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تاریخِ رجسٹریشن
آخری تشریف آوری
About Al_Azhari

- Birthday 01/07/1986
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Akhtar Raza Khan
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Bangalore Karnataka INDIA
Al_Azhari's Achievements
Kahir Mubarak to Alal Islamic Brothers And Sisters
Hudur Tajush Shariah’s Journey to Egypt A four-day visit that expiated the forty years’ gap! Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah is awarded “The Pride of al-Azhar” award What a blessed day 3rd May 2009 was for the people of Egypt. A day that brought such joy and happiness that had not been seen for many years; that kindled the love of Allah and His friends into the hearts of many; that was much anticipated by Arabs and non-Arabs alike. It was a day in which the long-awaited dream finally became a reality; when the ardent lovers of al-Habib al-Mustafa SallAllahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam gathered in their hundreds to welcome one of the greatest legends of this age, a sincere and devout lover of al-Habib al-Mustafa SallAllahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, a true Wali of Allah and bless the ancient city of Cairo with his august presence; to welcome a true and sincere and devout lover of al-Habib al-Mustafa SallAllahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam, a true Wali of Allah – the successor of al-Mufti al-Azam, Tajush Shari’ah Hazrat ‘Allama Mufti Muhammad Akhtar Raza Khan al-Qadiri al-Azhari [May Allah Most Exalted preserve him]. Tajush Shari’ah blessed the residents of Cairo with his paramount knowledge and blessings for four days during which many great ‘Ulema and Mashayikh, and students from diverse cultural backgrounds and nationalities, sought blessings from this great spiritual personality. On 4th May from 11am until 12 noon, Shaykh al-Azhar Shaykh Muhammad Sa’eed Tantawi met with Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah in the Mashikah al-Azhar. As well as engaging in a lengthy conversation, Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah also presented the Shaykh with a set of books written by Hazrat’s great grandfather A’lahazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan RadiAllahu ‘anhu as well as books written by Hazrat himself. Shaykh al-Azhar was greatly impressed with this fountain of knowledge that poured forth beautiful pearls of knowledge and wisdom, and was moved when he perceived Hazrat’s piety and God-fearingness. Hence, Shaykh al-Azhar respected him much and showed much reverence to Hazrat. In this meeting, Shaykh al-Azhar had expressed two issues contradictory to the viewpoint of Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah. The first was with regards to the Hadith أصحابی کالنجوم بأیهم اقتدیتم اهتدیتم which Shaykh al-Azhar had previously deemed as Ghayr Maqbul (not accepted). However, since learning about the intricate details of the sanad and matn of this Hadith from Hazrat, Shaykh al-Azhar changed his opinion and now believed that through talaqqi bil-Qabul, this Hadith is deemed Maqbul (accepted) and is not Mawdu’ (fabricated). The second point of differencewas regarding the name of the father of Hazrat Ibrahim ‘Alayhis Salaam. Shaykh al-Azhar had previously believed Âzar (who was rebuked on many occasions in the Holy Qur’an for worshipping idols) to be the father of Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salaam. However, after this brief meeting with one of the authorities in the field of knowledge and one of the greatest men of haqiqah, Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah, Shaykh al-Azhar now endorsed the fact that it was not Âzar who was the father of Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salaam, but Târah, whilst Âzar was his uncle. It should be kept in mind that Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah has already written two detailed books discussing both of the above points at great length, both of which were published in Egypt and widely disseminated throughout Arab and non-Arab lands. During the meeting, al-Azhar also expressed the need to forge stronger relationships between Indian and Egyptian scholars and assured every kind of support between Jami’ah al-Azhar and Jami’at ar-Raza: the latter founded by Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah. Shaykh al-Azhar promised a visit to India to meet him and other scholars and Mashayikh of the Indian subcontinent. With much respect and reverence, Shaykh al-Azhar bid farewell to Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah after this very successful meeting. On the same day, 4th May, at around 4 o’clock in the afternoon, there was an international conference held in the