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Waqar Ahmad Qadri Attari

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Waqar Ahmad Qadri Attari last won the day on 8 جنوری 2010

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About Waqar Ahmad Qadri Attari

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کمیونٹی میں شہرت

  1. Please click on the Link: Clarifcation of Shaykh Tahir al-Qadiri's beliefs a Chance for Minhajees to respond
  2. Waqar Ahmad Qadri Attari

    Naats in Languages

    Madina Cud u also apload the Language Naats in Urdu Text of Pushto, Arabaiv, FarsiBengali, Sindi a, and Gujeraati aswel if possibble with Tarjuma
  3. Waqar Ahmad Qadri Attari

    Manqabats' request

    Please add some manqabat's and salaam in the Bargah of Imam Hussain and the Ahle Baith
  4. Dawat-e-Islami near you Pakistan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Ijtima of Dawat-e-Islami in Karachi - There are too many to list so i will only give you the details of the Main Ijtima of Dawat-e-Islami which takes place at the Madani Markaz of Dawat-e-Islami Ijtima in Karachi Day: Thursday Time: After Maghrib Location: Madani Markaz of Dawat-e-Islami , Faizan e Madeenah, Muhalla Soda Graan, Paranhi Sabzi Mandi, My Webpage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK (United Kingdom) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Division Name: Faizan e Murshid Cities in Divison: London Ijtima: Day
  5. Plz Update the Naat meri Taqdeer da wee Chamkay Sitaraa if possible. Jazakallah
  6. Waqar Ahmad Qadri Attari

    A Request

    Please Update a Naat Meri Nas Nas Bhole Nabi Nabi, Har Saans Pukaray Ali Ali
  7. Waqar Ahmad Qadri Attari

    Book Request

    Madeenah: Could you please also is possible update the Book Tableeghe Islam aur Dawate Islami ka Kirdaar by Allama Habeebur Rehmaan Saeedi.
  8. Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rehmatullah, Madinah there was a Beutiful Naat I was listening to by Haji Mushtaq rehmatullah alaih, could u also post, the Naat is: Attar terai Hami o Nasir hein Mustafa (peace be upon him) Also these NAATS Phulla Da Jo Rishta Ae Nazr-e-Karam Sarkar Bahar Aiee
  9. Speeches in English and Urdu presented by the Mubalgheen-e-Dawat-e-Islami (Madeenah Nagar; Dewsbury) Rec02.wav
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