Ahmed Memon
کل پوسٹس
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تاریخِ رجسٹریشن
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About Ahmed Memon

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Molvi Tariq Jameel Ki Wife Key Zaiveraat Chori
Ahmed Memon replied to Faraz Madani's topic in فتنہ وہابی دیوبندی
As'Salam O Alaikum, Dear brother in Islam bhai Shahzad and Yasir, Food for thoughts The only thing I can offer to you being Muslim is that, come and unite, after all insha ALLAH jab Mehdi will appear to unite Muslims and fight against false people (Kafirs), those muslims will be we all whether we are deobandi, barelvi or anything. Yours and their (deobandi/etc) hatdred is not going to stop Mehdi to perform the duties set forth by Allah Subhana O Ta'Ala. Bhai Shahzad, as you wrote; , have you got some measurement tool to find out the level of my emaan on Allah Subhana O Ta'Ala and beloved prophet Muhammed ? Or you are trying to portray me as Gustakh-e-Rasool, trust me, you have hurt me really deep-inside. May Allah guide you Ameen. Appology: If anybody get annoyed with my posts, I seek sincere appology, all my intentions behind is nothing than to have all of us unite and fight with out life, our knowledge and our combineed power agains the real enemies like Kafirs. Conclusion: I will now not post any replies, I do not want to be part of the la-yani behas. -
As'Salam O Alaikum, Dear brother Muhammad Asif Attari and others, Just for one time, from your heart, think once, are not you following your Ulema's? Because you think that they are right, dont you? So, what if a deobandi follows their Aalim and do not listen to any others? There is no difference between you and them. The differences among the barelvis and deobandis were not there just 50 years ago, they have got to this extent just because of blaming each other, and spreading hatred (from both sides). Seems like you are Ma Sha Allah Aalim, you must have heard following hadith; Uthman said: The Messenger of Allah Muhammed , said: "Whoever dies while he knows that there is no god but Allah, enters paradise." (you will find this hadith in major hadith books under the section Book of Beliefs) Come on brother get happy our beloeved prophet Muhammed has assured all of us (deobandi's barelvis ehl-e-hadis and alike) that insha ALLAH we will enter into Jannah, just due to barkat of Kalma-e-Tayyaba. If deobandi/ehl-e-hadis calims that Niaz and Mehfil-e-Milad are biddah, have you ever, just for single time, investigated the truth from Hadith and Quran? No I am 100% sure you have never looked at them, rather you have just followed your elders same what a deobandis will do I offer you that just look at the other side of the fact. And if you still believe that Deobandi/Wahabi and Ehle-e-Hadis are Enemies of Allah and Prophet Muhammed (saw) why dont you kill them? why dont you throw them out of Islam just like Qadyanis are kicked out of Islam? Why do you trade with them? Why dont you come on street and protest against them? Why your Aalim Moulana Shah Ahmed Noorani Marhoom allianced with Moulana Fazlur Rehman? In Islam this is called Munafiqat. My dear brother just for Allah's sake think, think man. Allah ki Qasam, due to your internal fight only Enemies of Islam are getting benefits. Correction: The correct word is Newbie not New Bee Note: I will now not respond to this thread, because this is just nonsense to throw trashes over each other and binding name of Allah Subhana O Ta'ala and Prophet Muhammed . Are you true follower of Prophet Muhammed ? you called me washerman's dog? Why you are abusing me? just because I am spreading word of unity among muslims? I have seen your other posts and you do frequently use strong language just like Ahmed Raza Barelvi Sahab, this is bad thing my brother, you will not be able to convert (or convey message of) anyone to barelvism if you use such words, trust me! Applogy: If you or any other barelvi has got annoyed from my posting I seek an appology. May Allah Subhana O Ta'Ala bless all of us Ameen.
As'Salam O Alaikum, Allah Subhana O Ta'ala said in The Quran (8:5) "Even as your Lord caused you to go forth from your house with the truth, though a party of the believers were surely averse;" To the respectful brother in Islam the poster of this nonsense bhai Mohammed Asif Attari! Help yourself! You can promote _more_ hatred by going yourself to some Darul-Ifta of Deobandi Malsak and present this foolish discovery, get the fatwa, and post here the result. I used to pray in Deobandi or Barelvi or any mosque that found comfrotable for offering prayers, but I do not have enough time to spare (to get answer) for this truely la-yani and nonsense thing, and I am sure no tableeghi will have either This way you can make the tableeghi converted to your school of thoughts. And if you failed (being looser) finding no Tableeghi listening to you even being thinking yourself the smartest guy from hatred land, do more research and I am sure you will get more stuff to make the Tableeghi silent, and this way you will get more chance to promote hatdred. I am sure you get joy and fun, the more hatred you bring the more eternal (bad soul's) wisdom you will get. After all, the Satan will be happy and this will make you more happier. May Allah bless you, tableeghi, deobandi, barelvi and everyone else with true hidaya, Ameen.
As'Salam O Alaikum bhai Mohammad Asif Attari! Ma Sha Allah, kia naam hay aap ka Muhammed, let me tell you that our prophet's name is also Hazrat Muhammed . The quality of our prophet hazrat Muhammed was that even if someone throw trash over him he used to return favor to them. Regarding your post, what a temendous thing you have discovered, trust me I am feeling very proud over the non-sense that you have brought to the public, my one cent to you On the judgement day insha Allah we will meet and I will see how much jaza-e-(bad or khair) you have earned to bring the hatred to muslim community May we put over faith on Allah and get rid of dividing muslim community, Ameen!
