Ramiz ALI
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تاریخِ رجسٹریشن
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http://everything4human.blogspot.com/ 1. Make conversation smilingly and politely. 2. With the intention of pleasing Muslims, talk respectfully with the elders and kindly with the youngsters in addition to earning reward, you will hold a respectful status before them 3. Conversing loudly as if you are shouting, as frank friends do with each other these days, is not a Sunnah. 4. With good intentions, make it your habit to talk politely even with a newborn baby. Your manners will improve and the child will also learn good manners. 5. During conversation, one should not do anything disgusting such as touching the private parts, removing dirt from the body with fingers, touching the nose or putting Anchorfingers into the ears and the nose or repeatedly spitting etc. People are disgusted by such acts. 6. Calmly continue listening as long as the other person is speaking. Interrupting someone’s conversation is not a Sunnah. 7. Do not laugh while talking. The Holy Prophet never laughed. 8. Excessive talking and frequent laughing affect one’s prestige. 9. The Beloved and Blessed Prophet said, ‘When you see someone blessed with disinterest in the world and (the attribute of) speaking less, adopt his nearness and company, as Ḥikmaḥ (wisdom) is given to him. 10. A blessed Hadis says, ‘The one remaining silent received salvation. ’ Mira-tul-Manajih states: Hujja-tul-Islam Sayyiduna Imam Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad Ghazāli states, ‘There are four kinds of conversations: (1) completely harmful, (2) completely beneficial, (3) either beneficial or harmful, (4) neither harmful nor beneficial. It is necessary to abstain from the completely harmful; do speak if the conversation is completely beneficial. If the conversation falls in the third category then be cautious. It is however, better to abstain from it; one should not waste time in this type of conversation. It is difficult to differentiate between the four types, so remaining silent is better.’ 11. There should be a genuine purpose of the conversation. Always talk to people according to their level of wisdom and awareness. 12. Avoid foul and indecent talks. Refrain from vulgarism. Remember! Swearing at a Muslim without any Shar’ee permission is absolutely Harām, and Heaven is Haram on the one engaged in indecent speech.
Tariq shb ap urdu me bhi suwal kr saktay ho.... Wassalam
http://www.everything4human.blogspot.com 1. Allah has said in Sarah Bani Israil "And do not walk haughtily on the earth; you cannot tear the earth and nor you can achieve height of the mountains." 2. The fragrant saying of the Beloved Prophet has been narrated: A man, covered with two pieces of cloths, was walking arrogantly, with pride. The earth pulled him inside and he will continue to sink inside the earth until the Day of Judgement. 3. The Beloved Prophet sometimes used to hold the hand of his companion in his blessed hand while walking. 4. When the Holy Prophet used to walk, he would lean a little bit forward as though he is descending from a height. 5. Never walk with pride; wearing chains of gold or any other metal, with the front buttons [of the shirt] open as if to show off. This is the style of the unwise, proud, and transgressing people. It is Haram for men to wear a gold chain in the neck. Wearing other metallic chains is also not permissible. 6. If there is no hindrance, walk on the side of the pathway at a medium pace. Don't be to fast that people start looking at you thinking that where is he going in such haste. Do not walk too slowly that a viewer may assume that you are ill. One should not hold the hand of any Amrad. It is Haram to hold his hand or to shake hands with him or to hug him out of lust; as it is an act that leads to the Hellfire. 7. It is not Sunnah to look here and there (unnecessarily) while wallcing. Walk with dignity and with your gaze lowered down. Sayyiduna Hassan bin Abi Sinan went for Eid Salah When he came back home, his wife asked him: How many women did you see? He observed silence. When she insisted, he said: I kept looking at the toes from exiting the house till my return to you. Devotees of Allah don't look here and there unnecessarily while walking, especially when it is crowded as they might look at someone who is not permitted by the Sharia to look at. This was the piety of our saints The ruling is that if you look at a woman unintentionally and move your gaze away immediately, you will not be sinful. 8. It's not appropriate to look at someone's balcony or windows unnecessarily. 9. While walking or coming up or down the stairs, make sure that your shoes do not make noise. Our Beloved Prophet did not like the sound created by shoes. 10. If there are two women standing or going on a way, At not go through between them. A blessed Hadith prohibits us from doing so. 11. It is against manners to spit, clean your nose, put your finger inside the nose, keep tickling your ears, clean the dirt of your clothes with your fingers, itching your private parts and so on while walking, sitting down or standing in front of people. 12. Some people have the habit of kicking whatever comes in their way. This is a very ill mannered practice. There is also a danger of your foot getting injured. Furthermore, kicking newspapers or boxes, packets and empty bottles of mineral water having inscriptions on them is also very disrespectful. 13. While walking, abide by the laws that do not oppose the Sharrah. For example, whilst crossing the road, try to cross the road from the zebra crossings or the over had bridge. 14. Cross the road by looking at the direction of the traffic. If you are in the middle of the road and the vehicle is approaching, then rather than running away, try to stay there as this is a safer approach. Furthermore, to cross the tracks at times when trains are usually passing is like inviting your death. The one who considers trains to be very far should keep in mind the danger of getting entangled in Wires and falling over thereby resulting fatality. There are also places where it is against the law to pass through the tracks. Adhere to these laws especially on the stations. 15. Walk for 45 minutes doing Zikar and reciting Salat,AlanNabi everyday with the intention of gaining strength to worship. you will remain healthy. The best way to walk is to walk at fast pace for the first 15 minutes, medium pace for next 15 minutes and this fast again for the last. With this practice, the whole body will be exercised. the digestive system will be fine, you will be saved from heart diseases and many other diseases.
