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Muhammad Furqan

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کمیونٹی میں شہرت

  1. Will be great If you can do it. I gotta leave now so can't. Take care.
  2. Video Speech of Former Deobandi Aalim: Clip 1. Clip 2. Clip 3. Clip 4.
  3. Muhammad Furqan

    Zikr Allowed in Munaqbat or Not?

    I just found this one. seems to be good, But Is Zikr Allowed in such Munaqbat? Anyway I found good replacement of "Mazolomon ka Sathi hay..." ***** As this one is for Shaheed Abbas Qadri of Sunni Tehreek. http://www.******.com/********************
  4. Lol he is rolling at Ask Imam website funny. Plus this "muslimah" (who knows) made another typooo in her message. "rahimahulla" doesn't fit next to Deobandiya ............. C'mon, Stop digging old ones, Come with new ones. I don't even wanna read all of your post as I knew from where did you got that context and used copy paste magic trick. I wish If I was allowed to share thoughts and sayings of your so-called Ulama?...
  5. Nice photos but why Females are there? Are they allowed to go inside Mazar? I don't think if it is Allowed, I think I once heared Shah sahab, disallowing females to visit Maza'ars. Only Hazrat Fatimah (r-a) was allowed by Prophet him self for his own grave. I went there about 12-14 years ago, A lot of changes, good. Lmao, oos ko "Fire brigade" kehtay hain.... (jo Pakistani mai kissi kam ki nahi).
  6. What is reason for using .info domain? I can register a .com domain for you as my contribution to this community. I am a authorized domains reseller and I am a web (PHP, MySQL, jScript, XML/RSS, CSS, HTML/XHTML, etc..) programmer by profession and Linux/Unix servers administrator. I will be able to give you free and better hosting soon as well.
  7. Great.. but do you have 1024x768 version of this wallpaper otherwise it cannot be used as Wallpaper by most.
  8. First to keep in mind that They are not Fiqah Jafriah. They are Political activists called Rafzi. Imam Jafar was teacher of Imam Noman ibn Thabit (Abu Hanifa). According to some references, He (Jafar Sadiq ) was senior in some subject but in some both used to study as Student. As well as, Those 12 Imam, Who shia claim are Ahle bait and actually Imams of Ahle Sunnah wa Jammah. So called "Shia", I mean "Rafzis" do play politics on there names. 1. Hazrat Zainab nai ya due Yazeed kay darbar mai Yazeed ka khilaf kari thi. As far as I know. 3. Mutta was allowed in intial phases of Islam, But Prophet Muhammad him self denied to do this Mutt'a. Shia deny this and claim that either Usman or Umar Faroq denied Mutt'a. But Aqeeda of Ahle sunnah is that Mutt'a is no more permissiable. for point 2 & 4. I am not sure but to be honest it seems like lie, confusions & confusions. We cannot make baseless claims against any one. I will be glad if any one can also answer. And I think this topic should be moved to general section.
  9. Mash'Allah.. Nice sharing but every one should have noticed that So much wires and background buildings are destroying good look of Mazar sharif. Isn't it possible to get rid of these. Also, Area of dargah isn't so big either.
  10. Muhammad Furqan

    Aqa ka Milad Aya

    I am looking for audio mp3 "Aqa ka Milad aya" with out Zikr of course. Thank you!
  11. Currently in Babul Madinah / Jinnahpur / Sindhesh / kalachi / Karachi or what ever name is (first one is good). Soon to leave for good. Insh'allah.
  12. I think we should also have flash games or similar stuff. When we are referring to 8+ years old kids as "kids". Or this place has nothing to do with Kids but parenting?
  13. Huh? If you can't type. How come you can read that good. I am sure you need to use stool over chair to reach monitor screen. C'mon you are 4 years old. Anyway welcome here. lodz of Huggs.. Sorry I really don't mean to hurt any one. But I am sure how 4 year old kids look like. I very much recommend parents to get TTF/LCD monitor screen If this madni bachi wants to browse IM or perhaps get her a notebook.
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