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تاریخِ رجسٹریشن
آخری تشریف آوری
جیتے ہوئے دن
سب کچھ سگِ عطار نے پوسٹ کیا
brother.. Beautiful post..
Brother.. (aameen)
Waleakum Salam, Welcome to Islami Mehfil.. Insha ALLAH we all learn more from this forum.. Wasalam Ma'Al Ikram
Welcome Attari no 1 to Islami Mehfil Umeed hai aap yahaan acha izafa sabit hongey.. Insha ALLAH Wasalam Ma'Al Ikram
Brother... Allah Karam Aisa Kerey Tujh Pey Jahaan Mein Ae Dawat-e-Islami Teri Dhoom Machi Hoo Aameen Bajahin Nabiyil Aameen
brother.. beautiful post.. Sub Chaloo Multan Sub Chaloo Multan mil ker Sub chaloo Multan
Aslamoalaikum Here is The QASEEDAH BURDAH SHAREEF With English Translation & Tafseer مَوْلايَ صَلِّ وَسَلِّـمْ دَائِمـاً أَبـَـدًا عَلى حَبِيْبِـكَ خَيْــرِ الْخَلْقِ كُلِّهِـمِ مُحَمَّدٌ سَـيِّدُ الْكَــوْنَيْنِ وَالثَّقَلَـيْنِ وَالْفَرِيْقَـيْنِ مِنْ عُـرْبٍ وَّمِنْ عَجَـمِ English Translation By Shahid Hamid Gill مَوْلايَ صَلِّ وَسَلِّـمْ دَائِمـاً أَبـَـدًا عَلى حَبِيْبِـكَ خَيْــرِ الْخَلْقِ كُلِّهِـمِ مُحَمَّدٌ سَـيِّدُ الْكَــوْنَيْنِ وَالثَّقَلَـيْنِ وَالْفَرِيْقَـيْنِ مِنْ عُـرْبٍ وَّمِنْ عَجَـمِ (O) My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever upon Your beloved (A) who is the best of all creations. (The beloved Prophet) Muhammad (A) is the Leader of both worlds and both creations (man and jinn); and of both groups, Arabs and non-Arabs. INSIDE Section No. Concerning Prologue The virtues and specialties of Qaseedah Burdah. 1 The love of Rasoolullah A 2 Restraining lust and carnal desires 3 Praises of Rasoolullah A 4 The birth of Rasoolullah A 5 The blessings of invitation of Rasoolullah A towards Islam. 6 The Glory of The Holy Qur'an 7 The Mi'raj of Rasoolullah A 8 The Jihad of Rasoolullah A 9 Seeking forgiveness from Allah Almighty and intersession of Rasoolullah A 10 Seeking rescue and the requisition of necessities. Top PROLOGUE The Qaseedah Burdah, (The Poem of the Scarf) or the Mantle or Cloak of Rasoolullah A is a Qaseedah (panegyric) composed by Hadhrat Imaam Saalih Sharaf-ud-Deen Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Hasan Al-Busiri رحمة الله عليه in the praise of Rasoolullah A. Imam Busiriرحمة الله عليهwas born in Egypt in 608 A.H. and died in 695 A.H. Imam Busiriرحمة الله عليه composed the Qaseedah after suffering from a stroke which left him partially paralyzed. He رحمة الله عليهprayed to Allah Almighty to make well and bestow him recovery from his disease. Then, after praying, heرحمة الله عليه fell asleep. In his dream, he رحمة الله عليه saw himself reciting the Qaseedah upon Nabi Akram. After reciting, Nabi Akram touched the paralyzed part of his body and put his Burdah (blanket) over him. When Hadhrat Imaam Saalih Sharaf-ud-Deen Al-Busiri رحمة الله عليه awoke, he رحمة الله عليه discovered that he رحمة الله عليه had been cured of his paralysis. Since then, the verses of The Qaseedah Burdah have been learnt by heart and many people have inscribed on the walls of mosques and religious institutes all over the Muslim world; and it is also recited with eager, spirit and love. It's also nice to learn that more than 90 commentaries have been written on this Qaseedah Burdah; and has been translated in many languages of the world including Turkish, Urdu, Berber, Punjabi, German, French, English, Persian and Saraiki. In relation to Durood, Allah Almighty recounts in the Holy Qur'an: إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيماً 1O "Verily, Allah (Almighty) and His (all) Angels keep sending Durood (salutations) on Nabi (Mukarram A). O believers! You (do) send salutations and greetings on him (A)." Similarly, the virtues and importance of Durood is described in too many Ahadith. Hadhrat Anas Bin Malik narrates: the Holy Prophet (A) said, "The person who recites durood once upon me, Allah (Almighty) sends (His) blessings, removes his ten sins and ten steps of his status are raised for him". 