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سب کچھ Syed نے پوسٹ کیا

  1. اسلام علیکم امید ہے کہ آپ تمام خیریت سے ہونگے میں کراچی کا رہنے والا ہوں،کیا کوئی آپ میں سے بتا سکتا ہے کہ کراچی میں کون سا ایسا اہلسنت مکتب ہے جہاں سستی اسلامی کتب مل جائیں یعنیٰ ڈسکاونٹ کے ساتھ؛؛؛ یاد رہے کہ مجھے وھابیوں اور رافضیوں کے خلاف کتب درکار ہیں براہ مہربانی مکتب کا نام اور پتہ ارسال کریں جزاک اللہ
  2. Syed

    3 Books?

    Salaam Can any one give me online link for these three books
  3. Brother Can u give this scan from any other edition of the book?? I mean to say, I want a bit clean and very clear reference(scan) of this statement. Kindly arrange it for me, I apologize for it but since there are some great Munazirs here so It 'd not be a big deal for them to arrange it. Thanks.
  4. Jazakallah Bro But what is the page number?? I can't see it properly... Thanks in advance
  5. "Once I was very ill and I am extremely afraid of dying. I saw Hazrat Fatima in a dream and she embraced me to her chest and I got well." Malfuzat Hakeem al-Ummat, Volume 8 page 37 Bro I need it(scan) urgently if any one can arrange it for me??
  6. Syed


    Mera sawaal ye hai k Wahabi kehte hai k "Tawassul sirf apne amaal se jaiz hai" to dostoun mera sawaal ye hai k es ki nafi kaise ki jaie?? Kyun k Hamara belief to ye hai k Nabi or Walioun se tawassul jaiz hai.... TO DOSTOUN SIRF BOLD PORTION KA ANSWER MATLOOB HAI AUR ENGLISH MAI TO BOHOT HEE ACHA HAI AGUR URDU MAI TO BHI SHUKRIYA
  7. Salaam brothers I am new in this forum and can any one arrange me the scan of below excerpt from Deo-band book Jazakallah "Abdur Rahmaan Khan Sahib, proprietor of Nizami press, also came to meet him (Thanvi Sahib's maternal uncle) and was much impressed by his talk on realities and wisdom. He, therefore, requested him (Thanvi Sahib's maternal uncle) to give a public lecture on the subject so that all Muslims could benefit. The maternal uncle (of Thanvi Sahib) gave a strangely independent and rakish answer. He said, Khan Sahib, what have I got do with lecturing? But when the Khan Sahib continued to insist upon it, then he said he could oblige him only on one condition, which he should arrange. Poor Abdur Rahmaan Khan Sahib was a serious elderly man. He wondered what such an arrangement would be, which could not be made. Eagerly he asked him about the arrangement, which he wanted to be made...." Al-Ifaazaatul Yaumiyah, vol. 7. pages 82, 83, published by Ashraful Mataabe, Thana Bhawan, December, 1941.
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