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کمیونٹی میں شہرت

  1. Agar koi kahta he ke tum brelvi kahty ho khud ko hm khud ko muslim kahty hen to kia jawab he iska. hm bhi khud ko muslim kahty hen lakin aqeeday me jaha deobandi or wahabi sy khud ko alag krne ke liye brelvi nam lena kia zrori he ya nhi. kia hm kah skty hen hm brelvi nhi hen hm suni hen. yeh atraz engineer mirza ki traf se ata he. usky or bhi atrazat hen jin pe me discuss krna chahta hon
  2. Assalam o alykum Muhammad Ali Razavi I want to get the texts of MIAW where he justified the killing of Muslims of Arabia. he declared jihad against them. Thanks
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