2 Hadhrat Hasan Bin 'Ali narrates: the Holy Prophet A said, "Recite durood upon me wherever you are; indeed, your durood (does) reach me".3 With the blessings of Allah Almighty, for the first time in the history of Islam, Minhaj ul Qur'an International has organized to recite durood upon Nabi Mukarram Aday and night without any disconnection and pause in Central Secretariat of Tehreek. The building, nominated for this purpose is called "Gosha-e-Durood". Where Insha'Allah the voices of اَللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلی سَيِّدِنَا وَمَولانَا مُحَمَّد وَّ عَلی اله وَصَحبه وَبَارِک وَسَلِّم will rise till doomsday. This is the blessings of Allah Almighty Who has bestowed His special Rahmat on us that He has made us amongst the Muslims; and then amongst the followers of His beloved Prophet Hadhrat Muhammad (A). It's our faith that the reciting and sending Durood upon Nabi Akram (A) is such an 'Ebadah (عبادت) which is never rejected. It gives us the guarantee of its acceptance (approval). I request all of my brothers and sisters to make their habit to recite the Durood on a daily basis as much as they can. This would show our deepest love with our Nabi Akram (A); and this is how we can hold the rope of Allah Almighty; and do spread this message to the masses to your level best. The habitation of reciting the Durood is also the guarantee that Allah Almighty would take the responsibility of all works of reciter regarding both this life and Hereafter. I am really thankful to all who assisted and guided me in writing this book especially Mr. Muhammad Farooq Rana and Mr. Sajjad ul Aziz Qadri. May Allah Almighty give all of us such a reward which causes the real pleasure and never leads to decline. I have tried my level best to make perfection and would appreciate if the reader of this book lets me know about any shortcoming regarding the translation of Qaseedah Burdah. I pray to Allah Almighty to forgive all of our sins, especially of those who recite, spread the message of recitation of Durood, teach the Durood, listen to the Durood, convince to it and publicize the Durood; and give all of us love for Nabi Akram (A), his Family, his Companions (y); and give who follow them, the real peace and calm and the success in both this life and Hereafter for the sake of His beloved Prophet Muhammad (A). [1] Al-Ahzab, 33:56 [2] Nasa'i, As-Sunnan, kitab-us-sahw, 4:50#1297 [3] Tabarani, Al-Mu'Jam-ul-Kabir, 3:82#2729. Shahid Hamid Gill June 9, 2006 Top THE VIRTUES AND SPECIALTIES OF QASEEDAH BURDAH Nabi Mukarram A said: "None of you has (perfect) Eman (Faith) until I am more beloved to him than his parents, his children and all mankind". Love for Rasoolullah A, no doubt, is the perfection of our Eman. This love can only be achieved if we know and understand the perfections and lofty status of Sayyidina Rasoolullah A in the sight of Allah Almighty. The coming translation and commentary of the Qaseedah Burdah highlights the exalted status and perfections of Sayyidina Rasoolullah A. The virtues of Qaseedah Burdah are countless; some of its virtues and specialties which are written in the books are as under: For long life (blessings in life) recite Qaseedah Burdah for 1001 times. For taking away of difficulties recite it for 71 times. For the removal of drought recite it for 300 times. For wealth and effects recite it for 700 times. To have male offspring (children) recite it for 116 times. To make possible and easy all difficult tasks recite it for 771 times. One, who recites Qaseedah Burdah daily or gets someone else to recite it, and thereafter makes Damm (blow) on him, will be safeguarded from all hardships. One who recites Qaseedah Burdah once daily and makes Damm (blow) on his children, they will be blessed with long life. One who recites it for 17 times on a Thursday evening for 7 weeks will become pious and wealthy. Whoever recites it in his bedroom for any work or special motives, those motives and purposes will be shown to him in a dream. One who recites it for 41 times in an old graveyard for 40 days, his enemies will be destroyed. Whoever recites it once daily on rose water for 7 days and gives it to someone to drink, the memory of that person who drinks that rose water will increase tremendously. One, who is afflicted with a great mishap, misfortune, calamity or hardship, should keep 3 fasts and daily recite it for 21 times. Whoever writes it with musk and saffron and hangs it around his neck, will be safeguarded from seventy sufferings and troubles. The house, in which Qaseedah Burdah is read 3 times daily, will be protected from big troubles. If a person has important work, he should recite it for 26 times at the night of Jum'ah (Thursday evening) and give 26 things in charity. The house, in which this Qaseedah is kept, will be safe-guarded from thieves, etc. Whoever recites Qaseedah Burdah for 7000 times in his lifetime, will live up to the age of one hundred years. Whoever reads it