Bhai SmartGuyCool As'Salam O Alaikum, Koi bhi tableeghi/deobandi aap k is post ko radd nahin karay gaa I am 100% sure, because the material that is presented here is solid and true. But if you ask any Deobandi/Tableeghi Aalim personally they will _justify_ it to their believes, very same way to Barelvis who will never accept that Niaz is not a Sunnah and it is biddat. Will you (or any one who is from Barelvi School of thought) ever appose being Barelvi that Jashn-e-Eid Milad Un Nabi is not a Biddat? I know, no one from you will never accept that Jashn-e-Eid Milad Un Nabbi is na-jaiz and Biddat, because this is what believe of your elder group of Aalim. You will present lot of references from your elder Aalims and try to _justify_ it, because at the heart the bottom line is that Jashn-e-Eid Milad-Un Nabi is not a sunnah! And to the heart of this post, what really the poster is trying to convey? that he is very intelligent My brother Mr. Khalil Rana, what you will bring to Allah on the judgement day? Will you feel proud that over this thing that you have had asked a manazra over a meaningless thing where you know that no Tableeghi will come to defend this nor they will accept your beliefs (which you think that is the only thing true in this world). Get some life my brother, grow up. Stop all the non-sense things. Try to Spread Islam with lots of Ikhlas as Tableeghi Jamat or Dawat-e-Islami are doing. Get your hatred shop somewhere else!
Molvi Tariq Jameel Ki Wife Key Zaiveraat Chori
Ahmed Memon replied to Faraz Madani's topic in فتنہ وہابی دیوبندی
I am very much thankful to Allah Subhana O Ta'Ala that I have started prayers and applied Sunnah in my daily life due to the Barkat of Dawah. AlhamdOlilah -e- Rabil Alamin. Personaly I would like to thanks to both Barelvi and Deobandi hazrat, because I have had my first aitekaaf in Barelvi Masjid and my small dawah efforts in Tableegi. May Allah bless both school of thoughts, Jaza'ka Allah, And keep all of us bonded with Deen without any hatred and stereotypism Ameen! I would like also like to thanks Tableeghis and Dawat-e-Islami and all of those who are spreading message of Allah for helping their brothers and sister to apply Sunnah by implementation in their own life. But hand in hand I will always appose and deny people who are spreading hatred among muslim community for the name of dawah or deen. Lots of people started praying applying Sunnah by the grace of Almighty Allah because they accepted the message of Allah Subhana O Ta'ala told by these Dawah workers. -
Molvi Tariq Jameel Ki Wife Key Zaiveraat Chori
Ahmed Memon replied to Faraz Madani's topic in فتنہ وہابی دیوبندی
Mohteram bhai Shahzad As'Salam O Alaikum, Aap, bhi unhi logo mein shamil hein, jo sirf aur sirf nafrat karna jantay hein aur sirf apnay aap ko aur apni jamat ko ehl-e-haq samajhtay hein. You are not more than stereotype!! trust me. Aap jesa hi nazria bohat saray Barelvi Hazrat, Tableeghi Hazrat, Ehl-e-Hadis hazrat waghaira ka hay. Aap mein aur un mein sirf naam ka farq hay. Jabkay mera yaqeen hay kay Allah ka banday har jamat mein mojoood hein, jo pooray ikhlas k saath dawat k kaam mein jesa k Tableeghi Jamat aur Dawat-e-Islami mein lagay howe hein, jin k paas aap aur mere jesay logo ki terha faltoo waqt nahin hay kay, nafrat ki aag lagain ya la-yani batoo mein lagay rahain. Meri aap se, aur is post per nafratoo ko faroogh denay waloo aur hamaray _Islami_ moaashray mein rehnay walay tamam logo se appeal hay kay ... Allah k wastay apnay sab se baray dushman apnay NAFS ko maro ... Geo aur jeenay do ... Akhiri baat yehi hay kay ham sab ne Kalma-e-Shahadat La'Ilaha Il-lalla, Muhammadur Rasool Allah (salal-laho alaihi wa'alaihi wa'sallam) parha hay, hamara Allah aik, hamara Quran aik, hamara Nabi aik, ab is nisbat k elawa saari batain bekaar hein. Aaain bhai Shahzad dua karain, Allah ta'ala ham sab ko mil jul kar, afiaat k saath, Eman k saath zindagi aur Emaan per maout ata farmai aur nafratoo se bachai, Ameen. Jaza Ka Allah. -
Molvi Tariq Jameel Ki Wife Key Zaiveraat Chori
Ahmed Memon replied to Faraz Madani's topic in فتنہ وہابی دیوبندی
As'Salam O Alaikum to all brother in Islam! Its shame for Wife of Moulana Tariq Jamil Sahab, either if she went their for her own facial or her sister-in-law's facial. But it is not a shame for Moulana Tariq Jamil Sahab in any case. I can understand that the reason behind this post was anger & jealousy from the popularity of Mohtaram Moulana Tariq Jameel Sahab, but the poster has forgotten that the popularity is govern by Allah not by human. Mohtaram Barelvi Bahioon, Moulana Tariq Jamil Sahab ya Tableeghi Jammat per emaan lana zaroori nahin, na hi in k baray mein aap se Qabar mein ya Hashar mein sawal hoga. Meri dua hay k Allah ta'ala Moulana Tariq Jameel Sahab, Mukhlis Tableeghi Hazrat in k elawa jitnay bhi log Khalis Allah Ta'ala k khushnoodi k liye ikhlaas k saath kaam kar rahay hein un sab ko Jaza-e-Khair ata farmai Ameen. Aur un tamam logo ko jo "Moulana Tariq Jameel Sahab" ko "Moulana Hasen O Jamil" aur un k biwi aur bhabi ki be izzati kar raha hay un sab ko hidayat at farmai Ameen. As'Salam O Alaikum, -Ahmed.