prestigious and well-known conference hall, Markaz Salih ‘Abdullah Kamil, situated in Nasr city in the vicinity of al-Azhar University. Hundreds of people from various walks of life attended the conference, amongst whom were more than 45 teachers from al-Azhar University, Jami’a ‘Ayni Shams, Jami’ah Qahirah (Cairo University), Jami’ah ad-Duwal al-Arabiyyah (the Arab Republican University). These people desired to meet with and seek blessings from Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah. Personalities worthy of note from the attendees were: • Ex-Vice President of Jami’ah al-Azhar: Dr. Taha Abu Kuraisha • Head of the Department of Philosophical Studies in the Faculty of Religious Sciences at al-Azhar University: Taha Jayshi ad-Dusuqi • Teacher at the Department of Arabic Studies: Dr. Fathi Hijazi • Dean of the Islamic Propagation’s Department.: Dr. Ahmad Rabi’ Ahmad Yusuf • Teacher at the Languages and Translations Department: Dr. Hazim Ahmad Mahfuz • The Chief Editor of the Al-Azhar magazine: Mehmud Habib There were also many students attending, who came from over sixty countries and studied a variety of subjects. The crowd also included Mashayikh and writers. The compere of the event was Shaykh Jalal al-Azhari, translator of the Central Dar al-Ifta of Egypt. Shaykh Jalal gave an excellent introduction to Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah and also presented a qasidah in praise of Sayyidi Tajush Shari’ah. Professor ‘Abd al-Qadir an-Nassar, Shaykh Taha Jayshi ad-Dusuqi, Shaykh Sa’d Jawaish and many others delivered speeches on this occasion, all of whom denied the false accusations levied on Ahl-as-Sunnat wal Jama’at Maslak-e-A’lahazrat and defended and backed its pristine teachings. They made it evident that Maslak-e-A’lahazrat is not a newly innovated sect, but that this Maslak was followed by the Sahaba and the Tabi’in (the Imams of the Schools of Jurisprudence) and by the righteous who followed them and who shall continue to follow them until the Last Day. During the final moments of this wonderful gathering, the successor of Mufti-e-A’zam, Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah delivered an extraordinary speech for more than thirty fives minutes in eloquent Arabic. Hearing this beautiful Arabic speech from the tongue of a non-Arab and observing the vast ocean of knowledge possessed by this great man of Allah, all those present, from the great Ulema and Mashayikh to the students, both Arab and non-Arab alike, praised Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah and his excellence. Finally, there was a lengthy question and answer session and Hazrat answered each question in an articulate and persuasive manner that satisfied the questioner. The closing words of thanks were delivered by Shaykh Gul Muhammad al-Azhari. As soon as these words ended, there was a surge of Mashayikh, Ulema and students, who had waited in much anticipation to see Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah, the light that shines on his blessed face and to gain barakah by kissing his hands. All of the Ulema and Mashayikh also met Hazrat individually and expressed their joy, happiness and honour upon meeting this Alim-e-Shariat and Rehbar-e-Tariqat. Thereafter, there was a large food ceremony for the hundreds who attended this unique gathering which marked the history of Cairo. Thus ended one of the most exceptional international conferences held in the capital of Egypt. Such a great conference in honour of a great scholar from the Indian subcontinent, in which Ulema, Mashayikh and students in their hundreds had attended, was the first of its kind and was the most unique conference the people of Cairo had witnessed for many years. On the morning of 5th May, there was a special meeting held between Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah, the President of Al-Azhar, Shaykh Ahmad Tayyib and a great scholar and prolific writer of the Arabian peninsula who has the name, Shaykh ‘Umar ‘Abdullah Kamil in Idarah al-Jami’ah. Hazrat was warmly welcomed and the meeting involved conversations on intricate issues and emphasis was placed on the strengthening of bonds between scholars of Egypt and those from the Indian subcontinent. When the President of al-Azhar University, Shaykh Ahmad Tayyib, was informed that there were more than ninety students who were murid and devout lovers of Hazrat TajushShari’ah, he was overcome with joy and happiness. At the end of this meeting Shaykh Ahmad Tayyib awarded Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah with a special award of al-Azhar, an honour reserved for the elite Ulema and Mashayikh. On 5th May, in the evening, there was Dars-e-Hadith held at Hazrat’s accommodation following ‘Asr Salaah. Alongside