over rose water and sprinkles it over his clothes, will become respected and loved by the creation of Allah Almighty. If a person recites it once daily during his journey, will be protected from ail hardships of travel. One who is in debt should recite it for 1000 times. If someone recites Qaseedah Burdah for 41 times, or has someone else to read it for him at the night of Jum'ah, for a certain aim or purpose, his aim or purpose will be fulfilled. The house in which this Qaseedah Burdah is read regularly will be saved from seven things: The evil of Jinn. Plague and epidemics. Smallpox. Diseases of the eyes. Misfortune. Insanity. Sudden death. The house in which the Qaseedah is read daily, its inhabitants will also be bestowed with seven benefits: Long life. Abundance in sustenance. Good health. Help (from Allah). One will see the Noor (splendour) of Sayyidina Rasoolullah A. Wealth. Happiness and contentment. Whoever wishes to know whether he will get benefit or harm from a journey, should read the Qaseedah Burdah for 3 times, and before reading it, he should recite Durood 1000 times, he will thereafter be informed in a dream by Rasoolullah A whether it would be beneficial or harmful to travel. One, who wishes to know the condition of a traveler, should recite the Qaseedah Burdah for 3 times along with Durood on a Thursday night. To remove the evil effect of jinn, read once daily for 40 days and make Damm (blow) on the affected person. If a child is born, then read it for 9 times on sea water and bath the child with it. The child will be saved from all types of disasters and calamities. For labour pains (child birth), read for 3 times and blow (make Damm) on rose water. Mix the rose water with ordinary water and drink it. Place a little on the loins as well; there would be ease in child birth immediately. One, who reads Qaseedah Burdah once after getting on a ship and passes through a severe storm, will be safeguarded. One, who is in jail, should recite it continuously and he will be released. If lands are infertile and barren, read and blow (make Damm on the seeds, thereafter plant them, there would be abundant crops. If farmlands are infested or plagued with locusts, then recite Qaseedah Burdah for 7 times on sand and sprinkle it through the lands. Wherever the sand falls, that land will not be infested again. In conclusion we find that for whatever purpose "Qaseedah Burdah" is read, Insha'Allah that purpose will be fulfilled with the precondition that ones earnings and food is halaal (permissible). Top Section One Hadhrat Imaam Saalih Sharaf-ud-Deen Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Hasan Al-Busiri رحمة الله عليهhas spoken about his love for Rasoolullah A. He رحمة الله عليه tries to conceal this love and his beloved. This is why we see that He رحمة الله عليه has not described the name of Rasoolullah A directly in the whole section. We observe that he رحمة الله عليهhas mentioned the places and things which are near to Madinah so that Rasoolullah A is pleased. His love for Rasoolullah A has made him uneasy and restless. أَمِنْ تَـذَكُّرِ جِيْرَانٍم بِـذِيْ سَـلَمِ مَزَجْتَ دَمْعـاً جَرٰى مِنْ مُّقْلَةٍم بِدَمِ Are the tears mixed with blood following (from your eyes) due to your remembrance of the neighbour of Dhi-Salam (a place near Madinatul Islam). أَمْ هَبَّـتِ الرِّيْحُ مِنْ تِلْقَآءِ كَاظِمَـةٍ وَأَوْمَضَ الْبَرْقُ فِي الظَّلْماءِ مِنْ إِضَمِ Or is it because of the breeze blowing from Kaazimah (a place near Madinatul Islam). Or is it the lighting (that has) struck in the darkness of the night Idham (a place near Madinatul Islam). فَمَا لِعَيْنَيْكَ إنْ قُلْتَ اكْفُفَا هَمَتَــا وَمَا لِقَلْبِكَ إنْ قُلْتَ اسْتَفِقْ يَهِـمِ What is the matter with your eyes, (the more) you say to them to stop (the more) they continue to flow. And what has happened to your heart, (the more) you say to it to come to its senses (normal condition, the more) it is distracted (troubled). أيَحْسَـبُ الصَّبُّ أنَّ الْحُبَّ مُنْكَتِـمٌ مَا بَيْنَ مُنْسَــجِمٍ مِّنْهُ وَمُضْطَـرِمِ Does the lover think that his love can be concealed; while he is constantly shedding tears and his heart is (constantly) glowing. لَوْلاَ الْهَوٰى لَمْ تُرِقْ دَمْعاً عَلىٰ طَلِلِ وَلاَ أَرِقْتَ لِـذِكْرِ الْبَـانِ وَالْعَلَـمِ If you had not fallen in love, you would not have shed tears at the ruins (of your beloved) nor would you have become restless due to the remembrance of the ban (cypress