10. الصلوۃ والسلام علیک یا رسول اللہ یا رب مصفطیٰ صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسم بطفیل مصطفی صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم غوث پاک کے صدقے میں امیر اہلسنت کے صدقے ہماری پاکستان انتظامی کابینہ کے نگران رکن شوریٰ وکیل عطاری دامت برکاتہم العالیہ کو صحت کاملہ عطا فرما انہیں ددرازی عمر بالخیر عطا فرما یا رب مصطفی ان کے صدقے ہمیں بھی دعوت اسلامی کا کام کرنے کی توفیق عطا فرما ہمیں بیمار مدینہ بنا دے امین بجاہ النبی الامین
  11. ان شآء اللہ عزوجل اس بیان کو بار بار سننا چاہے اے کاش ! ہم کامل مرید بن جائیں بہر مشتاق و بہر فاوق
  12. Jazk Allah ATTAR A : Ashiq-e-Rasool T : Tajdar-e-Ahlesunnet T : Taqwa ka paker A : Allah ka Wali R : Raza ka Faizan
  13. Great jazak Allah ATTAR A : Ashiq-e-Rasool T : Tajdar-e-Ahlesunnet T : Taqwa ka paker A : Allah ka Wali R : Raza ka Faizan
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