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Syed Atiq Turabi

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سب کچھ Syed Atiq Turabi نے پوسٹ کیا

  1. this page contain too much content againts atheism and communism,,,plz like it,,,it is run by a cuter sunni brelwi
  2. Just uploaded Articles of Faith (Imaan) in Islam Comparison With Tenets Prescribed by Hindu Scriptures http://t.co/oC6vx8SdI4 via @Scribd

  3. i am available for transalating books from urdu, sindhi to english language as iam not an expert of english but i am well aware of english upto this that i can translate urdu books of sunni scholors to english language,,,AlhumduLlilah with an an experience of translation i am well aware of Islami books,,,possesing a good grip on islamic literature especially on controversial issues
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