many students from the Indian subcontinent, students from Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Bahrain, al-Jaza’ir and Yemen also attended and took benefit and blessings from this Dars-e-Hadith given by Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah. Students from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka also attended in large numbers. For more than an hour Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah quenched the thirst of the Arab and non-Arab students by sharing his vast, sacred Islamic knowledge and wisdom. During the night, there was a feast held at al-Muqattam in the house of a devout lover of A’lahazrat and the owner of a renowned book publishing company, Dr. Muhammad Khalid Thabit. Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah was the guest of honour and many other Ulema and Mashayikh were also invited, amongst whom were Shaykh Yusri ar-Rushdi, the teacher of Bukhari Sharif in al-Azhar university, and Dr. Ahmad Shahatah, the teacher of Tafsir in the Department of Islamic Da’wah. Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah prayed a qasidah in Arabic, which he had composed himself. Finally, Allama Yusri asked many questions which were answered by Hazrat in articulate Arabic with references to and evidence from the Qur’an and Hadith. The awe inspired by Hazrat’s knowledge and, most importantly, by his piety and God-fearingness, had a massive impact on those present, which included the Mashayikh and Ulema. They all, including Shaykh Yusri, rushed forward to swear the oath of allegiance (bay’ah) to and become muridin (disciples) of Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah. Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah took their bay’at in the silsila mentioning the etiquettes, adab and the words of bay’at in Arabic. He also endowed them with Ijazah in Hadith and also Ijazah in the silsilah. On 6th May, Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah made ziyarah of the great Awliyah and Mashayikh who rest in Cairo. Hazrat lead the people in prayer for Zohar at the renowned Masjid of Imam al-Husain RadiAllahu ‘anhu and lead the ‘Asr prayer at the Masjid of Sayyidah Zaynab RadiAllahu ‘anha, at which many people continued to enter in to the silsilah and became murids of Hazrat. Furthermore, both the Muhaddith of Alexandria and the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Shaykh Dr. Ali Jumu’ah, conversed with Hazrat via the phone to seek ijazah from Hazrat in the field of Hadith, which they were granted. The Grand Mufti also presented his books to Hazrat. Thus ended this fruitful visit to Egypt. Hazrat Tajush Shari’ah had last visited Egypt when he was studying at al-Azhar in 1963. However, in just four days, Hazrat expiated the forty years’ gap and blessed the people of Egypt with his august presence. Originally Written in Urdu by Maulana Salman Raza Khan Graduate of Jami’atur Raza (Bareilly Sharif) Currently studying at the al-Azhar University – Cairo, Egypt Translated into English by: A humble servant of Sayyidi Tajush Shari’ah Muhammad Kalim al-Qadiri, UK
Assalam Alaikum
Hope u r doing good....
Plz find time to Listen this Speech on Rights of Parents... Thanks
Take care
Allah hafiz!
Assalam Alaikum
Hope u r doing good....
Plz find time to Listen this Speech on Rights of Parents... Thanks
Take care
Allah hafiz!
Live Question and Answer Session with Huzur Taajushshariah
اس ٹاپک میں نے Al_Azhari میں پوسٹ کیا اسلامی خبریں
Assalamualikum live Question & Answer with the Great Taajush Shari'ah, Taajulislam Wal Muslimeen,Taajululema,Mufti Al Hind, Qazi Ul Quzzat,Shayk Ul Hadees Allamah Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Qadri,Barkaati Al Azhari (May Allah preserve Him) will be relayed Every Sunday at 5:30 PM South African time (9PM Indian Standard Time). The programme will be relayed live and questions can be asked in the Arabic, Urdu and English languages. Please visit www.jamiaturraza.com/live to listen to the session.Previous sessions can be downloaded from the same url. Last week's session was An Telephonic Live From Cairo-Egypt Please Note: 16 live sessions of Question & Answers have been conducted thus far with the Greatest and Highest ranking Hanafi Scholar of this age. Added to the site has been 8 sessions (approx 6-8 hours) on the Sharah of Qasida Burda Shareef. The Sharah is in the Arabic language though. There is a detailed answer to some issues that arisen in Al Azhar university, Cairo, Egypt. The answer is also available in Arabic www.jamiaturraza.com/live www.taajushshariah.com -
Assalamualikum This is in Deed a Great pleasure to The Whole sunni world i Congratulate All The sunni brothers And ssters. and All SUNNIs of the world salute this Great Saint of Islam.