http://www.everything4human.blogspot.com Dear Islamic brothers! All of you would have certainly visited graveyards at one or another occasion. Did you ever reflect on the message of the mournful air and the grief filled atmosphere caning out, '0 those who are content with the luxuries of this world! Every single one of you will have to come here in solitude one day or mother and will have to go into the deep ditch of the grave. Remember! These graves, which seem identhal from outside are not necessarily same from the inside. Yes! lithe one buried under this pile of soil would have offered his Salah regularly, fasted in Ramadan-ul-Mubarak. performed Aeitikaf for the entire month (of Ramadan) or at least the Last 10 days, would have been devotee of the month of Ramadan, given full Zakah in the case of becoming Fard on him, earned Halal income, would have been contented with just sufficient amount of Halil income, would have recited the Holy Qur'an, performed the Nawafil of Tahajjud, Ishrgq, Chasht, and Awwabin, would have been humble and possessing good character, kept a fist length beard according to Shari' ah, adorned the crown of the Imama(Sunnah turban), was a devotee of the Sunnah, obeyed his mother and father, fulfilled the rights of people, had love for Allah and his Beloved Prophet would have been devotee of the Sahaba, the Ahl-e-Bait, and the Auliya, then by the grace of Allah and His Prophet, his grave which appears to be just a heap of soil outwardly, might have been extended as far as the eye can see, with the window of Jannah opened inside it, and underneath that apparent heap of soil there might be a beautiful garden of paradise. On the other hand, if the one buried underneath similar heap of soil was such one who had not offered Salah, had intentionally missed the fasts of Ramadan, had disturbed worship or sleep of the Muslims during the nights of Ramadan by playing night match, had been stingy in paying Zakah despite it being Fard (compulsory) on him, had earned Haram income, had taken part in dealings involving interest and bribery, had not paid back his debts, had drunk alcohol, had been involved in gambling, had operated alcohol and gambling dens, had hurt the feelings of Muslims without the requirement of Shari’ah, taken the money of Muslims by scaring and threatening them, kidnapped Muslims for ransom, committed theft or robbery, had been fraudulent with public trusts, unlawfully grabbed the land, oppressed helpless farmers, oppressed people whilst lost in seeking power, shaved the beard or trimmed it to less than a fist length, watched films and dramas, listened to music, habitual of swearing, told lies. committed backbiting, told tales, committed slander, thOught ill of people and had been arrogant, or disobeyed his parents, then it is possible that underneath this seemingly serene heap of soil, he is being in the state of distress, with the window of Hell open, fire smoldering inside the grave, snakes and scorpions clinging to his body, and he being screaming and shouting which we cannot hear.
