Assalam U Alikum Warahmatullah
Let me summarize the contents, they say all peoples are bound by their own doing and not others. They say aqeeda of Isaal e Sawab is against Quran there are lots of Ayats describing this specially Najam :39, Sajda:46, Toor:31
More they quote
Yaseen:36 : Only you would get for what you have done
Baqra 286
Zamar 39 etc
And Say only three work will benefit the deceased
Sadqa Jaria
Ilm e Nafia and
Supplication of children of same.
Only Niyabat and Astagfar is possible from others.
They say Riwayat about Sadqa, Salat, Saum(Roza), Hajj, Pieces from trees etc are Muztarib and only refer to Niyabat (Vice).
The links I send were about Fitna Javed Ahmed Ghamidi. To now about it listen Fitna of Javed Ahmed Ghamidi by Mufti Muhammad Haroon Qadri
Also read page # 30
I just want to mention that I have read the articles about Esaal e Sawab by Sunni Ulemas but they are the proof and not the answer to their objection, the links of the few of them are given below
Also A book By Allama Nisar Ahmed Misbahi "Esaal e Sawab Ka Suboot Quran aur Hadith Say"
And a book "Esaal e Sawab Sunnat Hay"
What I wanted was an article refuting the objections(By Sunni Alim) raised by misled peoples about it (if in urdu it will be much better) or I will start compiling(Combining material from many places) one, is there anybody ready to type in urdu?.
Assalam U Alikum Warahmatullah