Assalamualikum Hasin Baig Sab aap k posting k liye JAZAK ALLAH Bhai Insha Allah MAi Koshish Karunga k aur Hazrat ki Life History ko latest Update Karu Aur Agar Aap k pass JO Hazrat ki LAtest books ka naam ho thu mujhe iqtela PM k Jariye kare to insha Allah Mai usko Post Kar dunga Aap ki Dua o Ka Talib
Huzoor Ahsan ul Olama Alaih Rehmat aor Maslak e Aala Hazrat
Al_Azhari replied to Mudasir Yaseen's topic in عقائد اہلسنت
Assalmaualikum Brothers And Sisters Masha Allah Aap Logone Bahut Hi unda Ahsan ul ulamao k Call pesh Kare hai ........ Jazak Allahu Khair Fi Jaza MAslak-E-Alahazrat Zindabad Maslak-E-Alahazrat hi Haq AMslak hai Aur Maslak-E Alahazrat Salamat Rahe -
i want the Manqabat on Huzur Taajushshariah
اس ٹاپک میں نے Al_Azhari میں پوسٹ کیا حمد، نعت، منقبت، مناجات وغیرہ
Asslamaulaikum Brothers And Sisters If Any One Has the manqabat of huzr Azhari Miayn suhana chera azhari ka......... -
Huzur Taajushshariah Shayk-Ul-Hadees Mufti Muhammed Imam Akhtar Raza Khan AL_Azhari Damatbarakathu
اس ٹاپک میں نے Al_Azhari میں پوسٹ کیا شخصیات اسلام
SOMETHING ABOUT THE JA-NASHIN MUFTI-E-AZAM-E-HIND, TAAJUSHSHARIAH,QAZI-UL-QUZZAT,HADRAT ALLAMA MUFTI MOHAMMED AKHTAR RAZA KHAN AZHARI AL-QAADIRI His Eminence, Hazrat Mufti Mohammad Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Al-Qaderi, was born on the 25th of Safar in the year 1942 in Bareilly, the citadel of spirituality and learning. He is the great grandson of A'la Hazrat, Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Fazil-e Barelvi (rahmatullahi alaih), the Mujaddid (Reviver) of Islam in the 14th Century Hijri. Under the tutorship of renowned Ulama, he attained the degree of Fazile Deeniyat (Graduation in Islamic Theology) from Darul Uloom Manzare Islam, Bareilly. After spending three years (1963 - 1966) at the Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, his Eminence post-graduated in Arabic Literature and Deeniyat with specialization in Ahadith (Prophetic Tradition) and Tafseer (Quranic Exegesis) with high distinctions. On his return home, he joined Darul Uloom Manzare Islam, Bareilly Shareef. Thereafter, he left the Darul Uloom and established his own Darul-Ifta with the permission of his maternal grandfather, Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind, Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Mustapha Raza Khan (rahmatullahi alaih). His Eminence, Mufti-e-Azam Hind (rahmatullahi alaih) declared him his Ja'Nashin (Successor) while the great Hazrat was present in this world. His Eminence inherited the skill in the issuing of Fatawa (Legal Islamic Rulings) and in tackling the complex issues relating to Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) directly from Mufti-e-Azam (radi Allahu anhu) who inherited it directly from Mujaddid-e-Deen-o-Millat, Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Bareilvi (rahmatullahi alaih). He is not only the Successor and a trustworthy custodian of Fatawa writing of Hazrat Mufti-e-Azam Hind (rahmatullahi alaih), but also the custodian of learning, knowledge, sanctity and saintliness, of his grandfather, Hujjatul Islam, Moulana Muhammad Haamid Raza Khan (rahmatullahi alaihi). His father, Moulana Muhammad Ibrahim Raza Khan Jilaani Mia (rahmatullahi alaih), was a great Aalim and Saint. He was well-versed in the commentary of the Holy Quran and so was given the title of Mufassir-e-Azam-e-Hind or Great Commentator of the Holy Quran in India. His Eminence, Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari, travels extensively propagating the Deen and is a world-renowned preacher and a spiritual guide. Thousands of Muslims in India and abroad are attached with his Silsila. His Eminence has many Khulafa. He was also given the title of Taajush Shari'ah. Besides being a great Mufti and Aalim, he is also a poet and an academic writer. His Diwan (Collection of Poems) was published for the first time entitled Naghmat-e-Akhtar. Later, it was published entitled Safina-e-Bakhshish in 1986, a chrono-grammical name, derived by Dr. Abdun Naim Azizi. Safina-e-Bakhshish includes Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan's Urdu and Arabic poems and was compiled and published by Dr. Abdun Naim Azizi. Many of Allama Mohammad Akhtar Raza's Naaths and Manqabats have not been published as yet. Amongst his academic works, a few are as follows: (1) Taswiron Ka Hukm, (2) T.V. aur Video ka Operation, (3) Difae Kanzul Imaan, (4) Sharhe-Hadise Niyat, (5) Al-Haqqul Mobeen (Arabic), (6) Difa Kanzul Imaan Part I & II (7) Mer-atun-Najdi'ah (Arabic) (8) Hazrat Ibrahim ke Waalid Tariq ya Azar, etc. His Darul-Ifta is now the central Darul Ifta of not only Bareilly Shareef, but of the Sunni world and he has continued the prestige of Fatawa writing of his grand-father and great grand-father. To date, he has written more than 5 000 Fatawa. Besides being well-versed in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu he has also a good knowledge of English. He has written many Fatawa in the English Language. The original book, Few English Fatawa, was first published by Edara Sunni Duniya, 82 Saudagran, Bareilly Shareef by his Eminence. Allama Mufti Naseem Ashraf Habibi, who is the Head Advisor and Mufti of the Imam Ahmed Raza Academy and of Sunni Ulama Council included a few more unpublished Fatawas, which was also written or orally dictated in English by Hazrat Azhari Sahib. May Almighty Allah keep Hazrat Allama Mufti Mohammad Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari firm on Maslak-e-A'la Hazrat and serve as a beacon of guidance. May He grant his Eminence good health and long life. Aameen.