Sunni Sister
Islamic Sisters-
کل پوسٹس
383 -
تاریخِ رجسٹریشن
آخری تشریف آوری
سب کچھ Sunni Sister نے پوسٹ کیا
Prophetic advice: STEPS AFTER A CALAMITY
Sunni Sister replied to Sunni Sister's topic in Islamic Stuff
Train yourself to be ready and prepared for the worst eventuality. -
Prophetic advice: STEPS AFTER A CALAMITY
Sunni Sister replied to Sunni Sister's topic in Islamic Stuff
Do not except gratitude from anyone. -
Prophetic advice: STEPS AFTER A CALAMITY
Sunni Sister replied to Sunni Sister's topic in Islamic Stuff
You should know with certainty that everything that happens, occurs in accordance with a divine decree. -
Prophetic advice: STEPS AFTER A CALAMITY
Sunni Sister replied to Sunni Sister's topic in Islamic Stuff
Whoever desires peace, tranquillity, and comfort can find it all in the remembrance of Allah. -
Prophetic advice: STEPS AFTER A CALAMITY
Sunni Sister replied to Sunni Sister's topic in Islamic Stuff
Faith in Allah and good deeds; these are the ingredients that make up a good and happy life. -
Prophetic advice: STEPS AFTER A CALAMITY
Sunni Sister replied to Sunni Sister's topic in Islamic Stuff
Do not be shaken by criticism; instead, be firm. And know that, in proportion to your worth, the level of the people's criticism rises -
Prophetic advice: STEPS AFTER A CALAMITY
Sunni Sister replied to Sunni Sister's topic in Islamic Stuff
Do not be preoccupied with the future. Because the future is in the world of the unseen, do not let it bother you until it comes. -
Prophetic advice: STEPS AFTER A CALAMITY
Sunni Sister replied to Sunni Sister's topic in Islamic Stuff
Forget the past and all that it contained. Being absorbed in the things that are gone is sheer lunacy. -
Prophetic advice: STEPS AFTER A CALAMITY
Sunni Sister replied to Sunni Sister's topic in Islamic Stuff
know that if you do not live within the scope of today, your thoughts will be scattered, your affairs will become confused, and your worrying will increase....these realties explain the Hadith -
Prophetic advice: STEPS AFTER A CALAMITY
Sunni Sister replied to Sunni Sister's topic in Islamic Stuff
Truly, the life of this world is short and its treasures are few. The Hereafter is better and everlasting, and whosever is afflicted here shall find his reward there. And whosoever works hard here shall find ease there. As for those who cling to this world, who are attracted to it, and who are in love with it, the hardest thing for them to bear would be to lose the worlds comfort and riches: they desire to enjoy this life alone. Because of this desire, they don't react to misfortune as well as others do. What they perceive around them is this life alone: they are blind to its impermanence and insignificance O' afflicted ones, if you are patient you lose nothing; and though you may not perceive it, you are profiting. The person who is afflicted with hardship should reflect upon the outcome in the Hereafter, the outcome for those who are patient. {So a wall will be put up between them, will a gate therein. Inside I will be mercy, and outside it will be torment} (Qur'an 57: 13) -
Divine pre-ordainment In Al-Qaseem, a newspaper printed in Syria, an article was written about a young man who booked a flight to travel abroad. He informed his mother of the flight time and asked her to wake him up in a short time before departure. After he fell asleep, his mother heard on the radio that the weather conditions were awful and that the wind was blowing violently. The compassion that she felt for her only child caused her not to wake him up in the hope that he would miss the flight. When she was sure that the flight had taken off, she went to wake her son up. Upon entering the room, she found that he was lying dead on his bed. [say {to them}; 'verily, the death from which you will flee will surely meet you, then you will be sent back to {Allah}, the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, and He will tell you what you used to do.'] (Qur'an 62: 8)
Salaam Brother and Sisters... Has anybody got the Naath recited by Farhan-AL-Qadri The naath is called Hum Ko Bulana.... Also has anybody got the lyrics to Hum ko Bulana.. P.s if they have been posted before can someone please send me the link...
Walakum Asalam Dear Brother... Welcome Back everybody!!Wonderful to be back...so much waiting Brother... InshALLAH...(Lekin pehle seh zayada) SubhanALLAH... Allah Hafiz
JazakALLAH for sharing your choice Brother... Hum ko Bulana Ya RasoolALLAH is such a Beautiful naath indeed touches my heart..
JazakALLAH Brother Indeed it is working now... May ALLAH reward you for your efforts Ameen Summa Ameen
She smiled at a sorrowful stranger. The smile seemed to make him feel better. He remembered past kindness of a friend And wrote him a thank you letter. The friend was so pleased with the thank you That he left a large tip after lunch. The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip, Gave part to a man on the street. The man on the street was grateful; For two days he'd had nothing to eat. After he finished his dinner, He left for his small dingy room. He didn't know at that moment that he might be facing his doom. On the way he picked up a shivering puppy And took him home to get warm. The puppy was very grateful To be in out of the storm. That night the house caught on fire. The puppy barked the alarm. He barked till he woke the whole household And saved everybody from harm. One of the boys that he rescued Grew up to be President. All this because of a simple smile That hadn't cost a cent. ...and THAT is the power of a smile! So smile away The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said: "Every good deed is sadaqah (charity). To meet your brother with a smiling face and to pour out from your bucket into his container are sadaqah."