http://www.everything4human.blogspot.com/ Question I: How should we treat our parents? What has Allah ,.144, ordered us? Answer: Allah, has ordered as to treat our parents with kindness. Allah has stated in Sura'a `Ankabut: "We have insisted on man to be kind towards parents." (Translation of Quran) Question 2: In the light of Ahadith, state the excellence in treating the parents with respect. Answer: The Holy Prophet has said: 'If a pious child looks at his parents with affection, Allah records the reward of an accepted Hajj for him for every glance of his.' Question 3: What Dua should we make regularly for our parents? Answer: We should make this Du'a regularly for our parents: " Have mercy on them both, as they nourished me when I was young." (Translation of Quran) Question 4: How should we talk to our parents? Answer: We should talk to our parents in a low voice with our gaze lowered. We should not talk loudly in their presence. Question 5: How should we behave our parents? Answer: We should instantly reply to them when they call us, listen to them attentively, carry out their orders and refrain from whatever they forbid us. Question 6: What are our parents' favors to us? Answer: There are countless favors of our parents to us. They provide us with food, clothing, education and other needs and take care of our health. Therefore, we should also treat them with great respect. Respect for teachers There is a very sacred relation between a teacher and a student. A student should consider his Islamic teacher to be greater in status than even his father because parents only protect their child from the troubles of the worldly life, whereas the Islamic teacher protects him from the difficulties of the afterlife and hellfire. Even if you have learnt only a single letter from a teacher, treat him with respect. The Holy Prophet has said: 'One who teaches a single verse of the Holy Quran to someone, is his master'? Honour your teacher even in his absence and do not sit at his seat. Do not get ahead of your teacher while walking with hint. It is a cause of deprivation to lie to your teacher. Hence always speak the truth. Do not make an eye contact with the teacher. Instead, lower your gaze in his presence. Make Du'a for your parents and teachers after every Sala'. It is necessary for you to respect even those teachers of your institution who do not teach you. Refrain from being ungrateful towards the teacher as it is harmful and destructive. It even ruins the blessings of knowledge. The Beloved and Blessed Prophet has said: One who has not thanked the people, has not thanked Allah Do seek permission from the teacher every time you go out or come into the class. Follow the schedule prepared for you by the teacher, at Madrasa, School, College, University and at home. Recite your lesson to the teacher on time. This will cause him to make Du'a for you from the bottom of his heart. The strictness of the teacher should be considered as a blessing. There is a famous saying: 'One who cannot tolerate the strictness of his teacher, has to face hardships in his life.'
Salam, Ghulam Mufti Qadri Shb. (Ahlesunnat Jma'at, Brelvi)
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http://www.everything4human.blogspot.com It is a Sunnah to have meal once a day. If there is any physical weakness then you can take it twice a day.Whether you dine once or twice a day, a prerequisite is to eat less than hunger. Try to avoid dinning thrice a day or other random food intakes. However, If you feel hungry in the intermediary time and you want to eat something then it is suggested to eat cucumber, Kakri (it is also a sort of cucumber), salad leaves or diet apple. The food intake that you absorb in,their recipe should be the vegetables cooked in a very low quantity of oil and that quantity of oil can be a half tablespoon or it can be boiled vegetables.In vegetables, please avoid eating potatoes. The food you take once or twice, it should contain salad etc and boiled vegetables cooked in a little oil, say half a teaspoonful. Avoid eating potatoes. If it is compulsory to eat rice or chapatti then it is suggested to eat only half of the bread with the aforementioned vegetables. There should only be half a cup of water to boil rice; consume only a small piece of meat without fats. If it is necessary to eat mango, then a half mango of a medium weight once a week is good enough. The best treatment to avoid many stomach disorders and other diseases is to chew the food in such a way that it should be galloped down through throat like water. If you want to take tea then take it with skimmed milk and without sugar. If it is troublesome to take tea without sugar then add a sweetener after consultation with your doctor (it is said that the sweetener is injurious to brain). If you are not suffering from diabetes then if possible, you can add honey or raw sugar/treacle. (Take twice a day a half medium cup of tea) Try to avoid - fats, cholesterol,cooking oil, yolk of an egg; - dairy products like butter, cheese and various different cholesterol dishes; - sweet and creamy biscuits, diverse desserts like custard, porridge, firm, fruit jelly, cake, pastries, chocolates and toffees; - salty fried articles; - creamy and sweet sustenance, ice cream, cold drinks, fruit juice; - fast food like pizza, butter loaf, puriyan, kachoriyan, pakoray, kebabs, samosay, omelette,etc. and everything in which oil and sweetness can be found. Insha Allah there will be reduction in the weight and you Insha Allah. will look slim (by following this chart). The doctors also have a food chart through which the average of weight can be maintained. Obesity should be controlled only through abstinence of food after consultation with your family doctor. But, it is requested that weight should not be reduced with the help of anti-obesity medicines because it has side effects, and are injurious to health.
http://www.everything4human.blogspot.com Sayyiduna Faqih Abul Lays Samarqandi has stated:- There are ten virtues of treating relatives with kindness: 1. It brings about the pleasure of Allah Jssiz. 2. It pleases people. 3. It delights angels. 4. It earns you praise from Muslims. 5. It upsets satan. 6. It increases age. 7. It brings blessings in sustenance. 8. It pleases the deceased forefathers (i.e. the Muslim father and grandfather). 9. It fosters harmony. 10. It increases reward after demise because people make Du’a for such a person. (Tanbih-ul-Ghafilin, pp. 73).