tree) and High Mountain. فَكَيْفَ تُنْكِـرُ حُبًّام بَعْدَمَا شَـهِدَتْ بِهِ عَلَيْـكَ عُدُوْلُ الدَّمْعِ وَالسَّـقَمِ So, how can you deny love while your (continuous) shedding tears and (your) illness are (open) witness (of your love). وَأَثْبَتَ الْوَجْدُ خَطَّيْ عَبْرَةٍ وَّضَـنًى مِّثْلَ الْبَهَـارِ عَلىٰ خَدَّيْكَ وَالْعَنَـمِ And the deepest love has carved two lines of weakness and (constantly shedding) tears (due to grief and fear) on your cheeks like yellow rose and the reddish tree (hence, your face is withered). نَعَمْ سَرٰى طَيْفُ مَنْ أَهْوٰى فَـأَرَّقَنِي وَالْحُبُّ يَعْتَـرِضُ اللَّـذَّاتِ بِالأَلَـمِ Yes! Thoughts of the beloved came to me at night and kept me awake (and made me restless) and (indeed) love alters into pain. يَا لائِمِيْ فِي الْهَوٰى الْعُذْرِيِّ مَعْذِرَةً مِّنِّي إِلَيْكَ وَلَوْ أنْصَفْـتَ لَمْ تَلُـمِ You! Who reproach me, regarding my love, excuse me from me to you and if you do justice, you would not reproach me. عَدَتْكَ حَالِيْ لاَ سِـرِّي بِمُسْـتَتِرٍ عَنِ الْوُشَـاةِ وَلاَ دَائِي بِمُنْحَسِـمِ My state (of love) has reached you, (now) my secret is no longer concealed from those who malign (me), nor there is (something to) check my agony. مَحَّضْتَنِي النُّصْحَ لكِنْ لَسْتُ أسْمَعُهُ إِنَّ الْمُحِبَّ عَنِ الْعُذَّالِ فِيْ صَمَمِ You (O listener) have sincerely advised me (and) I have not paid any attention to it. Verily, a (true) lover is deaf to those who advise (and criticize him). اِنِّي اتَّهَمْتُ نَصِيْحَ الشَّيْبِ فِيْ عَذَلٍ وَالشَّيْبُ أَبْعَدُ فِيْ نُصْحٍ عَنِ التُّهَمِ I regarded the advice of the elders with suspicion in reproaching me. (No doubt,) the wisdom in the advice of the elders is above (any) suspicion. Top Section Two Hadhrat Imaam Saalih Sharaf-ud-Deen Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Hasan Al-Busiri رحمة الله عليه described in this section about restraining lust and carnal desires. In this section he رحمة الله عليه relates that a man indulges into love due to lust and carnal desires and requirements. He رحمة الله عليه also has related that his life is spent in sins. And on this act, he sincerely regrets and asks for forgiveness from Allah Almighty. On the other hand, he رحمة الله عليه also mentions that lust and carnal desires are also important to fall in the love of Rasoolullah A. He رحمة الله عليه mentions that a pure love can be attained by the purification of oneself from lust and carnal wishes and desires. This section provokes a man to fall into the love of Rasoolullah A; and it also draws a man to seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty. فَاِنَّ أمَّارَتِيْ بِالسُّوْءِ مـَا اتَّعَظَتْ مِنْ جَهْلِهَا بِنَذَيْرِ الشَّيْبِ وَالْهَـرَمِ For verily, my soul (Nafs Ammarah, which) calls me to evil, due to its ignorance, did not pay (any) attention to the advice from the warning by grey hair and old age. وَلاَ أعَدَّتْ مِنَ الْفِعْلِ الْجَمِيْلِ قِرَى ضَيْفٍ أَلَمَّ بِرَأسِـيْ غَيْرَ مُحْتَشِـمِ And I have not made any preparation for good deeds, a feast for a guest (old age that) has lodged on my head nor did I honour (it). لَوْ كُنْتُ أَعْلَـمُ أنِّي مَـا أُوَقِّرُهُ كَتَمْتُ سِـرَّا بَـدَا لِيْ مِنْهُ بِالْكَتَمِ If I had known that I would not (be able to) honour (the guest, the old age) I would have concealed my secret, which is exposed, by dyeing. مَنْ لِّيْ بِرَدِّ جِمَــاحٍ مِّنْ غَوَايتِهَــا كَمَا يُرَدُّ جِماَحُ الْخَيْــلِ بِاللُّـجُمِ Is there any who can restrain my wayward-self from its waywardness. Just as an unmanageable horse is restrained by reins. فَلاَ تَرُمْ بِالْمَعَاصِيْ كَسْـرَ شَـهْوَتِهَا اِنَّ الطَّعَـامَ يُقَوِّي شَــهْوَةَ النَّهِمِ Do not try, through committing sins, to subdue sensual desires. Verily, the food (only) strengthens corporal desires. وَالنَّفْسُ كَالطِّفْلِ إِنْ تُهْمِلْهُ شَبَّ عَلَى حُبِّ الرَّضَاعِ وَإِِِنْ تَفْطِمْهُ يَنْفَطِــمِ And your self (desires) is like a child (infant), if you let him keep on drinking milk he will come of age with the habit of drinking (milk). And if you wean it, will stop. فَاصْرِفْ هَوَاهَــا وَحَاذِرْ أَنْ تُوَلِّيَهُ إِنَّ الْهَوٰى مَـا تَـوَلَّى يُصْمِ أَوْ يَصِمِ So, control its (Self, نفس) inclination (towards desires) and beware, it may not overpower it (yourself). Verily, lust whenever it overpowers (it) kills or makes (your character) spotted. وَرَاعِهَـا وَهْيَ فِي الأَعْمَالِ سَـائِمَةٌ وَإِنْ هِيَ اسْتَحْلَتِ الْمَرْعٰى فَلاَ تُسِـمِ And guard it (your self) while it is grazing in (the field of) actions and if it enjoys grazing land, do not let it roam (graze) freely. كَـمْ حَسَّــنَتْ لَـذَّةً لِلْمَرْءِ قَاتِلَةً مِنْ حَيْثُ لَمْ يَدْرِ أَنَّ السُّمَّ فِيْ الدَّسَـمِ How many pleasures are there (which) are considered supreme (but) are harmful for man because he does not know that fat has poison in it. وَاخْشَ الدَّسَائِسَ مِنْ جُوْعٍ وَّمِنْ شِبَعٍ فَرُبَّ مَخْمَصَةٍ شَـــرٌّ مِنَ التُّـخَمِ And fear the evil of (both) hunger and satiation (overeating) for mostly hungers (poverty) is more evil (dangerous) than overeating. وَاسْتَفْرِغِ الدَّمْعَ مِنْ عَيْنٍ قَـدِ امْتَلأَتْ مِنَ الْمَحَـارِمِ وَالْزَمْ حِمْيَـةَ النَّـدَمِ And shed tears from (those) eyes which have become full of forbidden sights and mark an obligatory (duty upon yourself) to guard your eyes from forbidden things. وَخالِفِ النَّفْسَ وَالشَّيْطَانَ وَاعْصِهِـمَا وَإِنْ هُمَـا مَحَّضَـاكَ النُّصْحَ فَاتَّهِـمِ And (O follower of virtue!) oppose (your) self (Nafs, نفس) and Satan and disobey them both. And if both of them give you (even) sincere advice, (do) regard it as lies. وَلاَ تُطِعْ مِنْهُمَا خَصْمًا وَّلاَ حَكَمًــا فَأَنْتَ تَعْرِفُ كَيْـدَ الْخَصْمِ وَالْحَكَـمِ And don't obey them both (Nafs and Satan) as an enemy or as wise (person). For you know (very) well the deception of (such an) enemy or a wise (person). أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ مِنْ قَوْلٍم بِلاَ عَمَـلٍ لَقَدْ نَسَبْتُ بِهِ نَسْلاً لِّذِيْ عُقُــمِ I seek forgiveness from Allah (Almighty) from such sayings (preaching) which I do not practice upon. For verily, through this, (it is same like that) I have attributed (claimed) offspring from a barren woman. أمَرْتُكَ الْخَيْرَ لكِنْ مَّا ائْتَمَرْتُ بِــهِ وَمَا اسْـتَقَمْتُ فَمَا قَوْلِي لَكَ اسْتَقِمِ I command you to do good but I do not command myself to do that (the same); and I did not become steadfast (on Deen / the right path) so, then what is the use (value) of saying to you, "Be steadfast". وَلاَ تَزَوَّدْتُّ قَبْلَ الْمَوْتِ نَافِلَــةً وَلَمْ أُصَلِّ سِوٰى فَرَضٍ وَّلَمْ أَصُمِ And I did not offer voluntary worship before death; and I did not offer prayer nor did I keep fast except what was obligatory. Top Section Three In this section, Hadhrat Imaam Saalih Sharaf-ud-Deen Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Hasan Al-Busiri رحمة الله عليه has described the love of Rasoolullah A ; and openly mentions and begins the praises of Rasoolullah A. He رحمة الله عليه shows unrestricted and unlimited love. He رحمة الله عليه says when Allah Almighty has crossed the limit of love for his Messenger then why not we try to do to our level best. ظَلَمْتُ سُـنَّةَ مَنْ أَحْيَــا الظِّلاَمَ إِلىٰ أَنِ اشْـتَكَتْ قَدَمَــاهُ الضُّرَّ مِنْ وَرَمِ I disobeyed the Sunnah (the way of passing life) of (Nabi Akram A) who passed the nights in worship until his feet complained of injury due to being swollen. وَشَدَّ مِنْ سَغَبٍ أحْشَــاءَهُ وَطَـوٰى تَحْتَ الْحِجَارَةِ كَشْــحاً مُّتْرَفَ الأَدَمِ And he (A) tied and folded, due to hunger, around his stomach, a stone on his delicate skin. وَرَاوَدَتْــهُ الْجِبَالُ الشُّـمُّ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ عَنْ نَّفْسِـهِ فَـأَرَاهَا أيَّمَـــا شَمَمِ And (very) high mountains of gold (presented themselves to him to) tempt him towards it (worldly things) and he (A) showed them (the people that) how high these mountains are (but rejected the offer). وَأَكَّــدَتْ زُهْدَهُ فِيْهَا ضَرُوْرَتُــهُ إِنَّ الضَّرُوْرَةَ لاَ تَعْــدُوْ عَلىَ الْعِصَمِ And his piety became more powerful inspite of his need. For verily, need never overpowers the infallible (The Holy Prophet A). وَکَيْفَ تَدْعُوْا اِلیَ الدُّنْيَا ضَرُوْرَةُ مَنْ لَوْلاَهُ لَمْ تَخْرُجِ الدُّنْيَا مِنَ الْعَدَمِ And how can the need incline such a noble personality towards this world; for if he (A) had not been (created), the world would have not come into existence. مُحَمَّدٌ سَـيِّدُ الْكَــوْنَيْنِ وَالثَّقَلَـيْنِ وَالْفَرِيْقَـيْنِ مِنْ عُـرْبٍ وَّمِنْ عَجَـمِ (The beloved Prophet) Muhammad (A) is the Leader of both worlds and both creations (man and jinn) and of both groups, Arabs and non Arabs. نَبِيُّنَـا الآمِرُ النَّــاهِيْ فَلاَ أَحَــدٌ أبَـرُّ فِيْ قَــوْلِ لاَ مِنْـهُ وَلاَ نَعَـمِ Our Nabi (A is) the one who commands (to do good and) forbids (evil, undoubtedly) there is non (parallel to him who is) more truthful than him in saying, "No" or "Yes". هُوَ الْحَبِيْبُ الَّــذِيْ تُرْجٰى شَـفَاعَتُهُ لِكُــلِّ هَوْلٍ مِّنَ الأَهْـوَالِ مُقْتَحَمِ He (A) is the most beloved (of Allah Almighty) whose intercession (شفاعۃ) is hoped for every fear (and distress) that is going to come (on the day of agony and fears). دَعَـا اِلىٰ اللهِ فَالْمُسْـتَمْسِـكُوْنَ بِـهِ مُسْتَمْسِـكُوْنَ بِحَبْـلٍ غَيْرِ مُنْفَصِـمِ He (A) called (the people) toward Allah (Almighty), so those who cling to him are clinging to a rope which will never break. فَــاقَ النَّبِيِّيْنَ فِيْ خَلْـقٍ وَفِيْ خُلُـقٍ وَلَمْ يُـدَانُوهُ فِيْ عِلْــمٍ وَّلاَ كَـرَمِ He (A) exceeds (transcends) the prophets (عليهم السلام) physically and in noble character; and (none of other prophets عليهم السلام) can reach (touch) his knowledge and noble nature kindness. وَكُــلُّهُمْ مِّنْ رَّسُـوْلِ اللهِ مُلْتَمِـسٌ غَرْفَا مِّنَ الْبَحْرِ أَوْ رَشْفاً مِّنَ الدِّيَـمِ And all of them (the prophets عليهم السلام) obtained from Rasoolullah (A, his bounties like a) handful (of water) from the ocean or a sip from continuous rains. وَوَاقِفُـوْنَ لَدَيـْـهِ عنْـدَ حَدِّهِــمِ مِنْ نُّقْطَةِ الْعلْمِ أَوْ مِنْ شَكْلَةِ الْحِكَـمِ And they all (prophets عليهم السلام) stopped before him at their (assigned) limits; (either like) a point of knowledge or to gain a piece of wisdom (from the wisdom of Holy Prophet A) فَهْوَ الَّـِذيْ تَمَّ مَعْنَــاهُ وَصُوْرَتُهُ ثُمَّ اصْطَفَـاهُ حَبِيْباًم بَارِيءُ النَّسَــمِ For he (A) is the one who was perfected outwardly and inwardly; and then (Allah Almighty), the Creator of all creations, chose him as (His) the most beloved. مُنَـزَّهٌ عَـنْ شَـرِيْكٍ فِيْ مَحَاسِــنِهِ فَجَـوْهَرُ الْحُسْـنِ فِيْهِ غَيْرُ مُنْقَسِـمِ There is no equal to him in his magnificence; the jewel of superiority (dignity) in him is inseparable (and indivisible). دَعْ مَــا ادَّعَتْهُ النَّصَارٰى فِيْ نَبِيِّهِـمِ وَاحْكُمْ بِمَا شِئْتَ مَدْحاً فِيْهِ وَاحْتَكِـمِ Throw away what the Christians claim (attribute) about their prophet (Isa, Jesus D). Then decide and say what you wish in praise of him (except doing polytheism which the Christians do). وَانْسُبْ اِلىٰ ذَاتِهِ مَا شِئْتَ مِنْ شَـرَفٍ وَانْسُبْ اِلىٰ قَدْرِهِ مَا شِئْتَ مِنْ عِظَـمِ And attribute (claim) to his personality whatever you wish to (claim) in (his) excellence; and attribute the greatness towards his (highly) dignified status as much as you wish (except committing polytheism). فَـاِنَّ فَضْلَ رَسُــوْلِ اللهِ لَيْـسَ لَهُ حَـدٌّ فَيُعْـرِبَ عنْـهُ نَـاطِقٌ بِفَمِ For verily, the excellence of the Allah's Messenger (A) has no limit. Therefore, a speaker (admirer) might (be able to) express with his mouth. لَوْ نَـاسَـبَتْ قَـدْرَهُ آيـَاتُهُ عِظَمـاً أَحْيَـا اسْمُهُ حِيْنَ يُـدْعَى دَارِسَ الرِّمَمِ If his miracles were proportionate (according) to his (A) rank in greatness, then his (A) name, when called out, would have brought decaying bones back to life. لَمْ يَمْتَحِنَّــا بِمَـا تَعْيَـا الْعُقُوْلُ بِـهِ حِرْصًـا عَلَيْنَـا فَلَمْ نَرْتَـبْ وَلَمْ نَهِمِ He (A) did not test us with that which makes our minds unable (to pass). Having keen inclination (interest, kindness) for us, neither we had suspicion (about the truthfulness of the mission of the Holy Prophet A) nor were we confounded (confused, by his policies). أَعْيَ الْوَرٰى فَهْمُ مَعْنَــاهُ فَلَيْسَ يُرٰى فِي الْقُرْبِ وَالْبُعْـدِ فِيْهِ غَـيْرُ مُنْفَحِمِ His (A) perfect inner (most) nature made the people helpless from comprehending (him, so it was not understood by anyone but Allah Almighty), so there is none in near or far who is not helpless (and imperfect in grasping his inner most nature). كَـالشَّمْسِِ تَظْهَرُ لِلْعَيْنَيْنِِ مِنْم بُــعُدٍ صَغِيْرَةً وَتُكِـلُّ الطَّـرْفَ مِنْ أَمَـمِ (The example of our Holy Prophet A is) like the sun (which) is seen by eyes (very small) from far. And yet itches (your) eyes (when you) see it from near. وَكَيْفَ يُــدْرِكُ فِي الدُّنْيـَـا حَقِيْقَتَهُ قَــوْمٌ نِّيَــامٌ تَسَلَّوْا عَنْهُ بِـالْحُلُمِ And (how) can his reality be comprehended (by the people) in this world; (certainly this is a) sleeping nation (except Allah's prophets and friends عليهم السلام) whose description of him is (nothing but like an interpretation of) a dream. فَمَبْلَغُ الْعِــلْمِ فِيْهِ أَنَّــهُ بَشَــرٌ وَأَنَّــهُ خَيْرُ خَلْـقِ اللهِ كُـــلِّهِمِ So, the extreme depth of (our) knowledge, concerning to him, is that he (A) is a man (like us). Whereas indeed he (A) is the best of all creations of Allah (Almighty). وَكُـلُّ آيٍ أَتَى الرُّسْـلُ الْكِـرَامُ بِهَا فَــإِِنَّمَـا اتَّصَلَتْ مِنْ نُّوْرِهِ بِهِــمِ And all miracles which the prophets (عليهم السلام) showed, indeed they (all miracles) have been derived from his Noor (light). فَـإِِنَّهُ شَمْـسُ فَضْلٍ هُـمْ كَـوَاكِبُهَا يُظْهِرْنَ أَنْـَوارَهَا لِلنَّــاسِ فِي الظُّلَمِ For verily, he (A) is the sun of virtue (and blessings, and) they (all other prophets عليهم السلام) are its stars which show the people their lights in the dark. حَتّٰی اِذَا طَلَعَتْ فِی الْکَوْنِ عَمَّ هُدَا هَا الْعٰلَمِيْنَ وَ اَحْيَتْ سَائِرَ اْلأَُمَمِ Until when the sun (of Noor of the Holy Prophet A) rose, its light spread universally and gave the life to the entire nations. أَكْــرِمْ بِخَلْـقِ نَبِيٍّ زَانَــهُ خُلُـقٌ بِالْحُسْـنِ مُشْـتَمِلٌم بِالْبِشْـرِ مُتَّسِـمِ How noble are the physical qualities of (our) Prophet (A) which are adorned with good characteristics. (Our Prophet A) is dressed with beauty; and distinguished by pleasant nature. كَالزَّهْرِ فِيْ تَرَفٍ وَّالْبَـدْرِ فِيْ شَـرَفٍ وَالْبَحْرِ فِيْ كَــرَمٍ وَّالـدَّهْرِ فِيْ هِمَمِ (He A is so delicate that looks) like a blooming flower in its freshness and (like) the moon (when it is) full in splendour and (like) the ocean in generosity and (his) fearless courage (is) like the time. كَــأَنَّهُ وَهْـوَ فَرْدٌ مِنْ جَلاَلَتِــهِ فِيْ عَسْـكَرٍ حِيْنَ تِلْقَاهُ وَفِيْ حَشَــمِ Even when (he A is) alone, (he looks) due to his grandeur (that he is) in the midst of a large army and its associates. (And he A has overcome all of them for his grandeur and no one is able to even move). كَـــأَنَّمَا اللُّؤْلُؤُ الْمَكْنُوْنُ فِيْ صَدَفٍ مِنْ مَّعْــدِنِيْ مَنْ
Gunahon ki aadat churah meray Mowla mujhay naik insaan bana meray Mowla Meri saabiqa har khatha meray Mowla, tu Rehmat sey apni mita meray Mowla Thu qudrat sey apni badal naikyon sey, har ik meri laghzish khata meray Mowla Jo Thuj ko jo Teray Nabi ko pasand hai, mujhay aisa banda bana meray Mowla Tu Masjood mera mey sajid hoon Tera, Tu Malik mey banda Tera meray Mowla Tu Matloob mera mey talib hoon Tera, mujhay dey day apni wila meray Mowla Tu leyga agar adal sey kaam apnay, mey hoon mustahik naar ka meray Mowla Tujhay waasita Teri Rahmat ka Ya Rabb, Jahanam sey mujh ko bacha meray Mowla Jo Rahmat Teri Shamil-e-haal ho tu, Thikana hay jannat mera meray Mowla Meri ta qiyamat jo nasley ho Ya Rabb, ho sab aashiq-e-Mustafa (Aleh Salam) meray Mowla mujhay bhi dikhaday Thu jalwa Nabi (Aleh Salam) ka yahi hai meri iltija meray Mowla jinon ney kaha hai duaon ka mujh sey, Tu kar dey sabhi ka bhala meray Mowla rula Tu mujhay bas gham-e-Mustafa mein, na duniya keh gham mein rula meray Mowla na mohtaaj kar Tu jahaan mey kisi ka, mujhay muflisi sey bacha meray Mowla hai Ka'bay pay nazray Obaid-e-Raza ki, ho maqbool har ik dua meray Mowla Gunahon ki aadat churah meray Mowla mujhay naik insaan bana meray Mowla
Aameen Bajahin Nabiyil Aameen Allah azawajal iss Bad Kar, Sag-e-Attar key haq mein bhi yeh duain qabool ferma ley.. Aameen Bajahin Nabiyil Aameen
Ai Sabze Ghumbadh wale manzoor Dua karna
سگِ عطار replied to Muslim Sister's topic in دیگر اسلامی مواد
Jazak ALLAH Sister.. beautiful naat.. Topic Moved -
Brother, (aameen) yeh marz aaj kal itna aam ho gaya.. key Al-Aman Wal Hafeez.. nojawano ki zindagi mein media ney zehr ghol diya.. aub ishq-e-majazi ki bemari itni aam ho gayi key her taraf iss key asrat nazer aatey hain... Sarkar-e-Madinah key ferman-e-aali shan ka mafhoom hai key meri ummat ka sab sey bada fitna aurat hai.. Allah (azawajal) hamarey hal per rehm fermaye.. Aur humein ishq-e-haqeqi Apna aur Apney Habib ka ata fermaye.. Aameen Bajahin Nabiyil Ameen Muhabbat Mein Apni Guma Ya Elahi Na Paon Main Apna Pata Ya Elahi Bana Dey Mujhay Neik Neikoun Ka Sadqa Gunahoon Sey Har Dam Bacha Ya Elahi Aameen Bajahin Nabiyil Ameen
A View on Dawate Islami by Allama Arshadul Qadiri
سگِ عطار replied to Minhaj Attari's topic in امیر اہلسنت
Suhan ALLAH... Aatish Mein Na Jaloun Ga Firdous Mein Rahoon Ga Jaon Ga Khuld Keh Ker Attar Rehnuma Hain (INSHA ALLAH ) Brother (aameen) -
Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Duniya Nhin Hai
سگِ عطار replied to سگِ عطار's topic in حمد، نعت، منقبت، مناجات وغیرہ
Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Dunya Nhin Hai Kalam: Sayidi Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat Hazrat Allama Moulana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri (damat Barkathum Aaliya) Recited By: Shahzada-e-Ameer-e-Sunnat Haji Muhammad Bilal Raza Attari (damat barkathum aaliya) Listen | Download -
Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Duniya Nhin Hai
سگِ عطار replied to سگِ عطار's topic in حمد، نعت، منقبت، مناجات وغیرہ
Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Dunya Nhin Hai Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Dunya Nhin Hai Yeh Ebrat Ki Jah Hai Tamasha Nhin Hai Iss Jahaan Mein Her Taraf Hain Mushqilein Her Taraf Hi Aafatein Hi Aafatein Kuch Ghirey Gham Mein Tu Kuch Bemaar Hain Tu Kayi Qarzey Key Zer-e-Bar Hain Hain Yahaan Dunya Mein Koi Bhi Sukhi Jee Nhin Hergiz Nhin Sub Hain Dukhi Chal Diye Dunya Sey Sub Shah-o-Gada Koi Bhi Dunya Mein Kub Baqi Raha Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Dunya Nhin Hai Yeh Ebrat Ki Jah Hai Tamasha Nhin Hai Jeetney Dunya Sikanadar Tha Chala Jub Gaya Dunya Sey Khali Hath Tha Leh Lahatey Kheit Hongey Sub Fina Khush Numa Baghat Ko Hai Kub Baqa Tu Khushi Key Phool Ley Ga Kub Talak? Tu Yahaan Zinda Rahay Ga Kub Talak? Dolat-e-Dunya Key Peechay Tu Na Ja Aakhirat Mein Mal Ka Hai Kam Kiya Mal-e-Dunya Du Jahaan Mein Hai Wabaal Kam Aaye Ga Na Pesh-e-Zul Jalal Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Dunya Nhin Hai Yeh Ebrat Ki Jah Hai Tamasha Nhin Hai Bey Wafa Dunya Pey Mat Ker Aitabar Tu Achanak Mout Ka Hoga Shikaar Mout Aaker Hi Rahay Gi Yad Rakh Jan Jaa Ker Hi Rahay Gi Yad Rakh Ger Jahaan Mein So Baras Tu Jee Bhi Ley Qabar Mein Tanha Qayamat Tak Rahay Jub Farishta Mout Ka Chaa Jaye Ga Phir Bacha Koi Na Tujh Ko Paye Ga Mout Aayi Pehlwaan Bhi Chal Diye Khoobsorat Nojwaan Bhi Chal Diye Dab Daba Dunya Hi Mein Reh Jaye Ga Husn Tera Khak Mein Mil Jaye Ga Teri Taqat Tera Fun Auhda Tera Kuch Na Kam Aaye Ga Sarmaya Tera Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Dunya Nhin Hai Yeh Ebrat Ki Jah Hai Tamasha Nhin Hai Qabr Rozana Yeh Kerti Hai Pukaar Mujh Mein Hain Qeeday Makodey Bey Shumaar Yad Rakh Main Hoon Andehri Kothadi Tujh Ko Hogi Mujh Mein Sun Wahshat Badi Meray Aunder Tu Akela Aaye Ga Haan Mager Aamal Leta Aaye Ga Naram Bister Ghar Pey Hi Reh Jayein Gey Tujh Ko Farsh-e-Khak Per Dafnayein Gey Jub Andheri Qabr Mein Tu Jaye Ga Roye Ga Chilaye Ga Ghabraye Ga Kam Mal-o-Zar Wahaan Na Aaye Ga Ghafil Insaan Yad Rakh Pachtaye Ga Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Dunya Nhin Hai Yeh Ebrat Ki Jah Hai Tamasha Nhin Hai Jub Terey Sathi Tujhay Chod Aayein Gey Qabr Mein Keday Tujhay Kha Jayein Gey Qabr Mein Tera Kafan Phat Jaye Ga Yad Rakh Nazuk Badan Phat Jaye Ga Tera Ik Ik Bal Tak Jhad Jaye Ga Khobsorat Jism Sub Sad Jaye Ga Aah Ubal Ker Aankh Bhi Beh Jaye Gi Khaal Udhed Ker Qabr Mein Reh Jaye Gi Sanp Bichoo Qabr Mein Gar Aagaye Kiya Kerey Ga Bey Amal Gar Kha Gaye Ker Ley Toba Rub (azawajal) Ki Rahmat Hai Badi Qabr Mein Werna Saza Hogi Kadi Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Dunya Nhin Hai Yeh Ebrat Ki Jah Hai Tamasha Nhin Hai Az Tufail-e-Ghous-e-Aazam (radi allah anhu) Ya Ghafoor (azawajal) Bakhsh Dey Hum Aasiyoon Key Sub Qasoor Ya Khuda Hai Iltija ATTAR Ki Sunatein Apnayein Sub Sarkar Ki Ya Elahi Az Paye Shah-e-Umam Hashr Mein ATTAR Ka Rakhna Bharam -
Jaga Jee Laganey Ki Duniya Nhin Hai
اس ٹاپک میں نے سگِ عطار میں پوسٹ کیا حمد، نعت، منقبت، مناجات وغیرہ
brother.. yeh kashf-e-raz-e-najdiya sahi show nhin hota.. dabaiyan dabiyan hain.. mera font install hai.. unicode wala.. kiya prob hai? baqi sub ko sahi show ho raha hai?
Waleakum Salam Wr Wb Wm, Welcome to IslamiMehfil Insha ALLAH we all learn alot about islam.. Wasalam Ma'Al Ikram
Dawat e Islami Near You - Weekly Ijtima Kahan hota hai ?
سگِ عطار replied to Waqar Ahmad Qadri Attari's topic in دعوت اسلامی
------------------------------------------ Sardar Abad (faisal abad), Pakistan ------------------------------------------ Faizan-e-Madinah Madinah Town, Sosaan Road, Sardar Abad (faisal abad) ------------------------------------------ Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan ------------------------------------------ Faizan-e-Madinah Multan Road, Behind Baloch Hotel, Dera Ismail Khan In sha ALLAH more cities will be added very soon.. -
Dawat e Islami Near You - Weekly Ijtima Kahan hota hai ?
سگِ عطار replied to Waqar Ahmad Qadri Attari's topic in دعوت اسلامی
this is very great & informative post.. baraye karam tamam islami brothers aur sisters sey madani request hai key ager aur aap ko info miley ya aap ka apna area iss mein add nhin hai tu yahaan reply mein add kertey jaye.. Jazak ALLAHU Khaira Wasalam Ma'Al Ikram