Khaak suraj se andheraun ka izala hoga Aap aae to mere ghar me ujala hoga Yaqeenan Aap har ashiq ke ghar tashreef latay hai Mere ghar me bhi hojae chiraghaan YA RASOOLULLAH Andhair hai bin Tere mera ghar Ai shamma e jamale Mustafaee Jab bhi maango to Waseele se Nabi ke maango Iss waseele say karam aur dobala hoga ishq e sarkaar ki ek shamma jala lo dil mein Baad marne ke lahad me bhi ujala hoga Hashr mein wo hoga Sarkaar ke Jhande ke Talay Mere Sarkaar ka jo chahne wala hoga Khuld me hoga Hamara dakhila iss shaan se YA Rasoolullah ka Nara lagate jaeinge Sila e Naat e Nabi paega jis din Khaled Wo Karam dekhna tum dekhne wala hoga
A teacher had many good students in his class but had particular regard and high respect for one of them. Some of the students one day asked the teacher the reason for this. In reply he said, I shall tell you tomorrow." The next day, he handed to each of those students one live chicken. He asked them to take the chickens to a place where they would not be seen by anyone and then slaughter them. After a while, they returned with their chicken duly slaughtered. But his favourite student came back with his chicken alive. The teacher asked him why he had not slaughtered it. He replied. "You had asked me to go to a place where nobody would see me. I tried hard to find a place where God Almighty could not see me. But I failed. Everywhere went I was sure that God could see me and I could not hide from Him. So I could not carry out your instructions. On hearing this, the teacher turned to the other students and remarked, "The reason why I respect this student more is because of his constant awareness of the existence of God who can always see him, no matter where he is. Consequently, he does not commit any sin". The sixth Imam, Ja'far al-Sadiq (a), said to one of his friends, lshaq Bin Ammar, "Fear God as if you are able to see Him because He sees you. And if you think that He is not able to see you, then you become a non-believer. And if you believe that He sees you and you commit a sin in His presence, then you consider Him as the lowest of those seeing you".
JazakALLAH for sharing...But it is not working P.S is this not working for others members to, or just mee??
MashALLAH JazakALLAH for sharing your favourite Naath and Naath Khawan InshALLAH will wait for the uploading of the naath from your PC lol
Signs of Allah in clouds Allah knows that we need water. As a result, He created a system in the sky that produces water even as we talk, read, sleep, work and do other activities. This system is visible to us through the clouds. Clouds are amazing creations of Allah. At least once in our lifetime we look at an airplane and say "Wow, how can that big thing fly in the sky?" But did we ever look at the clouds and wonder how they remain in the sky? Let's compare the clouds and the airplanes. The airplanes have specific shapes and designs. If one of their wings break down, then the plane crashes. On the other hand, these clouds have no specific shapes or sizes. Yet, they can fly in the sky without a problem. In addition, the planes have to come down to the earth for re-fueling every once in a while. But the clouds can remain in the sky for months without coming down. The airplanes are very heavy objects, however, the clouds are even heavier. An average cumulonimbus cloud contain enough water to fill 10,000 swimming pools! Now, that's heavy. Moreover, clouds provide us with shade during sunny days and let's us see beautiful scenaries even in the sky. Did you ever thank Allah for these blessings?
Signs of Allah in body growth Our eyelashes, eyebrows, bones and teeth stop growing when they reach a certain length. However, hair does not stop growing. In other words, whereas those body parts the growth of which will be disadvantageous and unsightly stop growing, hair, the growth of which is aesthetically pleasing, keeps on growing. Besides that, there is perfect harmony and proportion in the growth of bones. For example the bones of the upper human limbs do not grow unnecessarily long leaving the body relatively undersized. Their growth comes to a halt just in time as if each knows how long it should grow. Who placed just as much as is necessary of hormones and enzymes in the body thus determining the growth of everything?
Signs of Allah in our Senses Atoms are inanimate beings. How, then, can inanimate substances such as atoms come together and form animate human beings capable of seeing, hearing, interpreting what they hear, enjoying the music to which they listen, thinking, making decisions, being happy or miserable? How could man acquire such traits making him totally different from other conglomerates of atoms? Certainly, inanimate and unconscious atoms cannot give human beings these human qualities. It is clear that Allah creates man with a spirit endowed with such characteristics. This reminds one of a verse of Allah: He Who has created all things in the best possible way. He commenced the creation of man from clay; then produced his seed from an extract of base fluid; then formed him and breathed His Spirit into him and gave you hearing, sight, and hearts. What little thanks you show! (Surat as-Sajda: 7-9)
Signs of Allah in Roses A rose, for instance, has a strong and constant ever-changing smell. Even with the latest technology, scientists cannot develop an exact match of the smell of the rose. Laboratory research to imitate this smell has not yielded satisfactory results. Smells produced based on the scent of the rose are generally heavy and disturbing. However, the original scent of the rose does not disturb. "It is as Allah wills, there is no strength but in Allah" (Surat al-Kahf: 39).