http://www.everything4human.blogspot.com Whether someone is fat or slim, if he is habitual to eat too much then he should make his mind to welcome any fatal disease because too much eating causes dysentery and according to the opinions of the doctors, 80% diseases are caused by the stomach disorders. Following are discussed twelve diseases that are caused due to too much eating. 1. Mental disorders 2. Eye infection 3. Tongue and throat infection 4. Chest and lungs disorders 5. Partial/ full paralysis 6. Numbness of lower body parts 7. Diabetes 8. High blood pressure 9. Brain haemorrhage 10. Psychological disorders (as mental retardation) 11. Liver and pancreas disorders 12. Depression
http://everything4human.blogspot.com Human with a dog’s face Hazrat'e Sayyiduna Ibrahim Bin Maisarah (radi Allahu ta’ala anhu) has said that those individuals who like to take part in obscene conversation, on the Day of Judgement will come with their faces as those of dogs. (Kimiya-e-Sa'adat) A ban on entry to HeavenThe Holy Prophet (sallallahu ta’ala alaihi wa’sallam) has said: "Entry to Heaven is banned for that individual who uses foul language while talking with others. (Kimiya-e-Sa'adat) The benefit of speaking about good things The Holy Prophet (sallallahu ta’ala alaihi wa’sallam) has said: "In heaven there huge palaces whose interior can be seen from the outside the palace and the exterior from inside the palace. Somebody asked: "O Prophet of Allah (sallallahu ta’ala alaihi wa’sallam) for who are these made?" The reply was: "For those who talk about good things". (Tirmizi) Those Islamic brothers and Islamic sisters are indeed very lucky who use their tongue for only speaking about good things and give Naikey ki Dawat to as many people as possible. Those people who have the habit of having obscene discussions on the topic of marriage life or those people who like taking part in obscene talks or perhaps those who just enjoy listening to such conversations, those who have a habit of using dirty and foul language, and those who like watching films and dramas which usually these include obscene dialogues and scenes should read the following narrations again and again and should feel scared of the wrath of Allah (az'zawajal). It is narrated in Kimiya-e-Sa'adat that some people will be taken to Hell. There will be a smell coming out of' their mouths and it will spread around Hell. It will be so bad that the other people in Hell will ask who are these people? They will get a reply that these are those unlucky individuals who used to use obscene sentences, while having a conversation and they were fond of visiting those places where obscenity was the main topic of discussion".
http://www.everything4human.blogspot.com Hazrat'e Sayyiduna Sufyan bin Abdullah (radi Allahu ta’ala anhu) has said "Once I asked the Holy Prophet (sallallahu ta’ala alaihi wa’sallam): Oh Prophet of Allah (sallallahu ta’ala alaihi wa’sallam) what you would recommend to me as the most dangerous and most disadvantage thing? So the Holy Prophet (sallallahu ta’ala alaihi wa’sallam) caught hold of his tongue and replied "This". (Tirmizi)
http://everything4human.blogspot.com When clipping nails,start with the right hand's index finger. Clip your Index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger. Then move onto the left hand. This time start with the little finger first, then ring finger, middle finger, index finger, and the thumb and lastly the thumb of the right hand. The direction to clip toenails is the same as the direction used in doing Khilaal of the toenails during wadu. Start with clipping right foot's small toe and work your way to the big toe. Then, move on to the left foot and start clipping with left foot's big toe and move your way to the small toe. Don't bite your teeth because it is makrooh. Nails should be clipped within 40 days. Otherwise, a Sunnah will be missed, and poverty will be headed towards you. After clipping nails, it's recommended to wash the finger tips. O Allah may grant us courage to follow the Sunnah.
http://everything4human.blogspot.com جنَّت میں دَرَخت لگوائیے! وَقت کی اَھَمِّیَّت کا اس بات سے اندازہ لگائیے کہ اگر آپ چاہیں تو اِس دنیا میں رہتے ہوئے صِرف ایک سیکنڈ میں جنَّت کے اندر ایک دَرَخت لگوا سکتے ہیں اور جنَّت میں دَرَخت لگوانے کا طریقہ بھی نہایت ہی آسان ہے چُنانچِہ ایک حدیثِ پاک کے مطابِق ان چاروں کلمات میں سے جو بھی کلمہ کہیں جنّت میں ایک دَرَخت لگا دیا جائے گا۔ وہ کلمات یہ ہیں : (1) سُبْحٰنَ اللہ(2) اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ (3)لَااِلٰہَ اِلاَّ اللہُ (4)اَللہُ اَکْبَر (سُنَن ابن ماجہ ج۴ ص۲۵۲حدیث ۳۸۰۷ دارالمعرفۃ بیروت)