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Ahmed Farhan

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Ahmed Farhan last won the day on 16 اپریل 2018

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About Ahmed Farhan

  • Birthday 10/01/1987

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  1. It's got everything on it. Very interesting and informative. I just can't express in words what a great site this is! Donation
  2. Ahmed Farhan

    Islamic scholar

    Islamic scholars are the priests of Quran and Sunnah and they themselves lead their lives on the teachings of Islam. They share their knowledge with others through speeches so people can accomplish Islamic learning and act accordingly.
  3. Ahmed Farhan

    Islamic scholar

    Islamic scholars are those who provide guidance through their speeches because they are the people who have studied Islam for years and solve the complex and intricate issues of life in the light of Quran and sacred Sunnah.
  4. Ahmed Farhan

    Muslim scholar

    Ameer e Ahlesunnat is among the top Islamic scholars of the world who bring religious reforms in the lives of thousands of people and drag them back on the righteous path of Quran and Sunnah. At the age of 67 he still holds 2 to 3 hours of program named as Madani Muzakra which telecasts live on Madani channel.
  5. Ahmed Farhan

    Top Islamic Scholar in the World

    Moulana Ilyas Qadri is among the top Islamic scholars of the world and gave away his whole life in the path of Allah by propagating others the teachings of Islam. The name of Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat is just like a shining beacon because listening to his speeches many Muslims have repented from their past sins and started leading their lives according to Sunnah.
  6. Ahmed Farhan

    Religious personality

    At this age Ameer e Ahle Sunnat still attends weekly program Madani Muzakra which telecasts on Madani Channel live. In this program Ameer e Ahle Sunnat gave answers of different questions asked by the people in the light of Sharia whether they are related to Sharia or with the daily life routine and also guide everyone with kindness.
  7. Ahmed Farhan

    Islamic scholar

    We should listen the Islamic scholar speeches for the guidance in every field of life with respect to Sharia teachings. Moreover, by listening to the speeches of famous Islamic scholars we can make reforms in our daily life routine and drag our life on the righteous path of Quran and Sunnah.
  8. Reading books is a excellent hobby and everybody must spare sometime from his daily life system to read just right and reliable books. But we must always avoid reading bad and indecent books since it develops negativity and bad habits.
  9. Ahmed Farhan

    Read English Books

    Books are a basic source of acquiring education so, we must always try to promote a hobby to read excellent books and we should also read Islamic books in English and Urdu in order to learn about the compelling Islamic real events and also concerning the great Islamic personalities of Islam.
  10. Ahmed Farhan

    Madani Pearls

    You can find Madani Pearls as well as Beautiful quotes of Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat the form of beautiful images in the Image gallery section of the website of Dawat-e-Islami. Download these Images and share them with other Muslims and accumulate rewards for hereafter.
  11. Ahmed Farhan

    Beautiful Islamic Images

    If you are finding beautiful Islamic images to share on social media or for any noble cause then you must logon to the website of Dawat-e-Islami where in the Image gallery section you will find numerous beautifully designed Islamic images based on different categories so download them today.
  12. Ahmed Farhan

    Books to read

    We should be very careful in the selection of books. Books are of different kinds on general or on some specific topics. When a person reads a book he forgot all the care and anxieties of his life and drowns in the imagination of that particular topic of the book. You can find several good books to read on internet which is also a source of relaxation.
  13. Ahmed Farhan

    Islamic books

    Islamic books are a treasure of precious knowledge because it will acknowledge you with the historical blessed events of Islam took place fourteen hundred years ago. By reading these blessed events you will get to know about the bravery, modesty and humility of great personalities of Islam.
  14. Ahmed Farhan

    Islamic images with quotes

    Many blessings be won by those who convert to Islam; the obvious place came to peace and prosperity in heart and soul. Conversion to Islam makes us clearly that we have discovered the most basic truths in life.
  15. Ahmed Farhan

    Madani Pearls

    Converting to Islam is possibly easy through many various ways and the series of articles, videos and lectures discussed and provided by dawateislami’s website are actually such advantages that are hard to find in the present era.
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